MOT Public of REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of Charles Mason, deceased, will on the 25th day of October, 1913, at the hour of two, o'clock p. m., at the Court House in the city of Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, sell the fol lowing described real estate to the highest bidder for cash: The Southwest Quarter of Section Nine, Town ship Twenty-five, Range Forty-eight, Box Butte County, Nebraska. A good and sufficient deed of conveyance will be made to the purchaser of said property. Said sale will be held open one hour or longer, as the undersigned executor may deem advisable at the time. " - Arthur Allen, Executor of the Estate of Charles Mason, Deceased. Better Photographs are made at Alliance ART STU DIO $1 per dozen .The new red tone is also made there Call and see them at the Alliance Art Studio 114 East 4th St. Phone III Our store is full up on seasonable merchandise, Buck's Stoves, and Ranges, none better. The newest and nobbiest lines of wax and fumed FURNITURE in matched dining room sets. Cir cassion walnut, rosewood, eucalyp tus, golden polished oak and wax dressers. The prices are RIGHT and the GOODS are RIGHT--They carry OUR GUARANTEE Miller Brothers House Furnishing Store ED Advertising jLISS WANTED Slnale man of nent ap pearance to travel with manager and soUc.i.. J. FRANCIS, Imke Hotel. 27001 U Want to Trad for Milk Cowa We want to trade furniture, stoves, ruga or house furnishings for a few good milk cows. Miller Brothers House Furnishing Store. 3tf2631 Are YOU a Subscriber? FIFTY HEAD OF HORSES. Will take in to pasture through the win ter. Inquire at the Diamond Pool Hall, Alliance, Nobr. 43tC2632 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ttOWAN ft WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Want to Trad for Milk Cowa We want to trade furniture, stoves, ruga or house furnishings for a few good milk cowa. Miller Broth era House Furnishing Store. 43tf2631 ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract ooks In Box Butte county Office Room 7, Opera House Block. 10tf570 FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS (or light housekeeping, close In. Phone 629. MRS. M. BAYER. 33tf2382 Furnished rooms for rent. West 6th St. Phone 676. 38-4t-2474$ 111 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo tor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret It, also bargains in used Mo tor Cycles. Write us today. En close stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich 32-10t-236 nSCUANECOJS Money to loan on real estate. K Reddish. Stf For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal. phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber & Coal Company. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 60-tf-1608 Advertisement Rowan ft Wright, coal, wood and rt)Bts. Phone 71. tf Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an absence of two years and am again ready to do all kinds of cement work. People here know what kind of work I do. Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 23f-2147 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. I993 15tf SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automobile. J. B. DENTON Advt 25tf2195 Corrugated Carpet Paper SO yard rolls, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD. Adv 24tf-2181. WANT TO BUY LARGE BASE BURNER. MuBt be In fair shape and the price right for cash. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 35tf HORSE LOST. Light bay geld lng, blaze face, branded O on 1 hip and E on left jaw, eleven years old. Reward for Information SONEY SMITH, 206 Box Butte ave., Alliance, Nebr. 39-lt-2604$ E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted planis Floral pieces made on short notice. Mall orders given special attention. 41tf2549 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Five room, modern house. Easy terms. Phone 752. 41tf2550 NOTICE All unpaid real estate will be ad vertlsed for sale the first week In October. E. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer. 40 3t 2513 Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wright Phone 71. tf LP SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Reduced prices on seasonable merchandise will be offered for one week only. FURS A large shipment just received. The season for furs is at hand. Come in and look them over while the stock of new arrivals is still com plete. SPECIAL during-this sale we will give a 20 per cent reduction on the entire line. SWEATERS A large line of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Sweaters to select from this week. Regular 50c values at . . . 39c " $1.75 values at . $1.29 " 2.00 values at . 1.59 " 3 00 values at . 2.29 " .50 values at . 2.69 Skirts and Silk Petticoats The entire line reduced as fol lows: Silk Petticoats, regular $5 and $6 values, reduced to $3.25. $5.00 Dress Skirts . . , 5 7.00 to $7.50 Dress Skirts 8.00 to 8.75 10.00 to 11. 00 1 3-49 4.69 5-39 5.98 6.89 WAISTS Silk, Chiffon, Lace and Heavy Madras. All of this season's ar rivals. During this sale: All $5.00 to 16.00 values at . 13.25 All 3.00 values at . . . 2.12 All 1.75 " . . . 1. 21 All 1.50 " ... .98 I have a complete line of Winter Goods, such as Kimonas, Outing Gowns, Quilts, Blankets and Knit Goods. 10 per cent reduction on everything not included in this sale. Buy for cash and save money. . . . , ' . R. E Stea rn 11 1 Pure Bred Holstein Bull Calves I have four pure bred Holstein bull calves, from four weeks to eight months old, for sale. Prices on ap plication. These calves may be seen at ray place five miles southeast of Lakeside, Nebr. Prices will cover registration and transfer. A. W. TYLER. Oetl6iOt$267&wr for Information. Write to me at Marple, Nebr. JENS KREJCI. Oot9-2tW$2652 FOR SALE Two milk cows, one giving milk; one to be fresh soon. Several young bulls, Shorthorn, full blood. ROBERT BIRD, Alliance, Nebr. Oct9-2tW$2G54 DRAYS E. A. Herbert moves trunks for fifteen cents; household goods for seventy-five cents per load; pianos lev $1.60. Phone 260. Work guar anteed. 37-4t-247l Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, aa. In the Matter of the Estate of Tru man W. Brown, Deceased. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of Tru man W. Brown that I have set and appointed the first day of May, 1914, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance and pay ment. All persons interested as creditors of the said estate will present their claims to me at eaid time, or show cause tor not ao doing, and in cuf any data a are not so presented tf' said; time they shall be forever bar red. This notice shall be served f publication thereof for four conaecii' trve weeks in the Alliance Herald, newspaper published in Alliance, prt or to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 3rd day of Oct., 1913. L. A. BERRY, (Seal) County Judgs. Oct9-4t-329-264 PhiUp Buechsensteln, a brother of Louis Buechsenstein, who has beta visiting here for a week, left Sunday" for Due Moines, Iowa, to visit rel tlves. He will then return to hit home In Los Angeles, Calif. LADY'S SET BACK COMB AND BARRETTK left in ladles' oiiet at Burlington station, Alliance, Wed nesday, August 27th. Reward for return to Herald office. auvt38-lt-24S0 HORSE LOST. Light bay geld ing, blaze face, branded G on left hip, and E on left Jaw, eleven years old. Reward for Information. SONEY SMITH, 206 Box Butte ave . Alliance, Nebr. 41-31-2534 LAND FOR 8ALE NW4 of section 12, township 26. range 47. 120.00 per acre. This is good land, tine soil and lies well Near to the farm of Wm. Nye. Ad dress owner, C. II. Taylor, Box 293, Long Prairie, Minn. 4l-6t-2536 BIG BARGAIN IN 8ECTION FARM Square section, all farm land, fenc ed and cross-fenced, 35 acres under cultivation, 4 room sod and frame house, well and windmill, reservoir, 18 miles southwest of Marsland, good road to town, on telephone and mail line. Seven dollars per acre, half cash, terms . on balance. Address A. D. Wler, Fayettevllle, Ark. 41-4t-2536 STRAYED OR STOLEN Two heifers and one steer, coming two years old. Heifers branded on left hip J K combined. JK. Steer was light red, white face, horns on, hole in right ear with silt out. Above cattle have been niltwed since the last part of July. Suitable reward fo) cr w (PARMAT All Day Saturday OCT SALE AND FALL OPENING OF FLOWERS 18 20c Ferns for 10c Carnations, first grade, 75c dozen These prices for one day only The first hundred ladies that call get a Carnation Free A new assortment of potted plants in bloom; also new choice rerns 1 on display. Remember the day ! E.W.Ray