LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING mmu if mm ifiiwnm W. R. Drake, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats "The Best of Everything" Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: We do our our own butchering and are on the market for the best .we can buy. If you have some excep tionally good stuff to sell, let us know about it. Corner Box Butte Ave. and 4tfa St PHONE 40 SerUl No. 016148 fied that the Bald Allegations will Notice for Publication be taken as confessed, and tout Department of the Interior, U. 8. Laud Office at Alliance, Nebraska, fore xbim wfflce op on -appeal, If you Nov. 22. 1913. fail to file In this office within NOrrCB is hereby itlven that twenty days after the FOURTH pub- pllil.tpp WHJi incauon or this notice, an shown of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on- Sept. gpeoifically responding to these alW 30, 191Z, made Homestead fcntry, wo, gallon of contest, together with due 015148, for EV4SWV4; Sec. 22, and proof that you have served a copy i BViNWK of Section 27. Township au-wer on u b1b comest- Cn r L. c.u r., u,t.ilh' ln P"on or by registered . nuim, nwit v t. ui viu 1 I mall. clpal Meridian, ha filed notice of In- Von should state In your, answer tent ion to make Final Five Year the name of the post offk o to which Proof, to establish claim to the lai.d f 0eRire fu,ure ""e to be sent I above described, before Register an J I (Stenedl W W wnnn Keterver, U. H. Uml Orrin e, at Allt- Rosister Anfp Npihrnkn on ihn 14tTi ilnv nflDnte of first publication. Novotnhpr 7. I tumiurv 1Q11 20. . Date of second nuMiention. Novem- Uiaitnant names as witnesses: i 27, Fred Schwadercr, Jacob Rohrbach, Date vt third publication, December Carl Haahman. William Hashman. all of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Reglnter. Date of fourth publication, Decem ber 11. 60-4t 341 2978 Dec4-6t-344-3023 Serial No. 09332 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at AftkKnce, Nebraska, True Economy . . . means the wlu tpcadiof of one's money maklnj cry dollar do lull duty and getting In return an article that will satisfy you in every way. n' . WHITE- . Is a real bargain because it is sold at a popular . rv'-kV ) price l because It give you the kind ot sewing you delight in because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory service) because Its Improvements will enable you to do things which cant be done 00 any other machine because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you wiQ find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to sec the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houKS. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. Serial No. 012076 - Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Nov. 22, 1913. I -And OrflCA At Allinnra. NohraHikn. I votipp lo ).n.k. i.. n... , I , - 1 ...... 1 v 1 . ,o uv 1 favCTL loidl I Nov. 22, 1913. SYLVIA A. OADSBY J I NOTICE Is hereby given that of Alliance. Nebraska, who. on Julv SAMUEL F. PREBLE 15, isw, made Homestead Entry, No of Long Lake, Nebraska, who, on 09332, for SV4 Sec. 12, and NEU of July 26, 1910, made Homestead En- Sec. 13, T. 2ft N., R. 46 W. of 6th try. No. 012075, for Lot 4, See. 3, p. M., has filed notice of Intention and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 4, r. 26 to make Final Three Year Proof, to N. R. 4J5 W. EViSEVi; SWSEU; establish claim to the land ahov no- Sec. 33, SV4NEV4, SViNWVi: SWVi. scribed, before Register and Receiv- Sootioa 34, Township 27 North, R. er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, 45 W. of 6th Prlncipal Meridian, has Nebraska, on Me 17th day of Jarou- filod notice of Intention to make Fl- ary, 1914. nal Three Year Proof, to establish Claimant names as witnesses: claim to the land above described, Niels C. Pedereen, John Frazier, netore Heglster ana Kecerver, U. s. William Kline, George G. Gadsby, Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, I all of Alliance, Nebraska on the 16th day of January, 1914. y. w". WOOD . . Claimant names as witnesses : : I Register. Stephen F. Lowe, of Tung Lake, I Dec4-6t-345-3026 Nebraska; Elmer Stock well, of Lulu, Nebraska; Ed. J. Schill, of Schill, No Serial No. 012001. For sale by Geo. D. Darling braska; Frank Lowe, of Long Lake, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. Dec4 6t-3 17-3028 MANY KID3 8EE SANTA He Came from the East on 43 Sat urday. Went up Main St. ' in His Sleigh As announced previously In The Herald, Santa Claua came o Alliance at noon Saturday on No. 43 from the oaat. The Bee Hive people want to thank the Burlington rail- road people for their kindness In al lowing Santa to ride on their trains watch were much too warm for hint, being as he is used to staying out is the cold most of the time. Santa was met at the depot by a eteigh and about a thousand kids, Many of them accompanied by their ,jywaL. They followed him up wain street to the Bee Hive, where he proceeded to make himself at home aad cave everyone a present to re saember him by. In the skagh with Santa were 7 little tots Gale Thret- fcetd. Dorothy Barnes, Billy Fuller, JLfthj House, Frances Scoott, Margery Orebe and Adolph Youavg. 139 Uttle tots, to eay nothing of About the same number of larger seed full grown ones, passed through (fee Bee Hive Saturday afternoon tor their present. A traveling man who saw the crowd aald it was the largest he ever saw outside of the Mc cities. When Santa arrived at the Bee fSve he found many letters from Mldren who v. ere unable to be here. One was from a tittle girt fta South Dakota who said atve had wad about him in The Daily Herald asad that she wanted to come aw ally bad but the snow was too hea vy. Many other tetters were recetiv a. They will be re-printed in The Rwald later. LEGAL ADVERTISING Serial No. 012505 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Iaiul Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Oct. 10, 1913. Notice to hereby given that OLOK IX)KQU1ST. of Antloch, Nebraska, who, on Aug. 21, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 012001, for E14 NWi; NEVi; N4 SW?i; NWU SE4. Sec tion 11; N& NW, SWV4 NW4 of RHFRirPtt AAI C w I . ... . alnll 19 nt TfMunu'V.iln OA XT.K By virtue of an order of sale di- Lano Office at Alliance, Nebraska, 7, p," , K retrted to me from the District Court Nov. 22. 19J3. laa aa filed notice of Intention to of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on NOTICE 1 hereby given that make Final Three Year Proof, to a d,.r nhttiirf Wov n.,..hi SHARIX)TTE WILSON. emablisii claim to the land above do- r tt r4 r,..i. kvh i vt I v sifini nTTR w Ann wriiwu, uwiore nepsicr ana iteeiv VOTWOI , JJIBirUI JUUKO IU ' op IT .TA nffW o illUn, and for the Sixteenth Judicial Die- of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Oct. Nebraska' on the 11th' duiy of Dec' trict of Netiraska. on the 2Kth day . 191. made Homestead Kntry No. ember, 1913. of OotoDer, 1913, favor of Charts 012.50C, fr.r NW Sec. 3. NE4; NE I Claimant names as wiftnessee u. .. vame ni jonn J. vaiw e, nr 7s " u , AUnnuiiV '" Antloch, Nebraska; Henry lioff- husband, dfenliinU, for the sum of Norm, Kane o V. of Mh Principal land, of Alllauce, Nebraska; Roy Four Hundred and forty-four and Meridian, has filed notice of inten- nornano, or Alliance Nebraaka hk, inn iliiiut tk..u.. ,j.. i I limn tr ninko Finn.1 Thrn Yir Proof. vv- nvvu, iwisier, r iw f tMiiiuiB -n &iu liaciori 1 TlOVohl. .i.ih.zMlV thereon at ten per cent from Octob- esiannsn ciaim to me iana uoove er 28. 1913. and in favor of Forest described, before Register and Re- Serial No. 012733 Lumber Comoany. a conwratloo. de- ceiver, "U. S. Iand Office, at Alliance, Notice for Publication Ncbraaka. on the l5ih day of Janu-1 Department of tho Interior, U. 3 a a cm i v timw WHe v vii LM) I iVOV 8 1913 Vanoe. her husband, for the sum of Claimant names as witnewies: Notice is hereby given that Hij&t Hundred Sixty and 80100 11860. Arthur Taylor, W. G. Wilson. Jos- HENRY E. FISHER, sot n.dL.r.1 witK u ioth eih Herian. Chas. Castle, all of An- of Alliance. Nebraska, who, on Nov. , , ma . Hv,., vj.-.-v, 1 25, 1910, made Homestead Entry, per oent from October 28, 1913. to-Moch, Nebraska. Serla, Nq 0,2733 tor sw SE, gether with costs taxed at , s sw. Sec. 3, Nfc Sec. 10. NV4 and aoc ruing costs, I have levied up- Register. NE4, N4 NWi of Section 11. .k- w h. . I)ec 4 6t-346-3027 Township 23 North. Range 50 W. of erty of aald defendaiAs, Harriet C.I L. Vance and John J. Vance, her Serial No. 08534 hushiLrMt. tvwft Tt two ii Jll;k Notice for Publication 6th Principal Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land OPENS NEW TAILOR SHOP IN ALLIANCE Former Sheridan Man Moves Here and Opens Shop at 208 Box Butte Avenue Today Chas. Lea, formerly proprietor of tike Bulldog Pan tl tori ura at Sheridan. Wyoming, haa opened a tailor shop at 208 Box Butte avenue, first door south of Snyder's clar store. Mr. Lea represents the Rodger-Rlake people, manufacturers of men's cloth sag, the Victor Ladies Tailoring Co.. sad the Logan Salt I take Knitting MBls, underwear manufacturers. The name of the new shop will be the Alliance Union Cleaning, PTeaa tmg and Tailor Shop. Mr. Lea Is a saftor of years' experdunce seventeen (17). Box Butte Addition Department of the Interior. U.. S. bTfice. at AlUe" NebnSka. v uie any ot Ainuwe in uo iiuiaw i uiiiu wince ai a.uuvnce. iouraBii.i, i (be 8th day of January, 1914. County. Nebraska, and I will offer Nov. 22, 1913. I Claimant names as witnesses Mm uuna for mln Mihltvt tn thl ISinTirR la horohv rlvn thai UeOTge M. iiageman, r . S. M alley, 11,.. - nro n-i."tim p nnrvrD James jacoos. waner vogie, an oi . i i-A.i M. Alliance. Nebraska. given April 1, 1911, to Marguerite I of Alliance, Nebraska, alio, on April I w. W. WOOD, Register. N. Taylor to secure the payment o! 29. 1909, made Homestead Entry No. I novl3-t-339-2964 ttmOAftO- a mnitfavll irivon Mav I nsiMl fnr U'USKl! RUSWl! W , , o - I - ' " " ' ' I ii xt itiivin 27, 1911. to F. E. Reddish to secure UNE; Sec. 2, and SKKNE14; N N0" V0r Publ citlon-l.olated Tract the pa-mentoi zou.wj; (Jdi.amort- V4SK; WViNK'A; NKvv; sw pitnur i.AMn qAT.v .. . i -. , A A I Ll.t. 4 lij j m I t . s a AJ m , u i ap .r I . t. i n a a. I t. I a m w w v Mi m I . oasn in nami.onine loin uay or jaii-iitange o w. or bin r. m., naa mea i Lraaka, Oct. 1, 1913. uary, 1914. In front of the Box Butte notice of intention to make Final NOTICE la hereby given that, as County Court House, at Alliance, Ne- Three Year Proof, to establish claim directed by the Commissioner of the braska. that being Uie bui Wing where- to the land above described, before J d JgiS approved in the last term of Court was held, Register and "Receiver, U. S. Land June 27, 1906 ( 34 Stats., 617). and at the hour of one o'clock P.M. of Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the March 2. 1907 (34 Stats.. 1ZZ4), pur aald day, wheu and where due at- 17th day of January. 1914. "uat to. th pP11at,?.P., willia Claimant names as witnesses: offer 'pubUc aalJ tQ the Niels C. Tedersen, John Frazier, I bidder, but at not less than 3.2 William Kline. George G. Gadaby. I per acre, at nine o'clock A. M., on n f Atnto.rvr Mfthrti. me tecona aay or iJecemDer nexi. at yv. v. and. SE NE Sec T 23 N Kegaster. r. 60 W.. 6th P. M MAY HAVE GOOD OIL LAND A. J. Rock who returned a few 4ays ago from a visit to bis old home at Gettysburg, S. D., haa a half seo- -ison farm ear that plaoe. He In forms us that they are pros pact lng tfor oil near his farm, fully expecting ie txrike a good flow. He ban an ester to lease his land for oil for very eighth barrel produced, but de ettibed to accept as the proposition M not suit him. tendance will be given by the under signed. Dated Ikvembtu- 1. 1913. C. M. COX, Sheriff of said County. l-5t-3f0-3086 Serial No. 011998 Notice for Publication Dejiartment of the Interior. U. S I And Office at Alliance, Nelraska November 15, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that FRANK MANN of Grayson, Nebraska, who. on July Dec 61-348-3029 Notice of Contest Department of the Interior. Unit ed States Land Office, Alliance, Ne braska, November 12th. 1913. To Patrick McMullin of Alliance. Nebraska. Contestee: Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised o file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale W. W. WOOD. Register H. J. ELLIS, Receiver. oct23 6t-331-2826 You are hereby notified that M. Ill, made Homestead Bntry Ser- George J. Curtis who gives Alii- Serial No. 06361. Notice for Publication The Value of Spare Moments From every section, and from all sorts and conditions of men. messuKes come to tell of earnings Increased and futures bright ened through etndy of I. C. S. Courses during spare time. One letter gives the romance of a young man in California that began with little or no education; another tells the story of a high school graduate ln Maine that found himself educated for everything but to make a living. Here are the heart-throbs of a fellow that tolled 12 hours a day and studied his Course as best he could; of a foreman or superintendent that enrolled be cause his ambition aimed at still bigger things. No matter where you live, how little spare time you have, or how brief your schooling, the I. C. S. can raise your salary. That statement Is backed with 20 years of success and a rec ord of 400 or more advancement letters received every month. I. C. S. Courses have made draftsmen, foremen, and super intendents of shop hands; building contractors, architects, struc tural and concrete engineers of carpenters and masons; adver tising men, window trimmers, chemists, illustrators, and design ers ef clerks; electrical, mechanical and steam engineers of la borers; mine Inspectors, foremen, and mining engineers of mine workers; bridge engineers, surveyors and mappers, civil engin eers, gas engineers, automobile runners and civil service em ployes of young men willing to use their spare time to mold a career. Suppose you were to increase your earnings only $20 a month what a fine return that would be on your spare-time in vestment! G. O. Gibboney, of Mount Pleasant, Pa., increased his earnings $26o a month, and hundreds have done as well. Mark and mail this coupon and you will receive free infor mation bow you can increase your earnings by spare-time study. International Correspondence Schools Box I7JJ, SCRANTOH, PA. I'lruM' explain, without further obligation on my part, how I can uualiry for a higher salary ami advancement to the poult ion, trade, or profusion before which 1 have marked X HalwiiiHiinhip Hook keeper Stenographer Advertising Man Window Trimming I .H. 1 Ivil Hervii-eK.xaniH. Mining Knglneer Mine Foreman Kaiiroaii Constructing Chemtut Commercial Illustrating Autouiohile Kuiming Fleet rli'iil Knglneer Gluetric Wireman Klm-tric Lighting Meotrlc KiiIIwhvs Heavy KItx-tric Traction Telephone Kxpprt Hrldge Knglneer civil Engineer Surveying and Mapping Mechanical Knglneer Mechanical Draftsman Stationary Engineer Architect Architectural Draftsman Contracting A Building structural Engineer Structural Draftsman tioncrete Construction PUimhing&Steaui Kitting lleuting and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector Estimating Clork Agriculture I'oultry Farming Verne .. .............................. Street and Ho City State. Present Occupation.. ....... ...... 1 LEGAL ADVERTISING Nebraska, William Varley, of Clem an, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. nov!3 6t -338-2953 Notice for Publication Serial No. 611641. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land office at Alliance, Nebraska, October 16th, 1913. NOTICE is hereby given that BOYD P. GAM BILL, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Janu ary 19 tb, 1911, made Homestead en try, No. SUMI, lor Sft NW'Va, Ntt SWK. SWK SWVi Section 4. SEV. NEVi. WH NEVi. NWVi Section b NWV4 NWV4 Section 9, Township 22. SWVi SBVi and SVi SWV4 or Suc tion 32, Township 23 North, range 4 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver ol the United States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the twentieth day of January, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Orland D. Hobbs, Henderson N GamblU, L. W. Skala. and Alvin A Lelshman, all ox Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. Nov. 6-7t-334 2911 LAND OFFICE NOTICES On and after June 12. 1913, the following prices will be charged for the publication of United States land office notices in The Alliance Her aid: Final prsef notice. $7.00. Two final proof notices combined, $14.00. Three final proof notices combin ed, $21.0. Isolated tract sale notice, $9.00. The absve charges are based up on the rates proscribed by the stat utes of Nebraska for the publication of legal notices. They do not 1 n elude a subscription to the paper. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. LEGAL ADVERTISING llcation thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a DeWflnnnfr mihlf&hw4 -In A 11 1 n n 1 or to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 8th day of Nov.. 1(114 I. A PETOIJV (Seal) County Judge. novl3-4t-340-2971 "N- i.l"?l.tor.NW. m ance. Ntak. U lomU AlUance. Nebraska; NW)i, iV4avv vi. awvibw vi, wvs . " , ". v z. Nv. 8. 1913. SEV4. Sec. . NVsNW. Sac. 26. STj'SSi & " Twp. 2T North. Range 44 W. of 6th cancellation of your Homestead En- ELIZA , S. BROWN, Principal Meridian, has fined notice try. Serial No. 016774 made March of Alliance, Nebr., widow of Charles o intention to m-ir- kwi Thr . 1913. for NWVi NWVi Sec. 5. T. Brown, deceased, who, on February ' 7 .T7T: . . 33 N.. R. M W.: SV4. SEVi NEVi. 1 7. 1907. made Homestead Entry No, . .a, w .uu w vuo s, NWV4. Sec. 31. SV4 SEVi, SVi 11705. Serial No. 06361. Tor 8E14, land above described, before Register sWV4 of Section 32. Township 24 SEVi NEVi. SWV4. SV NWVi. NW and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at North, Range 50 West of 6th Prin-IVi NWVi of Section 33, Township 22 Alliance. Nebraska, on the 6th dai clP Meridian, and 'as grounds lor North. Kan go 48 w. ot tux t-nncipai ' ill. . . 1 ll.JJI.. k-. Wll iii. n. 4 r .An il im uliu lcha ao mjj&&vu xin4 rairM i meiiujAu, um a.ia uvun.? v, uvu- McMullin has never established res- tlon to make Final Five Year Prooc, IiIhiim ii turn ttut aald land, haa nsv.lto stahHsh claim to the land above D. DeLoss Barber, ot Jess, Nebr.; er placod any improvements of any described, before Register and Re- Mrs. Mary Cuff, of Alliance, Nebr.; I sort whatsoever upon the land, has celver, U. S. Land ornce, at aiu Frank Johnson, of Grayson, Nebr.; I never made any use of the land lance, Nebraska, on the 20th day of wuuausver auu uom euuiw a on iw- pwetuuvr, oned same since the date of entry, Claimant names as witnesses: all of which defects remain uncured H. E. Boon, of Alliance. Nebraska, at this date. William C. Brown, of Alliance, Ne- You are, therefore, further nott-' braska. Fred G. Blain, of AlUanoe, of Fbruary, 1914. Claimant names as witoeases Albert S peers, of Grayson, Nebr, W. W. WOOD. Register. Nv27-7t 3424999 Netiae to Creditors State of Neansaka, Box Butte Ooaaly, ss. in the Ibtter ef the Estate of John Schneider, deceased. I. L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all seasons having claims and demands agalast the estate of John Schneider tswa I have set and ap pointed aaa Mta day of May, 1914. at 10 o'closk ta the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for the examiaaiion of all claims against the estate ef said decedent with a view to their allowance and pay ment. All persons interested as creditors of said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and ln case any claims are not so presented by said time tsey ahall be forever bar red. This ietee shall be served by pub- NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska ) )ss. Box Butte County ) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OK CHARLES A. ANDERSON, De ceased. I, L. A. Berry. County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estaite ot Charles A. Anderson that I have set and appointed the first day of June. 1914, at 10 O'clock In the forenoon. at the County Court room ln Alliance, for the examination of all claims a gainst the estaite of said deceden wtth a view to their allowance and payment. All persons interested as creditors of the said estate will present Chear claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever bar red. This notice shali be served by pub lication thereof for four conaecuUvs weeks in the AlUance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance, prior to the day of bearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 24th day of Novem ber, 1913. L. A. BERRY (SEAL) County Judy. Nov. 27-4t-343 3023 Heals Itchy Dr. Hobson's Ointment Eczema The constantly Mcnlng. burnin sensation and other disajcreaahu forms of ecsema. tetter, salt rhwrm and akin eruptions promptly cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oinrt-m An Geo. W. Fitch of Mendota. IH .says. I purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's Ecsema Ointment. Have had Eczema ever since the civil war. h k.. treated by many doctors, none have given the benefit that on ho Dr. Hobson's Ecsema Ointment has-' Every sufferer should try it. We're so positive it will help you we guar antee it or money refunded. At all Druggists or by mail 60c. pfeiffor Chemical Co. Philadelphia & SLLouis, of