VIIICII DO YOU CHOOSE? ASK ABOUT THE r2 I u DIFFERENT FIELDS Nebraska National Forest Reserve or Fort Niobrara Military Reservation If A $25.00 Diamond Ring will be given to the Club Mem ber who turns in the most money on subscriptions from Monday, Nov. 10th, till and inclusive of Saturday night, Nov, 22. A $10 Diamond Ring will be given to the one who turns in second most during above dates. See the diamonds at Holsten's big store. Now is a good time to start your campaign. New mem bers will be on an equal footing with all others in the race for the present high class special prizes. Remember the Club closes before Christmas. SECOND GRAND PRIZE A beautiful diamond ring, either ladies' or gents' mounting. It Is now en display at Holsten's popular tore. Weight over one-half karet. SPECIAL PRIZES Two fine diamonds will be award ed on November 22nd to the two members who turn in the most cash to that date. FIRST GRAND PRIZE 1914 FORD FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR THIRD GRAND PRIZE An elegant gold watch. One of the best on the market. Either lady's or gent's. Purchased of W. O. Barnes Bought of LINCOLN LOWRY, Exclusive County Agent FREE 5 CREDITS FREE Good For 5 Credits FOURTH GRAND PRIZE ' A fine gold watch a little less val ue than our third prize. Purchased of F. J. Brennan. For Address To cqjint, must be turned in by Nov. 15th. Do not wad or roll. Send to "Universal Club" Manager, care of The Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. F.3IS8 . h CREDIT SCHEDULE FOR WEEKLY HERALD ft M bndll Showing value of subscriptions in Credits, from one to ten years. , Pnmmlrrinn 01i ubftcr,De 8re those who are now getting either paper, new sub- PflfYimiccinn UOrniTllSSIOn scrlbers are those who are not now taking either paper. We give twice OUIIlllllOdlUII aa many Credits for new subscribers as for old. Draw an X through X in 1 Of 10 DBrCGnt 0LD if the 8ubscrlber 18 a new one and an x through NEW if he is an Of lU 061X6(11 " old one. N 8 b tO 6Y6rV 1 Year .. 1000 Credits 2000 Credit to every 2 Years 2100 Credits 4200 Credit candidate 3 Yean" 3300 Credlu 6000 Credlu candidate uuiiuiHUiii 4 year 46(M) CredJt9 9200 Credits uthn rlnoc Years 6000 Credits 12000 Credits w.n rlnpC WOO QOeS 6 Years 7500 Credit 16000 Credit "IIU UUCO 7 Years 9100 Credit 18200 Credits . . n nOt Win a Years 10800 Credits 21600 Credits nOl Wlfi,3 9 Years 12O0O Credits 25200 Credits nrize and 10 Year8 14500 Credlu 29000 crediu prize and JJIU.G ailU Weekly Paper $1.50 per year. " who makes CREDIT SCHEDULE FOR DAILY HERALD who makes cash report '.SSE SS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: iSS cashjeport . . l Year, $5 00 9.200 Credits . , each week 2 Years. $1000 20.000 credit. eacn weeK 3 Years, $15.00 31.000 Credits APPLICATION BLANK. I hereby apply for "Universal Club" Membership and cast 5, coo free credits for Address. Signed. Only one of these application blanks will be credited to each club member, versal Club" Manager, care of The Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. Send to "Uni- For Further Information, Call Phone 340, or Address "Universal Club'' Manager, Herald, Alliance, Nebraska BURGESS, JOHNSON 8 CO., OF BROOKFIELD, HO., CLUB MANAGERS (By John W. Thomas, Editor) So many are asking me tor my opinio In the matter of selecting a claim in the Forest Reserve or the Military Reservation that I am put ting the following statement in print In order to save writing it repeatedly: In general, I believe the Kurort Rt serve to be a better proposition for the homeeteader than the Mili tary Kcoervatlon, except under one condition, which I will explain bo- low. In tho Forent Reserve there are about five hundred sections to be taken a clahivs under the Kin- It aid law, prmHtlng the filing; on 640 acre. Aa some will, no doubt, ake claims of lens than a section there will probably bo more thau five hundred claims, possibly five undred and fifty or more. In the Military Reservation there- are lees than fifty section to entry under the Klnkaid law and about twenty-throe or twenty-four amnions that will be entered in claims of fit) acres each, whh h In odiMtlon to being homesteaded must be paid for at the appraised price. If I were selecting a claim and my number came within the fin 16o 1 would certainly select in the Forest Reserve without any refer ence to the Military Reservation. I would do the same If my num ber came anywhere under three hundred. If a considerable number head of me, say forty or fifty, did not select in the Forewt Itewrve, thus giving them the privilege of seleotlng ahead of me in the Mili tary Reservation. If my number came after three hundred and all but a few ahead of me, say fifteen or twenty, selected and In the Forest Reserve, tnua neuring me the privilege of. being near the head of the list In making selection in the Military Renerva- tlon next April, I would wait and take my chances of getting a good claim then. If I had any number that would pemubt me to aecure a claim In the Forest Reserve, and 150 or more that could come in ahead of me on the Military Reservation, 1 would not take chance by waiting till nexl Aivril but would take the beet 1 could get in the Forewt Rouerve, if anything remained worth taking It the land in the Korea Reserve was all taken when my number was reached and 160 or more num hers ahead of mine that uld come In ahend of me on the Military Res ervation. 1 would go to Alliance, the leading town of northwestern Ne braska, and get a reliable real es tate man to show me over the coun try with a view to purchasing t piece of land for less than half what It will sell for within the next few years. JOHN W. THOMAS N. B. -I am not in the real es tate buslneas but am doing all can to help develop a country where men are making good at stock raising, farming and dairying I shall be pleased to tell you all can about this country through The Alliance Herald at $1.60 per year. Old King Coal is a terrible soul A terrible soul la he. He coll for your all. He call with gall. And he take you. Yesiree! Now Is Coed Starting Time; Not Ail Club Members Trying; Get List of Open Fields Two Prizes for November 22nd A Vt hough the list of Club Members! as it apitetim shows that credit have boon accumulated by nearly s ry one, the does not neewwarily In dicate tbn4 etorh aiul every one o4 thorn It tryliK- The fa t of the max ir Is, that there are only a tew outtdrie of Alliance who have aotsai- done aa rtfllng In their own be half. If you will ak me, I will be glad to tell you where the open fieVli are in w forth no one to apparently working. I know that there are a t of fluids in which a great many Bubwriptlon van be had, in which no Club M timber Is engaged. Theeu field present the best kind of op portunity te any one who can work them. Aek me about the open fields. Now when we are offering tw dandy new special prizes for work done from Monday the 10th till sr nclusive of Saturday nSght, Nov. 22nd, h a very good time for new Club Members to begin, for you M they will be on an equal footing wMh any othem la the race for tk present apodal prizes. Information concerning any point of the "Ualversal Club" will b heerfully fnrolehed. Yours for success, ( W. V. BUnOESS. "Ualversal Club" Manager. The Quick Answer by Telephone Has the Bell Telephone supplanted the social let ter for you? Many have found the telephone the more pleasant and con venient way. The long1 distance tele phone talk is direct and personal, going almost in stantly and comprehend ing both message and reply. And, too, telephoning Is congenial, permitting those little, intimate, per sonal chats ahuost like a face-to-face talk. Ash "Long DttQf tor ratts onywhert, KBBASKA TELEPHOXE COMPANY The following Is the list of names stmt in to date. Only a few are known to be active. Credits have been received for many. New names received any time. ALLIANCE K. C. Dyer 12,100 W. J. Trnj?eKnor 27,150 Mrs. Anna M. Zoh rung .... 17,60') Mary I laker 19,840 Neva Bremiman 18,999 K.ina KulbM 17,593 Klsle Cloiish 10.200 Kva Duucfan 27.750 Mice Large 14,100 II. U. Carpenter 18,080 itirdie Vernon .' 26,685 May. Graham 26,99& Normon McCorkle 11,115 Harvey I. Hacker 34,660 Mrs. O. M. Burns 7,210 Delia Watwn 12,500 ALLIANCE COUNTRY ' , 12.615 20,995 Edith Slsley May Brandt .... Helen Put man 14,905 Shirley Ilngaman 19,640 Martha Kk-kea 12.S60 liKura Naeos 20,500 Anna Seldler 11,630 Fern Johnnton 18,895 ChriHtina Will 16,400 Margttret Diivig 38,835 Joule Hoffland 16,100 CRAWFORD Ethel Miller 14.330 HAY SPRINGS Mildred Merey 12,000 CHAORON Nora O'Neil 13.165 BELMONT Mcrdel Waldron 11,150 OUNLAP Anna Fendrk- 10,995 CANTON Edlih Broshar 11,615 MARPLE Ieora Banks 12,990 BONNER Mrs. Franke Loone 10,000 MUMPER Dertha Il.tst iiKUib 10,055 ORLANDO Clara Roberts 11,995 BINGHAM Lulu Cokes 26,930 WHITMAN Cora GustuifitMon 11,263 ELLSWORTH Nettie Nation 10,990 ANTIOCH Winona Bl;ir 14,000 LAKESIDE Ada Suitor 8.999 Mae Cook 11,059 HEMINGFORD Hertua Parkyn 24.9 5 MARSLAND Fay Greg? 12,560 ANGORA Mrs. Roy Maybell 15,000 Grace Mayer 14,110 NEWPORT Ethel Clyioer 6,500 50c FOR YOUR CHOICE OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS Owing to coming Into bloom so early, will sell at this price SAT URDAY ONLY. Come early and get first pick. RAT FLORIST BHOP. nov7-2t 2924 3,000 readers every svsnlng The I Daily rUrald. ,j