PHENOMENAL SALE OF SHEET MUSIC AT THE BEE HIVE THURSDAY The IWe Hive made, a record sale of sheet music on Thursday. $25 worth of Bhet music was sold In tbe one day. They make a special ty of quick returns on special orders. IN AUTO FROM IOWA From Monday's Daily: 1 J. H. Kerr and wife, accompanied iy their daughter, Mrs. . Richards, and son Gale, arrived the last of the week by auto from their homo In Pleasantvllle, Iowa, to viBit with Mr. and Mrs. James Feaglns for a few days. Mr. Kerr is a brother or Mrs. Feagins. They made the trip from Pleasantvllle in three days. ADDITIONAL LOCALS From Monday's Daily: The P. E. O. society meets with Mrs. J. N. Andrews at her home on Cheyenne avenue this afternoon. R. E. Knight made a visit to the Eldred ranch, southeast of AlHauce, Saturday night, returning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Darling, with Miss Mae Barnes, visited at the Bauer home in the country on Sunday. JUL ED Advertising Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tt FOUND Near the stockyards, by Rex Wilcox of 911 Laramie Ave., a watch. Owner may have It by prov ing ownership. l589-2t ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I have the only set of abstract books' In Box Butte county Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf 670 FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, close In. Phone 629. MRS. M. BAYER. Utf2382 Furnished rooms for rent. Ill West 6th SL Phone 676. 3S-U 2474J POR SALE QR EXC HANG E 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo tor Boots at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Mo tor Cycles. Write us today. En close stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich 32-101-2369 MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. 4. Reddish. 3tf a For nice clean Nlggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut cool, phone to No. 22. Dlerks Lumber & Coal Company. ,L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 60-tM608 Advertisement HORSE IX3T. Ught bay gett ing, blaze face, branded 0 on V , hip amd E on loft aw, el-even years old. Reward for Informs)' ion. SONEY SMITH. 206 Box Butte ave , Alliance, Nebr. 491t-2C04$ E. W. RAY, FLORIST Cut flowers and potted plants. Floral pieces made on short notice. Mall orders given special attention. 4ltf2549 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and josts. Phone 71. ' tf Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an absence of two years and am again ready to do all kinds of oement work. People here know what kind of work I do. . Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 23-tf-2147 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SEU, all my farms ind ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. 1993-I6tf SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Barn for four Worses. House for automobile. J. B. DENTON. dvt 25tf2196 Corrugated Carpet Paper 60 yard rolls, 75 cents. THRELKELD. Adv 24tf-2181. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Five room, modern house. Easy terms. Phone 752. 41LT2560 NOTICE All unpaid real estate will be ad vertised for sale the first week In October. E. M. MARTIN, County Treasurer. 40-31-2513 Buy your coal of Rowan ft Wright, hone 71. tf DRAY8 E. A. Herbert moves trunks for fifteen cents; household goods for seventy-five cents per load; pianos 1it $1.60. Phone 260. Work guar anteed. 37-4t-2471 v LADYS SET BACK COMB AND RARRETTE left in ladies' olIet at Burlington station, Alliance. Wed nesday, August 27th. Reward for return to Herald office. aivt38-lt-2480$ HORSE LOST. Light bay geld ing, blaze face, branded G on left hip, and E on left Jaw, eleven years old. Reward for Information. SONEY SMITH, 206 Box Butte ave.. Alliance, Nebr. 41-3t-2534 LAND FOR SALE NW4 of section 12, township 2(5, range 47. $20.00 per acre. This is good land. Fine soil and lies i well Near to the farm of Wm. Nye. Ad dress owner, C. H. Taylor, Box 293, Long Prairie, Minn. 41-6t-2535 WANT TO BUY LARGE BASE BURNER. Must be in fair shape and the pries right for cash. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 36fcf BIG BARGAIN IN SECTION FARM Square section', all farm land, fenc ed and cross-fenced, 36 acres under cultivation, 4 room sod and frame house, well and windmill, reservoir, 18 miles southwest of MarBland, good road to town, on telephone anil mail line. Seven dollars per acre, half cash, terms on bilance. Address A. D. Wler, Fayettevllle, Ark. . 41-4t-2536 r- .i, . ' r ft 3 Zl Fine Wealthies; boxed, from Black foot, Idaho. Now on city track, west of freight house. You are cordially invited to inspect these apples . . Prices Right SHTD1E Formerly of BOX BUTTE COUNTY Horses Selling (Continued from page one) than si former sales on account of the fact that there were a number of very poor horses sold for low prices, holding down the average which at former sales has been from $80 to $96. There were two strings of very poor horses whk-.h the1 own ers sold cheap in "order t avoid feeding through the winter months. One string of thirty head brought as low as $4 and hlwh as $20. There were also two big bunches of colts and young mules which helped hold down the average.. Each suocceeding sale this season has attracted buyers from a wider area until there are here today buy ers from Liverpool, England, and the Island of Cuba. Among the buyers are the following: J. V. Parker New York; J FrWbee, St. Louis; Morris Davis, St. Louis; J. Dean, Kentucky; J. W.' Haggerty, Bridge port; C. C. Smith, Alliance; Tom Bradstreet, Grand Island; Art Lang mam, Grand Island; Art Rodgers, Texas; Jimmy Murph", Liverpool, England; Sam Parker, Cuba; Orvllls Holloway, Broadwater; Ray Westov er, Lakeside; and John Burry of Sidney. There are about 200 head to be jold today and from present Indica tions they will be cleaned out early. Guard Killed (Continued from Mige one) ws the victim of a . deliberate plot and that bis death was premeditat ed. The union side claims that th. slayer of Lee was not a union man and bis death cannot be blamed to them. There is very little change In the strike situation. One large mine closed yesterday afternoon and an other signed up with the union, agreeing to pay the wage scale demanded. L0(M NEW? ill From Saturday's Daily: O. A. Moonahan was a visitor la Alliance today from Scottsbluff. He says the sugar campaign 1b well on in the valley and thaf a Teconi- breaklng season Is expected. The sugar plant is working at its fullest capacity. , S. W. Holt has the contract for o f painting two buildings for W W. Norton, the large store building and .he Diamond pool hall. Mrs. II. F. Gallup of Mitchell lef for her home today aficr. a two weeks visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Thomas. r. H. Beeson Is looking for hii brother Joe from Omaha tomorrow, who is coming for a week s visit In Alliance, with probably a little duck and grouse shooting during that lme. Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Whitaker ind Mis3 Minnie Whitaker of Cun- .or stopped in Alliance yesterday Af ternoon, enroute to South OmahP. where they went for a visit at the home of Mrs. Whi taker's parents. They expect to be gone about three weeks. From all around people coming to Alliance remember The Heral.1, which is very pleasing to all con nected with the paper. Among those favoring this office with a call yes terday were J. F. Willis of Mars land, Dawes county; Han ford Green, Strasburger, Sheridan county; an. I II. II. Lohse, Ellsworth. W. F. Rosenkranz and family have moved from 419 Big Horn avenue two and a half blocks south, 206 Big Horn. Chas. Avery, mayor of Orlando, ar rived in Alliance too late for th-j fair but intends to stay over a few days and celebrate anyway. Miss Delia Roberts and - Mrs. Fit Holt of Bayard were Alliance visit ors today. They are stopping at tht Burlington hotel. Elmer Kronvall of the trainmas ter's office left for Grand Island and other eastern Nebraska points, on his vacation. O. A. Engersoll of Linn 13 anoth er visitor who eaa.e to lliance for the fair, riding in yeiterday's races. '' James Delancy of Scottsbluff was a visitor during the fair and was greatly interested in the siar beeU produced in Box Butte county. W. C. Simonson left here-yester day for his ranch, go!ng by auto. He resides in Denver and speau? great deal of hla time on his ranch in this neighborhood. William Benschoter, a retired tiewspaper man now living in Schlll, is numbered among Alliance visitors With him Is his daughter and sou- ln law C. W. Herian of Lakeside, who participated In yesterday's ev ents at the fair. Mrs. John Lucas returned Wed nesday from a visit to Bridgeport. Staler IT ALWAYS WAS IT IS TODAY THE MOST NEARLY PERFECT Heating Stove Famous Genuine ROUND OAK (see the name on leg-. ) It has never been changed in principle of construction "tl Today it is handsomer, but still the same good reliable , heat-giving, fire-holding, fuel- saving stove. For sale by the Newberry Hardware Company g& CITY 111 MARKET W. R. Drake, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats "The Best of Everything" Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: We do our our own butchering and are on tne market for the best we can buy. If you have some excep tionally good stuff to sell," let us know about it. Corner Box Butts Ave. and 4th St. PHONE 40 ANYTHING that you want in A lumber can be found in our large and well assorted stock, all well seasoned for immediate use. Also, all kinds ot hard and soft coal. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. ''t' '''' ''' ' ' ' Bell Telephone Talking Circles "Within each community there Is a talking radius for local communication. Each of these local talking circles are interlinked into other community circles, forming a universal chain. There are 8 million interconnected telephones uniting the subscribers of the Hell System, over 13 million miles of wire, over which 26 million talks are made daily. , Every Belt Telephone Is a Long Distance Station. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Sit NT.