Ml MI Ml was hidden beneath the piano when her mother heard her xolaim, "Oh. mother, there's enough dust nad. here for God to make a man!" 11 t h H I i . -I'll m UK llo0 Column In one of the AlNaoe schools the reading about a kins rf olden tune who wna crwl. The puolls were asked to describe the kin;. One enid, "Be was a heRrtle Wlow." Sa!d the teacher, "Dot that mean that as had no heart?" Ose li'tle fel- Ww raliHMl his hand mI siiid, "lie bad a heart but he (114 nut use It." A number o the toiM-h" wcw dla- wiwing this Inter wa twy were sMed, "Is that tJie wits, you teachors?" "No," ooe rolled, "we bare hearts butu we have no oppor tunlty to use thorn here." Just what sWe meant by that Is problematical Since time lnnnomorw iiMnd men who wander alone reqsfcre a stick or cane with which to find their way about and avoid running into objects their path. We saw a man re cwitly who poswfiww he unaimial in telligence of the blind and puts it to extra good advantage. He In a great smoker of cigara. A friend give hun a rittswuirRn stogie one day to smoke. He lit the stogie, placed It la hl mouth aod started walk around the room. The abo de, aa most of them are, was about three feet in hniRth and xtenld in front of him guard ; hi iu from striking ohjwts. Since Ut day he has taken to smokine; atonies and A longer carries the cane. ' A Boston clergyman' tells this sto ry: "While in a New J enter town lately I noticed large ttoxtcro an Bouncing a lecture Umis: I At Y. M. C. A. ItaM j HEIJi V It Location and Certainty. "And immediately following In equal ty bold typpep was thia: 1 ELL MOTHER I'LL OK THKUB , " will be sun Mr Mr. Gerald HarvU." The waiter who hawk out his or er to the cook la the Utcbeo may won be as extinct ax the dodo; but kts cries should live forever. "Mutton broth in a frurry. says a. customer. "Raa-lWa u the rain! Make htm run!" shouts tike waiter. "Beefsteak and on loan. says a svstomer. "John UuU! Make him a finny!" shouts the waiter. "Where's my baked potato?" asks a customer Mrs. Murphy in a sealskin coat!" shouts the waiter. "Two fried eggs. Don't fry 'era too hard," aays a cuhIubht. "Adam and Eve In the garden Leave their wyes open!" shouts the waiter. "iVtached eggs on toast, says a customer. "Bride and groom on a raft In the middle of the ocean!" shouts the waiter. "Chicken choquettw," says a cus tomer. "Fowl Bawl!" shouts the wuiter. "Hash," says a customer. "Gentle inan wants to take a ckance!" aays the waiter. "I'll have hash, too,1 ays the next customer. "Another sport!" shouts the waiter. "Glass of milk." soys a oustomer. "Lot it rain!" shout the waiter, "Frankfurters and sauerkraut, good and hot." says a cus'omer.' "Fldo, 8hep and a bale of hay I" shouts the waiter; "and let 'em stasis." Chestnuts The corn crop of a certain western county is nearly a total failure this year. One morning a short time ago a farmer took a sack and went to his sixty acre sweet ourn field to see if he could find enough roasting ears tor a meal. In going over the field he found that each ear had on ly a couple of rows of corn, so he cot the com off the om!m and had It cooked for dinner. About dinner time a roanc fellow who Uvea near drove sp, and the farmer Invited him t stay. At the table he passed the osr to the youag man first, and the visitor took as spoonful of corn and started to . take another, when the fanner stop ped him and said, "Deat you think you are going a Utile strong on the corn?" rhe young man was very much embarrassed. "Why?" he stammer. d. "Well, you have aboat fifteen a cres of corn on your plate now." Alice, aged five, was helping her another dust the drawing room. She A man passing a saloon was aud- rterly s'artled by a figure fling out of the door and landing In heap m tU- sidewalk. You have been thrown out," ob served a passer-by. "Yes," said the victim, "but you wait! There are four of them in there. I am going 'n right now to hrcw them out one by one; stand by tnd count." The man reentered the saloon, and at once II re was a om motion in side, and gaaln a man came flying out, Hghtlng not too gently on the Flcewa'k. "ONE!" cried the counter. "Never mind counting," said the voice from tho sidewalk; it's me a- galn." The young lawyre hda Just opened hLr office, and his shingle, the paint scarcely dry, hung outside the door. A fttep was heard, and the next moment a man's frame was silhouet ted again Ht the ground glass of the door. Hastily the legal fledgling stepped to his brand now telephone and, tak Ing down the receiver, gave every appearance of being In a business conversation. Yes, Mr. Brown," he was saying, as the man entered, "I'll attend to that corporation matter for you. Mr. Martin had mo on tth e'phone this morning and asked me to settle a damage suit for his railroad, but ' hud to turn him down I'm so rush ed with oases just now. But I'll at tend to your matter, although I'll have to sandwich it In somewhere between my other cases. Yes, yes, All right. Good-by." And, hanging up the receiver, he turned to his visitor, having, as be thought, duly impressed hi in. "Excuse me, Mr. Young," the man apologiaed, "but I'm from the tele phone company, I've come to con nect up your 'phone." When the agoni paid Mrs. Stone the amount of insurance her husband had carried, he aaked her to take out a policy on her own Ufe. I believe I will," she Bald. as my husband had such good luck." f i iisiiysi ivyiivyiivyi i iiiimii i v j iiiiii iii i i ZJZJ LZDLJUUULJ wuuuuuuu Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If you want to contribute directly to the occurrence of capillary bronchitis and pneu tnonia, tue cough medicines thnt contain cod in, morphine, heroin and other sedatives when you have a cough or cold. An expec torant like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. It cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for the germs of pneumonia and other germ disease, mat is why pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamberlain s Cough remedy is used, It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine or other sedative. for sale by all dealers. Advertisement. GET SIX GEESE Win. Klentop and Chase Feagms made a short trip to Traynor lake late Monday evening, securing six geeae and returning by midnight. The boys say the total weight of the goose was 66 pounds. Seats for the Junior Play are thlr ty-flce cents. WILL BE AWARDED TO THE 15 CLUB HEMBERS WHO ARE LIVE WIRES Are you o live wire? If you are, you can get some of those extra credits To the club member who turns in the largest amount of money on sub scriptions between Saturday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 29th, inclusive, we will give 25,000 Extra Credits SBSBSSfSSSSSSSWSWHSSSMSSiaSSSaBSSaaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfSSSSSSSSB To the member who turns in the second largest amount of money on sub scriptions in the above stated time we will give 23,000 EXTRA CREDITS. The member who turns in the. third largest amount of money during that time we will give 22,000 EXTRA CREDITS, and so on down to the one who turns in the fifteenth largest amount who will get 10,000 Extra Credits. A Full Schedule of these Prize Ballots is Given Below This is your one grand opportunity. If you have been a little behind, this offer will give you an excellent chance to get up among the topnotchers. Take advantage of it and do your best work this week. HUSTLE. 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize 4th prize 5th prize 6th prize 7th prize 8th prize SCI-IBIDTJLE OP PieiZB BALLOTS 2 5, coo Extra Credits 23,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 9th prize 10th prize 1 ith prize 1 2th prize 13th prize 14th prize 15th prize Total 16,000 15,000 14,000 13.000 12,000 1 1,000 10,000 256,000 1 PRIZES STERLING GREENHOUSES AND GARDENS Always ths Freshest and Best of Flowers Cut the day we ship You can't entertain Thanksgiving without Flowers. Don't try it Prices mod erate, always. C. B. JOHNSON, Propr. FIRST PRIZE A fully equipped 1914 five passen ger 'Ford. Now on display at Lowry & Henry's Garage. Purchased of Lincoln Lowry. If You Want R E S YOU can get them by ad vertising an this paper. It reaches the best class oi people in this community. Use this paper if you want some of their business. 8ECOND PRIZE A beautiful diamond ring weighing lightly over a half karet. Purchas ed of and now on display at Hol- sten's. FREE 5 CREDITS FREE Good For 5 Credits For.. THIRD PRIZE A standard 15 jeweled watoh. Pur chased of and now on display - at Barnes Jewelry store. Use This Paper A cash Commission of 10 percent to every candidate who does not win a prize and whq makes cash report each week Address ' To count, must be turned in by Nov. 29th. Do not wad or roll. Send to "Universal Club" Manager, care of The Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. CREDIT SCHEDULE FOR WEEKLY HERALD Showing value of subscriptions In Credits, from one to ten years. Old subscribers are those who are now getting either paper, new sub scribers are those who are not now taking either paper. We give twice aa many. Credits for new subscribers as for old. Draw an X through OLD It the subscriber Is a new one and an X through NEW if he ts an old one. FOURTH PRIZE A standard watch of slightly less raise than third prise. Purchased of and sow on display at T. J. Bren n&a'B store. ' 10 Old Sub. New Sub. 1000 Credits 3000 Credits 2100 Credits 4200 Credits 3300 Credits 8600 Credits 4600 Credits MOO Credhs 6000 Credits 12000 Credits 7500 Credits 1-6000 Credits 9100 Credits 18200 Credits 10SOO Credits 21600 Credits 12600 Credits 24200 Credits 14500 Credits 29000 Credits Weekly Paper 1.50 psr year. CREDIT SCHEDULE FOR DAILY HERALD S Months. $1.60 2,000 Crsdlti f Months, $3.00 4400 Credits 1 Tear. $5.00 MOO Credits 2 Tears, $10.00 20.000 Credits 2 Tears, $15.00 21,000 Credits A cash Commission of 10 percent to every candidate who does not win a prize and who makes cash report each week For Further Information, Call Phone 340, or Address "Universal Club'9 Manager, Herald, Alliance, Nebraska BURGESS, JOHNSON CO., OF BROOKFIELD, M0.f CLUB MANAGERS I