V M $12.30, this sale I. $5.08 Only a few overcoats, sis 36 to 40, worth up to $16.00 at $9.1) S 79 overcoats, very swagger, up-to-the-minute, new this yea.-, should be sold for $20, will go $1 1.98 25 overcoats sizes 36 to 44, excep tional values. All styles f.-rmeriy sold up to 27.30, at $1.89 One lot of Mackinaws, very classy, just arrived. 9.50 valuei $S.4S One lot of rain coats 52 inches lang, worth $2.30, at Sl.f8 One lot of rain coats worth 5 00 Big sale price $2.09 All other rain coats at similar re ductions. One big lot of men's heavy canvas coats, Mackinaw and plush lined, 36 to 43, values to 6.00, at $2.9S Overalls and jumpers regular $1.00 values, this sale 89? Orve let men's heavy work shirts, 65c values 49? One lot men's heavy work shirts 50c values 39? Sweater coats men's and boys all sizes. Just arrived, 10 percent oft. Men's Furnishings One lot men's 75c and $1 Dress shirts, big sale price 39? One lot men's fine Dress shirts worth 1.25. big sale price.. S9? One lot men's Dress shirts, splendid patterns, formerly sold at $1.50 snd 1.75 going at $1.19 100 dozen Arrow collars regular 2 for 23c, this sale 9? 33c men's undershirts and drawers, now 19? 50c men's undershirts and drawers, now 39? 73c men's undershirts and drawers, mediumm weight, now 59? One lot Fleece lined two-piece un derwear worth 1.00, 1.25... 69? One lot same worth 50c, at.. 39 One lot men's all wool two-piece underwear .- 9S? Same regular $2.00 value ..$1.29 The celebrated Medlicott all wool underwear, formerly $3 to 3.25 a garment, to go at ..-$1.98 73c union suits at 49? 1.00 and 1-25 union suits at.. 69? All wool union suits formerly sold at $1.50 and $1.75, at ... $1.29 One big line all wool union suits formerly sold at 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50 to go at $1.9S Corresponding reductions on night gowns and pajamas. Men's Rockford sox worth 10c. 4? Men's 10c half hose, sale pr. 7? Look for the BigRed Canvas Signs on Our . . Building . . Men's 35c half hose, assorted colors All sizes, at 21? Men's 50c and 65c silk and silk lisle half hose, sale price 39? One lot men's red and blue bandana handkerchiefs 4? One lot men's blue bandana hand kerchiefs, extra large 8? One let men's fine linen handker chiefs 2 for 25? Men's President style suspenders worth 50c 19? Men's fine suspenders formerly sold at 35c, now 24? Boys' suspenders worth 13c, 9? Our entire line of neckwear is div ided into three lots 19c, 29c, 49c. Big reduction on gloves and mittens. Hats and Caps One let men's soft hats' worth up to 2.50, going at $1.59 Same worth up to $3.00, at $1.98 One lot men's and boys' caps, to close at 21c, 29c and 49c. Traveling Bags 50 Suit cases 'worth $5.50, big sale price $3.98 24 suit cases 24 inch, at.. $1.19 Similar reductions on all leather goods, and trunks. Grain Sacks-Special Two bushel sacks, $1.98 doz. Ladies' Shoes Ladies' 3.30 and 4.00 oxfords in pat ent, white, tan, suede, velvet and satins, fair range of sizes, $2.48 Misses' oxfords in tan and black worth up to $2.00 $1.23 Ladies' high shoes, in button and lace. Tan and blk., all styles. Under Aff 31 Sa 2 S6 a o . -o a Z j u , C 4, O .e & a o i"2 5 i. w e t- 3 LJ T! u o s j C - . a a o o g.fi .a o S o & v o 9 50 -J Of U tS - c o- go 7 ni 4) Bus C H o u o i $3.00 value $3.9S $4.00 value $3.23 $3.50 value $2.79 $3.00 value $2.39 Misses and Children's school shoes: $1.75 values $1.39 $1.50 values $1.19 $1.25 values 9SC $1.00 values 79? Large line of babies' soft soles, all sizes and styles, 50c values, 39? 200 pairs of ladies' shoes worth up to $5.00, all sizes, choice $2.39 One lot of misses' oxfords worth up to $2.00 big sale price .. 69? Men's Shoes One lot Men's Florsheim oxfords- T r 111 TO THE PUBLIC We are going to give away in this SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE, one fine piano, FREE. You understand this is a $350.00 Upright Grand Piano, to be given away absolutely FREE, to the person, lodge, school, association, or church, receiving the highest num ber of VOTES during the BIG SALE. Contest closes Saturday Night, October 4th, at 9 o'clock. A chance to get this fine instrument FREE, but you must get busy as the time is short; club together and throw your votes to favor your candidate. Cash on Qnnm-mt.g may be voted in Piano Contests supervision of Special Sales W M Mora 3 ETJX-iI-.insrG-'XOn', Sales HEanagrer ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA 1L I , 'of-l - 'V 1"' w ' ". s : 1 7 T." worth $3.00, big sale price $3.29 One lot men's oxfords worth $3.30 to $4.00, big sale price .. $2.29 One lot men's shoes, tan and black, button and lace, formerly $4.50 and $5.00. Big sate price, $3.49 Entire line Stetson shoes worth $5 and $6, sale price $3.49 Men's work shoes worth up to 3.50. Big sale price $2.98 One lot men's work shoes worth up to $2.50, sale price .. $1.9S Notion Department One lot ladies' white hemstitched handkerchiefs, 5c values .. 2? One lot children's fancy border handkerchiefs, splendid for school no 7N O c 3 II 3 a 3 a 3 10 - B o IT C C 0 rj- -3- . t..'; O i a o o & o 3" O o o 3 o H ni w o use 1? One lot ladies' white pure linen hemstitched hdkfs, this sale 9? One lot ladies' embroidery corner and hemstitched, this sale .. 7? Good Full Count brass pins, 3? Wire hair pins, package 1? 10c cabinet hair pins 6? 15c cabinet hair pins 9C 5c Box Vaseline 3? One lot ladies' white belts, formerly sold to 35c, at 19? 15c Beauty Pins, at 9? 10c Machine oil 6? 10c Pearl Buttons 4? 15c and 20c Pearl buttons .. 11 Velvet Grip hose supporter, 20c values 14? - r ? .f -.1. ".-fl Selling System for I mpn Jn Ian laO F .1 Ladies' D A P. kid gloves, former! sold for $1.25 and $1.50, at 97? Same, $1.75 values, now .. $1.37 Ladies' gauntlet gloves worth $1.25 going at 97 $1.75 values now $1.37 Ladies' silk gloves formerly sold at 1.00 and 1.25 now 79? $3.50 and $4.00 full length D. & P. gloves, this big sale $3.14 Dry Goods Section One lot fancy Diagonal Dress Goods, worth up to 35c, sale price 18c One lot 35c Poplins, Big Sale Pf'ce 18f? One lot Dress goods, formerly sold at 65c, big sale price 43( One lot of wool Dress goods worth $1.00 to go in this sale at .. 79? One lot wool Dness goods worth $1.25 to go in this sale at.. 98? One lot of Silks, all colors and all widths Extraordinary values 50c and 60c values 43? $1.00 and $1.25 values 89? 12' 2C and 15c Dress ginghams to go at 11? 10c Dress Ginghams to go at.. 8? One lot apron check Amoskeg ging hams 7 15c Percales, this sale 12? One lot of Standard Prints, 7c val ues at 4( One. big lot Summer dress goods, all colors, at HALF PRICE. One lot of 65c Table Damask while it lasts, at 49 85c, 90c table damask this sale 69? One lot of 12c and 13c crash this ale H 9c and 10c Crash going at .. 7 15c Turkish Towels going at.. 11? One lot of Heavy bath towels, 20x35, formerly 30c, this sale 19? 10 B a 111VA1 VAA KJ Va r .lot ladies' hose, 25c quality, kg aaie price l)C One lot of boys' school stockings. heavy ribbed, linen heel and toe, 30c and 35c values, this sale 23? 25c Boys' Stockings at 19 One lot of Misses' fine ribbed hose, 25c quality, at 19c Big reductions in Laces, Embroider ies, Dress Trimmings, 'Veilings, etc. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department One lot of ladies' waists worth up to $3.00, your choice $1.00 One lot ladies' house dressfcs, One fifth off. A few summer dresses, y2 off. One lot of Heatherbloom and Silk petticoats, this big sale, '2 prica. 1-4 off on all ladies' Dress skirts. One lot of ladies' work aprons, 35c values 18? Just arrived One big lot of Famous Brighton Brand Kimonos, skirts and night gowns, during sale, 10 per cent discount. Winter is coming. Avail yourselves of this opportunity to keep warm. $1.50 comforts this sale .. $1.23 2.25 comforts this sale 1.89 3.50 comforters this sale .. 2.89 1.25 blankets this sale S9? 2.00 blankets this sale 1.49 3.00 blankts this sale 2.39 Carpets and Rugs 2 Rolls of all Ingrains, superfine qualify carpet. Regular 80c grade. Big sale price 63? 1 Roll of Union Ingrain carpet, for merly 45c values, sale pr... 29? Two piece of reversible carpet, worth 35c, going at 23? 2 Rolls Japanese straw matting sells for 35c, going at 23? 2 Rolls stair carpet, 35c values, Special sale price 23? One Lot Japanese straw rugs at HALF PRICE. 2 wool Fibre Rugs 9x12, worth 12.50. t Big sale price $8.75 4 wool rugs 9x12 worth $15-00, big Mle price $11.25 1 84x10' 2 Tapestry Brussels Ruj, worth $18.00, going at ..$14.25 1 9x12 Tapestry Brussels rug worth $20.00 going at $15.50 1 9x12 Wilton Velvet, formerly $25, Big sale price $19.75 1 9x12 Axminster rug, formerly $.?3. Big sale price .. $18.75 extra sales- aian On. -4s ladies wanted, apply at rear door on FRIDAY MORNING n Z1L