THE ROUND OAK BASE BURNER New special flue construction gives additional heating surface that's where we get it, makes the ROUND OAK BASE BUR NER ahead of all the old types. 40 per cent more heat with the same amount of coal, and it's a beautiful stove. Newberry Company Don't Put It Off -Do It Now W. J. DAUCY has located in Alliance. For those who want up-to-the-minute CLASSY PHOTOGRAPHY, this is good Mr. W. J. Darcy, Dear Sir: I received the picture which I had laken at your studio and they are cer tainly fine. I want to thank you for your promptness In ending them for they came la good Chape. Yours truly, FRANK HEMLER, Sundance, Wyo. Over Drake's The White Open Day and Night. For the best and cleanest of food with the quick- M I est service. Anything you want at 0 your demand. We solicit your bus iness. Specialty of Sunday chicken dinners, which you can't afford to cook, for 25c a meal with plenty of side dishes. We want your business O. W. BIOKNELL, Mgr. ft In It Bulletin of Winter DENVER Western Stock Show, January 19th to 24th, 1914. Special rotes from East and North of Denver. Denver makes thia a gala week for the stockmen of the Western country. WINTER TOURIST RATES in effett daily, with lower homosoekere' fares first and third Tuesday of each month. Present indications are that the number of Northern visitors during the Winter of 1913 14, to the South, will be the greatest In the history of the South land. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED PARTIES TO CALIFORNIA seven each week via Denver, Scendc Colorado, Salt Lake, In through tourist sleepers. Burlington special conductors are men eseclally selected to look after your comfort enroute. I can secure you very handsome, Illustrated publications of South ern or California Railroads and hotels. If you desire them. "Low Ratea South", "California Tourist Parties", "Pacific Coatt Tours". Let me help you plan any tour you have In mind. mm 'lite Let UsDo Your Job Work Hardware 3& news. All work that is up-to-date. SEE HIM RIGHT AWAY. Will make FREE PHOTOS for a limited time only in order to get samples, BETTER HURRY. Amateur developing and finish-, ing promptly and caref ally done Complete Modern and Flash light Equipment Meat Market Front Cafe Mil Travel Specialties J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha CLASSIFIED Advertising WANTED 100 head of catUe to winter. Plenty of hay, range and water. T. 8. BRIOOS, Antdooh, Ne braska. ootSO 2t-28?6l Want to Trad for Milk Cow We want to trad furniture, stoves, ruga or house furnishings for a few good milk cows. Miller Brothers Hoik Furnishing Store. 3tf2631 FIFTY HEAD OV HORSES. Will take hi to pasture through the win ter. Inquire at the Diamond Pool Hall, Alliance, Nebr. 43tC2632 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN A WRIOHT, phon 71. tf ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract "inks In Boi Butte county. Offlc Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf570 FOR RENT PARLOR AND BED ROOM with bath and toilet for confinement cases rates before confinement, $8 per week; $20 per week after, with nurse. MRS. ANNA ZBHRUNO. Phone 287. novlO-12t-2937 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, close In. Phone 629. MRS. M. BAYER. 33tf2382 Furnished rooms for rent. West 6th St. Phone 676. 18-4t-2474$ 111 FORSALEORIEXCHANGE Money to loan on real estate. F. 4. Reddish. 3tf RANCH FOR 8ALE OR TRADE Relinquishment of 100 acres under the proposed government canal, 8 miles northeast of Bayard, Nebras ka. Improvements are frame house, 12x24, with small lean-to; . fence around the house; good well and pump; about 60 acres can be irrigat ed. Address Box 28G0, Herald Of fice, Alliance, Nebraska. W Will Pay You a 8alary $36 weekly, expenses, to distribute free copies New Poultry Method to poultry raisers. Steady work. Write for contract. New Method A. Co., Parsons, Kan. oct30-le-287i For nice clean Niggerhead ' Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dierka Lumber Coal Company. Chile 6 cents per dish at Wtytte Front, opposite McOorkle building on 3rd St. J. H. Foreytbe, Prop, oot30-lt-2873$ L. W. BOWMAN Physician and 8urgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 5O-tM60S Advertisement E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted plants. Floral pieces made on short notice. Mail orders given special attention. 41tf2549 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Uarn for four horses. House fur automobile. J. 11. DENTON. dvt 25tf2195 Rowan ft Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tt Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wright Phone 71. tf Want to Trade for Milk Cows We want to trade furniture, stoves, rugs or house furnishings for. a few good milk cows. Miller Broth ers House Furnishing Store. 43tf2631 All the people in Alliance read the ads In the Daily Herald. ANYTHING that you want in A lumber can be found in our large and well assorted stock, all well seasoned for Immediate use. Also, all kinds of hard and soft coal. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. "College Town" A BIG SUCCESS Play Given by the Junior Class of the Alliance High School Makes Decided Hit The Junior Class of the Alliance High school is certainly there when it comes to putting on a good rip- roaring play. They have all others backed way off the map, and say, when it comes to a high school or chestra. Alliance can boast of about the best la the state. Although It was Just a little late when the curtain rose for the first act, everyone was kept iv good hu mor by the excellent music furnish ed. The first act started off with a very true picture of a college boarding house, and the humorous complications set In Immediately. The audience was kept iw an uproar all thru the act. And, speaking of audi ences, the crowd that turned out last night, would have done Justice to llammerstertn's In New York. One of the worat compHoations that arose during the first act, was the surpris ing number of Aunt Jane's. It was very well smoothed over, however, by the leading character, Jimimle Cavendish, Just as the curtain fell, leaving the house la an uproar. The second act starts off with a hlg gathering of faculty members at a dinner party given, for them. One of the college out-ups comes in and discovering that the guests are all In the (Uniting room, docddes that the punch is si lightly weak and proceeds to fix it up according to his own tastes. The same punch later, be comes a little too much for the se date college professor, and being henpecked, it occurs to him that then is a good chance to assert his rights. He does so and meats with very disastrous results. Just about that time the real Aunt Jane ap pears on the scene, but is hurried off before she has had time to cause any investigation. The cur tain falls Just after one of the male Aunt Jane's has rebelled and has started to disrobe. The third and test act appears on the sidelines of a football game be tween our college and their hated rivals. The Important part of this act is the culmination of a love af fair which started in the first act, between Jlmmie Cavendish and a southern girl, Miss "J km" Chaunlng. The whole affair seems to rest on the game, and as Jlmmie Is on the team, he does his best and finally makes a touchdown Just a few sec onds before time lis caDed. His touchdown wins the game and southern girl is his. The whole play went off Vn shape and was remarkably from the little mistakes which common to amateur dramatics. the fine free are Ev- eryone had his money's worth. Sev eral songs during the performance added a touch of spice and were much enjoyed. The Herald wishes to congratulate the Juniors on their marked success, due largely to the untiring efforts of Miss Ethel Nolan as director. FOR SALE Ducks and chickens, for &0c each. C. M. LOTSPIEC1I, 932 Laramie Ave. 49-2tr2940$ Pure Bred Holstein Bull Calves I have four pure bred Holstein bull calves, from four weeks to eight months old, for sale. Prices on ap plication. These calves may be seen at my place five miles southeast of Lakeside, Nebr. Prices will cover registration and transfer. A. W. TYLER. Octl6-Ct$2G7w First-class short order R ESTAU RANT in Hemingford Bestrooms in town in connection Prices right J. F. Knight, Prop. Bones Wanted W pay cash market price for good dry bones, Immediate shipment Union Stock Yards Co., 8outh Omaha, Nabr. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY - Uatks: Orieinch cards, 50 cents; two-inch cards, $1.00 BRUCB WILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil coartt sine 1993 ind Register U. 9. land offtt from 1803 to 107. Information by audi a ipeciaity. Offlc In Land Offls Building 1LLIANCB : : NEBRASKA BURTON &.WEST0VEI. Attorneys at Law Land Attorneys Office First National Dank Building PHONE 18 vLLIANCE : : NEDRA8KA H. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW VLL1ANCB NEBRASKA F. M. BROOME . Land Attorney I -on eiperiene , a Receive TJ. 8. land offlc la a guarantee lor prompt ana xncMni mo. k . Offlo In Opera Howe Block ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA O. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offlc phon 89 Res. phon 52 Alliance, Nebraska. Ori Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Res. Phon 43 Re. Phone SO Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, I and 9, Rumer Bloek PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Offlc Phon 360. Re. Phon 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: All lance National Bank building over the Post Office. On. "LTouir Txlp take with you a box of good and a late '..Get them at up town news stand or at depot ZElllGr DBxos. utomob81e aun dry Prices ca tpplicatbi . Work taaraatiid Leonard Pilkingtori AT HEELER'S GARAGE EAT AT Nohe'sCafe BUY Nohe's Bread Pure and Wholesome 8UBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY HERALD m&lZZ37.'5ii bjukutt Dray Phon 54 LEGAL ADVERTISING Serial No. 012587 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, TJ. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Sept. 27, 1913. NOTICE te hereby liven that FRANK II. PALMER of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Oct. 27, 1910. made Homestead Entry, Serial No 012587. for 8NEU, B HSE. Sec. 8, SHNVV, Sec. 8. NEK. of See. 17. T. N R O lt:LlAUte and transfer work HARBY P. COURSE! LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Salsa a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE! FHONB 84 ALUANOS : NEBRASKA 1I. JO. K. TYLlCIl ' Dentist PHONE 167 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE t NEBRASKA Dr. J AS. P. , HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUQ STORE TOONS 625 ROD s All electrical equipment Oaa adSniav totered. Evening by appolnftnent A. J. KfeftNEDY Dentist Offls In AHIanc National Building over Post Offlo F-ilONB 191 LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night S10 ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA Florist Cut F L O W E R.S and Potted PLANTS Constantly on. Hand FLORAL PIECES Mad on Short Notlc PLANTS RENTED For Parties and Publlo Gathering Phon 682-439 , At The Herald Offlc REASONABLE RATES PROMPT 8ERVICS AUGUST HORNBURQ Professional Trained Nurse Room I, over Rodger Grocery Alliance - Nebraska 3". "Vn7". 23-ia.xna CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES . .fURNV I8HED ON APPLICATION I ky ear firsts las moon ant , All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alllante, Nebraska. WM. MAUNIER All kinds of Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE 67 1 This Space Is for Sale et very rea seaabla rates V Why not a r it to advertise yeur wares DYE & OWENS Transfer Line - i v i 4 -sf .c solicited. Residence phon 038 and Blue 874 W. of 6th P. M.. has filed notlc of In tention to make Final Three Tear Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regkker and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, at Al lianee, Nebraska, oa ths 22ndl da of November, 1913. Claimant name as witnesses: Jtm Underwood, George aCoy, George liageman. Charts CckW, ail of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. . . Sestet er. OotS-7t-424-2IU