Buy a Substantial Gift FOR A 10 A. M. WEDDING HELD WEDNESDAY Christmas Present t U I Ji Get something that will last and be g appreciated when the Christmas sea son is gone. This store carries the things that will last. They cost no more. SUGGESTIONS: Hand Painted China Gut Glass Majestic Range Victrolas and Records Aluminum Ware Silverware and Cutlery Call in. We will be glad to show you the substantial kind of presents. Chicago Young Man Claims Alllanct Young Lady for His Brld Today Forenoon Th mania of Mi Mabel Craw ford, daughter of Mrs. Lena Craw ford of Allllaiu, and Mr. Clyde John ton of Chicago took place at the MuthodiK parftonuge at 10 a. m. to day. Rev. O. S. Baker officiating. Only near relative were present. The bride has been a popular young lady of thJa city and will be muwed by many friends here. Mr. awl Mrs. Johnson left on 44 for ChU-Hgo, where they will make their home. Mrs. John Wolvrrton gave a ix oYlock dinner at her home 11 st ev ening in honor of the bride-to-be. The house was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and a delklou din ner was Morved. A lovely time watt enjoyed by all. The guta were: Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Mettlan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford, Mrs. Tena Crawford, Miss Mabel Crswford, Paul Crawford, Clyde Johnson, Mrs. VV. Showers, Miss Besie Brawn. WILL MAKE NEW LOAN Fair Association Appoints Committee to Make New Loan and Plat Off West End Lots The executive committee of the Box Butte County Fair Association mot Tuesday evening at the city hall to handle butfinews which needed at tention at this time. A. D. Rodgers, Fred Moll ring and E. T. Kibble were elected committee for the pur pose of acting with the president and secretary of the association (n securing a new loan on the fair grounds. The new loan will be for M.200 or $4,100. There la now due the Lin coln Land company a balance of the purchase price the sum of $2,073. In addition to this there is due prem iums awarded at the county fair last fall I as well as some other obliga tions. The proceeds from the new loan will be used to pay off all the pres ent Indebtedness. The committee was also InMructed to plat off about four block on the west end of the grounds for the purpose of selling as residence lots in the spring. There are a number of desirable residence lots In the weet end of the grounds should bring enough to pay off all in debtedness and clear the property and ground of debt. This will alfvo leave plenty of roam for fair pur poses in the grounds. H rs not expected that the money with which to pay off prmerfum. etc., will be available until after the first of January, as It will take some time to complete the new loan. A marriage license wtia Issued at Judge Berry's office Wednesday to Gilbert Ruth and Louts Nujffeler. EVANGELIST WILL COME IN JANUARY Series of Revival Meetings Will Be Conducted During January by Evangelist Whlston Robert Whtaton and wife, noted evangelists, will conduct a January meeting In Alliance, beginning about the fourth. Mr. Whton is called the "Oat ling Gun" evangelist, and has preached In 32 states, his meet ing averaging over 100 additions. He and Mrs. Whieton do the special singing and exoe.1 in duet and solos. A new hymnal will be ued, one of the bent and latent published, and a large chorus will assist. One special feature of the Whfcton meetings is the fact that the servic es last but an hour and a quarter. but every ntluute Is full. The evan gelist Js a live wire ' and keeps things moving. The church will have to move fast to keep up with him. The North Platte meeting, just closed, added 127 to the Christ lan church and 17,000 was raised by Evengelist Whlston at dedication. Plan to attend these meetings. DEER HUNTER COMES HOME conaln forests for a month and who came out the day before Thanksgiv ing, returned to Alliance Monday morning, brown as a berry and look ing years younger than when he left. Judge Oilman saya he gained seven pounds in, weight and feel great after the big hunt. He secured but share of the game. Alliance Attorney Who Has Spent Month Killing Deer In Wiscon sin Woods Returned B. F. Oilman, the attorney, who has been hunting deeer in the Wis- LARGE CROWD AT HOUSE WARMING A Splendid Success Made of Enter tainment at Christian Church Friday Evening The house warming at the Christ Ian church last night was a splendid succoss as everybody seemed to enjoy themselves very much. Much credit is due the Christian church ladles for the splendid lunch they served and the quick way la which they waited on the large crowd that had assembled there. Pastors Barrett and Torrenoe of the Baptist and U. P. churches, re spectively, made splendid addressee There were some fine musical' num bers besides those given by the Alli ance band. There was a splendid fe-ellng thruout the entire evenln. and this is to be complimented, as a fine feeling among the churches is to be desired. Conductor Bill Johnson left Alli ance Wednesday night for New York. From there he will go to Florida, (! I. L. ACHESON 2 CANTON MEMBERS TO MITCHELL Members of Newly Organized I. O. F. Canton Journey to Mitchell for Session O. Nine members of the Canton Regal, tfce newly organized I. O. O. F. de gree In Alliance, Journeyed today to Mitchell to take part in an import ant meeting there tonight. Part of tttein were acocompanled by their wives and families. The occasion of the meet Lug to night will be the conferring of the Chevalier degree on a lady nunnber at Mitchell. This degree Is honor ary and lis only conferred on very tew. A large crowd will be proseat end take part. Those who wtut today are mem bers John Snyder, T. M. Lawler, II. H. Brand-t. P. W. Brandt. Cha. Jef fers, Karl Hulm, Cal Cox, Wm. Buch nan and Gregory Zurn. They will return at noon Thursday. the (kites set for the examinations. Copperplate map engraver (male), Jan. &, 1914. Anatomist (male), Jan. 7, 1914. Farmer, with knowledge of irriga tion (male), Jan. 7, 1914. Civil engineer student (male), Jan. 7, 1914. AswUrtant In paper-plant investiga tion (male), Jan. 7, 1914. Junior .chemist, Jan. 7-S, 1914. MANY GUESTS ATTEND PARTY CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The Una ted States Civil Stavk-e Oommlsslon has aiumum-ed open cutu fwtitive examinations to be held as (adfeated below. The plactni of ex amination in Nebraska are AlUsnwe. Orand Idand, Lincoln, Nebraska CSty, Norfolk, North Ilaibte and O- nana. Application blanks may be Attained of the local secretary of 4ffM U. S. Civil Service ltoard at the post office In either of the rides fMuned. These blanks should be ap plied for at as early date as potfejble T persons wishing to take either of Be examinations, as they mut be allied out some time in advance of The 600 party given Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mit chell by herself and daughter, Mrs. Harry Gantz, was a delightful affair. A five course luncheon was served on tables decorated In red and with Xmas trimmings. First prize was won by Mrs. J. L. Westover. The free-for-all prize was won by Mrs. W. W. Norton. The guests were: Mesdamea Ben nett, Knight. Wilcox, Watkins. Grebe, SchVuppe, Drake, James Feaglns. Chase Feaglns, Beck with, Butler, Kerns. Raycroft, Tulley, Barnes, Cogs well, Johnson, Westover, Ware, Broome, Harg raves, Frankle, Vaugh- an, Kridelbaugh, McCracken, Norton, I). J. Nelson, and Tony Nelson, Mar vin, Ijester, C. L. Lester, Wilson. Herschman, Smith, Harris, Gavin, Kennody; Misses Josephine and An gela Ware, Bernice Kridelbaugh. HAPPY PARTY A If ord From McKelvie S. K.Mi Krhie. pub lish r of The Ne braska Kiiiuicr, lias be it so niicrewtul in, his bustiifia rhut bis Statements about farm palter should be given csreful con sideration. lie says: First of all. a farm paper should be practical and rie pentulile. ".-econd. it should he so free from un-t clean advertising (patent medicine. liquor, etc.) that eer ineniber of the family can read it. "Third, it should stop when the time is out "Fourth, it should sell at the lowest OMible cash price without the use f premiums." Mr. McKelvie has brought The Ne braska Farmer "Nebraska's Real Farm Paper" up to its present high Standard by observing these pot idea B18 bECEMUEK HkU PKH'K Or'r'KK The regular subscription price ia 11.00 per year in advance. But we are authorized to announce that, dur ing DECEMBER ONLY, any reader f this paper who will clip tnis notice and send it to The Nebraska Farmer. Lincoln. Nebraska, with $1.00. wllV receive The Nebraska Farmer every week for TWO FULL YEARS. This Is certainly a bargain. Deal fall to accept IC A number of friends of Mr. and THr. (J. If. Wood called at their home Sunday evening and a pleas ant visit was enjoyed by all. Refresh merits and music were enjoyed. A moug the guests were Mrs. Stout and two daughters, Ed. Austin, Mrs. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Coyle. Ruth and Carrie Bye. Helen Hewitt and Miss Black. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY A happy birthday party was given at the Lowry home Friday afternoon In honor o. the sixth birthday of Miss Vera lxwry. Supper was serv ed at 6:30 o'clock. The table was decorated and In the center was the birthday cake. The guests were: Janice Wills, Vivien Dow, Marguerite and Edith Johnston, Evelyn Kuhn, Dorothy Hampton, Margaret Brenuan, Frank Mounts. Clifford Lester. Bill Irish. Leland MessJclE. Jack Marks, James Dnrrlss. XMAS TREE The First Presbyterian church will have an old fashioned Christmas tree and program at the church Christmas Eve at 7:30. A good program is be ing prepared, special music There will be a treat and surprise for ev eryone, both old and young. Every' one invited to come, espclally the Su day school children and their moth' era, i Want to sell your furniture? Put a want ad In The Dally Herald. Gift THE FAMOUS has the largest assortment of Nationally Advertised Standard Quods for Men II u n n n n rvN r. Finds this Store with a House Full of NEW UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MERCHANDISE Your wants will be better taken care of if your purchases are made early and assortments will be larger. Seasoi THE FAMOUS The recipient of your gifts will know if you buy them here that the quality you expect will be in the goods Gift Suggestions for Men and Boys Men's Clothing Hart Schaffner & Marx make; $20 to $:i5. Suits and overcoats; $18 and up. Fur trimmed or fur lined overcoats; &J5 to $50. Hain proofed slip on coats; $10 and up. Skating jackets; $6.50 and up. Auto coats, $18 and up. House Coats You couldn't go wrong in selecting a nice house robe or bath robe for a man. Here,s a tine lot of them as $5.00. Fancv Waistcoats Most any man would like to have a good waist coat; better look these over before you make your purchases. Beauties, $2.50 up. We have sweater vests, too; many men use them. Belts and Suspenders A great variety from 25c up. Christmas Boxes For your convenience, we make up little sets of men's furnishings in boxes; ties, hose, handker chiefs, suspenders; . it gives you a nice variety; whatever you want in a box, not just the ordi nary assortment; makes a very useful present. Leather Goods A collar bag, a necktie or handkerchief case makes an excellent gift; a suit case, toilet case for traveling; Pullman slippers that fold up in a small case; lots of inexpensive things in leather. Men's Jewelry Cuff links, studs pearl or gold. Scarf pins, fobs; 50c and up. Shirts Full Dress Shirts Night Shirts Pajamas. A complete line, from the lowest prices that are good to the finest. . Traveling- Accessories Trunks, suit cases and bags make ideal gifts. See our big line. Sweaters Sweater coats inufliers. Fine things for men and boys. Sweaters, $1.50 and upward; mufflers, both silk and wool, some knit, 50c and up. Hats and Caps How would a nice fur cap suit you? All sorts of soft hats, stiff hats; anything you want. Umbrellas A fine line of umbrellas; beautiful handles; $1 up. Neckwear Four-in-hand, bows; silk knit ties; everything you could possibly desire; 25c to $1.50. Large lines of imported silks. Gloves All kinds of gloves. If he drives a car, get him a good pair of gauntlets. Here are dress gloves, street gloves, fur lined gloves; $1 and upward to $5. Hosiery A special Christmas line; everything from a good substantial twenty-rive cent sock to the finest grade of pure silk hose; single pairs or by the box. We have Holeproof guaranteed hosiery. Handkerchiefs Some fine linen handkerchiefs at 25c and up. A nice box of them always makes an acceptable present. Also silk. Here are plain whites and colors with hems of various widths. Boys' Clothing Fine Norfolk suits. Swell styles in overcoats; rightly priced. The Famous Clothing House Alliance. Nebraska's Foremost Clothing House A Store for Men The Store of Today and Tomorrow