w i Tl 1 I K 4 Jl tr i N. M 4 fll M U be I We No (Q) KfflInIffiIM J. C. BENNETT STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS SUNDAY Maryland Man Taken Sarloualy Whlla Eating Breakfast Formerly Agent III (By Harald Correspondent) af AR8LAND, Dec. 30. While J C. It nil who Uvea four mile af Maviand wa eating breakfast morning, ha was taken and- ill Dr. WCUta wa called , a aaa sa possible and he pronounced it a paralytic strok on the right . AA thl (1dm he la getting ec well as could be expected. Mr. De¬t la quit well known as Mac gnt for the Burliaigtoa for boot fifteen year. II retired - eight years ago, going on the Conductor Keener arrived with two brakemen at Maraland Monday te handle the lo business tor en suing month. Mr. Gregg expect to get out about 400 can. ngtneer Austin arrived Monday afternoon to take the helper en- giair Engineer HarbotUe, who baa tad the helper, ana gone to All! Hugh Beal and Wade Curry mode a flying trip to Alliance between train Tuesday. Bob Woody returned Tuesday af ter spending a few days in AlUauoe, Tom Poole dropped In Tuesday to fMad Xmas with home folks. Zeke Wllourn carae In on 43 last Tuesday for a short visit with friend. 'X wlece of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Bennett arrived Wednesday from Montana for a vtadt over Chrfeftmaa with them. The following took in the dance Xmas night ai Ardinore: Mr. and Mr C. W. Graham, Hugh BeaJ, MW Gor don, WU1 and Dorrie Gragg, Laella Fney and Mr. Wright. They all re port a very enjoyable time. True Miller left tor Alliance Sat today morning. Rev. Burleigh and wife took Xinas dtamer with ithelr daughter at Craw ford, returning Friday morning. While coming down at airs about 1 p. tn. Tuesday, little Vera Graham to some way tripped and fell, cut tfcaS her hands and face quite badly M an mpty fruit Jar which she we carrying. The Jar was broken In many pieces, and that she was svot hurt more Is a miracle. MAY START NEW DAILY Bridgeport Newspaper Man Prepar ing to Incorporate Business and Extend Field (By Herald Correspondent.) BRIDGEPORT. Nebr.. Dec. 2'J. From present report it is believed that the business of the Bridgeport News Blade Is to be incorporated shortly after the firm of th year, new capital taki in, and a daily started as soon as the plant can be properly equipped. Mr. Lynch, the proprietor, haa been figuring on a daily for some time. He believes that the North Platte valley In west era Nebraska should have a daily sad would like to be the first in b field. BINGHAM NEWS BINGHAM, Netor.. Dec. 26. Mr. 0. . R. Edmondsoa'a father, Mr. KaJght, who left here last Thursday tar Hot Springs. Ark., dledvvery ud dienly in Hot Springs Monday. The fjody was shipped back to Bl ogham and the funeral will be held here today. Rev. Kramer came up from 43karka, Nebr., to preach the funeral aermon. . Mrs. M. L. Kincaid and son are appending the holidays in York. C. E. Mason and family have mov ed to Ansley, Mrs. Frank Adair went to Chi cago to spend the holidays. Orover Cameron, who has been ill Much Sickness From Coal Gas Fumes By L W. Woods Wiwmtm, UV the draft damper in the smoke pip. soe to chill and the gaa, which the continuing upward and out into the air, is pressed downward by the teavj, cold oataide air and con through the crevices (usually loose door fittings) into the room. The fumee may not be perceptible to the sense f amidi. v w v r a a i I . iDFTu n Ell' M with small pox the pant three week, Ik able to be out again. F. A. William and boys are spond ing Xros at'Haloey. A. A. Drown went to lakeside to spand Xmas wKh home folks. The turkey shoot at Bingham faurt Saturday wta a Mg uoces. Will have another here tomorrow. M. C Palmer, who haa an attack of appendicitis, drove to Iilnghara last night and took 41 for Alliance, the oloaeat plaoe he could get med ical treatment. BELATEO ANCORA NEWS Consignment of News Sent by An gora Correspondent Sevaral Daya Ago Mislaid ANGORA, Doc. 20. Mrs. V. C. Hart and little daughter of Stark vllle, Colo., are visiting 'R. K. May boll and wife. Mrs. McDanlels of Alliance visited her friend, Mrs. C. C. Scanlon, the first of the week. Andrew S toner and wife, and L. D. and Raleigh Carnine visited at Bridgeport, Thursday. Mrs. Florence Glau has returned from an extended visit with rela tives' at Osceola. Mrs. G. A. Dove will spend the holidays with relatives In Denver. Bruce Maybell of Hymer, Kansas, arrived Wednesday to spend the win ter with his brother, R. K. Maybell Mrs. R. 11. Atwell has been on the sick lint this week. Mrs. L. L. Chambers entertained the Ladles' Aid Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Fred Case has been confined to her room with an attack of la grippe. Raleigh Carol ne and family of Os ceola and Bert Carnine and wife of All laws are visiting Angora rela tive. CAPTURE THE HORSE THIEF Man Who Stole Horaea in Vicinity of Canton Captured at Hia Ranch Near Luak (By Herald Correspondent.) CANTON, Nobr., Dec. 30. On Sun day, Dec. 21, W. A. Rider had three fine mares etolen out of his paMure and on Tuesday word was received from tho Upper 33 that a man was seen a short distance away trailing three head of horses. Following up the clue, kt was learned htat a mam with, four horses camped at Fred Davldeton' on Tuesday night and probably would not have been seen hod not Mr. Davidson gotten up be fore the usual hour, intending to make a trip htat required him to rtee very early. Although suspicion was arouned, yut Mr. Davfetoun bad not heard of the theft and allowed the stranger to depart after compelling him to eat breukfawt wtth him. Some of the mares had colts by their sides and when they did not oome up, Mr. Rider ban an inves tigation, lie wa accompanied by John Ryan and Clif. Ilitbbell in the soancn, and suspicion pointed to a young man stayed over night at Chna. Miner's, and although the snow was very deep the trail was followed northwest into Wyoming This same young man made a trip to the vicinity of Angora about a week before and it was on his re turn that the thft waa committed. Considerable Information was gain ed from the young man by M. L. Whttaker who talked with him and learned that his name was Ixuls Herbst, snd that he had a ranch 18 mile northwest of Lu&k, Wyom ing. This Information was wired to Lusk and thfcs morning we learn the thief has been apprehended about 25 miles northwest of Luak, that Mr. Rider has possession of his horaea, and that the sheriff of Con verse county, Wyoming, baa the Chief. The increase of sickness which usually acoompaniei moderating vmther may be partly aoooentad for la thii way: The rue tn tempera rare outside ceases closing of This in turn permits the brick smokr smoldering coal must throw off. instead NEW TOY IS QUITE AMUSING Manikin Makaa Lusty Swipe at Baae balt Whan Spring la Releaeed BaU Like Ty Cobb. An Ingenious and amusing toy haa Men designed by a Maasacvusetta nan and la ahown In the Illustration. A nanlkln, with pivoted arms and a bat hi Its hands. Is fixed on a base-board. On the other end of the board a ball rests In a shallow hollow. A spring reaches from the manlkla'a hands to bli feet and there la a catch In the back by means of which hts hands can be pulled up and the spring stretched. A cord with a handle on It la attached to the catch and releasee It when pull ad. When the catch la released the spring pulls the flgure'e handa down Manikin Ball Player. and the bat, which haa a wing on the and, makes a sweeping slam at the balL Usually It hits It, being adjust ed tor an accurst shot, but a miss Is no mors than area a Ty Cobb might do. WANTS THINGS FOR HIS OWN Dsalre to Poaaeaa Property la Inherent In All Mankind Boy Desires Ne Partnership Affair. The average boy believes firmly la the principle of the private ownership of personal propsrty. writes Thomas ( erB from making a straight steal on W. Lloyd In the Mother's Magazine. ; our concessions down there in Peru He would rather be the sols possessor 0ur option expires the 20th at 9 a. m. of a broken handled knife with no i j wrote Washington the day I cam VI. , ...... 1 W-ji.j VI. A. ' . ...... . luu " ""uu, '- a snair in parinersnip. In fact, the desire to own something to possess property Is Inherent in all mankind And mothers should en deavor to foster this desire. It will not only increase the boy's hspplness. . but will teach him the value of acquisi tion within proper limits. Ha should have hia own playthlnga, his own tools. hia own books, hia own clothsa and a place of his own In which to keep them. A boy who Is permitted to do this will take better care of thlnga than If owned in partnership, and ha will learn eagerly to have a place for hia ! ' things and to keep tham In their place. And this la a valuable lesson. Do not make a younger boy wear his older brother's clothing which the latter has outgrown, if it can bs s voided. Of ourse in some families, where every cent counts, this cannot be helped. Ev ery boy, and wa speak from experi ence, hates to wear another's clothes. Hs wants his own. ' Oiv him his own bureau drawer and at leaat a portion of a closet and teach htm habits of orderliness and ayatem In the care of hia possessions. These hablta are easily learned when young , and their value to the man of business is incalculable. BICYCLE ON LAND OR WATER Pair of Inflated Floats of Nearly Cu bical Shape Are Used aa Supports Haa Propelling Vane. A bicycle that la designed to run either on land of water la ahown in the lluctration. A pair of inflated floats of nearly cubical ahape sup port each wheel when the machine la used for water travel, and a rud- A Hydrocycl. der, connected to the handlebara by a light cable, la attached to the rear. The rear wheel Is equipped with pro pelling vanes. Othars Beside Johnny. Johnny, fishing for a nickel tn ths bottom of on of them, has emptied the contents of both pockets on the dining table. Papa ' or beavsn's sake, son, what i makes yoa carry all that plunder around n your pockets. Where oa arth old you get It? Johnny Huh, this? 81s straighten ed up ber handbag this mornlu' and gimme what she didn't want no mors. Important I Barber Well, my little man, and how would you like your hair cut? Little Fred (aged six) If you plaaae, air, lust like father's; and don't forget the little round bole at the top where the head comes through. i MORE THAN BIG BROTHER I By LOUISE MERRI FIELD. ri. V It's too hot to dance any mora." , Dorothy pushed open the glaas doors that led to the veranda. She knew her way around the bouse better than Allan. It was bis first visit to Sanibel Island and ber fifth. She felt vaguely superior and motherly toward this stocky, tanned youngster Just fresh from South America. Constance had told her to take care of him, and when Dorothy took cars of a young man she rarely left him heart, head, or will power. "I love to walk down through the. palm grove In the moonlight," ah, went on, tripping ahead of him under the great ahadowy fronds. "Don'tj you like the sea at night, Mr. Forbes H "Rather. After months In the An des I can't get enough of the water: It waa bully of old Nat to ask me hers! for the holidays. Yon know I was' bound north to Washington. No! thought of loafing at alL Wonder why, he did If 1 know." She hesitated, and held aside a mass of shrubbery heavy with fragrant blossoma. "He had a letter from Mrs. Carruthers. She't Nat's second cousin, and married to that queer little Lawton Carruthers. I think he's a lawyer In New York. Anyway, he's made scads of money since she married him. And Adele, that Mrs. C, told Nat you were bound this way. and for blm to waylay you for the Christmas party here on the Island. What's the matter?" Forbes had stopppd dead short, his head thrust a bit forward like a fight rag bull, his eyes sparkling in the darkness as she looked up at him. "What is itr "Nothing special," he returned short ly. "Only you've saved my Ufa Where is the nearest cable station T" "Across the bay at Tampa. It's a three-hour trip In the motor boat Why?" "I've got to reach it tonight Listen. I've known you Just three days, haven't I? I know you'll think I've gone mad tonight if I tell you that I never intended staying here more than a day. I had to get up North to keen this same little Lawton Csrnith- nere, teiiing tnem to get an extension of time until I could get there. I didn't know any one besides ourselves knew of the plana to put the railroad through Perez to Qualtlpoco. Can yon see what it means now to me to hear this this to know that Carruthers has stolen a march on ua, had hia wife get near old Nat even to pull me off my course and stay over her while he steala the thing right under my nose. Would you mind telling Nat that I had to take his boat I've run one before, up at Newport last Bum mer. If you'll go back and tell ' him" But Dorothy stood and looked at him gravely. "I want to go with yon." "It's impossible. I couldn't be" "You couldn't be bothered with me. I know that's what you were going to say. But I'm going. I told Nat I'd look f ter you, and we'll make sixty miles an hour by air, fifty by water. I don't mind it one bit We'll run over the bay, send your message and get back. I want to go, Allan." He laughed shortly, ran his fingers through his thick, crisp hair, and took her outstretched hand. "You witch. You've held me here with your island holiday enchantment Perhaps it's right for you to share this with me. But do you know what it means, Dorothy; do youT Do you know why I've stayed on here?" "You hurt my hand. Let's run be fore we're missed." She pulled her hand away from his clasp and ran like a child over the hard silvery sands. Forbes reached it first, and wakened the boy. He stum bled out, hitching up his suspenders, and waited for the message Dorothy w'rote on a scrap of paper torn from Forbes' note book. She said: "Come to Tampa with A. F. It's all right Just like a big brother to me. Special business demands trip tonight to reach telegraph station before clos ing. DOT, In less than fifteen minutes they were ready, and she took ber seat in the cockpit, every nerve tingling for the coming fight It was twenty minutes to 12 when Mr. Forbes walked into the telegraph office and sent his wire north, the message that stopped Lawton Carruth ers' game, and kept the control of th railroad concession in the hands of Forbes' company. He went back to her down the old street to the water front. She knew the place where 'her brother mad his landings and bad guided Forbes to it Her hood had fallen back from. her head. Both hands reached out to him swiftly. "Did you get there in timer "We must get back to th island." she began, but Forbes gave a little un steady laugh, and drew her close la his arms. "You said I waa just a big brother. didn't you? Am I now, Dot, am If I'm going back with you tonight and tell Nat I've stolen you for good, yoa plucky, trueblue sweetheart" Dorothy closed her eyes aa his anna crashed her close. Th great winged bird boat waited for them, th bails pealed out their message. Sh drew back her face and laughed, her handa rumpling hia hair. "We forgot Allan. Wish you marry. merry Christmasl" an NMAD2 YCUIIa E tn'l (v you new eyes. Sot we can make your eld ana Si goad as i with pair af er carefnUyfHtcd Olataea. . X ' W MMdrraland f.ytt and Otaitra aur Iweas la fit Ida ant with the etfear. ' X ' : .. . - Let sa hate ya aaa ya uatd la sw s IM sa yaw eavar saw 2E 3G fiartetsoti SiMi ; RUMER BLOCK rn3r . at . v " -, -nv ..' ' ' ' I came all the way from Chicago to your city to e you the advantage of btographic work. I only take the smaller sizes and you will find the bnanship excellent and the prices moderate. ; Give me a visit and I will show you and tell you btfutit. Not open until .uGARRE W ! PHOTOQRARHBR , Daily Market Rieport BUTTER CREAM PRICES New York, 3 to 37 Chicago 36 Elgin 35 Price paid for butter tat delivered at stations 30 Price paid delivered at Creamery .32 RETAIL BUTTER First class country 30 Alliance Creamery 40 PRODUCE . BUYING PRICES Eggs, strictly fresh 35 Butter 30 Live spring chickens, lb 10 10 Old hens, per lb SELLING PRICE Eggs, strictly fresh .40 .30 Eggs, storage . Bananas, 3 lbs. for 25 Cooking apples box 1.26 and.. 1.50 Eating apples, 3 lbs. for 25 POTATOES Box Butte Co. spuds, bu 75 Pd. by O'Bannon Bros, for pota toes in bulk for shipment.... -50 FLOUR AND FEED SELLING PRICES Hay, per bale 60 Oats, cwt 1.60 Wheat 1.66 ifYour. Printing If it is worth doing at all, it's worth do ing wclL First classwork at all times is our motto. Let us figure with you on your next job. IX, DRAKE , Registered Optometrist ' .v Over Miller Brothers' Qgar Store, Alliance National Bank BIdg. ALLIANCE NEBRASKA moderate prices on all i . , .- : . ' January 2nd. TSON Bran, cwt 1.25 Shorts, per cwt, 1.45 Chop i . 1.7S Salt, cwt. 9 Rock salt, ton lot, cwt .St Flour, patent, sack 1.3S Alfalfa meal . Alfalfa hay .7 BOY WANTS POSITION to work after school and Saturdays. Phosus Black 524. Ddec3 1-1 1-WJanl -2t-3 140 Senator Root would rather fee right than be the Republican camd--date for president. President Wilson's policies doaVt have to go begging for indorsement We will pay you five cents a fe for good, clean, white, cotton rag at The Herald office. tf Advertise your wants in The Dally Herald. Don't Kick Against a Stone Wall KICKING s stone wall doss no goud a ud only urevents further progress. As s pastlm It may furnih some exercise, but it is extremely wearing on the nerves, shoe leather and temper The parcel post la a stoue well that the small mer chant tblukk fslsely he has rea son to kick it has brought him tm-reaed competition with the mail order bouses, according to his view But the parcel post stone wall baa s bole In it thst leads th small merchant into a fertile country where his erstwhile comietitors run only follow aft er considerable delay and at greater expense. The "hole" Is the tone system, which makes very merchant the center of a circle whose diameter Is 100 miles, within which he can de liver goods much mors quickly and at a lower postal rat than any mall order housa . The parcel post is no longer a theory, but s fart; and facta. Ilk stone wall, are fntile things t kick. Take advantage of what it offer Instead. 7 ! I