The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 22, 1914, Image 4

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Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor
Published every Thursday by
Lloyd C. Thomas, President J. Carl Thomas, Vice Pres.
John W. Thomas, Secretary
Entered at ths pout office at
through the malls as second-class
Subscript Iod prtoe, $1 60
The circulation of this tiewspaer la guaranteed to be the Urgent
la western Nebraska. Sample copies Tree.
ADVERTISING RATES at "Live and Lot Live" prices, lower
proportion to circulation thaai rate of mobt -news-papers.
DISPLAY ADVERTISING FlrBi insertion, per Inch, column meas
ure, IS cents; subsequent Insertion, without change, per column kn( h,
11 Vi cent; extra charge for preferred position and for first Insertion
of advertisements containing difficult composition.
READING NOTICES and WANT ADS -Eight point Roman (common
rssdlng) type, five cents per line ech insertion. No reading notice
counted less than two llivos. Black fare type, 10 or 12 point, ten cents
per Uae each Insertion. Emh 10 or 12 point head line counted as three
Herald's Correspondents Furnish Fine
Lot of Breezy Items Concern
ing Winter Happenings
; The dance held at Iee McLaugh
Ua' Saturday, Jim. 17, was attondod
ty a large crowd, several Alliance
people belg pthere. Oyster supper
was served, twenty-five numbers be
ing sold. Claude like was a live one
and kepi the dancers on the floor all
Wight, he himself leaving at 6:30 a,
IS. f ' '. iiit ' '
Julias Blrciel did not attend the
McLaughlin dance on account of a
very severe cold. , U -, wlfie and
daughter were there and pent 1 a
very pleasant time.
. O. D. Workman left his ranch on
Thursday, Jan. 15.. after selling , all
t his horses and 'cattle, farm Imp
lements and house hold goods, stay
ed -with his father In Alliance until
Saturday, Jan. 17, loavlnig for the
eastern part of the etato where h
iwfll remain for a year or more.
H. E. Smith closed a deal with J.
I). Workman for his rani, leaving
Workman with a nice roll of that
necessary cause, t us iknue would
Hay, to leave on.
Bud (McLaughlin Hked lkrt Turket
If he could take aupter ' wtUi his
slaughter who is but t Iiixm months
el. Bert refused Biul o lie
but one baby bottle Hlun. j mail, H. E. Bucklen
I'ete MoLaugh.lin, befti-r k'nown asjdelphla or St. Louis.
the Jolly btfcchelor, ha brokeir all ,
rtHWile fw thte year's traipli;, hav-;
Iiur 250 rauskrat hides imxi twelve j
akimk, which were all caught iu rat 1
bouses In J. K. Rice's Riuth lake.
Mr. and Mrs, IajwIb l'nger' elev-j
en months' old baby boy wttl&hs .r
founoB, aiwl van walk and K)eag
InonT wnivls tltnllllv !
Claude D. UUo baked a fare aiipie
pme white Me wife went to the mall
lox to get their AUIam e llertdd and
ther mall. His fine wtr Spaniel
d devoured tho pie; the dkg re fus
ee; to eat anything off u p'e plat
II. E. Smith returned hwve to hit)
tunrh Friday, Jan. H, rrotu Brld
fort, wliere ho hos bts'n on Vuedness
iVr the past ek.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. lUoe were
csJters at Lewis Unger's' Sunday ev
eti'ing. Mr. and Mrs, Iewls linger and
children were callers on Mr. and
Vrs. Shotte one day laM week.
' George Workuum and family left
Saturday night for the eastern pa it
Pi t&e state where they epot to
sake their future honx
Hermiin SmiUi, who has Ikvi at
Etridfeport for the past week on tuat
swws, returned home last Saturday ac
companied by his wife and daughter
from Alliance.
Mr. Unger and family were callers
i Mr. Sbotte's one day last week.
Miaa Pearl Peannan loft Thursd-iy
far Mr. Sutton's ranch where she
x poets to remain for a few weekB
aaBietlaig Mrs. Sutton with her house
hold duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Both were callers) at
Mr. Workman's one day last week.
Robert Graham inane a busineas
trip to Broadwater Tuesday.
Robert Westley and Drover Sutton
wot to Denver and other point in
Colorado alghtseeing last week, but
found too much enow to make travel
lOeasanL Bob says Morrill county.
Itebraeka, looks good to ban.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. W. Elliott went
to AlUancs Wednesday. Mr. Elliott
knight a team while there.
Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission
per year la advance
Robert Wetley lusht A
young' 'borne of C. C. Smith
we .
Koltert Graham was an
il.dior Thursday.
Mm. Geo. Elliott and little daught
er mid Mr, Nettle Westiey went
to Hemingford Thursday for a short menu colds are by far the most dangerous T
visit w ith Mr. ami Mrs. W. M. Cory. It is not the colds themselves that you need
'),t.nix, it, ,,. ..., t ii to fear, but the serious diseases that they so
Char es Ik rte wan a business call- often For th,t M
er Jit Doll. Jay s ednday. ahould l gotten rid of with the least pos-
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Keller were sible deist. To accomplish this you will
trading in Alliance Thursday and Frl- find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy of great
. : help to you. It loosens a cold, relieves the
3' . lungt, ails expectoration and enables the
Mr. tmd Mrs. Anh Keller and Mr. 'system to throw off the cold. For sale by
Horner spent the day at George Elli- all dealers. Advertisement.
Billy Rice and wife were Sunday
vWiors at John Scoffs.. The Herald Is in receipt of a let-
f- Mr. Maine went home for a short ter from Dr. A. Gregory of Dolmont,
visit the Inst of the week. Nebr., written from Ixjh Angele,
Jai k Giuliani roilo up to ihe Hall Calif., Maying that she in traveling
Graham ranch at Donn-r Tuesday. for her health and requesting that
Little Clara AnnarlleJle Harte is a1 the paper be dis-on,iintte'd to her ad
ikw arrival In our neighbor-hood. We I dress until her re.lum. The doctor's
y.ii-li tier a long and haippy life. .jimmy frleinlw who read this paier
Harry. Boon rode in lo iVlldan oni will niruoerriy wih for her speedy
Tuesday for a short visit with his; recovery to health,
mother.: .
Robert Westley moved 'his cattle1 VISITS FRED -MOLLRING
uVcwn to the Carlson f place - for a! :
moutli'a feed this leek ' LLge Uo"an of Meetwtse, Wyo.,
Mrs. (iraham ca,me out "to sp.Hiid ln the-niK 1,orn u,wia.' popped over
Snruday at the ranch. . Saturday for a visit with bis old
., , frUnd, Fred Mollrlng. Messrs. Bow-
For Frost Bites and Chapped Skin nmn nn1 Mw,,riJ1e we togeth-
... , V144 Jer and whenever they have the op-
ror frost bitten oars, fingers and ' , , . .
, . , , . , , , portunity get together and talk over
..iD,iVu., -
uiuiun, i-uiu sort, roa aaia rougn
skins, there is nothing to equal Buck
leu's Arn1-a Salve. Stops the pain
at once and heals quickly. - In every
home there should be a box handy nl
the time. Best remedy for all skin
(iiHeaseB, Itching eczema, tetter,
piles, etc. 2&c.
All druggists or by
& Co., riiila-
300 Cars of Ice Shipped from Mars
land. Gregg Had Enough
for 400 -More Cars
(By Herald Correspondent.)
MARSLAND. Jan. 20. The icing
Is itbout over. 300 cars were shipped
from this point the last three weeks
and there could have been about 400
more cars if Mr. Gregg had of had ' '
the orders.
Jno, Gromnutt and wife returned '
the 15th from their visit of a month
in Mo. They report a very enjoy
able time.
On account of slack business on
the Burlington two operators were
taken off, at Hemingford and Hyan
nls, making these stations one man
Miss Fay Gregg has been quite 111 ,
with tonsdlitie but at present she is
feeling better.
L. T. Poole dropped la Friday
morning for a few days' visit with
home folks.
Mrs. W. L. Austin arrived Satur-i
day for a fow days' visit with her'
husband who is on the helper eng.1
ine here.
Burt Furmau was a Crawford vis
itor on 43 Thursday.
Dr. Willis attended the Dawes Co
Medical Ass'n at Chadron this week.
The latest from J. C. Bennett, who
was stricken with paraletic stroke
some time ago. is steadily lm-i
proving and making a good fight for'
Mrs. Burt Furman und. sister, Al- j
Ice Buyeart, went to Girard " Satur- i
day to visit over Sunday with home,
folks. (
Roy Richie has been visiting withj
homo folks a few days while he was'
laid up with a game foot.
Let Us Show You
If you are a sufferer of piles or
hemmorholds in any form, come to
our stors and lotu a show you Mer
Hol Pile Remedy. It is one of the
best preparations w have ever haa
aia i , . ML.
died and la sold on 4 poosltiv cuar -
saioe. r. j. ureonan. Local Agency.
Free Pott Card Plan of Alliance Art
Studio Caught Attention of
Chicago Paper
The Herald Is read over a wide
nrca and aometims replies come to
its advertisers from unexpected
i source. The v Art Studio
recently ad vert tail f r post cards
Ja The Herald. The two letters ex
plain themselves:
Chicago, 111., January 10, 4.
Alliance Art Studio. Alliance, Nebr.
Gentlemen: You have lieen adver-
jlMim In The Alliance Herald the
j jft f ,,( cards free. The- NoveC-
ty News specializes on premium
methods n nd we would Like to de
scribe your pliui for the benefit of
our readers.. WiU you kindly Ad
vise us what metlicd you follow In
distributing iovt curds to your cus
tomers T Very truly your.
(Signed) Otto Kney, a.vso;ite editor.
Chicago, III., January 15, 1914.
Alliance Art Studio:
rrrr ' Acknowledging yours of January
ftno, 12 we thank you for the informa
Hon given relative to your photo
post enru pian. xour courtesy , t
(Skilled) OUo Kney, associate elitor.
Dangers of a Gold.
Do vou know that of all the minor ail-
(d tlm0(( Mr
. Bowman left Satur
for l"knvcr.
day afternoon
Mrs. B. N. Sharj) of Morfitt came
over Friday to Mrs. Reeves.
Kho stayed over Suuday, returning
to her home this noon. Mrs. Sharp
brought Mrs. Reeves a two quart
pall of honey whi h was made by
Lhoir bees, from sweet clover of
their own raising. Mrs. Reeves
s.iys the honey was fine and that
Khe enjoyed it greatly.
on Edison Phonograph Records. For
a limited time we will sell all Two
Minute Wax Records at 25c each, or
$2.55 per dozen, and all Four Minute
Wax Records bc each, three for
$1.00 or $3.85 per dOAcn. .
nov2ft tf 2977
; : W ( - fj
, . 5 - . s v.
x X " C
BecreUry of War Oarrison has designated a board of ranking oiheers to
report oa the defenses of the Panama canal, the construction work on which
i seing aone oy mess young iiruwumw w . --. -
i Q)9it (risht) son of ths chief englnesr of the canal, and Albert H. Acher
. - ... ..
1 ar,, of Qol. H. F. Hodges.
r J
' xioro's column
Some of you deatont wate so much
nuniey hi mitdirecttd advertisdng.
You ipay for siw on a hotel room
plan-ard that is read, by a lot of trav
eling men who do not trade with
you. You allow aome ndventiletfmg fak
ir to horn-swoggle you initio buying
si.ace on a program, directory or
book not worth one-tenth the
price you nay for H. Money spenrt
in this way would purchase a lot of
good space your lowl newspaper
thflt Is mul by thousatuls of people
who mre prosiwctive ctiatomers. NVa
An Illinois exchange gives the fol
lowimg account of what happened to
a family too wtinpy to take their
home daily. It says:
"We once knew a nuui who was
too st'hngy to tuke the daily newspa
per hi his home town iuil every e'
enin went over to borrow his neigh
bor's paper.
One evening he sent his son to
borrow tho paper, and white the son
was on tne way over he ran into a
large stand of bees iwd lai a niVnute
his face looked like a summer squash
, "Henrtog the agonized criw of the
son, the father ran to hits aatls&am-e
and in doing so ran Into a barbed
wire fence, cutting a handful of flesh
from his amitomy and ruining a $4
lulr of troupers.
T1h old cow took advantage of
tlo hole hi the fence and killed Iier
self eating green corn. Hearing the
racket, the stingy man's wife ram
oAit of the house, upsetting a four
gjuioii churn full of cream into a
basket of kittens, drowning the whole
flock. She iipied On the cream and
MI downstairs, breaking hor leg ami
a set of false teeth. The baby,
left alone, crawled thru the spilled
cream into the parlor and rulaied a
40 carpet. During the excitement
the daughter eloped with the hired
ni;ui Kikiiiig the family aavdiigs bank
with them."
Mr. .and Mps, Marfcin Williams of
Montana with their mih Clarence
m opiH'd over Thursday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Titiuom, with
whom they are old acquiiiuitances
rhey are makin: a trio thru the
eaM with Florida as ilieir ultimate
destination, where they will visit u
frioiMl, Frank.
... . a .inoarin, nnrn. wt
one of ths canal commissioners
Herald's Mechanical Department Is
Being Placed in Class of
Modern City Shops !
In keeping wUh The Herald's
ol icy of having its meclMmical de
partment strictly upo-date and
apahle of turning out the finest
kind of job work, the bolts and
shafting are lieimg dispensed with
on the machinery which Is run by
power and an Individual motor Is
beiiiK traced on each mouhine.
A repulnion induct im motor, imtn-
ufa-.turd by the General Eta-truc
Company, was pkw-od on The Her
nld's Urge Job inoss this morning.
Th?s motor W one-half horse power
itiil nine at a spwd of 1780 revolu
tions per minute. It to a friction
drive, no belt beta used. It Ib var-
Lable hetd, runnnaig the job pres
from 1100 Imprc-ssUsns per hour to
2400 per hour.
A larfre, three horse power motor
Is iK'iinjs placed on the big cylinder
newspaper prese to rtrlve it direct.
Tho linotyie ts driven by its own
The Herald's readers are always
welcome of this office. Come in at
any time and we will lie gUid to
show you through the largest aim!
most modern newspaper plant in
the weHern end of the Htate.
Westerville Man Holds Record
Longevity. Is in Good
Health, and Happy
(By Herald Correspondent.) (
WKSTKRVILLK, Nebr., Jan. 17. I
Thomas Morris, a resident of this
phu e, celebrated his I2t:h birtliday !
last Thursday. Morris has lived
during the life of every American.
prc eiiknt, lie was a subject of Geo.
Ill, and has cobbled shoes all his;
lilt, on both com! incuts. j
.Morris is a wonderfully strou;
r i.t ., u i
ouly the aid of a cane, never wore
glasses until a month ago and hears
fiiirly well. He ts an ardent reader
of the ApjKtil to Reaiw.n and be
lieves that Socialism ls (he only
cure for the high cost of living.
Morris was born at Belew, Mont-
gomerysibilre, Wales, on January IB,
1701 TIa la on uiiJHnHtv run ull tf
the imiiortant events in the hist ceiv
Cough Medicine for Children.
Never give a child a eoueh medicine that
contains opium in any form. When opium
is given other and more serious diseases may
follow. , Lone experience haa demonstrated
that there is no better or safer medicine for
coughs, colds and croup in children than
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is equally
valuable for adults. Try iu It contains no
opium or other harmful drug. For sale by
dealers. -Advertise meat.
All "Boosters" but Only Those who
Boost in a Practical way Do
Good Worth Mentioning
We are all boosters for northwester
Nebraska, at least all of us who
make our homes In this country may i
claim to be; but only those whose i
boosting is backed by parctlcal work I
amount to much In helipng to develcp
and build up tiie country. In this is
sue of The Herald appears the adver
tisement of M. L. Miller, proprietor
of the Hemingford Roller Mills. Mr.
Miller Is a son of ex-County Treasure
A. M. Miller. like his father he is
a successful miller, in practice as
well as in mime, and understands the
business thoioly. Few men have
done as much for the upbuilding of
this part of Nebraska as the senior
Miller and his son. As the products
of the Hemingford mills are the e-
qualvjf anything on the market and
fully guaranteed by the proprietor,
whose responsibility is unquestioned,
It is no more than fair that they
should be given a trial by the people
of Box Butte and adjoining counties.
Mr. Miller was in Alliance last Sat
urday and favored The Herald ofHoe
wiun a call. Besides favoring our
Job depart meat with an order for
some up-to-date printing, he plitoas
an ad In the paper as the best means
of extending a courteous invitation
to the people of this part of Nebras
ka to give the Hemingford flour a
trial. You are Invited to read the ad
and then "Ask your Grocer."
Garden County Subscriber Orders Ad
dress Changed Before Start
ing for the South
Aaron Eesig of Theima, Nobr., un
of The Herald's Garden county sub
scribers, was in Alliance Tuesday
and called at this office to order hto
address chamgod to Parsons, Kansas.
Having teased bis place, he has de
cided to return to hts old home for a
year or possibly longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Easlg and daughter
plan to start south the first of next
week, visiting oa the way, and ar
rive at Parsons on or about Stur
iiay, Jan. 1 -.j . , j
I offer for sale lftO acres, weH ha
proved, 4Vi miles north of Alliance.
The SWU of Section 35. township
26, rane;e 48. Address owner, J. II.
De Board, Oskatoosa, Iowa.
mous. Phone 277.
Lady Representatives Wanted: Good
income, valuable house furnishings
premiums. Some goods oh credit.
Spare time work. Experience un
necessary. Write AJAX SUPPLY
CO., 411 Bulletin Bldg., Philadelphia.
F-OR SALE Two pool tables. Fins
condition. Will trade for any
Uiing. Geo. Bohneit, i ScottsblutY,
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
KOWAN Sl WRIGHT, phons 71. tf
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set of abstract
looks in Box Butte county Office
Room 7, Opera House Block.
with bath and toilet for confine men
cases rates before confinement, fS
per week; $20 per week after, wits,
Phone 287.
Money to loan on real estate. F
. Reddish.' Itf
Relinquishment of 100 acres under,
the proposed government canal, I
miles northeast of Bayard, Nebras
ka. Improvements are frame house
12x24, with, small lean-to; fence
around the house; good well and
pump; about 60 acres can be Irrigat
ed. Address Box 2850, Herald Of
fice, Alliance, Nebraska.
For nice clean Niggerhead Lump
and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal,
phone to No. 22. '
Dierkj Lumber & Coal Company.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office, 362; residence, IS.
50 ti-1608 Advertisement
Cut flowers and potted plants.
Floral pieces made on short notice.
Mail orders given special attention.
Good outbuildings. Barn for four
tiorses. House for automobile.
Advt 23tf215
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
uosts. Phone 71. tf
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
Closing out our stock of Wax Pho
nograph Records at Cut Prices.
r -x
Say, Yoa !
OW about that printirl
job you ro in need of?
c is sad sse ss aboet
U al yoer first epporWry.
Dss t wait ma til lbs very
Uat saosieat bat five M a
Uttla Uass sad Wll aew
yes what high ir wsrs
w caa tBra ot.
K ?