The Famous Slashes Prices The Famous Slashes Prices The Famous Slashes Prices The Famous Slashes Prices 200 Dozen 1200 Pieces n w 5 o e tfl Canton Flannel Gloves Men's Heavy Fleeced Lined Underwear. Regular 50c Values Sale OO Price J JC cn Knit Wrist per dozen pairs ft) tfl B ft tfl 75c 3. o The Famous Slashes Prices "C SLASDiES M3 (A 0 O i (2 M V U M 4) 3 3 o 1 Men's Union Suits V.aa.r quality, winter weight $1.50 Union Suits, now $1.05 $2.00 " " 1.35 $2.50. " " 1.80 $3.00 " " 2.10 $3.50 " " 2.40 100 Dozen Laundry Proof Madras and Percale Shirts Regular $1.25 and $1.50 val ues. Sale price 0 Pure Thread Silk Sox Black, tan, gray and purple. Wear guaranteed Sale price 25c 700 Dozen Corliss Coon Collars All the new styles . 3 for 25c. Engineers' Leather Faced Gauntlet Gloves 19c Red and Blue Handkerchiefs 4c Trunks $25.00 Trunks $18.75 $20.00 " 15.00 $18.00 - 14.50 $15.00 12.25 Suit Cases $5 Leather Suit Cases 3.50 One big lot of Men's Hats Columbias and Da kotas; worth $2.00 Sale price 98c THE FAMOUS Sells it for LESS Unheard-of Prices on New Fall and Winter Goods Big Days of Price' Cutting 10 10 Our Store is crowded, jammed and packed full of New Fall and Winter Clothing, Suits and Overcoats, Shoes and Hats, Men's and Boys' Furnishings. We have made tremendous purchases for the biggest Fall and Winter Business we have ever had. As you well know, we carry none but goods of known reputation and proved Superiority. For 10 days we are going to pass the profits up to our customers. Remember, we are offering you all New Fall and Winter Goods just in from the manufacturers. Some of them so NEW that dur ing the busy past week we were unable even to take them out of the cases. We challenge comparisons and prices. Any store can give you undesirable goods cheap, but new goods like these we of fer were never sold at these prices at this season of the year by any store anywhere. Your money back on any purchase you make here during this sale if you want it. Read on! T - INGOMPARABL CLOTH IN VALUE 40 Men 3 Suits bought to sell at $10 All sizes in grays and gray fancy mixtures at the astonishingly low price of Biggest and Best Suit and Overcoat value at 1 " uW Suits and Overcoats. All wool and all right in style -and fabric that have sold for $18.00. This is a great line and a big money saver. You must see them to appre ciate the value. Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassi meres; all heavy weights. Browns Blues, Checks, Diagonals and Stripes. Here is the biggest snap of them all., 1 00 fine hand made highly tailored Mens Suits. 30 different patterns, all sizes. They just arrived, Saturday, September 20th. We bought them to sell at $20. Our Special 1 0 Days' Sale Price Every Suit absolutely guarantesd They are Union Made. 48 SUITS Hart, Schaff ner & Marx make that we sold for $25.00 Sale Price BIG BARGAINS-BOYS' CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNISTING GOODS Fine Boys' Cap that old for 0c 19c Your Boys' Boys' Boy. Boys' 1 lot of Child- Boys. Boys' Boys' choice Shoes Shoes Shoe. Rovs' Fleece Boys' ren's Knit , Shirts fleeced of 22 9 to 13 H 1-2 to 2 g1' Lined Lined $1.25 50 cent Caps Bicycle and lined pat warran- s"'1- "to" 1-2 Leath- Shirts Felt Romp- 50cent He Draw- Union terns ted Our$2.25 er and Hats ers values Winter ers Suits in verVP.,r hoe ' Draw. Your Sale we.ghts nt 6 to 12 Boys' fc fc ers choice Price aists p p p weight 19c 1 1.39 1.48 1.65 25c 19c 50c 39c 1 19c 11c 1 11c 1 48c Pine Blue Cheviot Suit. Nor folk, and Double Breasted $.ize. 7. to 16 1.98 The Famous One Price Clothing House, "aska 100 Pairs Fine Shoes button and lace in the new toes $3.50 and $4 values, each pair warranted, at $2.98 60 pairs of Kant Rip Em work shoes Regular $2.75 val ues, sale price $1. 98 Corduroy Pants Men's fine corduroy pants warranted not to rip. Brown and tan colored, sale at $2.25 1 big lot .of Men's Work Pants Sale price . 69c Broken lines of all wool shirts and drawers $1 .25 values at 75c Silk Lined Mocha gloves just received Sale price 98c Fine Silk and Lisle Sox Beautiful new goods, gray, purple, tan and black worth 35c Sale price 1 9C 400 Work Shirts Amoskeag, Blue and Gray Chambrays; good values at 50c Sale Q Price JJC saqsejg snoinej aqx S90U j saqseis snomej aqx S33uj saqsvis snoinej aqx saqseis snoraej aqx sjdijj saqsejc; snouiej aqx Ell si 3 o c w ft) r 3. o tfl or "I ft) 9 o c tfl ft) VI B tfl 3. o (A &) B o c tfl ft) tfl a 3. o tfl H rr V 3 o B tfi to ft) tfl B" A 3. o a (A B" si a o c tfl VI B- (A 3. o r tfi B- n a o a tfi cn (A B- tfi 0 3. o n tfi H B" 3 a o G tfl cn I (A B- tfl 3. o a tfi