The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 13, 1913, Image 5

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    From Saturday's Daily: .
O. Squlbba and Bon of Moffat
were In Alliance today.
J. F. Preston of Keystone, Nebr.,
was in Alliance today.
Father Maloney was a passenger
to Hyannis on 44 today.
Trainmaster Nelson was on the
ewst end of he division today.
R. S. Towell of Denver was the
guest of Hugo Ormsbee today.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Burns are vis
iting at their farm at Hemingford
B. O. Laing and family have mov
ed from their former residence to
807 Big Horn avenue.
Mrs. Hhos. Nevlns of Ardmore,
8. D., arrived on 41 today for a vis
it with Mrs. John Claussen.
Mrs. Tom iBeeson and family have
returned from an extended visit
with her parents at I'axton, Nebr.
Link Lowry returned today from
his trip to Bridgeport, where he was
called Thursday to testify In a land
The Manual Training Instruction
was discontinued in the city schools
this week during the absence of
Trof. Clements.
Mr. and Mrs. Mehin Miller of
Hemingford were in Alliance today,
they having attended the reception
of the Alliance School of Music.
Mrs. Carrie WIer, who has been
nursing at the home of F. A. Wot
en, pastor of the Christian church,
left for her home at Marsland to
day. Mrs. U. B. Anderson and daughter
of Beresfort, S. D., arrived here to
vteit with her brothers Chris and
Martin on the Hall and Graham
A number of the teachers from
Hyannis and . towns east visited the
"Alliance city schools this week in
prefernece to attending the State
Teachers' Institute.
Miss Francis Nolan, Mrs Wil
liams and Mrs. G. H. Burns taught
In the Alliance city schools this
week during the absence of the reg
ular teachers.
Mrs. Edgar Bernoit has received a
message from Mr. Bernoit, stating
that his new location at Boise, Ida
ho, does not appeal to him and he
will return and locate at Hot
Springs, S. D.
"George De Bruler of Litchfield,
Nebr., was an Alliance visitor today.
Mr. De Bruler is one of Sherman
county's well-to-do farmers and is
one of the largest stock feeders in
the Central West.
A. L. Baker, who was an Inmate
f the city Jail under the care of
Police Judge Zurn, was released to
day upon payment of his fine. He
was taken up for disorderly conduct
at one of the local hotels upon com
plaint of the proprietor.
J. Bowden of Kansas City Is In
Alliance today Inspecting the new
ounty court house. Mr. Bowden in
forms a Herald reporter that Box
Butte county will have as nke a
court house as can be found in the
west in the way of structure and
convenience and equipment.
Mrs. Raymond Mark left today
coon for Seneca, where she will
meet her sister Miss Mabel Duncan.
Miss Duncan has been visiting in
the eastern part of the state for
a couple of weeks. They will both
visit today at the home of Mrs. At-
tie De Bruler In Seneca and return
to Alliance tomorrow noon.
Conductor Chas. B. Bennett and
wife left today for Kearney and will
then return to Hyannis, where Mr,
Bennett will look further Into his
elalm number 125, which he drew.
While talking to a Herald reporter
Mr. Bennett assured us that he
would surely prove up on his prize,
and remarked further that he ex
pects to get one of the best with
bis number.
Mrs. J. Reed of Sheridan is here
visiting her mother, Mrs. N. A. Kais
er. George Patterson of Mullen was
transacting business in Alliance to
day. Carl Spacht went to Hemingford
txlay to accept a position la a bank
at that place.
A. M. and S. Depew of North
Platte are in the city today on a
business mission.
G. E. Lekly went to Ellsworth to
day to do some work for the Ells
worth Supply Co.
John Wllkie te enjoying a visit
from his brother, and we understand
that he will locate in Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joiuw of Scott s
bluff stopped In Alliance today on
their way to Kan mis City.
Ole Granum has become the pos
sessor of the two houses on Missou
ri Ave which are known as the
Yeager buildings.
Mrs. C. H. Hllsalick of Henry, Ne
braska, was in Alliance today en
route to her home, from Hastings,
where she had been visiting.
Mrs. John Sleeth and daughter,
Mrs. lsadore Rlchsteln, left on the
east bound passenger today for a
visit with relatives in Clarinda, la.
The fact that Alliance Is a first
class stopping place for transient
travel is verified by taking a glance
at the hotel directory which ap
pears in this Issue. The report is
for Sunday only.
V. O. Laune, of Lincoln, represent
ing the Nebraska Paper Bag Co., is
in Alliance today. Mr. Laune is a
son-in-law of Dr. Abbott, formerly n
practicing physician and a promin
ent builder of Alliance.
Edgar Benolt arrived in- Alliance
from Boise, Idaho, this morning and
left at once for Hot Springs, 8. D.,
where he will take treatment for a
The first basket ball game of the
'season will be played at the High
School gymnasium on Saturday ev
ening. The Mitchell High Schoo
and the Alliance High School will
Ed Saunders of Denver was In
Alliance today on hts way home
from Lost Springs, Wyo., whree he
Is superintendent for a coal com
pany. He was called home by a
message that his mother was very
Mtas Mable Duncan returned Mon
day from a three weeks trip which
Included visit with friends In Lin
coln, Omaha, North Platte and oth
er points. She returned with her
sister Mrs. Edna Mark, who met her
at Seneca.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Coulson of
Bingham came up to Alliance on
business yesterday, returning today
on 44. Their daughter, MIs Lulu,
Is one of the candidates for The
Herald prize automobile and al
ready has a nice bunch of crdeits.
This paper has a large number of
tvubscribers In the south half of
Sheridan county and will probably
have a good many more before the
work of the "Universal Club" has
been completed.
From Monday's Dally:
E. W. Ray's daughter is under the
doctor's care today.
Mrs. Waddell of Hemingford was
in Alliance today.
E. C. Baker and wife of Mlnatare
were v Its 1 ting in Alliance today.
From Tuesday's Daily:
J. H. Catlson was a passenger to
Hyannis today.
- I
Margaret Trlplett was operated on
Monday for tonsilitls.
P. H. Lyman and wife of Bayarc
were Alliance visitors today.
Lowry & Henry have received an
other car- load of Ford Autos.
Lincoln Lo'.vry was again called to
Bridgeport, today, on business.
J. C. McCorkle was transacting
business at Grand Island today.
Ray Rockwell of Mitchell had bus
iness in Alliance that brought him
here today.
Joseph Simmons, son of rMs. R.
Simmons, was operated on for ton
silitls yesterday.
Frank Hedglin, 8. A. Powles and
John Hunsacker went out to bag a
few geese today.
Mrs. J. E. Hallowell of Alberta,
Canada, was in Alliance today en-
route to the northwest.
Mrs. R. E. Rogers of Whitman
brought her baby to Alliance today
for treatment by Dr. Slagle.
D. E. Watson, of Berea, returned
today from a week's stay in Denver
and other Colorado points on a bus
iness trip.
Five full blood Indians passed
through Alliance today on their way
from Denver to the reservation in
Among the out of town visitors
who were In Alliance today were D.
G. Dalkms and U. O. Neal of Love-
land, Colo.
L. Buechsoneteln Is able to be
about again after being confined to
the house for several days on. ac
count of sickness.
B. C. Johnson, who to connected
with the floral house at Sterling
Colorado, was among the business
visitors in Alliance today.
J. E. Richardson of Tec slip, Wyo
one of the heavy losers in the large
cattle stealing In Wyoming a year
ago. Is In Alliance today.
Mrs. L. H. Highland, who was sev
erely hurt last week by & fall at her
home on Laramie avenue, will be
confined 'to the house for two or
three months. She accidentally
stepped into a cold air register which
had been left open, and was badly
bruised although no dooms were
From Wednesday's Daily:
Mrs. G. R. Cain of Wetnotchee,
Wash., visited in Alliance yesterday.
Mrs. H. C. Rosenfeldt of Pawnee
City is visiting relatives in Alliance
G. R. Bell returned today from
Chadron, whore he was called on a
Thomas Banning of Mason City,
an insurance adjuster, was among
the Alliance visitors today.
W. S. Moore, ihe contractor who
is doing the ditching at Bayard and
Gcrlng, is in the city today on business.
C. W. Lobdell, a general contract
r of Gering, is In Alliance today to
purchase plumbing equipment for
some of his contracts.
A car load of seven new 1914 mod
el Ford automobiles arrived yester
day for Lowry & Henry and will bt
placed" la the "garage tomorrow.
Miss Susie Frazler, a teacher in
the model school at the Chadron
State Normal, was brought to Alli
ance last week quite ill. At present
she Is much improved and resting
easily at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Al Wiker. She expects to re
turn to her. school work within a
few days.
J. D. Emerick Is In Lincoln thin
weuk. Robert Reddish is looking af
ter Mr. Emeritk'a office duties dur
ing his absence.
A quartette of hunters, including
George Snyder, James Keeler, Earl
Douglas and E. G. Lalng, went out
to the lakes today to bag a few
geese and ducks.
The choir of the Methodist church
of Alliance were given a treat last
night. After the rehearsal Rev. and
Mrs. O. S. Baker delighted the mem
bers of the choir by passing around
Among the out of town visitors in
Alliance is Harry A. Werner of
New York City. Mr. Werner Is
here trying to recuperate his health,
and expects to remain In the city a
year at least.
Ben J. Sallows and A. J. Young
took a dogree in the Odd Fellow
lodge Tuesday evening. One of the
best crowds that has ever attended
th.? n-eetlngs of the lodge were on
hand tc give the boys the glad hand.
From Thursday's Daily:
Joe Monhart of Wayne, Kans., was
among the out-of-town visitors in
Alliance today.
Mrs. J. C. Berry and daughter,
Mrs. K. O. Waitman, of Ant loch,
wero Alliance visitors today.
J. D. Emerick returned today
fi'om Lincoln, where he had been In
attendance at the State Abstractors'
C. F. Keenan of Bridgeport stop
ped in Alliance today on his return
home from South Omaha, where he
had stock on ttie market.
Mrs. Henrietta Howe of Earlville,
ill., U. ft today for hor home after
visiting a few days with Mrs. E. .
Gilbert. Mrs. Howe also visited her
son M. L. Blgler at Bayard.
P. II. Martin of Chicago was in Al
liance today and was talnkg in the
town between trains. Mr. Martin
was very much impressed with the
new school building and the plans of
the new court house.
V. O. Smith of Earlvllle, 111., was
unfortunate enough to miss his train
tor Seattle yesterday and was com
pelled to spend the day in Alliance.
Mr. Smith took in the city to pass
uwuy time and was very much im
pressed with the same.
The eld "Commissary" building at
205 Box Butte avenue, which Mayor
Rodgers recently leased to use as a
warehouse in connection with his
groc; ry store, is being filled up this
week with apples and other stock.
Mr. Rodgers Is fortunate In securing
this additional storehouse space in
such a convenient location.
A Panama Canal Lighthouse
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Photo by Amsrlcaa Press Association.
THIS picture shows tbs lighthouse st Gatun locks oned to golds vessels
approaching tbs locks across Gatao lake. Hangs lights bavs been
established for guidance on long tangents and side lights, spaced about
a mile apart, mark each side of . the channel Lighted beacons are
also to be used. These are to be built of re-enforced concrete. Tbe sailing
lines are marked by range lights except st the entrauce to tbe channel snd will
be died so that a ship will follow a course wtikb will keep tt 250 feet troui
any ship coming In the opposite dlrectiou.
Must be WakMu
For great efforts are being made in
this vicinity to sell baking powders of
inferior class, made from alum acids
and lime phosphates, both undesir
able to those who require high-grade
cream of tartar baking powder to
make clean and healthful food.
The official Government
tests have shown Royal
Baking Powder to be a
pure, healthful, grape
cream of tartar baking
powder) of highest
strength, and care should
be taken to prevent the
substitution of any
other brand in ts place.
Royal Baking Powder costs only a
fair price per pound, and is cheaper
and better at its price than any
other baking powder in the world.
Interesting Items About Angora and
Vicinity by The Herald's Cor.
respondent at That City
, Angora, Nebr., Nov. 13 A number
of ladies of Angora met wt the
home of Mrs. G. A. Dove Wednes
day afternoon and organized a La
dles Aid Society. Mrs. Ray Ely was
elected president; Mrs. G. A. Dove,
vice president; Mrs. L. L. Cham
bers, secretary; and Mrs, J. F.
liewls, treasurer. The object of the
socUty is to broaden and enlarge
the social and Christian life of the
members and to be of benefirt to the
community at large.
Sheriff Dyson was in. Angora. Sat
urday on business. He was accom
panied home by his daughter Miss
Rena Dyson.
L. L. Chambers is enjoying a vis
it from his parents, from Aiintutare.
Mrs. Win. Orr leaves Saturday for
a short visit with her mother at
Morrill before the extended trtp Mr.
end Mrs. Orr will make In the east
ern pant of the state.
John TW?rry is beginning the erec
tion of a handsome home a mile
west of town.
Mrs. J. F. Mc Williams of Lynn is
visiting Mrs. G. A. Dove.
Miss Leah Case celebrated her
sixth birthday Thursday with a par
ty for the little folks.
G. Elliot and I. A. Jones of th
water service department of the
Burlington, were In Angora Tues
Mrs. Zack Fugate and children of
Bridgeport are visiting Angora relative.
Section Foreman R. H. At well haw
received x new three horse power
engine for his handcar, which is an
Improvement over the old way of
hand pumping.
Andrew Stoner has made eons
good, Improvements to his liver?
burn this weak by the addition, of,
two side wings.
Mrs. L. V. McCorkle Is shipping
hay this week. Mrs. McCorkle M
an expert business woman, havlag
placed on the market this mmsl
nearly three hundred tons of ha
from Jier ranch. .
Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines.
If you want to contribute directly to tk
occurrence of capillary bronchitis and pries
noma, nae cough mvdictnes that contaM
codine, morphine, heroin and other sedatives1
when you have a couth or cold. An expee'
torant like Chamberlain's Cough Kern ear If
what is needed. It cleans out the culture
beds or breeding places for the germs of
Eneumonia and other germ diaeatiea. Thai
i why pneumonia never results from a cold
wbeo Chamberlain 'a Uough remedy Is uned
It has a world wide reputation for ita cures.
It contains no morphine or other sedative
For sale by all dealers. Advertisement.
Always the Freshest and Best of
Flowers Cut the day we ship Yetf
can't entertain Thanksgiving without
Flowers. Don't try it. Prices meeV
erate, alwaya.
C. B. JOHNSON, Propr.
W. R. Drake, Prop.
Fresh and Cured Meats
"The Best of Everything"
Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen:
We do our our own butchering and
are on the market for the best we
can buy. If you have some excep
tionally good stuff to sell, let us
know about it.
Corner Box Butts Ave. and 4th St