i I K Wr!T'.imm ,m "" " ' "Tl " ""'" ""-if .. in nniw ..... m i. ilii.il, - ' V ft W III Mil II I t ' ."''"" ii Hill -.....!MiiW.A.wii.-MfaJS I iiiwlii'w i BJJ ii.iii lwMywl ' ' WWB W miiibmiiiiw MMil ww WWWM im nm I II I jum wmwm whtfvf jtfrngj Pl iWfPKl? I I 11 I - I , I yiMW OT IMIM I. " N II t H II I 1 1 II II II I III II II .II , . , II I I MMMMJ,,,,,, ' -I r '"ii.si' - k t --.. v , . . .. v- ..,.,. - . "I !lM W&y- i' " " ' r.;,7THE';'-h y -rV L Overcoats v I :lc- SBtson Hat$ I. 1 A . Direct ffom tha Stetson Factory for the past 22 years. Moat atorea buy them from Jobber and 'are six months behind In stylee. Prices 4 . to $10 THE FAMOUS - i t . '. a1 i tI'.t--. -w . i. i si j ( ) ( I ( I I ii il )() ' have ever ,hown An th new I 1 r" I 1-1 II I I lOl ' i Chlncilla's and Double Back 1 . if I I 1 i i f 11 V vLJ c,oth STYLE AND WEAR ' I ' ii V I l 1 I V I II V i ' IN EVERY INCH. Our price Boys' Suits Great value and a very large selection to choose from. Direct from New York. Many with two palra of pants. Prices from 2i50 to $8 THE FAMOUS Hart Shaffner & Marx THE WORLD'S STANDARD Represent the largest part of our Clothing stock. Finer than ever this season. Lots of new styles. Prices 20 to $35 THE FAMOUS "Mackinaws Our showing of Mackinaws this season is very comprehensive. THE NORTH STAR Blanket Milla Is considered the best. We sell them ' $6.50 and up THE FAMOUS Traveling Equipment We show 50 styles In Bags and Suit Cases. New York's 3 best lines. Our Trunks show all the exclusiveness of high-grade goods, moderate prices. See our Trunk at $7.50 THE FAMOUS The Best KNOWN-Known as the BEST The Store of Today and Tomorrow ALLIANCE'S FOREMOST STORE Shirts No matter if you pay only one dollar for a Shirt, we guarantee It fadeless. We are sole agents for the Manhattan and Star Shirts. Price $1.50 and up THE FAMOUS Gloves No matter whether it is a Cot ton Flannel Glove at 10 cents, or an Imported English Buck skin, squirrel lined, at $300, we will be glad to show you our proven superiority THE FAMOUS oes We have been doing a wonder ful Shoe business with our three' great lines. Douglas .... S3.SO to S..00 Tilt .... S4. $4.50 and $5 WALKOVER 4, 4.50 and $5.00 All Styles All Leathers THE FAMOUS Sweatercoats Large line of Men's and Boys', in every imaginary color and style, from a half dozen factor ies. New stytss this season. Prices 1.50 to $7.50 THE FAMOUS Hosiery We buy our Neckwear in NEW YORK, and receive the new styles each week. Always some thing new here at moderate prices. This week the new Vel vets, only 50 cents THE FAMOUS Union Suits We are showing the Closed Crotch Garments from $1.00 the Suit up. Drop Seat is the lat est and most practical In the Munsing. Short, lean, regular; can fit anyone 2 to $5 THE FAMOUS Union Made Suits We are showing thirty styles in, fine Union Made Suits for men. All the new cloth in fall color ings. Price's 15 to $18 THE FAMOUS HOLEPROFF ONYX Wilson and Imported limes. Best values in all lines. See our Silk Plaited line at 23 cents. Pure Silk, 3 for $1.00 THE FAMOUS Raincoats Cravenettes from 10 to $25 Our Big Leader Is a heavy Lon don steam shrunk Coat, in dead grass color, gua-anteed water proof. Fine Style, too, at .... $6.00 THE FAMOUS 1 1 . ' 1 RALPH DARROW Available for Concerts and Recitals Inquire at 417 Laramie Avenue Telephone 151 Alliance Junk & Metal Co. We buy and sell bones,- rags, rubber, auto casings and tubes, brass and copper. We pay highest prices and call with wagon. If you have any junk drop us a postal or phone 533. llisxri.c LOCAL PARAGRAPHS j ... Alliance Cafe UNDER RELIABLE MANAGEMENT First-class in every parti cularyou will be delighted with pur menu and service MM. E. Gillaspy, Prop. Louis Buechsenstein, cigar manu facturer and well known Alliance man, who was operated on at St. Josephs hospital a few days ago, came down to the office for the first time this morning since the opera tion, lie was removed to the house on Saturday. Clark Hlckey and wife, and .Tim Walker, of Marsland, were in Alli ance on a land contest case Mon- lay. Edward Hart yesterday afternoon underwent an operation for appendi citis at St. Joseph's hospital. Dr. Slagle performed the operation and the young man was reported this morning as resting easily. Mrs. Montgomery, - wife of the Kev. Mr. Montgomery of Alliance, this morning was operated upon at the St. Joseph hospital. Dr. Slagle was in charge of the operation. ( W. I. McGowan of Scottsbluff came in today noon to attend the I'ou'Uy fair. Mrs. Ida Hawkins returnefi this morning from a month's visit witli her daughter, Mrs. Helderman . of iK-adwccd. S. I) Frank Downey of ArJinore is vis iting Alliance during the fair Mrs. J. R. I'yles and daughter" of Whitman are calling on friends here during the fair. James Weber of Falrbury Is In Alliance. John Peters of Lehigh came Into Alliance last night. The Rev. Frank Allen Woten has gone to Adams, lie will return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Heiderman of Dead wood came in this morning Tor Un fair, also to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Belderman are on their vaca tion and while they, are gone Char ley Mackey or Alliance is taking hi position as operator. Better join The Herald Happy Family and have a diily newspaper in your home for the lengthening evenings. William Kline was a vinitor In Al liance today. :k :$ : : txtxtxtxtmxm p. Universally Acknowledged The high quality and artistic skill of our Portraits., t Prices within rea son, too everybody goes to t he Alliance Art Studio 114 L 4th St Phona 111 Ladies Suits and Coats s WE DELIVER PACKAGES The first arrivals in the way of FALL SUITS are here now. There are "per haps one. hundred and thirty different styles among them. Buy your new Fall Suits early and save ONE-THIRD or more the coats are the correct 28 to 30 inch length. Big li,le of $15.00 Palmer Coats and Suits. Gage Bro's Fall Millinery We are showing a large and well selected stock of stylish, early Fall Millinery. Beautiful models for immediate use. Miss .Woodyard of Des Moines, Iowa, an expert in charge. All that is new in up-to-date Millinery. Dress Goods We are receiving shipments daily of our NEW FALL DRESS GOODS and SUITINGS at very low prices. OUTING FLANNEL SALE at c a yard, regular 2li to 15c a yard. Harpers Ladies Toggery