The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 18, 1913, Image 6

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W. R. Drake, Prop.
Fresh and Cured Meats
"The Best of Everything"
Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen:
We do our our own butchering and
are on tno market for the best we
can buy. If you have some excep
tionally good Stuff to sell, let us
know about it.
Corner Box Butti Ave. and 4tb St xmi 40
Serial No. 015148
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office ait Alliance, Nebraska,
Nor. 22, 1913.
NOTICE U hereby given that
phili'pp WILL
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Sept.
30, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No.
015148, for KViSWVi! Sec. 22, and
KV4NW4 of Section 27, Township
a:, North, Range 60 W. of 6th Prln
clpal Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make Final Five Year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Offite, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 14th day of
January, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred Schwaderer, Jacob Rohrbach,
Carl Hashroan, William Hashman, all
Of Alliance, Nebraska.
f. True Economy . . .
. 1.. . -Jl... -A m.V nwtwmakina VrV ArXxt An fllQ dutV
QKAIH UK WU 1WWIU w, w f , - '
. .1 'II . ' f . 1-k .......
sad getting tn return an aructc wax wui wwy you u y w.y.
. WHITE. .
b a real bargain because H is sold It a popular
priest because It gives you the kind of sewing
...... ... - i . e
you delight tnj Because ii wui turn out we won
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory service because its improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine i because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you wal find the White reliable and
' 4m1M. Imn ivcrv mint of view.
n. - ... tUm Vttlta i4il mthn will fee oiA ta show vou how food a
machine the Whitels. B there is no VhMe dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
For sale by Geo. D. Darling
Serial No. 012076
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Nov. 22, 1913.
NOTICE la hereby given that
of Lone Lake, Nebraska, who, on
July 26, 1910, made Homestead En
try. No. 012075, for Lot 4, Sec. 3.
and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec 4, T. 26
N. R. 46 W. EMtSEli; SWVsSEi
Sec. 33, SV4NEV4, SViNW; SWVi,
Seotlon 34, Township 27 North, R.
45 W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make Fi
nal Three Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and "Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 16th day of January, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses::
Stephen F. Lowe, of "Long Lake,
Nebraska; Elmer Stock well, of Lulu,
Nebraska; Ed. J. Schlll. of Schill, Ne
braska; Frank Lowe, of Long Lake,
Dec4-6t-3 47-3028
fled that the said allegations will
be taken as confessed, and your
said entry will be canceled without
rurther right to b heard, either be
fore this office or on appeal, if you
fall to file In this office within
twenty days after the FOURTH pub
lication of this notice, as shown
below, your answer, under oath,
specifically responding to these alle
gations of contest, together with due
proof that you have served a copy
of your answer on the said contest
tnt either In person or by registered
You should state in your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future motlces to be sent
to you.
(Signed) W. W. WOOD,
Date of first publication, November
Date of second publication, Novem
ber 27.
Date of third publication, December
Date of fourth publication, Decem
ber 11.
60-4t-3 4 1-2978
Regular Election of Officers Held at
Meeting Thursday Evening
Smoker Coming Soon
The regular election of officers of
Juttance Aerie No. 136 of the Eagles
mm held Thursday evening at the
tub rooms. The following offlcros
were elected for the ensuing term:
t. I). McCormick, worthy president,
Roy Well, worthy vice president;
Jack Nation, chaplain; Lloyd C.
Thomas, secretary; Ceo. Kaiser, in
side guard; George Hills, outside
guard; John lilcks, trustee.
Prepn rations have already begun
for the big athletic meet and smok
er to b given on lcembre 30.
Ily virtue of an order of sale di
rected to me from the District Court
of Ilox Butte County, Nebraska, on
a decree obtained before Honorable
W. II. Westover, District Judge In
mi rtf fh statownth in.iii.ii nu. of Alliance. Nebraska, who. on Oct.
trie of Nebraska, on the 28l.h day ! IB. 1910. mode Homestead Entry No.
of October. 1913. In favor of Charles 1 012,50f., for NWV4 Sec. 3, NEVi; NE
Serial No. O1250S
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U.
Lunu Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Nov. 22, 1913.
NOTICE la hereby given that
Send letter of Appreciation to
in Bros, for Use of the
' Kurtzman Piano
Mrs. J. T. Wlkcr, manager of the
Alliance branch of Orkln Brothers,
has received a letter of thanks from
the Juniors of the Alliance High
school for the beautiful Kurtzman
pinno which was used In the class
lav at the opera house recently.
The letter says:
"We, the Junior Class of the Alli
ance High school, wish to express
our gratitude to you for your kind
Bess in granting the use of such a
sweet toned piano. We can set
that it addtl greatly to the beauty
Of the music and the success of the
Popular Alliance Fire Chief Council
man Re-elected Unanimously
by Fire Department
P. E. Romig. chief of the Alliance
fire department, and a member of
(he city council, is one of the mts4
popular members. At the regular
meeting of the fire department Wed
nesday evening, the rules were sus
pended by a ununmious vote and be
was re-elected fire chief for the com
ing year.
Chief Komi has made a fine rec
ord and his work in directing the
fighting of fine has saved the prop
erty owners much money.
E. Ford, plaintiff, and against Harriet
C. L. Vance end John J. Vance, her
husband, defendants, for the sum of
Four Hundred and forty-four and
56100 ($444W) Dollars -with interest
therecm at ton per cent from Octob
er 28, 1913, and in favor of Forest
Lumbar CouiMiny, ft coronation, de
fendant and cross-petitioner, against
Harriet C. L. Vance and John J.
Vance, her huahand, for the sum of
Might Hundred Sixty ami SO 100 ($800.
80) Dollars with Interest at oifflit
per cent from October 28, .1013, to
gether with costs taxed at $ ,
and aorrnlng cowls, I have levied up
on the following, taken us the prop
erty of said defendants, Harriet C.
L. Vance and John J. Vaneo, her
husband, to-wlt, I-ot two (2), lUock
sevcnUcn (17), Ilox llutte Addition
to the city of Alliance In Box IliiUe
County, Nelraska, end 1 will offer
the twime for sale subject to the
Allowing liens, (1st), a mortgnge
given April 1, 1911. to Marguerite
N. Taylor to secure the payment of
$tr(M) 00; (2d), a mortgage given May
27, 1911, to F. E. Reddish to secure
the payment of $200.00; (.Ml.amort
gjig given to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, on the 13th day of Jan
uary, 1914, in front of the Ilox Butte
County Court House, at Alliance, Ne
braska, that being the building where
in the lost term of Court was held,
at the hour of one o'clock P.M. of
said clay, when and where clue at
tendance will be given by the under
signed. Hated Iec-ellllcr 1. 1913.
C. M. COX.
Sheriff of ssiid County.
l'it-350 -3086
Sec. 4, T. 24 N. R. 45 W
Soc-tlon 35, Township 25
North. Range 4,5 W. of fith Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Three Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, Wfore Register and Re
Miiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the l&th day of Janu
ary. 1914.
Claimant names its witnesses:
Arthur Taylor, W. G. Wilson, Jos
eph 'Horlan, Chas. Ciustle, all of An
tloch, Nebraska.
Dec 4 61-346-3027
Serial No. 09332
Notice- for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alttance, Nebraska,
Nov. 22. 1913.
NOTICE s herob given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Juty
15, 1900, made ifam&tead Entry, No.
09332, for S Sec. 12, and NE4 of
See. 13, T. X N., R. 46 W. of 6th
P. M., has filed notice of intention
to make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of Janu
ary. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Niels C. Pedersen, John Frazler,
William Kline, George G. Gadsby,
all of Alliance, Nebraska.
Serial No. 08534
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U.
l-rfind Olfice at Alliance, Nebraska,
Nov. 22, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on April
29, 190!, made Homestead Eutry No.
08534. for WMiSEU: S'ASW'i; W
ViNEVi; Bee. 2. and SENEVi; N
iSE'4; N'iNE'i; NEtfNWU; sV
i; of Section 11. Township 25 N..
Range 46 W. of th P. M., has filed
notice of Intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register aiul 'Receiver, U. S. Icnd
Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the
17th day of January. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Serial No. 012001.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
I Ami Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Ocrt. 10, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
of Antioch, Nebraska, who, on Aug.
21, 1910, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 012001, for Eft NW;
NEVi; NH 8W4; NW SE, Sec-
tion 11; NW, SWV4 NW4 of
Secjtlon 12, of Township 24 North,
Range 46 W. of 6th Principal Merid
ian, has filed notice of intention to
make Final Three Year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 11th day of Dec
ember. 1913.
Claimant names as wlttneesce:
Edward A. Beck well, of Alliance,
Nebraska; Eugene E. Thompson, of
Antioch, Nebraska; Henry Hoff
land. of Alliance. Nebraska; Roy
Hoffland, of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
n0V6 6t-3&-2912
Serial No. 012733.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 3.
iAnd Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Nov. 8, 1913.
Notice. Is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Nov.
25, I'.MO, made Homesteiid Entry,
Serial No. 012733, for SW'i SEV4,
SVs SWV4t Sec. 3, NVi Sec. 10, NVa
NEVi. NVi NW4 of Section 11,
Township 23 North. Range 50 W. of
6th Principal Meridian, has filed no
tlce of Intention to make Final
Three Year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver. U. S. Land
Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on
the 8th day of January. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
(recr?e H. Hagcinan, 1. S. Mailey,
James Jacobs, Walter Vogle, all of
Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
novl3-7v339 2H54
Serial No. 014719.
Notice for Publication-Isolated Tract
U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne
braska, Oct. 1. 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of tho
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Acts of Congress approved
June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 617), and
March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pur
suant to the application of William
r , 1 1 X. A1J710 ... ...ill
I u. vJCime, otruoi iu. villi?, wo win
I offer at nubile sale, to tho highest
Niels C. 'Pedensen. John Frazler, j bidder, but at not less than $3.2a
The Value of
Spare Moments
Prent every section, and from all sorts and conditions of men,
menaaees come to tell of earnings Increased and futures bright
ened through study of I. C. S. Courses during spare time.
One letter gives the romance of a young man In California
that began with little or no education; another tells the story of
a high school graduate la Maine that found himself educated
tor everything but to make a living. Here are the heart-throbs
of a fellow that toiled 12 hours a day and studied his Course as
best he could; of a foreman or uperintend!ent that enrolled be
caas his ambition aimed at still bigger things.
Vie matter where you live, how little spare time you have,
or how brief your schooling, the I. C. 3. can raise your salary.
That statement i backed with 20 years of succese and a rec
ord of 400 or more advancement letters received every month.
1. 49. 6. Courses have made draftsmen, foremen, and super
intendents of shop hands; building contractors, architects, struc
tural and concrete engineers of carpenters and masons; adver
t)rinj men, window trimmers, chemists, Illustrators, and design
ers el clerks; electrical, mechanical and -steam engineers of la
borers; mine Inspectors, foremen, and mining engineers of mine
workers; bridge engineers, surveyors and mappers, civil engin
eers, gaa engineers, automobile runners and civil service em
ployes of young men willing to use their spare time to mold a
Suppose you were to increase your earnings only $20 a
month what a fine return that would be on your spare-time in
vestment! G. O. Glbboney, of Mount Pleasant, Pa., increased
his earnings $25o a month, and hundreds have done as well.
Mark and mall this coupon and you will receive free Infor
mation how you can increase your earnings by spare-time study.
International Correspondence Schools
Box 1733, SCRANTON, PA.
Please explain, without further obi I Rut Ion on my part, how I csn qualify for a higher
Httlary aod uUvsnc-euitMit to the ponliton. trado, or profwsiou before whli-h I
have marked X.
AclTrrtiNiiiR Man
Window Trimmtnn
U.S. t'lTll Hc-rii'Kxani.t.
Miniog KiiKlnwr
Mine Foreman
Kallroad ( ouKtmctiiiK
c 'hemic t
Oimnicrrlal Illustrating
AuUunohlle HnnniiiK
Hi'ctrioul Knulneer
Klertric Wlreuian
Klwtrie liifrhtinif
Klectrlr Hallways
Heavy Klivlrlf Traction
Telephone Kxprrt
HrttlK" KriKlnoer
civil KiiRiuecr
Surveying and Mapping
Meeliaali-al f.nicineer
Mechanical Draftuman
Stationary Knulneor
Architectural draftsman
( ontntrtlnu A KuildliiK
Structural Fnicinoer
Structural Draftsman
Ikmcrete Cooni ruction
I'umbinR&Stam Kitting
IleatiriK and Ventilation
Flunilniitt Inspector
Ktlniatin( t'lerk
Poultry Fartntnir
Nmmy .................. ... t
Street m4 Ho ... ...................... ....... )
CJfy State ;
Present Ocmpmtlon .
Nebraska, William Varley, of dem
on, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD. Register,
nov 13 64-338-2953
Notice for Publication
Serial No. 011641.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office at Alliance, Nebraska,
October 15th, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Janu
ary 19th, 1911, uiado Homestead en
try, No. 011641, for Sya NW'i, NVfc
SW4, SW& SWVi Section 4, SE
NE4, WV4 NE, NW',4 SecUon b
NWU NWH Section 9, Towuship 22
SW4 SEVi and S& SW'i of So-,
tlon 32, Township ZS North, range 4b
West of Sixth Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
Final Three-year Proof, to cyitablisL
claim to the land above described
before the Register and Receiver ol
the United States Land Office, a.
Alliance, Nebraska, on the twentieth
day of January, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Orland D. Hobbs, Henderson N
Gambill. L. W. Skala. and Alvin A
Lelshman, all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Nov. 6 7t 334 291l
lication thereof for four consecutive
" u ie Alliance Herald, a
newspaper published in Alliance, pri
or to the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal
of said court thU 8th day of Nov.,
(heal) County Judge.
novi;j-4t-340-2971 '
"I appreciate the compliment, and
my father's initials are F. W.," said
Barney Rahder, who was married
Thursday, to The Herald reporter
on Friday, "but we spell our name
different from Mr. Render of Alli
ance. His name is F. W. Render. ;
My father's name Is F. W. Rahder.
Ills home is in Clarksvllle, Ark. He;
will appreciate this as much as I do
when I send him a copy of Friday's
Herald giving Mr. Rehder of Alliance
the credit for my parentage."
Tom Briggs was doing hie Christ-
shopping in Alliance Tuesday.
Serial No. 011998
Notice for Publication
Department f the Interior. U. S
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
November 15, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Grayson. Nebraska, who, on July
20, 1910. made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No. 011998. for WHNW'K, SE4
SE4. Sec. 23, NVNW, 8ec. 26,
Twp. 27 North. Range 44 W. of 6th
Principal Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Filial Three
Ytvtr lroof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Alliance. Nebraska, on the 6th day
of February, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. Delioss Barber, of Jess, Nebr.;
Mrs. Mary Cuff, of Alliance, Nebr.;
Frank Johnson, of Grayson, Nebr.;
Albert S peers, of Grayson. Nebr.
William Kline, George G. Gadsby,
all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. 'W. WOOD.
Doc4 6U48-3029
Notice of Contest
Department of the Interior, Unit
ed Stales Land Offic-e. Alliance, Ne
braska, November 12th. 1913.
To Patrick McMullln of Alliance,
Nebraska, Contestee:
You are hereby notified that
George J. Curtis who gives Alli
ance, Nebraska, as his post-office ad
dress, did on October 8, 1913. tile in
this office his duly corroborated ap-j
piicutufti to contest ana secure tne
cancellation of your Homestead En
try, Serial No. 015774 made March
S. 1913. for NW; NWVi Sec. 5. T.
23 N.. R. 50 W.; SV&. SE'4 NEU.
SH NW4, Sec. 31. S SE.i. SV4
SWi of Section 32. Township 24
North, Range 60 West of 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, and as grounds for
his contest he alleges that Patrick
McMullln has never established res
idence upou the said land, has nev
er placed any improvements of any
sort whatsoever upon the land, has
never made any use of the land
whatsoever and has entirely aband
oned same since the date of entry,
all of whfch defects remain uncured
at this dote.
You are, therefore, further notl-
per acre, at nine ociocb; a. m., on
the Second day of December next, at
this office, the following tract of
land: SE'i NEV4 Sec. 24, T. 23 N..
R. 50 W.. 6th P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised o
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
W. W. WOOD. Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
oct23 6t-331-2S26
Serial No. 06361.
Notice for Publication
Ieportment of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Nv. 8. 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebr., widow of Charles
Brown, deceased, who, on February
7, 1907, made Homestead Entry No.
11705, Serial No. 06361. for SEVi,
SKi NE4. SW4, SVi NW4. NW
'4 NWi of Section 33. Township 22
North. Range 48 W. of Cth ITincipal
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make Final Five Year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver. U. S. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 20th day of
December, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
11. E. Boon, of Alliance, Nebraska,
William C. Brown, or Alliance, Ne
braska, Fred G. Blain, of Alliance,
On and after June 12, 1913, the
following prices will be charged for
the publication of United States land
office notices in The Alliance Her
ald: Final proof notice, $7.00.
Two final proof notices combined,
Three final proof notices combin
ed, $21.00.
Isolated tract sale notice, $9.00.
The above charges are based up
on the rates proscribed by the stat
utes of Nebraska for the publication
of legal notices. They do not i n
clude a subscription to the paper.
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
John Schneider, deceased.
1, L. A. Berry, County Judge of
Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby
notify all persons having claims and
demands against the estate of John
Schneider that I have set and ap
pointed the 20th day of May, 1914.
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the
County Court room in Alliance, for
the examination of all claims against
the estate of said decedent with a
view to their allowance and pay
ment. All persons interested as creditors
of said estate will present their
claims to me at said time, or show
cause for not so doing, and in case
any claims ate nut so presented by
said time they shall be forever bar
red. This notice shall be served by pub-
State of Nebraska )
Box Butte County )
ceased. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of
Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby
notify ail persons having claims and.
demands against the estate of
Charles A. Anderson that I have set
and appointed the first day of June,
1914, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon,
at the County Court room in Alliance.
for the examination of all claims a
gainst the estate of said decedent
with a view to their allowance and
All persons interested as creditors
tf hA ...Ill . .
claims to me at said time, or show
cause for not so doing, and in cae
any claims are not so presented by
said time they shall be forever bar
red. This notice Khali be served by pub
lication thereof for four consecutive
weeks in the Alliance Herald, a
newspaier published in Alliance, prior
to the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and the seal
of said court this 24th day of Novem
ber, 1913.
(SEAL) County Judge,
Nov. 27-41-343-3023
Man Who Passed Foraed Cherk- nn
Jack Riordan Decides to
Take His Medicine
James F. King, who passed a forg
ed check on Jack Riordan for $25,
and who was captured at Sidney, has
decided to plead guilty and take his
sentence. King says that he and
his wife had gotten as far as Alliance
from her mother's home in Idaho
when they ran out of funds and
were without a cent. He decided to
forge a chek to rais funds.
Mrs. King was in Sidney until her
uncle, H. Burge, of Lexington, came
and took her to his home.