THE ALLIANCE HERALD JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor Published tvery Thursday by THE HERALD PUULISHINO COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thomas, President J. Carl Thomas, Vice Pres. John W. Thomas, Secretary Entered at the post office at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails as wcond-clana matter. Subscription price, $160 per year In advance The circulation of this newspaper Is guaranteed to be the largest in western Nebraska. Sample copies free. ADVERTISING IIATE3 at "Live and Let Live" prices, lower In proportion to circulation thm rate of most newspapers. DISPLAY ADVERTISING First Insertion, per Inch, column meas ure, 16 cents; subsequent insertion, without change, per column inch, lzVa cents; extra charge ror preierrea position ana lor nrsx insertion of advertisements containing difficult composition. READING NOTICES and WANT ADS Eight point Roman (common readlns) type, five cents per line eifh Insertion. No reading notice counted lens thnn two lirws. lilack face type, 10 or 12 point, trw cents per line each Insertion. Each 10 or 12 point head line counted aa three lines. THURSDAY. StiiTUMJlEK 18, 1'tU LEGAL NOTICE (Form No. E) jrlal No. 016235. Notice for Publication rnited States Land Office at Alli ance, Nebraska, September 17, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Carl L. Mpdesltt, whoso postoffice ad dress is given na Alliance, Nebras ka, hum this 17th day or September, 191 i. filed In this office hla applica tion to select under provisions of Act of January 31, 1901, relating to saline and salt deposits, the follow ing described land: The North Half of Southwest luarter of the SV Qr. of Section .'5. Tp. 25 N. Kg. 4(5, V., being for twenty acres. Also as agent and attorney for and in behalf of Minnie Light of Omaha, Nebraska, the said Carl L. MocUitt has made application to jolett under Baid Act, the South Half of the SW qr. of the .XV (iT. See. 25, T. 25 N., R. 46 V., containing twenty acres. Also as ngent and attorney for and In. behalf of Chris Jeep of Te tania, Nebraska, the aW Carl L. Mcdosltt azz made application to se lect under '."'1 Act, the West Hah c." NI3 Qr. of the SW Qr. of Sec. 2o, . . 5:5 N., Rg. 4(5 W., containine twei.;.; ;. res. ' Also us aKent aiul attorney for :ti4 in behalf c Wos: Denny of Al nosa. Colo., tl said Carl L. Mode itt has mad. Application to select .meter said Act, the UW Half of SE Qr. of the NV lr. cf Soc. 25, Tp. 25 N., Ks. 46 ,'.nlnii twenty acres. itnii aeent and attorney ' for ml in behalf of Victor .Jeep ! Te '-iima. Nebraska, the said C. rl L Jodesltt has made application :n se , -.t nrutar nald Act. the NVV Or. of SE Qr. or the SW Qr rl Sec. Zb, ip. o s- " . nntalnlne ten acres. aIro ns ncent and attorney tt ; iid in behair or Loalse Motlesiu or rand Island, Nebraska, the said arl L. Modesitt has made appllca i di to select under. ald Act. the South Half of NXV Qr. of the SW t r. Sec. 25. Tp. 25 N.. Rg. 46 W, . jntalnlng twenty acres. Also as ageut and attorney for ; id in behalf of O. B. Modesitt of rsnrt Island, Nebraska, the said t irl L. Modesitt haa made applica nt! to select under said Act, the North Half of NW nr. of the SW qr. Sec. 25. T. 25 N., Rg. 46 W., con talninrr twenty acres. Also as agent and attorney ror and In behair of John W. Light of Omaha, Nebraska, the said Carl I Mndexitt lias made application to select under said Act, the N. Half of SW qr. of the NW qr. of Sec. 25, Tp. 25 N., Rg. 43 W., containing twenty acres. Any and all persons claiming ud versely the lands above described, or desiring to object because or tht mineral character or aid land, or ror any other reason, to the disiKis al to the applicant, should rile their arHdavlts of protcrt In this office on or before the 20th day or Nov ember, 1113. W. W. WOOD, Register. It Is hereby ordered and directed that publication or the roregoin- no tice be made in the Alliance Her ald, a newspaper or general clrcu latlon and published at Alliance. Ne braska, that being the nearest pa per to the land, that publication be made in the weekly paper for nine onsecutlve weeks not Including the first publication. W. W. WOOD, Register. 41 -lOt -317-2561 GET THREE DIVORCES AT SPECIAL SESSION Advertising ASS FED gi3jm.'m'3MUt X.4X, ul'iiM mm; i'l nmaamKl ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract oooks In Box Butte county. Office (a McCorkle Building. 10-tf 670 FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, clone. In. Phone 529. MRS. M. BAYER. 33tf2382 Furnished rooms for rent. West 5th St. l'hone 5?6. U8-4t 2474 111 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SEUi all my farnis and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. 19"J3-l&tf Corrugate Carpet Paper 50 rolls, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD. Adv 24tf 2t81. yard Coal office at Rowan's feed store. .IOWAN ft WRIOHT, phone 71. tf WANT TO BU' IjARGK BASE BURNER. Must be In lair hape and the prlee riRltt for caah. Phone 340 or call at The Herald ffke. 35tr HORSE LOST. Light bay geU lng, blaze face,. braotteZ G on 1c hip and E on left Jaw, eleven years old. ICeward for Information. SONEY SMITH; 206 Bc Itutte ave. Alliance, Nebt.. 30-lt-2604$ E. W. RAY, FU0R1ST . Cut flowers and potted pfmrts" Floral pieces made on short raAlcev Mall orders giweji. special attention. 4Uf2549 FOR SALE AT A BAIUiSJN.. Five room, muoern louse. Eiwy terms. Phone 152. 4ltf2550 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOIt 3AL Good outbuildings. Barn fori four horses. House for automobOe. J. B. DP1NTON. Advt 2WC2195 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles wul Mo tor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, w eaey monthly payment plan. taut our proposition before buying or you will regret it. also bargains in tuod Mo tor Cycles. Write as today. En close stamp ror reply. Addresa IxkIc Box 11. Trentoai. MlcU 32-10t-2359 Money to loan oa real estate. B. Reddish. F. St For nice clean Ntggerhoul Lump and Nut. and Eastern Hard', nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dierka Lorn be r & Coal Gompnap NOTICE All unpaid roal estar will Be ad vertised for s.ile the !lrst wwJc ti) October. K. M. MAffTlN,. County Trntiurer. 40-r4-K13 Buy your ccal of Rovan & WrlghO. Phoe 71. tf RAYS E A. Herijeert movcji trutrKs tbr flfteti cent;, household goods- lor seventy-five cents pen load: places fcr $1.60. Hilane 2C0i. WcxK. guac- anteed. 37-4C-2471 Three Wives Gain Their Freedom One Allowed Custody of Her Children Other Cases Are Taken Up Three divorces were granted yes terciay by Judge Westover, who od- ened a special session of court af ter arriving in Alliance yesterda morning. The following absolute di vorces were granted: . Jennie Herbert from Clarence 'Her bert. Marie Rea from Robert Rca. Nettle L. Barton from Henry M Barton. Mrs. Rea waa given the custody ct her two children. Other cases: CcnstanUne K. Amko vs. O. N Willlston, to. quiet title, costs against plaintiff. C. K. Amke vs. H. H Ver Mehren. to quiet title, costs against plaintiff. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office In First National Bank Bldg. Phonoe: Office. U62; residence, 1. 60-tMG08 Advertisement TIDY'S SET back: C03B. aj&d BiAfiRETTl-L left in ladie' -trflet a: Burlington station, .Uliancai. naiav. AuuuBt 27tlu Revwrd: tor return to Herald ofLSco. anTta8-lt-244Uf HORSE UJST. IJht. lav jreld Iitg. blaze: f;tre, br-oided S. on- left hin. and E on left Ja-r,. .4-ven years old. Reward for informiition SONEY HMTTH, SCtt.Box. UuttB: ave. Alliance, Pftftrr. tt-Ct-25.Mr The Bon Ami Burns Air and Oil Lights easy as Gas, no trouble to operate, consumes 400 gallons of air to only one gallon of kerosene oil NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. 3? n Rowan & Wright, cc&K woo4 ajad oosts. ltone 71. it Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an absence of two '-years oju! am again ready to do ali kinda of cement work. People here know what kind of- work 1 do. Orders, may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 23-tf-2147 LAND FOR SACE. NWV4 ot section 12, tjwnsZifp 20, range 47'. $20.00 per aore.. This is good IujkL Fine oil and lies wfll Near ti tbe far'it of WUi.. i"e. Ad dress owner, C. If. Tajlor; iiox 2ti:i. Lent? Pralrte, Mnn. 41-6t-r5:'.i. CITY MEAT MARKET BIG BARGAIN IN SECTION FARWT Suuarw section, all trm t-'.nd, fenc ed and cross-fonced, 3o acres under J culfivatlon, 4 reom yad and frame j house, well nd windmill, resei-.oir, I 18 niile8 scitthwes-r. or MarBland.1 30xl read to towui on '.'tepiione anu uiail liae.. Suitm dollar tier acre, hnlf C3?h, tvrm.4 on balance. Address X D. Wierfc Fayetwvillo, Ark. 4l-4t-25r.6 HOMESTEAD LAND OPENING p Fort Peck Indian Reservation 1 ' MONTANA REGISTRATION Register at Great Falls or Havre, Mont., daily Sept. ist to 20th inclusive. CHARACTER OF SOIL 486,667 acres classified as farm ing lands and 737, 181 acres classified as grazing lands, Write for maps and further particulars. D. CLEr DEAVER Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. C4 lW W. R. Drake, Prop- Fresh and Cured Meats "The Best of Everything'" Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: We do our our own butchering and are on tne market for the best we. can buy. If you have some excep tionally good stuff to sell, let us know about it. Corner Box Batte Ave. and 4th St 1 D September 2tt to October 1 1913 Everybody shouldcome rnn 0"MT AHA t6"see kAuTnMORirt Floral Parade.Tumday Pn.SEPT.20mTJ Electrical Parade. Wednesday Night. uctobemlv German Day Parade. Thursday Atternoon. October Z Goronation Ball. Friday Evening, October .3V Irwin Bros. Frontier Day. Wild West Show Eyery ArTERNOon , September 87-" to October 4t." Douglas County Fair and Livestock ShowT" ETa Hippodrome 5How,r ; NEW.CARKiwLeRouND3. AvlNkwActs. Howard .MAKE YOUiV AMVA.nvjL,rJi-l li jwf. I 1 jr. Ranked at the Very Top ; AVID RANKIN was a big farmer and he knew jus business. He owned the largest corn farm in the world, about 35,000 acres down in Missouri. He devottnl his life to the pleasant study and practice of right farming, and ho succeeded mightily, for he made $4,000,000 in the business of fanning. David Rankin said: "The manure spreader is the most efficient money-maker on the place." It's warm praise to be ranked above all other farm machines, but the spreader deserves it. Soils rebel when crop after crop is taken from them, without return of fertilizer. Return every bit of manure to the soil. The IHC manure spreader will save you much disagree able hard labor, will spread evenly, and will make one ton go as far as two tons spread by hand. IHC Manure Spreaders are built to suit you, to do best work for the buyer in every case, to convince him that he has made the wisest purchase. Every detail in the construction has a purpose, for which it was made after thorough tests and experiment. They have the maximum of strength and en durance. You will find all styles and sizes in the IHC spreader line. They will cover the ground with a light or heavy coat, as you choose, but always evenly, up hill or down. There are high and low machines, with steel frames, endless or reverse aprons, but always giving best pos sible service. Tractive power is assured by position of the rear wheels well under the box, carrying nearly three-fourths of the load. Study the IHC spreader line at the local "dealer's. Read the catalogues -write us. International Harvester Company of America (lawrpofatctti Crawford Neb. ANYTHING that you want in lumber can be found in our large and well assorted .stock, all well seasoned for immediate use. Also, all kinds of hard and soft coal. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Seventy Thousand "Bell" Operators Over thirteen million miles of wire, twenty-six million telephone talks are handled daily by seventy thousand trained Bell Telephone Operators. In the vast Hell Telephone System, reaching nearly everywhere throughout the nation, every one of the eight million Hell Telephone users is con nected with every other one. Long Distance Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere, NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY XT.