c ASS IFIEI Advertising The following "Want Ads" are eiassmea under appropriate headings ior me convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per w.-o eacn insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per worn eacn insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw It In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy r and the next seller of property In this town. fIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE , GENERAL OFFICES NEW YOSK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS ABSTRACTERS D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only Bet of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. lO-tf-570 FOR RENT FOR RENT Vacuum Hosner nnri reliable man to operate It. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. Advt 2126tf21 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, close In. Pbone 629. MRS. M. BAYER. 33tf2382 Furnished rooms for rent. 111 wwt 6th St. Phone 676. CS-4t-2474 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. 1993-15tf FOR SALE A bargain, if taken at once. My 8 room residence, 720 Platte .Ave. Phone 184 2048-18-tf J. J. VANCE. FOR SALE. Restaurant Fixtures, llwquire of F. B. Thomas or Alliance National Bank. 35tf2420.Adv - - New four-room house and 2 lots In Belmont addition for Bale. Good outbuildings including carpenter shop 16x36. Well. 8 h.p. gasoline engine and other carpenter's machinery. E. IV. Sly, Phone 719. 2137-22-tf SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automobile. J. B. DENTON. Advt 25tf2195 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo tor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Mo tor Cycles. Write us today. En close stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich 32-10t-2359 LOST. 'Boy's gold openface watch. Hampden works and Chateline pin. On road between Alliance and Hem ingford. Finder pleaae return to Herald office or" Mrs. A. M. MUler, Hemingford, and receive reward. C6tf2444 LOST. Two bunches of keys on a trousers hook. Reward for return to the Bee Hive. 37tf2454 COAT LOST. On streets of Alli ance, Monday afternoon, August 25th, blue serge coat. Pocket con tained letters and note book. Re ward for return to Herald office. C. D. RICE. Adv38-lt-2479 $ LADY'S SET BACK COMB AND BARRETTE lert in ladle' oilet at Burlington station. Alliance, Wed nesday, August 27th. Reward for return to Herald office. aivt38-lt-2480$ FOUND, BUNCH OF KEYS. Own er can have same by calling at Her ald office and paying for this notice. Advt3(5.2t-2421 FOR SALE Corrugated Carpet Paper 50 yard rolls, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD. Adv 24tf-2181. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf TWENTY (20) PER CENT DIS COUNT ON ALL REFRIGERATORS AND GASOIJNE STOVES. GEORGE D. DARLING. 38-H2483 Two room cottage and two Iota, near St. Ane Academy, for sale. PETER WEINEL. 3&-2t-24G9$ adv Subscribe for the Daily Herald. MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. S. Reddish. Stt For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, pnone to No. 22. Dlerka Lumber & Coal Company L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16, 50tf-1608 Advertisement Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Phone 71. tf Ready for Business I have returned, to Alliance after an absence of two years and am again ready to do all klnU of cement work. People here know what kind of work I do. Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 2a-tf-2147 Thoroughbred riding or driving pony for sale cheap. Phone 340. 2173-24-tf WANT TO BUY LA ROE BASE- BURNER. Must be in fair shape and the price rfetht for cash. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. &rf Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf DRAYS E. A. Herbert moves trunks for fifteen cents; household goods for seventy-five cents per load; pianos fen $1.60. Phone 260. Work guar anteed. 37-4t-2471 HORSE LOST. Light bay geld ing, blaze face, branded O on le hip and E on left jaw, eleven years old. Reward for information. SONEY SMITH, 206 Box Butte ave., Alliance, Nebr. J9-1t-2504$ Office Supplies By purchasing your typewriter rib bons, typewriter paper, caTbon paper and other office supplies at The Her ald office you get the benefit of years of experience in this" business. We can advise you intelligently. Our prices are right and only goods of the best quality are hundled. We sell blank books and office systems. Will install complete office outfits if desired. We handle the Irving-Pitt line or blank books, binders, etc.. the largest manufacturers in the United States. We will design of fice forms. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 2133-22-tf LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Poter S. Olson, Deceased. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, here by notify all persons having claims and demands against the esta'e 'f Peter S. Olson that I have set and appointed the 28th day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alli ance, for the examination of all claims against the rotate of said decedent with a view to their al lowance and payment. All persons interested as credit ors of the eald estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cauiBe for not so doing, and In case any claims are not so pre sented by eaid time they shall be forever barred. Thlsi notiice shall be served by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks In the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published In Alliance, prior to the day of bearing. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 2nd day of Sep tember, 1913. L. A. BERRY, (Seal) County Judge. Burton & Westover, Attys. 39-4t-308-2496 Dr. E. J. Porter, of Omaha, spec ialist in chronic diseases, will be in Alliance at the Burlington Hotel, Wednesday, September 10th, 1913. 39-U-2492 oooooooooooooooo o CLEMAN o oooooooooooooooo Mr. and Mrs. Arch Keller are at home on the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jay and Mis lone Shepherd i.Mted at G. W. Elliott's last Sunday. Wm. Graham and bride art- limit ing his parents on the ranc'i t It 1m week. F. S. Elliott and family of St. Louis, Mo., visited at :he home of his brother, G. W. Elliott, tills week. Mrs. R. W. West ley, Mr. Sutten and Mrs. Chas. Hart were choke cherrying Tuesday. Prices reduced fifteen (15) per cent on all Porch Furniture. GEORGE D. DARLING. 38-U2483 HORSE THIEF PLEADS GUILTY; IS SENT OVE' D. W. Emerick, alia Simpson, Saturday was sentenced to from one to ten years in the Nebraska penitentiary by Judge Westover, fol lowing his plea of guilty to stealing horses .from John Riley near Ha Springs. The theft occurred about one month ago. Emerick was taken at once to prison. ' Sheriff New w' receive a reward of 250. MUST RETURN HOSE TO COLLECT CLAIM City Council Decides That Hauling Reel One Way Does Not Con stitute Finished Job Bills to City Closely Watched Th.ere Is one thing certain. No claim for hauling hose reels to any fire for the fire department will be allowed unless the hose is returned to the station. This was decided at this week's meeting of the city council. The council is making imi effort to see that nil claims arc held within certain limit The following claim-j lu.ve been A. D. Rodgers 16.6 Dan Moran 1 5.01 (rant & Letton 25.00 L. M. Bowen 118.50 J. D. Emerick , 25.00 Joe L. Wcstoer 20. S;! J. H. Carlson .. 75.0') C. W. Jeffors 85.00 L. W. Curtis 80.0H T. A. Cross 2.S0 Pete Lnrge 15.00 Ed Owen 2.03 Ward Hall 2.00 O. R. Bell 1.00 W. H. Zehrung 1.00 Dwight Zediker 2.00 L. E. PUklngton 2.00 T. P. Ralfton 1.00 L. C. Thomas 1.00 W. Buchman 1.00 John R. Snyder 4.50 John Wallace 6.00 Wm. Schlupp 77.50 O. A. Grannum 67.82 Gregory Zurn 25.00 R. W. Knight 14.00 Ben Jordan 6.00 A. Renswold 18.'0 S. A. Foster Lumber Co 7.15 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. .. 23.33 Forest Lumber Co 75.65 Dr. L. W. Bowman 10.00 C. A. Lalng 15.00 C. A. Newberry 29.C0 Light Department 287.8S Percy Cogswell 25.00 Ed Eldred 2.50 Light Department 7.60 Dr. H. A. Copsey 97.00 J. W. Miller 95.00 Band Minstrels Success Alliance Talent Acquits Itself in Creditable Melange of Music and Fun in Darkey Comedy PERFORMANCE APPRECIATED Some unsuspected minstrel talent of Alliance made its debut at the Phelan opera house last Friday night when the Alliance Concert band gave its benefit "Dixie Min strels" under the direction of CharlcB Roltare. Above everything e'.we the performance developed the fact that the Alliance band is com posed of an unusually talented set of young men. Each and every role was carried through without a hitch, and to those who know the trying ordeal of attempting this sort of thing In the presence of your next door neighbors and friends, the demonstration was rather remarka ble. Charle Roltare has an easy stage presence which put his associates at ease and the comedy lines were spoken without effort. Earl Hulme, Paul Thomas, Wm. Buchman and Ed. Ausitn, made very capable end men, and some of their sallies with hits at well known citizen of Alli ance, were well received. The southern melodies a sung by the entire minstrel group were pleasing. Probably the best num bers of the program were "Why Didn't You Say So," a clever little skit by Roltare and Raymond; "The Wireless Hearaphone," J. L. Wehr and Theo. Waddell, In which a num ber of local personages came Ln for a grilling; "The Famous Ragamala," a burlesque of a negro ragtime dance, participated in by Roy Tra bert, Harold Bearden, Will Edwards, Cart Thomas, Edward Austin and Earl Hulme, and "Hot Air", by Harold Bearden and Horace Ander son. The clceing feature, a dancing scene on a southern plantation, or iginated by Roltare, wna a good fin ale for an evening of pleasing fun. The individual numbers were tak ing hits. Those participating in ex clusive role were J. L. Wehr, Paul Thcmas, Carl Thomas, James Wal lace and Earl Hulme. A good sum was realized considering the season. Mr. Roltare thanked the business men of the city for their liberal sup port and praised the members of the band for the lntereM. they had taken in the production and the ex cell nt presentation. The audience was warmly appreci ative of each effort and while some of the. Jokes may have been old and overworked, they were given a new laughlns tang that carried them past. Confetti Case Dismissed The charge against Merle Hold ridge and Frank Fox, continued to ' Saturday, the 30th, was dismissed without prejudice in police court that afternoon. The boys had been on a vacation trip and returned Friday to be present at the heaj-lng. They were arrested during the recent carnival, charged with disorderly conduct, after throwing confetti on the streets. There was doubt as to whether or not the city ordinances covered the case, the boys and their counsel contending that they had violated no ordinance. After the matter was thoroughly threshed out and the boye had refused to plead guilty to the charge, H was dismissed by mag Is (rate Zurn, without prejudice. Grand Millinery Opening The Iallcs of Allium., and vlcln Ity are cordially Invited to attend tlie Millinery Opening, Saturday. Sept. d, lsl;l. American Beauty Roses will be given away rYco An orchestra will furnish musk' In the evening. The fall styles aro More attractive than ever. Mitts Wood ward, our trimmer, of iK-s Moines, Iowa, will be In charge. Our fall Coals and Suits are all in Ktock now and the styles are beautiful. Our New Dry Goods department Is overflowing with new stylish piece ftoods. HARPERS LADIES TOGGERY We Guarantee any one can have a fit in uur bnon We represent the best Tailors in Chicago in both Ladies' and Gents' suits. Let us take your measure for a suit. We guarantee a perfect fit, and extend to you an invitation to call and look over our styles. One price on all styles. No charge for extras. Alliance Cleaning Works 403 Box Butte Ave. Phone 58 Serial No. 013127. Department of the Interior, United Stiles Land Office, Alliance, Nebras- a. Notice is hereby given that JOHN H. KRAUSE, of Alliance, County of Dox Butte, State of Nebraska, has filed in thin office his application to enter under he provisions of Sections 2;HH mid 2307 of the Revised Statutes of the rutted States, the following dfRcrlb- ed laud, viz: The northeast quar ter southwest quarter (NE'iSWVt) and southeast quarter northwest quarter (SEV4NW4) section twenty Nve (2) township twenty-six I2tt; N., range fortv-tix (46) V. 0th 1 M. . Any and all persona claiming ad versely the lands deacribei, or de- sirlns to object because of the min eral character of the land, or for any other reanon, to the disposal to the applicant, should file their affi davits of protect la this office, be fore tlie 27th day of August. l!M;t. V. W. WOOD, RegUter. July :il, 1913. The foregoing notice will he pub lished In the Alliance Herald r.f Al liance, Nebraska, for a period of thirty days. First publication July 31st, 1913. V. W. WOOD. Register. 34-&t-2S6-2406 . . LIGHT REVENUE GAIN (Continued from page one) LIGHT DEPARTMENT Cash on hand July 15. 191312.182.28 Total receipts $3,469.54. Among the disbursements an ac count of $211.27 for new merchan dise. This Indicates that the department la rapidly getting in shape for equipping Alliance homes with elec trical devices. Operating revenues $3,162.26. Operating expense $1,270.01. I.ess equipment expanses of $1,000, leaves gain of $270.01. The total amount of receipts for the water department is $1,900.41. Coach Medicine for Children. Too much on connot be used in selectint a cough medicine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub stance and be most effectual Chamberlain's Cough Remedv meets these requirement end is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all Dea lers. Advertisement. I Don't Put It W. .1. DA I ICY has located in up-to tlie-minuto CLASSY Mr. W. J. Dnrcy, Dear Sir: I received the pictures which I had taken at your studio and they are cer tainly fine. I want to thank you for your promptness in sending them for they tame In good fliape. Yours truly, FRANK HKMLKH, Sundance, Wyo. Over Drake's New Fall Clothing is making its appearance at NORTON'S LATEST . NOBBIEST Boys' Suits Xtra POOD CLOTHES Daddy Duke For the cL,nac For the BOY OliOcb BOY Remember we carry SWEET ORR OVERALLS. The FLORSHEIM SHOE for the man who cares. The new Macinaws are in. Everything that's right at the RIOHT PRICES The Store with a Reputation " Norton The Wagner Cafe (Formerly Alliance Ce(e) CHAS. WAGNER, Proprietor NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely refurnished: and remodeled. A neat, clean restaurant that will assure yon prompt and courteous treatment. Sunday Chicken Dinner, 35c innmaflpUniriA Mo fin (gwj oiiuiiwriuauu Best bread ever sold in Alliance. At groceries and at the restaurant. Modern Woodmen Plan a Big Rally Head Consul Hon. A. R. Talbot to Be Present Membership of AH Adjoining Camps Invit ed to Attend Alliance, Nebraska, 9-28-13. The mnmrt4a nnnlntiri bv the local Woodmen Camp are busily en gaged in making arrangements ror their Bfg Rally and Reception to be held at the Gadsby Hall, Wednesday evening, September 10th. Arrange ments are being made 10 noia a om n.'innnpt nftr the urogram of the ev ening. Invitations have been extend ed to the membership 01 an adjoin ing camps; and all visiting Woodmen locally or otherwise are cordially In vited to attend and lane pari m me fitivitioa A large attendance la expected. Mr. A. R. Talbot, Head Consul of the Society win ne pres ent through Invitation from the Al liance camp and will aldres the delegations. The Head Consul will also give a Stereoptlcon Illustrated WANT SEWER COMPLETED 38 CARS OF CATTLE ARE SHIPPED DURING AUGUST Thirty-eight cars ot cattle were shipped from Alliance during Aug ust, 24 care being sent out last week. Last week's shipments: Monday J. W. Overton, 3 cars cattle; Hugh Smith. 3 ear cattle; Henry Mlshler, 1 car horses. Friday J. W. Bignell, 4 care cat tle; Hall &. Graham, 8 cars cattle; F. J. Ferguson, 3 care cattle; Jack Burns, 2 cars cattle; W. E. Rainey. 2 cars cattle; Cha. Tlernan, 2 cat cattle; George Burk, ' cars cattle; Kirkpatrlck Bros., 3 cars of cattle. Nineteen trains of stock were hau died through Alliance la.t week In the Sheridan division. navEsmnai Off -Do It Now Alliance. For those who want PHOTOOUA1MIY, this is good news. All work that is up-to-date. SKK HIM RIGHT AWAY. Will make F KICK PHOTOS for' a limited time only in order to pet samples, HETTER HURRY. Amateur developing and finish ing promptly and carefully done Complete Modern and Flash light Equipment Meat Market The Store Swlth a U Reputation . n lecture on the Woodmen Sanatorium for Tuberculosis located at Colorado Springs. This Sanatorium gives ab solutely free treatment to members. It Is conceded that the Modern Wocdroen of America Is the largest and most popular Fraternal Bene ficiary So: I?ty in the United' Statee, with a million members enrolled. The Society has paid to the widows and orphans of dead Woodmen ln the argregi e $120,000,000 since date of organization. In the aggregate of $500,000 has been paid in relief pay ments through voluntary contribu tions from camps and members. No other Society can boast of this) record in so short an experience. This should make every member proud of the Society to which they belong from a humanitarian or fra ternal standpoint alike. The offic ers of the local camp expect to get properly organized for a busy time during the winter months and urge all local members to be in attend ance at the meeting Sept. 10th, with out fail. Advf.?8-2t-2482. We want the name ol every young man who Is ambitious to BE A LAWYER and we want to hear from ev ery business man who wishes that he knew BUSINESS LAW. Wrfla tm4f iriMMWIilwntmHfelwiM t hudrWi jmw Mt Hk IN. tm4 mUllS b itn ... mm mm m tralalaf UM mam mmm rWMWM.iiiilM.i..l.l'lmU ttaL.S. Iiimi nlinilt;liiiliW.Ml Ljm afcii.it fit aarOoab0UM Law (Juana waiafc tutor practlaa, aaa) Wl hi Cuoaalata, rraatteat. Sa.al Law Cmiraa lor Btuioaal Mas. ttmm ut aWwt iaa k-w ourf. aa4 aaa mum aaaily o aaa ofcaaia a liwi kavatkdaa tt tU Law whIW aoatiaa iaa f owj araaaal work. BaHty Taw I C. a. waa a.a.i tfcaar mt aaaa aaaw.ru. aa aa. aa 14 taa srsasrs coaaiarows-cs Kim wv feaw Subscribe for the Dally HeraW. real t