M Better Light Everywhere you can have it without increasing your present light bill. Gilmore Mozda Lamps give three times as much light as carbon lamps at the same cost for current. They are strong and rugged. Newberry Hardware Co. 3E SBgg This Is Our These Four Firl-Cla Paper, ALL FIVE V w'jti Wfijf Woman'. World, 35c yr. Green's Frail Grower. SOc yr. Farm Life, 25c yr. Horn Life, 25c yr. All Five for About the Price of ASWft fi I . This is the biggest bargain in the best reading w&llS aTul0ll6 matter cver ffered l our subscribers. 1 1 in- eludes our paper the best weekly published in this part of the state and the Four Magazines of national prominence shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office. We have never sold our paper alone at less than 1.50 a year. But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our paper, all one year for only $1.68 just 18 cents more than the regular price of our paper alone. "Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call arfd see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these clean, beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your' own home for a year. $1,68 JUST THINK WHAT IT MEANS! Our Paper and These Four Standard Magazines ALL FIVE ONE YEAR. ONLY Dray Phone 54 We are headquarters for everything in the line of COAL Rock Springs lump and nut. Canon City lump and nut, Sheridan nut and lump, Eastern hard coal Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Acme Coal $4.75 CASH TON LOTS DELIVERED ROWAN & WRIGHT PHONE 71 Best Offer Slgg Magazine and Our ONE YEAR, Only DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 636 and Blue 57' $1:68 Ai.i.iAVt i: imors two ;ami:h 'lrt niul Nemid Sidney llikett!tll Te:nn Win from Alliance nt Opera lion,. I'rid: Friday the thirteenth nhiwys was our unlucky day. At leant that In the way it seemed Friday night when the find and second basketball teams of the Sidney htch school won from Alliance In the games played at the I'helan opera house. "The Raines were witnessed .y the largest crowd ever atendlns a contest of this kind In Alliance. At 8:30 o'clock the referee's whis tle was blown for the starting of the preliminary pame. which consisted of two full twenty-minute halves of pood basketball, by the second teams of the Alliance and Sidney high schools. Hassett of Sidney, n youngster who will without a doubt make a reputation next season on Sidney's first team, scored nine field fcoals during the same. 1Mb teamwork and passing were very pood. Iloth teams were evenly matched both In size and playing,. At the end of the first half the score was 9 to 1!, and at the end of the game, 26 to 36, In favor of Sidney. Lineup ALLIAXOK: SIDNKY: right forward Johnaon ttas.sett left forward Mollring Wright center Harvey Johnson rlsht guard Lotspeich Kutner left guard ltennett Parks substitutes Campbell Ileiitley Simpson Kowan Summary ' Field goals Alliance: Johnson 4, Mollring. 2; Harvey, 1; Lotspeich. 1; Henett, 4. Sidney: Hassett, 9;. Wright. 4; Parks, 3. Fouls Alli ance: Lotspeich, 2. Sidney: Wright, I. Time of halves, 20 minutes. Hef- eree: 1st half, Liliss; 2nd half, Clem ents. The general playing of the Alli ance and Sidney teams last night was us nearly eual as it la possible to be. The Alliance boys played an excellent game and comprise a team of which Alliance may well be proud. Although much smaller !n size, they were quicker and more accurate in passing, but could not succeed in tossing the much needed field goals. Parks, the Sidney pugil ist, although towering head and shoulders above Darnell, was easily outjumped by the latter. Cloussman Is a man almost as large as Parks, bift was much more accurate in shooting baskets. lie was credited with scoring four goals in each half. At the close of the first twenty minutes of play the score was 22 to 14 In favor of Sidney. It remained nearly even until near the close of the game, when Sidney piled up sev eral scores in quick succession. At the end of the game the score stood, Sidney 41, Alliance 25. A large number of rooters came up from Sidney and ScoltsblufT, as well as a few from other towns, to witness the game. The Scottshluff bunch were loyal to Alliance and did tbelr beBt to help the local boys. Lineup ALLIANCE : SIDNEY: right forward Schafer Grabill left forwaro Davenport Willis center Darnell Parks right guard Sparht Buzzo left guard Urahaiu ClouKsman substitutes Heath C. Parks Dora n Summitry Field goala Alliance: Davenport, 4; Darnell, 2; Spacht, 4; Graham. 1. Sidney: Parks. 3; Grabill, 3; Wilis, 4; Buzo, 1; Cloussman, 8. Fouls Alliance: Darnell, 3. Sid ney: Willia. 3. Time of halves, 20 minutes. Keferee: 1st half, Smith; 2nd Imlf. McMillan. FICA.NTKS WILLAItl) .MEMORIAL lidie of W. C. T. I. Observe Fran els Willunl Memorial Day Appropriate Ceremonies The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. E. I. tlregg on Thursday. There were eleven members and three visitors present. There was an Interesting business session, followed by a short program. This being Francis E. Willard Memorial Day, Mrs. Kee gan read a short sketch of her life. This was followed by a collection, $2 being donated. This goes to help pay the expenses of W. C. T. U. mis sionaries. Mrs. Thomas read "Why We Be long." Mrs. Reed read "She Read It and She Took It." a JJnlon Signal story. Mrs. Vance reminded the members that the first W. C. T. U met in Ohio in 1874, that that meet Cleveland. Ohio. In November. 1874. to which most of the United Slates sent delegates. That today the as sm'liition has grown until it em braces thirty civilized countries. It was moved and carried that markers be bought for the graves of the deceased members. Mrs. K)an. Mrs. Ilaker and Mrs. Nason. Mrs. 1). C. Mclntyre, one of the visitors, was a charter member of the society away back In '88 or "89. The meeting adjourned to meet on February 26 with Mrs. McCorkle. Cough Medicine for Children. Never give a child a cough medicine that contain opium in any form. When opium is Riven other and more serious diseases may follow. Ing etperience has demonstrated that there is no better or safer medicine for cough, cold and croup in children than Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. It U equally valuable for adult. Try it. It contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. -Advertrnenie nt DFMGII I I I L NOIM IILICN THII Alliance I duly Arrived on Saturday from Two Months' YIlt In Montana and ('a inula On December 18tli. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoon left Alliance for the north west, intending to visit n few weeks in Montana and then go on to the coast. After visiting a while In Montana they decided to change their route and go to Maple Creek, Canada, where a brother of Mr. Itoon resides. They spent two weeks there and had a fine time notwithstanding the severely cold weather. An incident of the vIhU there was a trip across the country sixty miles In a sled, starting when the thermometer registered thirty below. It had been as low as forty five below. Mrs. Hoon came directly home from Canada, while Ed went around for a visit of a couple of weeks In Minnesota and Iowa. The trip and visit with friends was enjoyed greut-i ly by Mrs. Hoon nnd did her much good. She Is the picture of health now. WILL PATENT CYLINDER Mgbl Agent Crane of Adam EreM Company Applies for Patent on Xew Device The new revolving cylinder rate schedule file recently installed lu the Adams express ollice lu Alliance will be patented. J. W. Crane, night agent for the company, has applied for a patent. The device in the ollice was made by T. M. Waller and the head tinner at Newberry's. If the device la patented Mr. Crane will form a company and begin man ufacturing them for both the rail road and express companies. Mr. Crane states that he will offer the or ganization ami promotion of the company to J. A. Jlopingardner. Danger of a Cold. 'Do you know that of all the minor ail ment colds are by far the nnwt dangerous? It w not the colds themselves that you need td fear, but the serious disease that they so often lead to. For that reason every cold should be gotten rid of with the least poa- i . i i m i i :il iDie aeiay. 10 acconipiiin in is jira win find Chamberlain' Cough Remedy of great help to you. It loceen a cold, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration and enable the system to throw off the cold. For sale by all dealer. Advertisement VALENTINE PAKTY Miss Laura Mounts and Miss Glen Mounts were hostesses at a 'delight ful Christian Endeavor Valentine party Thursday evening. The house was beautifully decorated 1 if red and white. The invitations and tal ly cards were hand painted. There were nine progressive ta bles, gameB at each table to carry out the Valentine scheme, playing with hearts. A delicious wo course luncheon was served. There were forty guests, and all enjoyed the ev ening Immensely. Any kind of coal you want on hand at our yards. Prices rlghit. FOREST LUMBER CO Adv:19Uf ALL Highest Prices all HIDE O'Bannon Bros. PMONli o Rowan's corner, 2nd St. and Laramie Avenue ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY - Rates: One-inch cards, 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 'URUCU WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 1893 od Register U. S. land office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mall a ipeclalty. Office In Land Office Building VLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA UUOtiNl; UURTON Attorney at Law Land Attorney Office First National Hank Building PHONE 180 vLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA M. M. BULLOCK. attorney at law VLLIANCE : : NEBRASKA O. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone 65 Ret. phone 52 Alliance, Nebraska. )rle Coppernoll Rea. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Ilea. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopath Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 OliO. J. HAND, Phyalcian and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Rea. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and light from office. Offlcee: Alliance National Bank building over the Post Office. WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT TMCM BIGHT Mlts. . 4. ELLIS ENTERTAINS Many (ucM Attend ProKrecslve Luncheon at Beautiful Home on Laramie Avenue Mrs. Harvey J. Ellis entertained at a progressive luncheon Thursday afternoon, starting at one-thirty o' clock, at the beautiful Ellis home on Laramie avenue. The guesta were seated at tables by Valentine place cards bearing their names, After the guests had been seated a delicious five course luncheon was served. The house was decorated with Valentine decorations of hearts, red and white carnations, and potted plants. Following the luncheon a guess ing game was enjoyed for a short time. The game was In honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the day being Lincoln's birthday. Groups of letters were given each guest, each group of letters when correctly arranged spelling some event In the life of Lincoln or the name of some relative or historic place. Mrs. H. H. Hell wood won the prize, a plate, painted by Mrs. Ellis. The guests were Mesdarnea Fran kle, Wilson, Hersbman, Vaughn Bell wood. Pate, Lunn. Spencer, B. F. Lockwood, Moist, SallowB. Manu el, Ed Young, Coleman. Ray Mark, Ed Marks, Bog Re. dough, Watklns, Thomas, Ilargraves, Knight, Camp bell, Swan, J. A. Mallery. Earl Mal lery, Raycroft, Rowan, Broome, I). J. Nelson, Dow, Kridelbaugb, Wood, Helpbringer, Wilcox. Reck, Butler, W. O. Barnes, Cogswell, Mitchell, McCluer, Tash, Axel Johnson, Zedl ker. Mollrlng, Hitchcock, Drake, E. E. Young. Hall, Cotant, and Marvin. The hostess was assisted by Mes (1 anies Rowan, Campbell and Johnson. S WANTE KINDS Paid in Cash at times ll. I). K. TYLKll Dentlit PHONE 167 OVR FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE ; : NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. flAXFlELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STOHI PHONE 625 RED All electrical equipment. Oas ftdsata Istered. Evening by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentlet Office In Alliance National : Building ever Post Office PHONE 391 G-co. Or. G-ad.Qb3r LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night 610 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA IE. "W. ZES-E" Cut FLOWE R.8 and Potted PLANTS Constantly on Hand lanian.i t FLORAL PIECES Made on Short Notice ' PLANTS RENTED For Parties and Public Gathering Phone 682-435 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES. PROMPT SERVICE AUGUST 110RNBURQ Professional Trained Nurse Phone 613 Alliance x Nebraska T. ZBu.rrLS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class niechinloe, All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 . Residence and Shop, 7th and Mleaiasfppi. Alliance, Nebraska. WM. MAUNIER All kinds of Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE S7 Orx 7Z"oo.r Trip take with you a box of good and a late Get tliem at up town news stand or at dejot :Lvi:iller Bros. Automobile! aundry i snanws IssieEEXSEEEb1 Prices on application Work guaranteed Leonard Pilkington AT HEELER'S GARAGE DR. W. M. LEE . Veterinarian PHONE Office Rd 72 Resident 72 Alliance. Nebraska Blooded and High Grade Milk Cows IIOLSTEIIIS A SPECIALTY Any Number Wanted F. M. Ilyndsliaw& Son THEDFORD, NEBR. "i log was followed by a convention in