The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 05, 1914, Image 5

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day morning from a two weeks
pleasure trip to Uneoln.
Wrappers Needed
Claude lifter returned yeeterday
fnrn Lincoln, where he has been
for n month on buMnee.
William Mnunnler returned Sun
from Friday's Dally:
J. B. Miller of liHiningfurd cme
dfln to Alliance today- mi buslnoas.
Carl Spacht.was downfrom Hem
Ingford yesterday on buslnonn, re
turning today.
J. W. Mapps orders hi addretn
for The Herald chant-d from Anti-
h to Alliance.
H. F. Hessenflow moved from. 420
Ntobrarii avenue to Duncan's adiM
tlon thta week.
. W. M. Sauerbraun leaves Sunday
for Sioux City, Chknpo and an. ex
tended trip east.
Mrs. C. D. Say es of Chadron etop
jed over In Alliance today between
trains on her way home from Mitch
ell. I
LuiHAte Zehrung wm hostess at
t six o'clock dinner Thursday even
ing. The dinner was delicious and
fill enjoyed a lovely time.
C. A. 8prague leaves tomorrow
night for Chicago and poVnt along
the Burlington road. " He expects o
ht gone until the 16th of February.
' " lD. Blair, one of The Doily Her-i-ld'e
Sheridan county subscribers,
'came up from Antloch on ' 43 today
oc business.' ; "" "
Mr. and Mrs, Oeo. K. Noe of Ells-
worth were In Alliance yesterday oo t
pusinees, stopped on on ttvejr way
borne from Denver.; Ieft on 44 to-
L. Y. and J. E. McCluskey. J. J.
Flanaraky, N. J. Colvin, W. H. Rol
and, and F. A. Nagelschnetder were
down from' Hemtngford yesterday on
w i -
.-. Friends of Mr.. E. ( D. 0inan sur
' pr'ied her yesterday afternoon tn
honor of her birthday. A dainty
hmch was served, and he' received
s number of nice gifts.
The Alliance llign echuol banket
ball girls wlH play the ScottHblufT
girls tonight at Seottsbluff.
Mrs. T. N. Colvin, who lias been
til for so long, I greatly improved,
cow 'being able to alt up a little.
Ml? Sadie Hackor, teacher at
Miiuutare, came In on 3J today to
vlait friends In the city over Sunday.
Ivan Rodger, who went to Delia,
Iowa, the first of the week to at
tend the funeral of Albert Taylor, is
expected home Sunday. Mrs. Tay
lor is now expected to recover.
C. F. Spray, salemnan for Craw
ford Fruit and Produce company,
was In town yosterdsty on business, ,m,t,lIc'
and visited at the home of Mr. and
Mi P. A ivw ifo rHirnt n The Choral Club will meet Wed-
Crawford today. nesdny evening, at 7:30, at the Epis
copal pariah house. Any new voic-
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. DeVoe of near Jirn to enter piee report at
Belmont came in last nifht to visit that time.
at the home of their niece, Mrs. L. "'"
Z. Holloway. Mr. and" Mrs. DeVoe "nd Wr- - Snyder stop-
expect to be in Alliance until . to- U1 ott to Alliance yesterday be
tween trains on their way to Den
ver to select millinery for the new
jHstnlngford store,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wlker are uiov
ttUK their residence to Miss Fraxler's
modern home on Box Buite avenue.
(J. II. Roach was. in town today.
He stopped off on bunlneas on hl
way to hie home iut Seottebluff from
The Auxiliary will meet w-ith Mrs.
C. A. Anderson at tlie homo of Mrs.
F. E. Ilolsten Wednesday afternoon
i't two thirty. " '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry IMetriih, and
Mr. and Mrs. McKnee ' left last
n!ht for Mullen whore they expect
to make their future home.
The Daughters , of Isaba will
give a dance February 13. Mrs. Jno.
Wiker, Camllle Nohe and tho Vort
Robinson orohwtra wUI furnteh the
morrow night. '
O. Wolfe, of Great Falls, Montana,
who ha been, Ttoitlng bte aaunt, Mrs.
Mary England, left last night to' vis
it in Denver at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dr. Frey. Mrs. Frey was for
merly an Alliance girl.
From Monday's Daily:
C. A. Newberry left Sunday on 44
on business.
Qua Appelburg departed today on
business at Ltoco.
The women of the Baptist church
will meet Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 at the home of Mrs. T. F. Ack-
ertnaa, west Lawn. Refreshments
will be served and a good crowd de
Mrs. C. L. OuUerson, mother, and
Mrs. W. 8. Martia., sister of Mrs. C.
a. curne, arrived. Saturday for a
vleit of two weeks with Mrs. Ourrie
Mrs, Martin was accompanied by her
Elmer Olds of Heminrord was in two children.
town today on buslnesa.
M,lw Josephine Hampton of AM-
eance is teaching school at Yonoalla,
Mrs. E. Calkin returned to Hyaa-
nis yesterday where Che Is teaching I
Mrs. B. Bardon went to Edgemont
today for a trip with her husband
who la a fireman.
Vera RegeMter and . Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. William returned yeeterday on
... .... - i
43 from Pacific Junction.
Should Convince the Greatest
tie In Alliance
Because H's the evidence of an Al
liance citizen.
Testimony easily investigated.
The fetrongeet endorsement of mer
The beat proof. Read It: '
Mm. J. E. Whaley, 422 E. Oregon
Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mrs. M. C. St. Alliimc. Nebr.. sara: "Over
Ongou. She commenced on Jan u- Hubble went to Omaha yesterday three years ego my kidneye became
ary 1! She hae a tine echool and for a poupj of weeks' visit. badly disordered and the kidney so-
. 1 . I III 1 A t . I
m wen pieeseo nn me iocshumi. I M,t n.- ,.nno,t ivhM.i-
1 I E. T. Enyrt came in on 44 to- I stooDed. sharo nalns darted thru
. . . . . . i a i - i --
naipin. laie proprietor ay fr0m Mareland on business. Ex- my loins and 11 was hard for me to
Thomas M.
of the Modern Cleaning works of
flheridan, Wyo., came yesterday to
teke up a position at the Union
Cleaning and Pressing works of Al
ttance. The Young Men's IMble Club held
h. very enjoyable meeting lawt even-
ang. The orchestra music was much
pects to return tomorrow on 43.
Dr. Hand went to Hay Springe to
day on account of the lllnees of his
father. He expects to return to
Pullman Conductor Shepard went
to Chicago today, bis run being
1 a . i i
U.w Rv n..rrt wna atv. I - U-HJIJgrHI. wunIUCl.Or OOMJ VaKP
w!ni,i iMVr fi- th month of Place on this route.
A surprise party was given lat
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hut&es and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dubuque went
up to Hot Springs Sunday morning
straighten. I tried many remedies
but all fatted to help me until I
usl Doan' Kidney PLlle. They brot
relief toi a short time awl I contin
ued using them until I was free
from kidney complaint. I have had
no reason to change my high opinion
of Dona's Kldmey Pills fiance I reoom-
miided them some years ago."
price &0c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pilhi the same that
Mrs. Whaley had. Foster-Mflburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
ironing to honor or uorace i Lagan. i a pleasure trip, returning Sunday
K being his 14th birUiday. sixteen hnht.
goesU were present. A delicious
lunch was served, and the host re
ceived a number of nice gifts.
Bert Waller, brother of P. N. Wal
er of Alliance, who has been visit
ng the latter litre for seven weeks
while recuperating froir a severe at
tack of typhoid fever, has entirely
recovered and returned Thursday
stfght to his work at Longmont, Col.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaarlle A. Powell of
ten miles southeast of Alliance were
In tsiun tnlnv Ha Iiuvpii tnniirM em met pursuant lO
for" Thedford. to be Mne two or Officers present C,
Saturday Sale of Very Finest
Redlands Oramsres
With each dozen oranges we will give
FREE one tea or orange spoon
No need of saving wrappers or paying post
age and money extra, to get spoons.
1 doz. 200 size sweet ripe oranges and a spoon for 40c.
1 doz. largest sweet ripe oranges and a spoon for 50c.
This silver is the United Silver Triple A ware. If
you wish to get other pieces than spoons, you may do
so by buying either size oranges at the price and ad
ding the following amounts: .
Table Spoons, add 10c
Butter Knives, and 10cs
Forks, add 10c
Knives, add 10c
Get Oranges Saturday
After Saturday we will redeem "Red C" ;
wrappers in Silverware U
Quality Grocers
Alliance, Nebr.. Jan. 31, 1914.
Tlie iloard of County Couimitwion-
L. Ha&hraan,
tiirce weeks on business.
chairman, J. M. Wanek, and S. C.
O. Harris, a prominent stockman of Te rouowing cuuuia were examinM
Mareland. and hla son. J. L. Harris, d ana allowed anu uie ciern oroerea
tvtTftrt In AIUjuw today noon, on to draw warranto on the General
their return from Denver where Fund for same:
thev Attended th national live tktock 1. A. Berry, 8tatiK;cs .. . . 14 &0
- i
Dick O'Bonnon left for Kansas
CBty on 42 Wednesday night, on bus!
rasa and to accompany hla father
rho 4s to undergo a surgical opera'
tion in one of the bosplUls of that
ity. Dick stopped at Seward where
tie was iained by his father and to-1 Camllle Nobe
cether they took the train y ester- from Ltooohu
day for the big town at the mouth
t4 the Kaw. '
Alex Mulrhead, StaOatka ....
I P. Dickerson, Refund Poll
Wm, Lundy, Witness fee ....
Delia Reed, Salary & Exp...
Bdna Martin, Salary
vaaiar KloppA Bartlett Co.. supplies
J , . ...... -LJ
Humorous, Instructive, Educational
The Way to
A Travel Talk on Weftern Canada
6 W
Mr. L. O. Armstrong
Lecturer, Writer and Explorer
From Tuesday's Dally:
W. SI. Liunn left laet night for O-
maha. -
Dr. Knight left
lowa to vMt hw
today for
8 50
1 00
115 41
55 00
64 00
L. llabhman. Trip exp. .. 150 00
C. Rek, Trip exp. 150 00
M. Wanek, Trip exp 150 00
M. Cox Expense ...... 11 00
From Saturday's Dally:
Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Graham's baby I
was quite IU last night.
Alex Olds was down from Heming-
ford yesterday on business).
Under existing conditions of the
pnogrefc of the court bouse It was
deemed advisable that the board
confer with the bonding company
at Boone, Iowa.
Mrs. Clyde Miller Is ill at her
home with an attack of la grippe.
Fred Hooke of HemKngford was in tt nj parent
own yesterday on business.
R. M. Soott. the Heinx deinomrtrat
vr. in at Hamilton's grocery store.
- 1 t.
J. L. Uarnett returnea to aubbjlc
- J
rsiawWd Testerday on business, re- vrw.
turning today
BUI Sauerbraun left Sunday to vis- and architects in regard to same,
and they decided to make a trip to
Omaha, Nebr., and Kansaa City, Kan.
Whereupon the board adjourned to
meet at the call of the clerk.
Sunt. Weidenhamer and wife left
- en 44 today for a week's business
trip to Chicago, :
Mrs. Melvln Miller and Mrs. Alex!
WirirhAAd of IlamdnxCgand were A3U-
Aoe aboypons today. . ,
'TW' at .the
" White Front every "day ttiS week
Virginia Droome is expected to re
turn from Kimball where sne naa
been v lei t tog.
G. H. Stanton went to Minatare
today tav Interest of the Newberry
Hardware company.
E. T. Boyeart. merchant of Mar-1
land, was down yesterday on buaWI ld you
nese. returned today.' " FYoniT
The 8kin and Not the Blood
Until recently it has been a gener
al accepted theory that eczema was
disease of the blood. Scientific Ixtr
vestigationa have taught ua that ec-
sema bs positively a skin disease
and curable thru the ekla alone. Mer
itxA Ecaema Rsnedjr to appUed direct
ly to the ddaeaeed skin. Do not do-
xj trying MerUol Ecaema Remedy.
F. J. BrenoAO. Local Agent.
ever eat at the White
With Panoramic and Exquisitely Colored
Lantern Slides, at
Saturday, February 14, 2:30 P.M.
Don't miss this a real treat. This is your oppor
tunity to see and learn of the wonderful western Canada
country about which you have read and heard so much.