w : s ft 1 tiei( Mticiririiicifiiicic:ifiricicicicicii TO d) fo) LJ The Alliance Daily and Weekly Herald is now staging what is known as a "UNIVERS AL CLUB", in which we are giving away a Ford Automobile as first prize, a $100.00 Diamond Ring as Second prize and two Watches as third and fourth prizes. ' ' There are at the present time about 1 5 members who are working for these prizes and who are really deserving1 of your help. If you have a friend or acquaintance who is in the club they will appreciate your subscription or renewal to either the Daily or Weekly Herald. This club is the largest subscription campaign that has ever been staged in this part of the country and we are going to lots of expense to do the thing up right. If the club turns out to be a success and we have every reason to believe it will The Alliance Daily and Weekly Herald will be one of the strongest newspapers in the state of Nebraska. With an increased circulation we will have increased advertising and with increased advertising we will be able to increase our news service, so it stands, that the greater the success ot the club the larger and greater the Alliance Herald will be. With The Herald a large and flourishing newspaper, the town of Alliance and the county of Hox Butte will be wonderfully benefited. J The Herald has always been a big booster for this wonderful country and with increased resources we will be able to do some mighty big things towards developing it and bringing in settlers. If you are a booster for Alliance and Box Butte county, -take this opportunity of helping a good cause and pay up your sub scription to The Herald. If you are not a subscriber at the present time, you should be and you will find that you are getting value received if you subscribe. Give your credits in the Club to one of the energetic workers for the automobile. You will find a blank in this paper which you should fill in immediately and send to us with your remittance. Do it Today The "Universal Club" will close on the 20th Day of December If you are not informed as to who the members of this club are, you will find a complete list of them given on another page of this issue with their standings to date. Pick out your favorite and help him or her along. E MEM " IHJiMllMIML! OS) 1 iiiimmr The length of time in which you have to work is growing mightv short. The "Universal Club" will be all over but the shouting in about ten more days and one of you is going to have that Ford Car. The main question now is: "Who will it be?" Now that is a very difficult question to answer just at this time and to tell the truth, I haven't any more idea who it will be than you have. I can tell you this, however, the work which is going to be done in the next ten days will tell the story. So far everyone is evenly matched, more so than in any Club that 1 have ever managed before, and it all depends on what you can do before seven o'clock, on December 20th, whether you are going to drive that Ford Auto home, or not. The "Universal Club" will close at eight o'clock on Satur day, December 20th. The method of closing is as follows: At seven a. m. on Thursday, December 1 8th, I will make my last count of credits. They will be published in the paper on that day, and every member will have a chance to see wh-ther my count tallies with theirs. It has taken some time for all these credits to be counted and we will presume that they are correct. If any member 1 finds that his or her count is incorrect, they must be sure and see me before the last day a.id we will check up together and be absolutely sure that the count is correct. We will have a sealed ballot box at The Herald office and after seven a. m., Thursday, December 18th, all credits will be placed in the ballot box. At exactly eight o'clock Saturday evening, the ballot box will be opened and the votes count ed by three disinterested men of Alliance (their names will be pub lished later) and their count added to the number the members al ready have in the paper. The judges will count the credits only once, and if any member is dissatisfied with his or .her count, they may have the privelege of recounting their own credits. This in sures a square deal for all. The sealed ballot box makes it impossi ble for anyone to know how much has been reported by any member. The extra credit offer which is now on, should be. a big in ducement for every member to do their best this week. Make every minute cont, and don't lose any possible chance of getting sub scribers. This offer will close at midnight, December 13th. Don't fail to be on hand with your report. "UNIVERSAL CLUB" MANAGER. The Alliance Herald Burgess-Johnson & Co., Brookfield, Mo., Club Managers 1