BOY BITTEN BY MAO DOO Kafth Thompeea, A goo 12, Bltton by Dog at Seneca. Dog Heads Snt to Kmui City (By Harold Corrsapondont.) 4Vwoa. Nebr., Feb. 8. Dr. I. H. TUXOt, health oMcw, hot received a telegram from Kansas City hi lch bo woo Informed that a nu tu tor of toe dog' hu1 which ho mmX tbfce to b examined, showed OjorovhoMo Infection. Later he woo sXtfied to see that alt dogs were sttber killed or tied up. The heads wore eot to Kama City on nocount mt Keith Thompson being Wit en by a stray dog on Sunday. Kadmo Cfcy, Mo., Feb. 3. The doc- here announce that there la little danger thai Keith Thomp of Seneca, Nebr., baa hydro It aeema that the boy was Mtea by a stray dog he was playing trtth. The bead of the doc was sent hre with aeveral other. No traces H hydrophobia were found la tho ad of the dog which bit the boy. MAR6LAND NEWS (By Herald Corroapottdofit.) ' Marwland, Nebr., rob. 3. J alia Wit fjm woo aa arrival on 43 Tuesday, pawning on 44 Wednesday. He ootnee to MaralAnd quite often. O. B. Phillips woe a passenger far Hemingford on 44 Wednesday, re- tarning on 43 same day. Bob Woody woo passenger to AUi- eore on 44 Saturday. W. 8. Nicholson went to Mitchell o 44 8urday. : : Mr. Richardson of Alliance was a Visitor at the Rk'bey home Friday returning to Alliance on 44 Saturday fireman Spencer arrived Thurs- ay bumping Ed Homan on helper ocane. Spencer worked two daya wben he was taken alck with the sum po, fireman arrived on 43 Satur- dny to fine helper engine temporal- interior, u. o. iDd offloe rt Alliance, Nebraska. ,JZTntnl mY inuKki once, Nebraska, Dec. 14. 9013. t? ms ' ' Net,r"ka' K0Tl' re?-,t,bt . NotW .. hereby given that ARTHUR WARREN Ellsworth, Nebraeka, who, on 8p- 8erial No. 013147 Notice for Publication IWerttnent of the Interior, U Land Office at All! an. 17, 1914. NOTICE la hereby given that CORA K. CAMPBELL, JAMES WILLIAM HOWE formerly Cora E. Peeler, of Alliance, of Antiocb. Nebraska, who. on Aug. Nebraska, who, on Oct. 10, 1907, ,-mhp , iolfl m,i. UmT,miA En 17, 1010, made Homestead Entry No. I made Homestead Entry No. 12487, . . 012426 for E48 1 KNF. HSW .a . . a w a tlf -A St A v - i4 UfaaS s. af . I of 6th Principal Meridian, has Wed Principal Meridian, has filed notice LUhn t0 tne ,R!ld fcbove degcribed. nouoe of intention lo max nnai ot intention 10 maae rinai mm iwop PiPr R,lv.r n a hree ear Proof, to eetabtehcWm Year Proof, to eeUbllah claim to the . 0ffl Aniano,. Nebraska. . . a . a a la a m i o l - " r ' Kegamer ana necTer, v. a. w ana ivevoiTcr, u. o. cuimant names as witnesses: Office at A-niance. Nebraska, on the at AlUance, Nebraeca, on me 7tn Slot day of March, 1914. day of March, 1914. Claimant nameo as wltnemea: I Claimant names aa witnesses: D. L. 8tureon of Lakeside. Nebr.: Brandt, Leonard Boyer, Mat tbew wambaugn, jamee uiagrave, all of Alliance, Nebraska, W. W. WOOD. Register 5-7t-3&7-8131 WUan A. Spain of Auttoch. Nebr.; La Roy M. fioott of Lakeetde, Nebr. Wlllkun Elmore of AnUoch, Nebr. W. W. WOOD. Register. Jan29-t -3187-370 State of Nebraska Serial No. 012&O9 Notice for Publication Diparimeut of the Interior, U. S bot Butte County 1 ; Daagero of a Cold. ' 1 Do ou know that of all tho minor ail bamts sold aro by far tho moot dangerous T ft is not tho colds IhonMolves that you new eftir, hot tho Mriout dujoaooi that thoy so Itoo lead to. For that roaoon every cold oboold bo gottott rid of with tho least poo fCO dolay. To aocomplloh this you will Cad Chamberlain's Cough Remedy of groat fcstp to you. It loosens a cold, reUsves tho Isjags, aids expectoration and enables tho svetens to t&row on lae com. ror saio oy 9 ealors. Advertisement. BwaBBj0asonaoaB OMAHA GRAND OPERA 8EA80N Canadian National Grand Opera Co, at Omaha Auditorium, Feb .1 ruary 19 and 20 WesU-rn Iowa and Nebrlui peo- file will have tho opportunity to bear grand opera tbW winter, which o a rare chance. The National Op ra company of Canaitii has been on Caged for a soaaon of grand opera to be given at the auditorium, O enaluL, on the evealiig of February if jnd 20. The Herald led rvcelpt of ra-eee tickt from Luciu Pryor, mon- ger and treasurer, 3d floor Brand' eta Bldg., Omaha, to whom Inquiries tor further taformution and tickets ay be addressed. Persona wUhing 9 reserve aeats should waste no dime, many seats have already been teltaa. It ie claimed that the oale t eewtte to people out in tho state 4haa been largr so far than to peo gAe to Onutha. LCOAL ADVERTIHINQ JOALpytWTJBINQ Serial No. 01439 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. LEGAL ADVCRTI8INO SerlU No. 01242ft Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. 3. 2147, for 8EKNKK, NHNEH, N Serial No. 01439, for 8, Sec. 15, 8 E. NWUgE14. NV4SWU SwiiS NWV4, Sec. 17; NE W8E4; 8V8W Soc. 14; N w NW,, g lg T N R sv.. wjiHBii, fcNH, ana n viNw, oec. nn" 1 43 w of 6th prnclpal Meridian, has VU, W8E4. Sec. E. 8W4NE Sec . 22. Town- fUed n of lnwlMoa to mAke Ora Black of Ellsworth, Nebr., Robert Miller of Pawlet, Nebraska; Charles Skopec, Frank Skopec of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register 6-71-365-3133 PROBATE OF WILL ) ) I COURT Serial No. 013100 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. lAnd Office at Alliance. Nebraeka. Dec. Z7, 1913. Notice l hereby given that HENRY SUTTON of Angora, Nebraska, who, on Feb. 28, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 013100, for NEViSEtt; NEi; NE4 NWtf; Sec. 34; Q Sec. 27; N4 FREE POST CARDS -AT THE- Alliance Art With every dozen Photographs amounting to $3.00 or over, we will give 1 dozen Post Cards FREE from the same negative. 2 DOZEN PHOTOS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE until April 1st. Alliance Art Studio 114 East 4th St. ' Phone III Nebraska JJU3. If, 1911. I T .11 l.t.-. I. it,, a. . I W onlg kFTl stvubv awavTw -aa wv LA ROT M. SCOTT n r1ln anil fllinv the netlllon of LakenMe. Nebraska, who. on Oct L, ti t. n-rn rin, thai the 8E. Sec- 28. TwP- 3 N.. R. 60 W . . I w -w- j,. -w w I ctu nt i irAui a mj 5, 1910, made womestead Entry No. inatrument filed herein on the 2nd v rn"l't'' rr,,u""' Dao u,pu 012609. for SWSEU Sec. 3: WHL ftf ign,n ioii .,t m.rnortin h01 of Intention to make Final NEfc. 8B4NEVi, WHSEtf. W4. of to u the lait Wm nd Testament Three Yeftr Proot t0 h claim SecMon 10 and SESE See. 9; tae 6aVd deceased, may be proved. l" T ,Bna, a"De. SWUNWU Sec 11. of Townahin 3L ytt .nwA .nH r- RWr and Receiver, U.-S. Land North. Range 45 W. of tn Prtoclpal M the last Will and Teata- ?ffic' An,"B,. Nebraeka, on the Meridian, haa filed notice of Inten ment ot the L. w. DeLanoey OI Marcn " Uon to make Fbnal Three Tear Proof! deceased, and that the execution of to .eetiabH-sh claim to the land above utlA instrument . may be committed described, before ReglaAer end R- and tho adminiatration of said celver. U. 8. Lend Office, at AW- tftt- mhV De tranted to John W. Outhrle. It is ordered that the 26 day of January, A. D. 1914, at 10 o'clock A. Serial No. 012385 M., at the county Judge's office in I Notice for Publication the court house at Alliance, Box I Department of the Interior, U. 8- Butte County, Nebraska, be and Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. hereby Is appointed aa the time and Dec. 16, 1913 place for hearing said petition and NOTICE is hen&by ance, Nebraska, on the 21et day of I March, 1914. Claimant namea as witnesses: D. L. Sturgeon of Lakeside, Nebr.; Jake Herman of Lakeside, Nebraeka; William A. Spain of Antloch, Nebr.; James) WlUlam Howe of Antloch, No braska. -''. . Olalmanit. names as wMneeeee: Leo Carnlne. R. JC Thomas, An gora, Nebr.; Glen Gentle, . Alliance, Nebr.; John . Powers, Angora, Nebr. W. W. WOOD. Reirlster. 6-7t-369-3144 . . True Economy . . . means the wiat spendinf of one's moocy making svtry dollar do full doty ana getting in return an aracic mat wm saury you m iwry wy. The . WHITE. . is a real bargain because It b soli at a popular price t because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight in because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life timo of satisfactory service because its improvements will enable you to do things which cant be done mi w .aft. vi ttft.M. ! will vam I V Tlr 1 with Ks fine finish and beauty of its furniture. - mI la short you wffl find the Vhite reliable and i desirable from every point of view. ht sure to see the VhJte dealer who will be glad to show you bow good a machine the White kw If there U no White dealer handy, write ui direct for cat alog. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, a For sale by GeoiD. Darling Jan29 6t-3186-36S W. W. WOOD. Register. for proVng Baid will, when all con- CHARLES H. given that WILCOX Serial No. 013148 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8 Land Office at AWnnce, Nebraeka Jan. 17, 1914. NOTICE la hereby given that WILLIAM A. SPAIN of Antloch, Nebraska, who, on Mar 10, 1911, made Homestead J3ntry No. 013148, for EtfSEK Sec 10; S4; NE4 Sec. 11; WHNW4 Sec. 12, Twp haa filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Veer Proof, to eKHbUah claim to the land above de scribed, before Register and Re ceiver, U. 9. Land Office, at Alliance, Serial No. 011679 Nebraeka. on the 21st day of March. Notice for Publication 1911 Bepartment of the Interior. U. Claimant names aa witneees cerned may appear and contest the of Bayard, Nebraska, who, on Sept. probate of said will and show cause, 24, 1910, made Homestead Entry, No. if any there be, why the prayer of 012385, for all of Section 9, Town petitioner should not be granted; "P 23 N., Rante 50 W. of 6th P and that public notice thereof be M- has filed notice of Intention to given to all persons Interested by make Final Three Year Proof, to publishing a copy of this order in establish claim to the land above de- The Alliance Herald, a weekly news- scribed, before Register and Receiv paper printed and In general clrcula- er U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, tion In said county, three weeks sue- Nebraska, on the 17th day of Feb.. cassively previous to said day of 1914. hearing. WITNESS, My official signature MiLI. A a j.... v. eoa 23 N., R. 46 W. of 6th P. M., 'uu Utt' Vl -auuary, iu. Li. A. IIKKKi (SEAL) County Judge. 5-3t-360 3153 Claimant names ao wltnewtes: Burr Underwood, Clel Underwood, Walter Vogel, William Vogel, all of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register Janl-6t-351-3092 S Tind Offlre at Alliance. uaui 1Vunr; December 24. 1913 t - a m i tu . . 1 i.naru uoyer or Alliance. ieor.; Votke is herebv riven that uien sturgeon or Alliance, Neorae- WILLIAM BROWN Jn..ui uiiani nge oi Ara of Alliance, Nebraska, who. on May o n. .eDr.; WlUlam Kimore or Ami-1 ioia mH iinm nail ITntrv NTr ova, oeoraAica W. W. WOOD, Resist er. Jan2X-t-3188-369 Serial No. 06469 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Alliance, Nebraska, Any kind of coal you want hand at our yards. Prices right. FOREST LUMBER CO Adv3191tf ! HIDES WANTED I Nebraska, Land Office at Dec. 16, 1913. NOTICE i hereby given that HARMON H. LOHSE of Ellsworth, Nebraeka. who, on April 011679, for SWUNEtt; NW48EVi; 8 4, 1907. made Homestead Entry No. HNW4; 8W4 Sec. 8, and EJ4 of 11928. Serial No. 06469, for Nfc Sec. Sec. 7, Twp. 23 N., R. 46 W. of 6th 1, T. 26 N., and SVi of Sec. 36, T Principal Meridian, has filed notice 27 N., R, 42 W. of 6th Principal Me- on of intention to make Final Three I ridian, has filed notice of Intention Year Proof, to establish claim to to make Final Five Year Proof, to the land above described, before establish claim to the land above de- Register and Receiver, U. S. Land scribed, before Register and Receiv Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, the 9th day of March. 1914. Nebraeka, on the 19th day of Feb., Claimant names as witnesses: 1914. cnariey inompeon, Eugene Thomp- Claimant names as witnesses: son, Olen Sturgeon, Charley Powell, all ot Alliance, Nebraeka. W. W. WOOD. Register Olf30ti-313Z ALL KINDS Highest Prices Paid in Cash at all times NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT John A. Hunzlcker, Fred Hunzlck er, of Spade, Nebr.; H. C. Mlnnick, WltMam M. Burnett, of Ellsworth Ilebrawka. W. W. WOOD. Register. 4 7t-358-3l30 O'Bannon Bros. PHONE v Rowan's corner, 2nd St. and Laramie Avenue ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA In County Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LEE McNAMARA. DECEASED: To all persona interested in the estate of William Lee McNamara. deceased: You will take notice that on the 10th day of January, 1914, David H. McNamara, Administrator of the es tAA nf William Tiu M,.Kumnr Nla I . . . . . ". .. . That an in wuu coun m rmai account Adminietrator ot aaid estate, and that said account will be for hear- th V t' f mruar7' tttton praying for the Probate Acme Coal $4.75 CASH v. TON LOTS DELIVERED ROWAN & WRIGHT :.: t'..' phone 71 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL The State of Nebraeka, )ss. Box Butte County. ) IN THE COUNTY COURT Tho State of Nebraeka, to George D. Trumpore, next of kin and heir at law of Angelina Kelley, deceased and to any others Interested in said matter YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Tesatment of Angeline Kelley. deceased, is 'on file in said Court, and also a pe of mt. at i ococK A. at the flM ln.nim,., h , th .n County Court Room In the Otty of mm ot Jam18 HolUnrake of Hem- .uoc. w iu vwumjr; m you in.tord Nebraaka. as executor of are required to appear at the time That on the 19th day ana puce above named and show Janu&ry. 1914. at 10 o'clock. A.M oue, ii any mere oe. wny saia ac- -awl net! Hon and the nroof of the count anouui not do auowea. U.jrfkvn t maiA Intimnun will h U U ordered that said Adaunla-1 heard, and that if you do not then trator give notice ot the thne d UMar aivd contest, said Court may plaoa of eald hearriiig. to all per-1 probato and record the same, and son interested in said eatatn by grant administration of the estate causing this order to be published to Jamee Hollurake. fca Tho Alliance Herald a newepav This notice ahall be published for per printed and circulating in said three week successively in The AV I county, for three oonaacuUve weeks Hanoa Herald prior to aakl hearing. prior to said bearing. Witness) my hand and official seal Dated January 10. 1914. this 26 day of December, 1913. L. A. Berry, U A. BERRY, (Seal) County Judge. I (Seal) County Judge. 4t 3634114 ... . , IJanl4t4I441ffl Let Us Do Your Job Work LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at AlUance, Nebraska, January 12, 1914. To PATRICK Mc.MULLIN of AlU ance, Nebraeka, Oontestee: You are hereby notified that George J. Curtis, who gives Alliance, Nebraska, as his po-st office address, did on January 12, 1914, file In this office h1s duly corroborated applica tion to contest and secure the can cellation of your homestead Dairy No. , Serial No. 015774 made Mar. 8, 1913, for NW NWVi. ec. 6,tp. 23, N. Range 60 W.; 8, SEVi NE , S NW4. sec. 31; Sft SEVi, SM SW'i, Section 32. Township 24 N., Range 50 W., 6th P. M., and a grounde for hb contest he alleges thot Patrick McMullin has never es tablished reaidonce upon the aaid lanul; haa never placed any improve ments of any sort whatsoever upon the land; hae never mode any use of ithe land whatsoever; and haa en tirely abandoned same ednce the date of entry, all of which defect remain uxveured at thto date. You are, therefore, further noti fied that the aaid allegations will be taken aa confessed, and your aaid entry will be canceled wiithout fur ther right to be heard, either be fore this office or on appeal, if you fall to file in this office within twenty daya after the FOURTH pub lication of this notice, as shown be low, your answer, under oath, aoe dfdcalty responding to these allega tions of corobeet, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mall. You should ettUe to your answer the name of the post offloe to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. W. W. WOOD, Register. H. J. ELLIS, Receiver. Date of first publication, January 15, 1914. Date of second publication, January 22, 1914. Date of third publication, January 29, 1914. Date of fourth publication, February 3. 1914. 6-4t-3643169 said court tt3m final account aa owkt administrator and that said final ao count WU1 be heard on. the 7th dar of February, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the county oooct room in the city of Alliance, in ea44 county, and you are hereby olted tie appear at the time and place abov designated, and show cause. If such exist, why aaid account should not be allowed. It ts hereby ordered that said John Weinel, adftttalriLrajt or, giw notice to all persons inter ested in said estate by oauataa; a copy of this order to be published in The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said oounty. for three euocessive weeks prior to the dcute set for said hearing. Dated this 14th day of January. 1914. L. A. BERRY. (Seal) County Judge. Eugene Burton, Attorney. S-k-365-3176 Serial No. 012563 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. 3. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Jan. 10, 1914, NOTICE Is hereby given that JAMES R. JACOBS of Alliance, Nebraeka, who, on No vember 19, 1910, made Homestead! Entry. No. 012563, for WH, SEU. 8 )4NE Sec. 17. and EVNB, Sec. ? 8, Twj. 23 N.. R. 50 W. of 6tn P. M.. haa filed notice of Intention be make Final Three Year Proof, to estabUtAi claim to the land above de scribed, before Register nod Receiv vr. U. S. Land Office, at AlHanc. Nebraska, on the I4fh day of Mont.. 1914. Claimant names as wlitneesee: William II. Vogel, Albert Under wood, Burr Underwood, Welter Vog el, all of Alliance. Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Regis'er. 7-7t-36C-3176 Notlco of Final Account IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN P. WE1NEL, Deceased. State of Nebraska ) )ss. Box Butte County ) TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN P. WEI NEL, DECEASED: You are hereby notified that on the 14th day of January, 1914. John WeineL aduUnistrator of the estate of John P. Weiaet. deceased. COsd ta Sertal No. 012S88 Notice for Publication Defttrtment of the Interior, U. 3. Land Office at AlUance, Nebraaka. tan. 10. 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM H. VOGEL of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Jan. 18, 1911, made Homestead Entry. No. 012888. for NEVi. NttSEK Soc. 7, NH. NttSE Sec. 8. Twp. 23 N., R. 50 W. of 6th P. M.. has filed not ice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to estabhsh claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the 13th day of March, 1914. Claimant names aa witnesses: James R. Jacobs, Burr Underwood. Albert Underwood, George O. Burke, an of AlUance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. 7-7t474177 4 I 41 f i I: il