liMPTION REDUCED DEATH OF I FAVOR THE CLEM DEAVER! MOTOR TRUCK PLANS Price of (lie Daily Herald to be Re duced, Provided 500 New Sub scribers Are Secured Soon Vc want f(H) new MilhCii1 iH to The Daily Herald riht awnj quick. Ai the circulation of tho palter increases, we can alTonl to .ilhcr reduce Hip prire or incn Mi thr- amount of rending it contains. ,Vo Inttud to lo both. It takes the ftiune amount of work and ex pense to get the type, and get llie forms ready, whether we print one com or h thousand or wvoral thousand. After the forms are on the . . . . . . . .1 ir ...1... )rc!.i it iIocrii t cost luucii lo pnni me paper, nenre, you mi- whj c can a (Ton I to reduce the price of The Daily Herald, provided the fi: i.uitinn is increased Kiifllciontly thereby. Here is our proposition If 50!) now nuhsei ipUons are secured within the next month, tin rM c of The Daily Hcifild will he reduced approximately one-third. That number van be candy Kceurcd if every friend of the paper will 'hi'lp juNt a little"- -and we make it to your interest to help. The subscription iricc now" is J5 cents per week, .r0 cents pet month, or sjtf.OO per year. Following will be the price as soon as uOt new aun eriptionK have been M-eureil, provided 1 lint number hav been revived beforo Ui end of March, 1914 j IV r week by carrier in Alliance, 10 cents; per month, by carrier in Alliance, 40 cents; per mouth, by mail, 35 cenlaj per year, by carrier in Alliance, $4.00; per year, by mail, $3.50. The carrier price will be slightly more than tht snail price, because it cost more to deliver by carrier than by mail This jives a substantial reduction in the price which we are sun 'every subscriber will appreciate. "Wo intend to incrensn the circula tion of The Daily Herald at least 500 soon, but we prefer to not incur the expense of putting a solicitor in the field, if the desired rwtult ran be secured by givhiK our subscribers a reduction in tli price "We would like to hear from every subscriber on this proposition. Speak to Your Neighbor About It Jual a fctv wouIh from every interested person to others who 610 not now subscribers, and the work will soon bo due. Pali Ahead Subscribers Persons who ate. paid ahead on subscription will profit by the re Auction in prici the same as new subscribers. When tho reduction is made all mid ahead subscriptions will be marked still furthei f.head. In Proportion to the reduction made. For instance, u persoi vho is paid two years ahead at the time the reduction in price is will be cred'ted two years and ten months in advance. Get Eusy at Once ' ' This offer is i.kuIc for a short lime only. If it floes not bring dc fired results, it will lit withdrawn within a short time. Get busy '.itek. 1ali your "'ild'ors' attention to the paper and the reduced price. I'se the sMhsttriptic-n blunk furnished herewith in sending in fruhficriplienft. Order the paper for jour friends in other places. It will pleaso them and be n pood advertisement for western Nebraska. Do Not Wait to Subscribe IV.VBOns who wish to subscribe and tret the benefit of the reduced prico ot'ght not to wait. Either subscribe now at the present price and tho subscription will be set abend, as above stated, when the )trice is reduced; or if you p'cfer till out the blank and we will begin MiulingThc Daily Herald to you when the required number has bceii received and the plica lowered. Remember, the sooner we get the Jive hundred new subscriptions vhc sooner the price goes down. ' Extra copies of the miI mm iption blank will be furnished free to subscribers who request tie m. ' SUBSCRIPTION BLANK The Daily Herald (Joneral Immigration Agent of Bur lington Hi II road Die nl III Home In Omaha D. Clem Denver, general nfnt of the landseekers' Information bureau of the Chicago, Burlington ii Qulnry railroad and for forty-one years a resident of Nebraska, died Sunday night at hl home, f.2 0 South Twenty-first avenue, Omaha, lie was AO years old.' He bad Buffered for aome lime with llrlght'a disease. Mr. Deaver has been an Important factor In the development of the west. One of his last official acts was to send a telegram to Alliance Hating that Information furnished by the commercial club committee would be used by the Burlington. Mr. Deaver was born at Deuver- Flreinen niul Iliihlnesn Men (Jntlierecl In Fire Department tilth I loom on Monday Night v '."v.. - ft J Mem bora of the Alliance fire de partment and business men turned out In good numbers Monday even ing to the department smoker given In the club rooms. First on the program came the banquet, served by firemen In white aprons. The meal was dellclously cooked and aer ved In fine style. Music was furnished by the Alli ance band during the banquet. Nor man McCorkle at the piano nccom punied D. L. Cubberly of Denver and Cecil Smith of Alliance In popular songs, nig jokes, little jokes, fun ny stories and serious stories were told during the evening. Lloyd C. Thomas acted an toast master. The first speaker of the ev- lenlng was Hon. v. 8. utdgcll. state lire commissioner and a member of the Alliance Fire Department. In Introducing Judge Itidgell the toast- master told the story of the suffrag ette bomb' which was hurled at him during the banquet at Columbus In January. As the toast master finish ed the story Fireman Charley Hill stepped forward and hurled a rubber bomb at the Judge, who dodged and caught the mlssle while 'he gather ing roared with laughter. Judge Uldgell referred to the Alliance de jpartmcnt as "the best in the state of j Nebraska" and complimented Chief ! Uomig very highly on the good work lie is doing. He proposed that a sal ary be paid to the chief for the time ' he is compelled to spend on lnspec tion and other work connected with his olflce. He spoke of the need of a motor truck in Alliance and hoped to see one here the next time he came. 1. 11. Koinig. tire chief, followed Mr. Hidgell. He slated that he de sired no salary lor the work done and that if the department was Btip- with a motor truck he would Every Business and Professional Man In the City of Alliance 0 Should Get on the List The welcome reception which the commercial club committee re ceived Monday gave those who arc interested in seeing a live club here hopes of making it a grand success. 108 had signed the propos ed articles of incorporation ami promised to meet at the Opera House Monday evening to assist and do their part in the organization of the commercial club. Alliance must not stand still, fcihe must keep her place as the leading town of western Nebraska. In order to take full advantage of her opportunities she must have a live commercial club. The movement has been started. It is open to every business man, pro fessional man or owner of property in the city of Alliance. The club can be made a success only by the co-operation of alt. Personal feeling should be left out of the proposition, envy or strife between competitors in business has no place there. The benefit de rived from the club v. ill be fell by every citizen of the town. Every bttsiuess, no matter whether large or small, will be benefitted. At the meeting the articles of incorporation will be adopted ami signed and the by-laws adopted, lie low we give the articles of incor poration which have been proposed by the committee, and the by laws. These are only suggstions. But they have been given deep consideration nid thought and the committee believe they cover the proposition thoroughly. (Continued on page 3) D. CI.I.M OKAY Kit town, Morgan county, Ohio, on Aug ust 28, 18 t. His father was a far mer and the townslte of Deavertown was established by his grandfather. Ills early schooling was obtained in a log achoolhouse at. Deavertown, where tho family lived till 1873. In this year t lit Heavers moved to Tha ver county. Nebraska. Mr Hfuvpr wk adulated with the PlioJ -.... 'i,..,i, i r..iirtn ,, ' feel satisfied. He advised the busi- V MlllUUV I 1 II I UI VU) with the Elks and Woodmen In a fraternal way. Ilia home life, how ever, was the circle about which all his activities related. Mr. Heaver was the father of two children, :v boy and a girl. They are living at home with their mother. SflRPRISED AT HOME PRICES Ylfc of Prominent llu:i lim:ti Coin pure (Joods and Finds Alli ance Prices Lower Date , 1914. Herald lV.dishing Co., Alliance, Ncbr. Clentlcmeu : I hereby subscribe for The Daily Herald and agree to pay for it for a period of six months or more upon receipt of a copy of the paper containing' a notice that the, following cash in advance pricen have become effective: NEWS-BLADE'S -BIG SPECIAL F.nlerpi'isinu 111 Mgepoi't Fditor ! (log Out T!iirty-Si IVi-c IMitioii Delivered by Carrier IV t Vctk .10 Per Month 4(1 Per Yeai 4.iK) Taj :. ill 1 u delivered by larri..' h all :iibsci ilnrs in -Alliance whoso str-'t Hum In is are given in the address. Delivered by Mail Per Month..: .$ Per Year. 3.50 No mail eched for mouth, each. subscription less than Single Copies, re- one i'Dts Signed , Editor .1. M. Lynch of the Itridse port News-made Is working on a big special edition of his paper to be Is sued on Friday of this week. It will consist of thirty-six. larj;e paves, pro- fnunlv ( unrl mnrp Minn m . ,11.. ...i try that was modeled after Walt, ton of paper will be used in Its pub-; 1 ... , . lication. Mr. Lynch claims that it will be the blpgeat and most expens ive illustrated edition ever published !y aiiy newspaper In Nebraska out irie of Lincoln and Omaha. The News-Blade olllce Is equipped with one typesetting machine and a liumbi'r of extra printers have been niployed lo work on the special, but ; sif was not sufficient to set all the ' c and il ) the other work needed, iii'i ce The Herald's new Model A lntrtype was called Into requisition o assist In pettlnn up the type. ness men to keep their cellars clean. A. D. Itodgcrs, mayor, was the next speaker. He is heartily in fav or of purchasing a truck without de lay on terms on which it could be paid for by the city. Kugone Burton, county attorney, spoke on the legal phase of the ques tion. He advised that a publicity committee be appointed for tho pur pose of giving full information re gardinn the need of a motor truck, cost of the same, manner in which it could be paid for, etc., to the voters, lie urged that a petition be prepared or an expression of the opinion of the voters be given to the city coun cil. D. L. Cubberly, vice president of the Julius Pearse Fire department Supply -Company, representatives for the Hengraves trucks, made a speech that was both Interesting and In structive. This speech will be re printed In another article. H. ii. Laing recited a piece of poe- fa son and told a good story. S. C. Keck, county commissioner, talked In favor and told of the need of a motor truck. C, L. Drake, who is an old time lireuan and who was chief of the IHEW MiLUIIER 4T THE ! HORACE BQGUE STORE INVITATIONS TO SUPPER ISSUED a. l a. Members W ill FUnqnet Ik of V.. n M. IS. A. Hull, on TlitirL I'vening RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS Mis. J. . Itiilt'le Itendcrs FltW lent Assistance In More In Absence of Mrs. Witt sot i Invitations Uure been Issued for the Buprer to be given tn the M. D. A. hall. Thursday evening, by the i 'ember of the U. I. A. and their families to the B. L. U. . If U v.'-'lier is favorable, as now twi "V.V, there will be large attend nc: and a ptlendidj t '. U uatl i: 1 by nil v l o are k bittlrg la making the arrange ijteata tor tb entei tir.! :.r:t. The llerild is pleased to note that Mrs. It. T. Watson Is attain abl to attend to her duties tn the store and this will le good news to her friends who hnve known about her illness. She Is just recovering from h severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. J. 11. Tiiddle has proved her self a moft elticient clerk at the Wat son store during the past week. lllaa nuolee llurnc'.t of the Con-t-trratory of Mukic his -een quite la for aetreraj da. F!:e is now :b t to resume ber duties. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Heriau of An tioch, w ho brought their baby , here !ast week for medical treatment, re turned home yesterday with tho ba by much improved. Alliance's l'restlge ts Outer for lle tnll Milliner) Trmle Strong er tliHit Fver lleftre Miss F.akin of Chicago arrived In Alliance on Monday to take charge of the trimming In, the millinery de partment at the Horace Uogue store. She will remain duru.v the spring season und probably p-i tuaneiilly. She in a milliner of severul yeurs' ex perience and has recently had charge of the millinery department of one of Ohicago's retail establishments. Alliance has within the last few years held a position of prominence in the retail millinery trade, and It seems now that her prestige in this respect be strengtheued hy tin millinery stoles of the city this year. Kxcellect for Stomach Tronble. "Chuuiberlain's Tablets are j"t fine foi stcnisih ironlde," write Mrs. O. C. Dtimi, Arnold. Ta. "I m bothered with this com. plaint for ome time and frequently hud bii iou attack. I'baiulierUin'a Tablet aftordi-o me great rvli i" fr.iiu the hr., snd stiir tsk inf cue h. tile of thorn I fe-t like a diflerenl jierson." For sala by all dealer?. Advtr-Lt'.uout. I'eru fire department for many years! made an Interesting talk and urged the purchase of a truck. Louis Su prise gave one of his stories with Judge KldgHl as the target, and James Kcelvr, w ho w as at one limo chief of the Alliance department, strongly urgd the purchase of the truck. John W. Guthrie, formerly presi dent of ttie Alliance tire department, tpoke of the reduction tn Insurance rates which would come with a mot or truck. He also spoke of the need of u new pump to increase the pres sure in case of tire. He told of the great good being done by chemicals. t)u motion of Mr. (iuthrie, duly sec onded, m unanimous vote of confid ence was given to Judge Kidgell and a copy of the motion ordered sent to the Lincoln newspapers. An Interesting demonstration was The wife of a prominent western! I Nebraska ranchman has been a pat Iron of a Chicago mail order house ! until recently, thinking that she (could buy 'cheaper than by patroniz- ing home merchants. A few days I ago she had her eyes opened to the fact that she lias been paying more for merchandise than the same goods could be purchased for in Alliance and will probably do her trading nearer home hereafter, instead of sending to a Chicago or Kansas City house. This Uy came to town, bringing a bolt of cotton flannel and a pair of knit gloves, bought of a mail or der house. She went to one of our merchants and. requested that she might exchange these goods for some that he had in stock. The cotton flannel was too light In color and the gloves were not the right j size. The merchant declined to make the exchange but showed her that he had in stock Just what she wanted. In so doing the prices were compared. The price ticket on the Alliance merchant s goods ehow ed that he sold the cotton flannel at eight cents per yard. The lady who patronized tho mall order house had paid eight cents plus freight or ex press. The gloves were placed In box and mixed with some that the Alliance merchant had in stock. The lady was then asked to pick out her pair, which Bhe was unable to do as they were the same as the others. The merchant's price, as shown by the marking on the box containing the gloves:, was fifteen cents per They can do it every day In the week and every week In the year, oa regular business, If they will go af ter it right. A part of going after it right is keeping your business con stantly before the people In their home paper. The legitimate news paper is not a charity institution, any more than is the home merch ant, but like him it 1b deserving of patronage because of the work It does for the good of the community ;nd the country it represents. DR. KENNEDY IS ELECTED SECY Western Nebraska Dental Society Itenders Interesting Program and Klecls Oflflcers Alliance has been added to the list of towns represented In the Western Nebraska Dental Society. At the annual convention of the society, held at Bridgeport last Thursday, the program published In The Dally Herald of February 16 was render ed, Including the banquet at Hotel Bridgeport. At the business session officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, C. H. Blackburn, Mit chell. Vice president, K. V. Murless, Sid ney Secretary, Jas. M. Kennedy, Alli um c. Yic!;-i.rcr, C. D. Stanmud, Mer i'l 12ecutive committee, W .1 Si og- gin, Bridgeport; Glenn BlWi. Si.lney ;id Ji.b. M. Kennedy, Alli:.n:3. pair; the had .paid the mail or der house twenty-live cents. A lesson may be learned from this incident that it pays to at least learn the prices of the home merchant be fore sending money to a mall order house in a distant city; but there is anctther lesson to be learned, fully as Important as the first, and that in that it Is to the Interest of all the people of western Nebraska to build up good, thriving towns in this part of the coyntry. Kven if the differ ence tn prices had been slightly in favor of the mail order house, the home merchant should have been patronized. Aside from knowing iust what you are getting at the time you pay for it, it is, in the long ruu. to the interest of the farmer and ranchman, as well as the people who live In town, to patronize the home merchant first. He pays taxes iven of the work done by chemical j here and helps to build up a town or fire extinguishers. A Pyrene extiu uuibher, which is ubou: the size of a targe biccle pump, was j brought fro:u The Herald olllce. Judge Bld gell poured a piui of tuboliue on one of the large tables and touclieu a match to It. The flames burst up ward for several feet but Chief Ho nur. quickly extinguished the lire with a fi-w shots from the extinguish f-r, without the table being damaged. A flashlight picture was taken aud the meeting closed. The sentiment seems to be entirely in favor of a truck and the voters of the city will ' undoubtedly Instruct the city council to purchase one. i Mra. W. R. Harper, who has been 111 fur several days, is improving. i city that atids value to the farms and ranches in the surrounding country Building up a vast mail order house in a distant city does neither. It pays no taxes In your county or state, aud does not add to the value or your holdings. While we are drawing lessons. there is another to be drwn jdft as lii.poriitnl as the above. It is on the Importance of regular Kdverilsinu in the local newspaper, the pdper diat goes into tho home. of uearby peo pie and interests them mojl. It e all rU'ht to advertise special sale.-, when such sales are put on, bur mer chants ought to advertise regularly. We are convinced that it is not nec essary for them to put on "special saleB" to beat the mail order houses. Kansas to Have Pure ias Topeka, Kas., Feb. 24 The Kan sas Public Utilities Commission to- lay began a public hearing prepu- tory to fixing a minimum of heat units per thousand feet of natural gas as a standard of quality. After the establishment of the proposed standard, gas which falls below it will be shut off and the company distributing It forbidden to sell g;;a until the requirements are complied with 4- 1 VP Is nasal breathimr i HAVE YOU CATARRH? impaired? Docs your throat gat husky cr clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms result from run down health. Snuffs and vprors are irritating end useless. Vcu fchould build your general hedlh with the oil-food in Scctt's Emu! ion-its nourishing powers will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and r.s similation and assist nature to check the inflammation an 1 heal the sensitive membranes which are affecteJ. Scott's Emulslcn will raise your Kt-.'.ndard of health to correct catarrl . Shun clcohcfic nii'rtttr-9 and iruht oa SCC't i 3 J SI