Tl AN KNTIIl SIAHT1.' MKKTIMJ IE DC r an Nebraska Stock Growers Association (Incorporated) HOME OFFICE, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Progressive lloll Interesting Men tion Frlilny Xlflhf See h of William I',. ('admit ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICKRS: R. M. Hampton. President, Alliance; A. Me47er, Vlre Pre.. Merrlnian; Chin. C Jameson, Sec'y-Treae., Ellsworth. EXECUTIVE COMMIT TICK: C. H. Tnlly, E. P. Meyer, Reuben Usco, J. H. Bachelor, W. M. Fleishman, Robert Oraharu, K. M. Searle, Jr.. Herman Kreuse, J. II. Monlhan, A. U. Modlft, K. M. F.ldred, O. T. Davis, Dan. E. HU1, Robert A. Coo. John ri. Orr. The special meeting of the Prog ressives of Kox Rutte county held at the office of Attorney B. F. Oilman Friday evening was well attended, U v;and enthusiaslic. JalKs were made JJ ! by several. Pinna for the coming 0) 5) Alio i niri r" n ri vi i CTruiiip, Cadmus, a represonta congressional If your name hi not on the subscription lift of Th Alliance Her-! -.14 iko nrniai necran nt thn Nebraska Stock Growers Association. NOViuve 01 lue ia Lhe titne to subscribe. Send u your name with $1.60 and we will 1 campaign committee. Mr. Cadmus end the paper a year and guarantee that you will receive your money's jS a good speaker. He ald: worth. Or, better still, if you Rr a stock raiser or Interested In the Th rrotire8Bive party Is here to HVe ftlOCJI DUSineSS, fill OIH. BJW IIJ uniu njijjlltnuuu IU1 mciiiucioji la the Nebraska Stock Growers Asjoclatlon, send t with check for mem bership due to the secretary, and you will receive The HeraM one year prepaid. Application for Membership to NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION Annual duos $2. CO, and 3 cent per head assessment on cattle, Wall to Chaa. C. Jameson, Secretary, Ellsworth, Nebr. Name Post Office Date No.. Cattle I County Assessed Brands Ear Marks ..... Remarks In RKKP CATTLK LOSE WEHJHT aVnrtmpnt of Agriculture Makes I oss of WelKht In Shipment Sjwial Kt inly The shrinkage or loss In weight of beef cattle In the course of ship ment from western farms and ranch es to the markets has been made a subject of special study by the De partment of Agriculture, and what Is believed to be the first authentic (formation on this subject tins been complied and published, aR Bulletin 25. The Investigation covered tiiree years In various cattle-raising sec tions of the West. The cattle were weighed nt the point of loading, on arrival at their destination, and again after having rest, feed, and water. The weight was also taken when the animals were sold. The records Include the weighing of Tex as and Northwestern range cattle and calves, and of corn-fed, silage fed, and beet-pulp-fed cattle. In all 2! sntpments were weighed, com prising over 19,000 cattle. All cattlemen know that their stock arrive at market tliey are usu ally lighter In weight than when they started. This loss in weight is called shrinkage. It is due to ex cretions from the alimentary canal and from the urinary organs, and to moisture given off by the lungs in breathing. A portion of this loss nay be regained at the market by the food and water taken Into the system. This Is termed the "nil." The shrinkage of cattle In transit Is such a variable factor that no one can say definitely how much it will be during a journey, but by the use f very large numbers of cattle an average shrinkage will be obtained which may be used as a basis for es timating the amount of shrinkage on cattle shipped under similar condi tions. The net shrinkage (that is, the difference between the weight at the point of origin and the weight of the animals when Bold at the market af ter taking the "till") was found In the department's Investigations to range all the way from 15 to 75 lbs. per head, or from 2.11 to 7 per cent, depending upon the length of time' and other conditions. The time, t hat t the cattle were in transit varied f rum j less than 2 4 hours to more than 72 hours. The no ruin I shrinkage may! ; be regarded as from 3 to ti per cent stay. There Is an acute need of a new party. The old parties do not stand for the same thing. How can you reconcile Bryan and Murphy, Wilson and Taggart, and Sullivan In the Democratic party; or Cummins and Cannon, Ilorah and names, BriBtow and Penrose In the Repub lican party, llow can you reconcile the progressive Republicans of Ne braska with those of Illinois who are all standpat. In Nebraska the i Republican stands for the initiative , and referendum. 'In Illinois the Re publican stands Rgaln.ut these meas- . ures. : It la an old nnd honored saying that a house divided against Itself ! cannot stand. Roth the Republican ; and Democratic parties are divided within themselves Into two irrecon- ' ' cilable factions. The Progressive j party Is united. It stands for the age will range from 3 to 4 per con. ! same principles in every state. This of their live weight. j gives it a decided advantage over The shrinkage of fed cattle does, both the old parties, not differ greatly from that of range What do you stand for? First, cattle for equal periods of time. Cat-! we stand for a real government by tie fed on silage have a large groBS;the people, not a m.tke-holieve one shrinkage, but usually fill so well at but a real one. We believe In the market that the net shrinkage Is ; initiative and the referendum; ihru small. Pulp-fed cattle shrink more j these the people can control the law In transit than any other class of (making power. We bellev in the cattle, and also show a greater net j recall; thru this the penile can con shrinkage. trot their ollielals. v j b-licve in For a long journey the common ! recall of Judicial derisions in termin method of unloading for feed, water questions involving public welfare; and rest Is preferred to the use of thru this the peopl c:in eovtrol Hie "feed and water" cars. ' courts. These four measures Mve Cattle should be weighed before the people a real control ove lgis- belng loaded wherever practicable, lature, otlicial an 1 otirt; not a, bunk Blnce a comparison of this weight control such as the cmnpain o"itor the.vho says eloquent lie -di-v.i ii 1 with the uale weight will show net shrinkage. Moreover, this i government of, by, mil for tho f --1 weight at point of origin may be of j !'" but puts no tuli' ii iie jiisiiu materlal benettt to the shipper In 1. lit or conti 1. ; t-'s hand case of wreck or a very poor run to when they ti 1 1 t'.ey i.n market. d not kee;1 th"ir iri i:ii:ea Thej-e Is no way of entirely pre-1 T:e P.-n nes;. pa y Is : e venting shrinkage in the shipping ) rty that beln.t.' r: n-cas-of cattle, but by judicious care In ; ures. and all of them everywhere, handling and feeding the cattle Just ' bellevo j. :e ...;il tfnr e. previous to shipping the shrinkage '. e think a ir.i'vr.iM -. wl.ere nu n may be lemoned. If cattle are to be;ai ne vot on;' half k di in transit for 24 hours or longer, It v - believe o:ir gvu lii.ieu: v ill be is a good plan to feed about two bi tcr ami ni;;ny had t:i: y.s t .; i . bales of nice bright hay for each ' .v ;. of It wNi i;i" w vi.t carload a few hours before loading. , Oi i Is th .. y 1:1 r ; . ; v.h When care is used In trailing the, ! ocates :i 1 :o:.ii n ; ., ., cuttle to the loading pens, not drlv-; n. ing them too fast nor too far in a We differ also from other parties day and giving them live or six In our views of tho tariff. We hours a day to graze on the way.! think the tariff should be taken out long distances may be covered with: of politics and made a business pro no apparent Injury to the cattle. On J position. We think the tariff is a arrival at the pens it Is well to give business question as much as ra li the animals a light feed of hay with 1 roads or the banks. So we propose a little water, or allow them to graze a permanent tariff commission, of a short time before loading them, experts, made up of men of all par unless the grass Is very luxuriant, ties and deciding tariff questions as n excessive till of water or green they arise, giving protection when fodder or grass Just before loading, needed, and taking It away when not is not good for the cattle, as It may i needed; favoring no section as the cause them to scour In transit; then, 1 present bill favors the South, and too, they will not stand up hb well I favoring no special Interests as the In the cars. Republican bill favored the trusts., I We believe in a tariff commission Horrible Blotches of Eczema j with health to it. and power to act; (jMickly cuihhI by Dr. llobsou'a He-1 not the poor weak thing the Taft v.ema. Ointment. 0. P. Caldwell of administration starved to death. New OrUxuis, Im., states: "My doe- We believe In a trade commission tor advised nu' to try 'lr. Ilobsoii's j wit li full power to regulate all big Bc.t hia rfiiive.' I u;ved three boxes . business; to keep it from selling wa of ointment and three ake of Dr. ter for real stock; to regulate, con- I will sell at Public Auction on the Lotspeich farm, 1 mile south and 1 mile west of Hemingford, Nebr., on Wednesday, Feb. 25th commencing at 1:00 p. m. sharp, the following property, to-wit: 16 - Head of Horses and Colts - 16 9 head of inoil work horses, S mares and one jjeldinjr; 3 two-year-old colts, ? yearling colts, 1 driving pony, 1 four-year old brood mare, with lame foot. 5 Head of Milch Cows 5 3 milch cows, 1 two-year-old heifer, i three-year-old thoroughbred Holstein heifer Farm Implements and Tools i heavy farm wagon, I hay rack wagon, I disc harrow, i steel harrow, i Deering binder, I harrow cart, l potato digger, I potato sorter,, I walking plow cultivator, I riding cultivator, I sulky plow, i fanning mill, I hay rake, i gasoline engine, i wooden harrow, i corn lister interest), i two-seated surrey, i single buggy, I set heavy work harness, i set brass harness, i set light harness, I set double buggy harness, l single buggy harness, i set "Humane" collars, i set lly nets, I saddle, barley and bundle forks, potato forks, garden hoes and rake, grind stone, small grist mill, shot gun, 2 incubators, 3 brooders, cream separator, nearly new; household goods too numerous to mention, including a roll top desk. 200 Bushels of Seed Potatoes, Red and Early Ohio Terms: from date of sale. All sums under $ 10, cashv Over that amount, 6 will be given on bankable paper, drawing ten per months' time cent interest Mrs. C. M. LOTSPEICH, Adm. Foskct& Grimes, Auctioneers Keith L. Pierce, Clerk 1C 1L 1L 10 not fuse with the republicans, as many ollice seekers desire, for they have no great harmonious principles and they have no great leader who can get the party away from Karnes or Penrose or Itoot or Guggenheim, and lead it to a land of promise and progress. Houson's IVernia Zeina Smp. Today 1 have not a spot anywhere on my body itiwl eaji say I am cured." It will do the homo for you. lta sooth- Of live weight. j healing. iuitleic action will: The extent of the shrinkage de- ,-ui you of all t-kin humors. hUuk- pends upon various factors, among which are the conditions at the time of shipping and the treatment dur ing the drive to the loading pens; the length of time the euttfn were held without feed and water before being loaded; the nature of the till before loading the greater losses occurring when this consisted of suc culent grass, beet pulp and silage; the weather and climatic conditions at the time of loading, while in tran sit, and at the market; the charac ter of the run to market, greater shrinkage naturally being caused by slow, rough runs; the time of arriv al at market. The shrinkage during the tirst 24 hours Is greater proportionately than for any succeeding period of the same duration. The difference between the shrink age of cows and steers is not as great as is ordinarily supposed. Bteers will usually shrink somewhat less than cows of the same weight. The shrinkage of range cattle in transit over 70 hours during a nor mal year Is from 6 to 4 per rent cf their lire weight. If they are in transit 36 hours or less the shrink- he;u!s, pimples, Kv.enia blotches, red un"hily sore, and havoa your skin clean and hoahhy. lit a box today. Guaranteed. All druggists, M conts, or by mull. Pfeirfer Cheini id Co., Philadelphia & St. Ixmis. NOTICE The Nebraska Telephone Company wishes to call the attention of its patrons to the notice delivered last month, namely, that all residence trol. advise and help big business in right lines. Our party is the only party which believes in such a com mission. Our party also believes in social and- Industrial justice. We want to free the two million children at work in American mills and mines. We believe the girl should receive a living wage. We believe In one rest day in seven. We believe in old age pensions, t nd accident insurance for working men. Our party is the only one which stands for Justice to the weak and the workers in such measures. They have these things in Kurope. We think it time for America to catch up, and not lag be- telephoue rentals are payable at the hind in justice to the weak and the otDce, before the 20th of each month, worker. dlt-wlt ; That is why I say the Progressive , party is here to stay. It has a real A Strong Indorsement program, which the old parties lack. W. H. Hoinwjs of the Docorah, la , 11 tarrying with it thinking peo Journal says, "I have been a suffer- i l,Ie an1 th working people. The er from Pile aiut Uemuiorhoida for "ocial workers like Jane Addams, t he years. I got no relief uutll my dru- sreat scientists like Kdison. the tint reeoiu mended Meritol Pile Rem- Pfeat preachers, doctors, educators, edy. Bofore I had taken half thein statesmen are with us, as well p;ukHj;e. the ditrss wa gone aud 8 tue common people. So we do 1 have had no trouble siavoe. 1 would nt intend to quit, to fuse, but to ut talu? a thousand dollars and be enthuse aud go forward to the vic buck In former condition." F. J.itory which w believe our principles Krennan, Exclusive Agent. j win. We have great principles ! and great leaders, and those are the Want to sell your furniture? Put ' Instruments out of which enduring a want ad In The Oally Herald. parties are made. We certainly will A Winter Cough A stubborn, annoying, depressing cough hangs on, racks the body, weakeiiiS the lungs, utwl of ter leads to serious, results. The first dose of Dr. King's New Discovery gives re lief, lleury l). Sanders of Caven dish, Vt., was threat en de with con sumption, aft-cr having pneumonia. He writes: "Dr. King's 'New Dis covery ought t be in every family; W is certainly tho best of all modl-i-inos for coughs, colds or lung trou ble." Good for children's cough. Money biuk if not aatufid. Prk-e 50c and $1.00. At all druggists. II. K. Kucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Umis. AXGOUA XOTDS Angora. Nebr., Feb. 13 Loren burg ami l.orenburg are here from Omaha for the purpose of organizing u hank. They are encouraged by Angora people and a greater portion of the stock has been subscribed. Dr. W. K. Kartholemew of Den ver is spending the week in Angora with a view of locating. Ten members of George Miller's family who live four miles north and east of Angora are sick with small pox. Dr. Kartholemew pro nounces the cases as very serious. The Ladies Aid will entertain at the sod church Saturday night, Feb. 21. Dave Atwell of Van Kuren, Arkan sas, is visiting K. II. Atwell and fam ily. Mrs. G. A. Dove is much Improved frosB fcer recent Illness. Mrs. Otto Kruger has returned from an extended visit to Colorado Springs. Miss Rose Sherlock is spending this week at home. Will Orr is clerking in her place at Chambers store. 'The young folks enjoyed a skat ing party Wednesday night. Fred Case was an Alliance visitor Wednesday. Mrs. L. L. Chambers entertained the special committee of the Ladles Aid Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Raleigh Carnlne has been very sick since last week. i 11 .v-ua . mm. ml blJMk '111 ,1 t- Pfs ' at A' l 1 1 .." ISP W" 1 Wi'is' i' 'I lyr '; '.4 4 1 "That Bell Telephone Is a Money Producer for He" And it will save dol lars for you, if you will let it. If K ' i f ' The Bell telephone is an inexpensive and ever - ready messen ger. Make it work for you. Sometimes dull days seem to come. Consistent use of the Bell telephone will speed up your business. Business CAN'T slow down if it is geared up by BELL TELE PHONE. Twenty-six million talks daily over the Bell Telephone quicken and expand the social and business life of the nation. it." 4 1: 5 Every Bell Telephone is a Business Builder. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY SucceMxful Dance The Valentine dance given by the Alliance Fire Department at the Op era House Saturday night was a success in every way. The live piece orchestra furnished good music while the low price of admission, fif ty cents, proved a good drawing card. The firemen expect to give regular dances on Wednesday even ing in the future. BARGAIN IN CITY PROPERTY Itoy l Injured Jay, the nine year old son of John Frazler of fourteen miles northeast of Alliance, was Injured Saturday morning. He was driving cattle when his horse slipped and fell, the boy striking the frozen ground with his bead, causing a severe concus sion. He was unconscious for sev eral hours. Word was received this morning that he is improving. One business building on Dox Kutte avenue. One four room resi dence. Two dwelling lots. $3,600 cash will swing the deal. The income will handle the balance. Call at The Heraald office and refer to or write Kox U'tM), c-o The Herald. Colorado lump coal S.50. All oth er kinds of coal at moderate prkes. We have the coal on hand for immed iate delivery. Phooe 73. FOUKST LUMKKR CO.