An advertisement in 1 he Herald is alwaysa good investment BECAUSfcT IT BRINGS RESULTS. It's a good investment, whether only a few cents for a little want ad or, $1.00 for a full page. Try it and be convinced RESULTS -the Alliance Herald Official P 10f ooo READERS EVERY ISSCE state UV Rata states una owes OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION VOLUME XX ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1913 NUMBER 51 RESULTS mm GOING SOUTH .Thousands of Mexican Federals and . Rebels Killed in Battle Which Lasted Since Last Sunday HI, PASO, Tex., Nor. 26. The re tat victory is complete. The force t 6,000 federal soldiers which attack ed Juarez on Sunday la am attempt to capture the city is now fleeing 4outhward, leaving behind them thou sands of dead and wounded sort die ra. They aro cut off on the south by the rebels who control Chihauhau. Their ammunition ia exhausted and their escape Is completely cut off. The exact number of killed and wounded in the battle which ranged lone a strip of thirteen miles to unknown but the losses are enormous and the Juarez hospital are full and 1,000 or more of the wounded have been brought across the line to this city. 700 prisoners were brought to Juarez this morning, most of them privates deserted on the field of bat tle by their officers. The 20th Infantry has been ordered here from Ft. Bliss to patrol the border until conditions are more set tiled. Admiral Fletcher reached Tux pam this morning and reports every thing quiet and that there Is no dan ger for the foreigners or thedr property. WEBSTER GOMES TO HIS RANCH Prominent Omaha Financier Comes to Western Nebraska to Look Over His Ranch John R. Webster, president of the Omasa Terminal Bridge Company, U In the city this morning. He came to western Nebraska to make a short stay on bis ranch near Pawlett. Thin was formerly the CoWn ranch. Mr. Webster was delighted with the fine weather here and expresaed himseflf as being very well pleased with wes tern - Nebraska conditions. . WOULD BUY ALLIANCE HORSE Mr. Pratt and son, two liverymen f Denver, were in the city Tues day for the purpose of negotiating lor the purchase of Wni. Hill's Dan Brown, the pacing horse. They work ed the horse out thoroughly While here and were well pleased with his performance. These men are the larg est liverymen in Denver, running five stables. Wm. King went out In his auto Tuesday afternoon and GOT a fine wild goose. Geese are hard to get and It gives Billy a good reputation among the local hunters as a crack not. ALLIANCE GIRL WINS HONORS Miss Alta Young Is Elected to Mem bership in the Matinee Mut Icale, at Lincoln Word comes today of the success of Miss A Ha Young, a senior in the University School of Mueic at Lin cobu, Nebr. After trying out for membership in the Matinee Mu&icale, she was one of those who were elected to membership in that organization com posed of Lincoln mua&ciane and musi cian from elsewhere who. are study ing in Lincoln's different conservatories. LODGE OFFICIAL HERE FRIDAY John W. Pitman of York, Nebr., grand patriarch of the I. O. O. F. encampment, will be in the city Fri day evening. All members of the Al liance Encampment are requested to be present at the I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening at nine o'clock for a special meeting. The regular meet ing of the Rebekah lodge will be held first. A full house saw the Battle of Gettysburg on films at the Crysttal lat evening. This is shown on five films and has drawn big crowds all over the country. 8T0RY OF A HUNTING TRIP The Herald ha information about a couple of Alliance wports who had an exciting hunting trip the drat of the week, leaving on 44 Sunday for the lake country. They are a little backward about having their names appear in print but we will call them "Jim" and ,,Blir for short. They brought back six geese and fourteen ducks, which Jim claims they kLlled with a dozen shots, but be failed to say how many dozen shots they tired without killing anything. A good time was had on the trip, except for Jim's constant knocking on the grub. However, a Jack rabbit killed ota the way home and baked with eame of Box Butte county's good spuds finally satisfied his ravenous appetite and brought back the sunny disposition for which he has become famous among his acquaintances. SIMONSON STOCKING RANCH Attorney W. O. Sdmonson of Den ver came in yesterday with a car load of southern yearling steers and heifers which he was taking to his ranch near Antioch. He is a suc cessful ranchman as well as lawyer, and knows the value of northwestern Nebraska grass in making good beef. FORMER CONVICT RELEASED Jesfte Williams, who was sent from Alliance to the penitentiary at Lincoln for robbing the Dismer house three years ago, stopped over In Alliance Tuesday and this morning to visit with friends. He oalled on Sheriff Cox and stated that he is on his way to settle and reform. COUNCIL BLUFFS PEOPLE HERE Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wykoff and daughter Helen of Council Bluffs, la., arrived today for a visit in Alliance. Mrs. Wykoff is a daughter of Mrs. C. F. Kroil and a sister of Mrs. K. W. Ray and Mrs. J. F. Richards. VISITING ON THE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shawver will spend Thanksgiving in the North Plntte .valley. Mr. Shawver is hunt ing around Mitchell, where his par ents, reside, while his wife Is visit ing at the home of her parents at Bayard. Rev. C. E. McFall came up from Antioch today on 43. He did not take an appointment from the annual conference at its last session, but informs The Herald that he Is preaching regularly , at Mumper In Garden county and that there is a flourishing Sunday school at that point. Win. Becker and family went to Ixuli, Colo., to spend Thanksgiving with his wife's parents. SCOUT CRUISER CHES TER HURRIED TO VERA CRUZ : . v !... . , . t 4' tH -i.rjr"'!V "n --i l ; J tJ1 t . rszTTx-r-nr miV.T The scout cruiser Chester being loaded at the Philadelphia navy yard, preparatory to her sailing under hurry Coders for Vera Crus, where the has Joined the array of warships now In Mexican waters. Aboard the vessel, com manded fey CapL William A. Moffet, formerly commander of the Maine, the rush took on an aspect of war time. ANNAPOLIS NAVAL ACADEMY'S FOOTBALL SQUADRON .If v Before the largest crowd ever assembled In America to witness a football tlmn. thpsa vounar men fpnm (k Naval academy will meet the West Point cadets at the Polo grounds. New York ALLIANCE HORSES WIN COMMENTS Two Horses Belonging to Simon Spry Receive Favorable News paper Comment , The Breeder and SporUman, of November 22, published at San Fran cisco, contains the following item regarding Simon Spry, of Alliance, and his two fillies: Simon Spry, of Alliance, Nebr., has two very promising speed prospects in a three-year-old filly by Del Cor onado 2:09, and a two-year-old filly by Copa de Oro (p.) 2:01. The dam of iheee fdliies was by Conrad (by Electioneer), who was an own broth er of Anteeo 2:16, J. C. Simpson 2:18, Antevolo 2:19, etc. Con rad was located for several years on the ranch of Capt. Ed Pyle, near Alliance- Mr. Spry. moved from Alli ance to Ix8 Angeles, Cal., five or six years ago, taking with him the Conrad mare, then a filly. While at Los Angeles he bred her to the two stallions mentioned above, moving to Alliance again in 1911, where .the Copa de Oro filly was foaled. Alli ance is an ideal place to train trot ters or pacers, the altitude and cli mate being about the same as at Den vi r. They have a good track there, and as proof of the same, v.?h to iiy that the outlaw pacer, riie Kid, whose rightful name was Thorr 2:08, stepped a heat over this track, when K was new, in 2:10 KINKAID NEWS Julius Berkle is busy now hauling hay. Mr. and Mrs. L. Unger spent Sun day at Julius Berkle's and belied him celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Lee Mclntyre aiwl children are visiting at Canton this week. Bert and Lester Rodgers were vis lting on the south table last Sun day. Iee Mclrctyre's brother of Sheridan arrived Sunday for a short visit. Mrs. Jam Skinner of Alliance Sun dayed at the Soth home. CANTON NEWS CANTON, Nov. 26. Mrs. Ella I lie key has Just returned from a week's viHlt at Gretna, where she had gone toi company with Mrs. No votney, her eiater-in-law, wfoo had been vteUing here. Mrs. Hlckey says this country looks good to her when one contrasts the great difference in the price of lands, here and there. We uikderstand rlwt Roy Hlckey, who for some years was a resident of this vicinity after spending come time at Black foot, Idaho, where he moved from Hemdngford, has sold his farm at Gretna, where he moved from Blackfoot, is now livmg hi Col orado and we understand that his health Is quite poor out there. As we have remarked on several occas ions, one leaves a good country when they leave here. Howard and Clifford Whi taker re turned Monday from a week's trip In Wyoming, looking over the counr try with a view to locating a home stead. They were not successful in finding what they were looking for ami are Hinging the praises of this Country. .' G. G. Clark and J. C. Hawkins, of Alliance, brother-in-law and brother of E. L. Hawkins respectively, were In attendance at the Hawkins sale Monday. Bert Langford returned last Thurs day from a ten days' business trip at Lead and DHadwood, S. Dak. Rev. N. G. Palmer of Hemingford preached to an appreciative congre gation at Curly last Sunday. E. G. Boyer of Bayard, t former resident of this viclu'Vty and still own er of a fine farm here, came up Mc-nday to attend the Hawkins sale and transact some other business. He reports Mrs. Boyer's health ns being quite good. Ro'U Shetler has purchased the three quarter sections upon whl.h his brother Leslie recently made final proof, and has moved his fain My '.'..ere n. l: C. Curtis i deepening a veil he reteii'. y drilled lor A. J. Skinner. J. li! Kinion and wife left lat Mod day for a visit a. tLeir old Line in OFFICERS ELECTED O. O. F. No. 168 Elects Officers for Term, Beginning Jan uary 1, 1914 At the regular meeting of the I O. O. F. lodge, No. 168, Tuesday ev emng, me following officers were elected, their terms to betUa Jan uary 1, 1914, and continue for ) months or longer: A. J. Macy, uoblt grand; P. W. Brandt. Vice Grand; R. E. Lester, secretary; C. C. Rod c-is, treasurer; E. D. Henry, trust ee. Miss Elsie Pisa! of Spade, to in the city visiting her old friend. Mrs Reeves. ' Miss Piaal came In Tues day and bought an Isolated tract of land at the land office this morning Smith tounity, Kansas Mrs. J. W. cott ami two of her smaller afrikkrem returned last .Friday frnui visit of three or four weeks at Circtnn aavd other places in ti n part of the state and Walter U rearing a broad grin. I'.fchu El of Srwnrd Nebraska, a i- i ltd fnrme wit lnoklug otr part o the co-i v liit weK wl ti a v'ew to Investing some of his spare duewfo John RarntMrisek made Gnat proof on his homestead at Alliance, Tues day. C. E. Smith and Marshall Shel don were h&s witnesses. PERU NOTES State examinations were given here last week. Quite a number of stu dent ts took examinations in various subjects, i bteing nceeasary for all st dents trying for any kind of certifi cate from the normal should have grades in ail countty certificate sub jects. President - Hayes addressed, the Jefferson county Teachers' Associa tion at FaMMiry on Saturday, Nov. 23. An intcreeiUng German exhibit was shown UH of last week in the faculty reception room under the di rection of M iss Bo wen. The value of this exhibit was greatly enhanced by Miss Dowen's explanation of the pictures shown and her talks on Ger man people. The Juniur-Senior football game wus played Saturday with a score, of 28-6 In favor of the Juniors. No Tbankv.1ving vacation will be granted this year exceptt one day. Much interest is being shown in ,the plana for parking the campus eajt of the athletic fle!d. A land scape gurrtner was here last week 'nklng o,er the ground and marking the trees to be left standing. There Li not much use of trying to horrify a Tsiunuiny leader with pic tures of a 1mt in the throes of dia race and dissolution. TOKEN TO SOLDIER HUSBAND SPANISH-AMERICAN HERO 4 , r i?T 1 UK i Is