sua BUS 6 'in Bee Hive Wiedow Some Saturday Afternoon Always a good place to spend a pleasant evening at the Empress or Crystal Theatres " " Cheaper than staying at home and burning fuel; Get Our Cash Prices on Groceries, R. B.C. Canned Goods, Flour, Dried Fruits,etc. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY The Moore Grocery Co. Rowan's Corner, 3rd and Laramie Avenue PHONE 9 You can get married, but you never will get STUNG . . AT THE BEE HIVE Leading Variety Store SPECIAL FOR NEXT SATURDAY: Lakes' Full Length Sleeve Aprons, 39c Wait For The Opening New York Hat Shop Complete New Stock Announcement will be made in The Herald. Ladies, watch for it NINA BOYSEN, Prop. Suits Coats Dresses -ct 1 Dry Goods Shoes RULES 1. The marriage will take place Saturday afternoon, February 7th. 2. The time will be three o'clock. 3. The place will be in the Bee Hive window, just north of the First National Bank. 4. The couple will stand in the window where all can see. 5. The merchants represented on this page, with many others, will do nate presents to the couple. 6: A reception will be held after the ceremony. Meet the bride and groom. Furniture and House Furnishings Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen Ware, Dishes, Lamps, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Pictures, Phonographs and Records. ... "Everything to Furnish Your Home" GEORGE D. DARLING 115-117 West 3rd Street :: Alliance, Nebraska O'Bannon Brothers ...BUY AND SELL... POT A TOES We will have a car load of pure seed potatoes be fore planting time. Pay Highest Price in Cash for Hides OFFICE AT THE MOORE GROCERY STORE. PHONE NO. That Window Wedding Dollar Bill Says: l't "All men are created free '.and "equal and have the privilege of remaining so or of getting' married." You can sure get married and cop all this junk offered by the people of Alliance, including the'Suit Case offered by me, if you have your suit of clothes 'tailored by - E. Q. LAINfG Fit and quality guaranteed. If our merchandise don't make good, we will ANOTHER FREE DEAL AT THE: REXALL STORE Bring your old and leaky Rubber Hot Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe to our store and receive a 25c credit on a new one. F. E. HOLSTEN The Wedding Cake ...WILL COME FROM... NOHE'S BAKERY Always a good place to get any kind of Cakes, Bread, Pies, Pastries . The Cafe is a Splendid Place to get a good square meal, too A JOLLY PARTY Angora Young People Enjoy Thenv aevea at Surprise Party in Honor of Birthday (By Herald Correspondent.) Angora, Feb. 3. One of the most enjoyable events of the month was a surprise party given Miss Meryl Mormon by Miss Tlvlla Crawford and llena Dydon, Wednesday evening. The occasion was In honor of Miss liar non's twentieth birthday. Guessing contests held the guests' Interest 4urtne the evening. At midnight a ApJkUoua suDoer was served. Miss Harmon received several pretty and useful reminders of her birthday. Rev. Stimpson is holding a series of meetings In the sod church. L. I Stoner has traded for an au tomobile, a White Steamer. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Dove of Lynn were In town the first of the week. Harry Fetters was an Alliance vis iter Tuesday. Mrs. Otto Kruger is visiting her daughter In Colorado Springs. Mrs. C. C. Scanlon went to Alli ance Tuesday on business. Lucda MarbeU Meeker of Bridge port visited friends In Angora last week, little MJes LAida'a actions show that she enjoyed her visit. Sbe was accompanied by her father. and mother. ! Mts. A. O. Stoner has returned from a three weeks' stay at Osceola, Nebr. Mrs. Stoner was called there on account of the serious Illness of ber father. She reached there on Thursday and he passed away the fol lowing Tuesday. Leo Carnlne, broth er of Mrs. Stoner, attended the fun eral also. Leslie Uoodry and wife have re turned from an extended visit in the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Thompson are here from Scottsbluff visiting rela tives. Mrs. Kay Ely and children are vis iting friends this week In Morrill and Mlnatare. GOOD POST OFFICE BUSINESS While business in many lines ap peared to be dull during the month of January, it was good with the post office. Business in the post of fice for January, 1912, was $1,001; for January, 1913, Is was 11200; and for January of this year it was fl, 300. TAKES ORDERS FOR CLOTHING Perry S. Medley, one of The Her ald's old standby subscribers; has ac cepted the agency for a .Chicago tailoring establishment and is taking orders for made-to-measurs clothing. He will have an ad la the paper 1st er tHUflf the men mors about It. BOY LOST HIS FOOT Safety Bulletin No. 14, Issued Burlington Railroad, Warss Against Children Playing by Safety Bulletin No, 14, of the Bur lington raHroad, has been sent to all agents. It contains some good ad vice and a warning against allowing children to play on the tracks. The bulletin which is signed by Supt. W. M. Weldenhamr, reads as follows: For your information, I quote be low letter from Mr. Swttser, Super intendent of Safety: "On January 14 at Langly, III., a IHtle boy eight years old tried to hop on a freight train as it was p oil ing thru town over aa main street crossing. He fell and his foot was caught under the wheels. "There has been a falling off in the number of accidents to children due to the interest agents have tak en influencing children (often thru parents) not to Jump on trains These deplorable accidents are, how ever, still happeaisg here and there and every time to once too often. "This is to let you know that the accident happened and to suggest the need of continuing to do all pos sible, In ways already suggested, to keep children away from our tracks and trams. BARGAIN IN CITY PROPERTY One business building on Box Butte avenue. One four room resi dence. Two d welling lots, $3,600 cash will swing the doaL The income will handle the balance. Call at The Heraald office and refer to or write Box 4290. o-o The Herald. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Having sold my business, the Checkered Front livery, to Ouy H. Mappe and Elmer P. Pederson, I wish to thank my friends and pa trons for the business they have ac corded me fci the past and ask that (hey will grant the same courtesy to my successors. All bills up to February 1 are now due and payable to roe. H. P. COURSEV. dl30-lt-4291w-9-lt-3229 Your eyes examined thoroughly, sesrehingly and scientifically. And glasses fitted to all defects. E. C. DRAKE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AMIancs, . . Nebraska You can secure anything you want in the line of Office Supplies at The Herald office. We give special attention to this branch of the business and can furnish you Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Paper Typewriting Paper, Rubber Stamps Typewriter Repairs, Etc., Etc. . . . . Our experience extends over many years in equipping and supplying offices. We will be glad to advise you. The Herald Publishinjg Company Phone 340 122 Box Butte Ave; - ...( sd vnir iff.