THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMA8, Editor Lloyd C. Thomaa, City Editor Published overy Thursday by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY IfK-orpornted Lloyd C. Thomaa, Preoldent J. Carl Thomas, Vice Prea. John W. Thomat, Secretary Entered at the poM office at Alliance, Nebraska, far frHnsmliwIon through the mall aa econd- lww ma.tUT. Subscription prlco. $1.(10 ptjr year In advance Tba circulation of thla newspnpor U guarantee d to be the largest la western Nebraska. Sample copies free. ADVERTISING RATKa at "Live and Let Live" prices, lower In proportion to circulation tiiam rate of iut newttpnper. DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per luch, column tneas ra, 16 cents; subsequent tnttortlon, without change, per column Inch, lift cents; extra charge for preferred position and for first insertion f advertisements containing difficult comioaltton. READING NOTICES and WANT ADS Eight point Roman (common wading) type, five conta per lino e.ich insertion. No reading notice counted less than two lines. Mack face type, 10 or 12 point, ten cents per line each Insertion. Each 10 or 12 point heud line counted aa three Mnaa. TIIR81AY, DECEMBER 18, 1913 lOCALpi WWS if Mr. Hltchoock left for nridport today on a business trip. I Mr. Duchmun left AlUaace oa a trip to Denver Wednesday altfal. John Uectel came up from Ella worth on a business trip Wodnoaduy. Mrs. James Kennedy, living Heven teen miles south of town, iu quite ill. Mr. Darrow, chief engineer of the j Burlington linen West, Ih In town to-1 day. John Eyler, live stock iitnt. left Alliance for Oiiutlm Wwltiewdsy for Omaha. Andy IIannford and Harvey Meyers are going down to the sale at Arthur Taylor's. J. E. Stricklmid left ou 42 Wtln day night for St. Joe to rlnli with relatives. The Mounts boarder gave a skat lag party at Ilronco lsk Tueaday evenflrig. Victor Covalt was In ton frain the ranch Wednesday dolnf; h' Xiiih chopping. Laura Sblgley of Kiln worth wan in Alliance Wednesday Jo hav her eyes treated. Ethel Nolan returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit in Omaha, whore ahe had a lovely time. I Mats Jlurmood, who has been 111 with la grippe the past week, Is at work again in the superintendent's of flee. Dorsh Brothers of Minatare came In Wednesday on a land deal. They say the snow at Minatare is a foot deep. Mrs. E. 8. Washburn and Miss Pearl WodeH are down from Iteming- ford today to do their Chrlatmas shop ping. Jnnies Ilunny and daughter loft for Omaha Wednesday nlnht. They will go to Stanberry, Mo., to visit ith relat Ives. Cal lhierr and son Harry came in from the Elmore ranch neighborhood. Th-y say the snow deep out there. Is ten inches Otis Tier came in to meet has sis ter fmm Grand Island, where she 4s attending ccoUege. Miw Pier will pnd the holidays on the ranch. I Mrs. James Koegaa and family left Wednesday night for Twutnseh on a vWlt with delailves. They will be gone until the first of the year. Melvln Hudson of Crawford is stop ping In Alliance to vinlt hi sister, Mrs. Maud Carter, after Which he will leave for Omaha and other east ern points. Engineer W. K Austin and family left today for Uock Island to tpend the holidays with Mr. Austin's farther and mother. Mr. Austin's father Is a passenger engineer at Rock Island. Protect Your forest Allen and Frank Oe Prance U-.- liriL nuiuc ijum were In Wednesday from likeslde on business. ' K. J. Hill and wife are goiuR vwt tha 23d. to spend the holidays with Ma. JlUl'a folks. -'- k i John Dowllng return! Wdnday from a pleasant visit at Chadrou with hla mother. j Bill Bignell Is in from the ranch spending the week end at his home on ltox Hutte avenue. E. 3. Kohler, asshtant general man ajrer of the Burlington, Went, wan in town Thursday on bualnxwu. , Mr. Perry, bridge Hupoiiatendent of the Burlington line WoM, left on ttve Denver train Thursday noon. ! Otto Rayton of nivartwuter was Ir. town Wednesday for an eamdna tion before the !oard of penaloners. Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1.. Harris of Lakeside came up to do their Xmas i i I.. ..... BUgiping " ruiitMliy. i Bert Acheeou's son Ivan him been confined to the hospital for the last week but is improving. Mike Riley, a drayman of Hay Springs, is tiuaran.ined in his home for small pox at that point. Telephone A Bell Telephone af fords protection and se curity by permitting calls to or from your home at all times. And. too. a telephone means home-comfort and convenience in reaching local stores and shops, and in calling friends, as well as permitting long dis tance talks nearly everywhere. Why not secure your home protection, comfort and convenience by NOW ordering a telephone in stalled? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY For making quickly and per fectly, delicious hot biscuits hot breads, cake and pastry there is no substitute for iffi CREAM mm v&im UADE FROi! GRAPES Sixty Tears tho Standard From Wednesday's Daily: Sheriff Cox wos up to HeminRford Tuesday aorvlrg; papers. J. C. McCorkle made a business trip to Hemlngford Tuesday. John R. Hoke went to Ravenna on 42 last night on a bus! new trip. I Mrs. Seaorlwt and family went to Denver thla moroJog for a visit with friends. I I,. O. Clark is leaving AUIance to day on 44 to spend the holidays in Roll a. Mo. Mrs. W. E. Jernejan weret through Alliance today, returning from a visit In Denver to Whitman. I Mr. and Mrs. R. I,. Dnvey went thru Alliance today onroute to Grand Island from Soottabluff. The Kair Association met Tuesday evening at the olty hall for a busi ness mooting. Olen Kussell of OshhoRh, a son of Frank Russell, is in the city visiting for a few days. Mm. Sarah Wldener went titrourh here Wednesday, returning to John son, Nebr., from a vlelt to llrldue port. Mrs. A. It. Sturgeon and mothor, Mrs. Mary Shave, left today for Ijnkiwirte to spend the holidays with Mrs. W. O. Otto. Win. Middlelon was called to Doug-I la, Wyoming, Tuesday night, by a. telegram which stated that his fath-1 er was dangerously ill. He left on I 41. - ! -I- I John and Jim I'otnir&ll nnd Mrs. John Wlldy of Hemtngford returned this morning from Omaha, where they took the body of their father for burial. They returned to Hem-; hi r ford on 43 this noon. i i From Tuesday's Daily: 1 S. Z. Wilburn Is going to Missouri to ispend the holiday. Frank Palmer came up Monday from his ranch near Bonner. W. H. Kunn. left for Norfolk Tues day morning on a business trip. Victor Covalt of Cloman was a bufiineea vWtor in Alliance Monday. Carl Spat-ht oome down from Hem Ingford to nee home folks on Sunday. Mr. Stearns took a business trip to Omaha Monday. Will return Fri day. Mra. Hand and baby have just re turned from a three months visit In Idaho. J. M. ChriHtcoiaen from Hemtng ford made a business trip to Alliance Monday. V. E. Covalt la in town from the ranch, doing his Chrtatnma shopping. Just Received A Car Load of the Celebrated Curtis Best and High Patent Flour And remember that every sack of this flour is guaranteed by the mills. If not satisfactory, all you have to do is to return the sack with some of the Hour and et another sack or your money back. t Single Sacks, $1.35. Two Sacks, $2.60 Ten Sacks, $12.50 E. I. Gregg & Son IE3E 3E A BRONGHiAL COUGH it wearing and dangerous because (Ae inflamed, mucus'filled lubes interfere with breathing and the fresh air passes through that unhealthy tissue. Probably no other remedy affords such' prompt and permanent relief as Scott's Emulsion; it checks the cough, hcala the linings of the throat and bronchial tubes and strengthens the lungs to avert tuberculosis. This point cannot be empha sized too Btrongly that Scott's Emulsion has been suppressing bronchitis for forty years and will help yOUm Be careful to avoid substitutes and insist on SCOTT'S. AT ANY DRUG STORE. 1.1-77 0 pyey bmm The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on TUESDAY, 0 One mile south and one mile west of Hemingf ord, Nebr., the following property: 10 horses LIVE STOCK 10 milch cows 10 brood sows A few cows and calves jt rew cows ana caives WAGONS and BUGGIES 1 new top buggy 1 new wagon 1 light farm wagon 1 good second hand buggy 1 good second hand wagon ONE SCHACHT AUTOMOBILE FARM MACHINERY All kinds of Farm Machinery, consisting of Aspin- wall potato sprayer, Deering binder, press drill, two sulky plows, McCor mick mower, hay rake, harrows, potato planter, disc, cultivators, harness, saddle, Fairbanks platform scale and lj horse power gasoline engine. SALE BEGINS AT 10:30 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON 9 Months' Time will be Given on Approved Notes at 10 per cent B. E. Johnson F. W. Melick it