Auto Owners Save Your Tires The Mattel Blow-Out Protector anil the Martel Special Plate save many times their cost in tires. No vulcanizing-, no inside patch, by using1 either of these devices. Only necessary to change the inner tube when you get a blow-out. Can be put on in one minute. They are made to attach on any style of rim such as Clincher, Dunlap, Quick Detachable, etc. Metal fittings. Guaranteed for one year. PERRY S. MAI LEY General Salesman Alliance, Nebr. 1 ifl.lTta: SEE wiCwakA The White Front Cafe Open Day and Night. For the best and cleanest of food with the quick est service. Anything you want at your demand. We solicit your bus iness. Specialty of Sunday chicken dinners, which you can't afford to cook, for 25c a meal with plenty of side dishes. We want your business C. W. BIOKNELL, Mgr. 1 M .i i. hi a.u fin mi mMaia iwuui tiTrrir irlimi il'iKirnHn' 1 - Alliance Junk & Metal Co. We buy and sell bones, rags, rubber, auto casings and tubes, brass and copper. We pay highest prices and call with wagon. If you have any junk drop us a postal or phone 533. iilliariCG True Economy . . . means the wlte spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty and getting in return an article that will satisfy you in every way. The -TJXT WHITE. is a real bargain because it is sold at a popular' :.tfVv." T 3 y oricct because ft fives vou the kind of tewinc ,! hp? rf fea you delight inj because it will turn out the work of satisfactory service; because its improvements will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machine! because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SE WING MA CHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. For sale by Geo. D. Darling To the People of Box Butte and So. SheridanCounties The Rawleigh wagon will call on you soon with a full line of Raw leigh remedies, extracts and spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry mixtures, dips and disinfectants. If you desire our goods before I call, address or call. Mail orders promptly delivered by parcel post. W. IE. CUTTS The Rawleigh Man 721 Laramie Ave. Alliance NO MORE FIRES FOR HIM The big, gray team that used to enjoy leading with the hose trucks In a run for a fire, in Alliance, has made lt9 fast run. They wfre used by John Wallace In his dray busi ness and when the alarm of fire Bounded were always on the jinny and anxious to go tc the fire. One of the horses, which were brothers, became tangled in a barb wire fence Sunday while in the pasture. One of his legs was so badly cut that It was necessary to shoot the horse HAVE YOU GOT HYDROPHOBIA? Anybody got hydrophobia? It. S. Scofield has written to May or A. D. Itodgers stating he is in. position 'to cure all cases of hydro phobia there may be in Alliance. Owing to the mildness of the clim ate "mad dogs" are a seance ai cle and it is not considered likely that the nervicee of the "expert" will le required. ' GAS COMPANY PLANS ENTERING ALLIANCE; INVESTIGATES FIELD Letter Received by Mayor Indicates That Firm Will Locate Here There is a possibility of an- arti ficial gas plant and yUm tiplng Installed In Alliance. This beenm. known at the meeting of the oil. council lust night when Mayor A. 1). Kodgers announced that he had t ceived a letter from the Omaha Gas and Construction company In quiring concerning the feasibility of establishing a plant here. It Is believed that a representa tive of the gas company has been in Alliance within the past few days looking over the field. The le'ter from the gas company Inquif-s con cerning the population of the c'.ty sjprly. There nre many who would Wel come the coming ot a gas plant to the city. While many persons are equipping their homes with electric al cooking devices and many others, are using gasoline, there, are soma who believe that an artificial gas system would enhance the value n properly and ho n big step in ad vancement for Alliance. DOUBLE BLAZE PROVES DEPARTMENT'S VALUE Record Titie Made In Running Hose to Alley Fire Burlington Prop erty Saved by Quick and Efficient Work Railroad Crew Is Beaten F'nmts Are Extinguished Before Tank Engine Arrives Again Monday the Alliance fire department demonstrated its cffUlon cy and incidentally inade n revord on stringing hone that any big city department might well be proud of. A fire In a Btnble located in the al loy hetwec-n Second and Third street did not get a chance to start, so quickly was it line of hose run in. The second cnll of the day was a summons to the llurllngton yard.? where a boxcar blaze had obtained good headway before tho alarm wa cut off and would have burned but for the quick work of the depart ment. As It was, the fire was e tinguii-hed with but slight loss. It was all over before the 'fire tan of the raEIroad company arrived. NEBRASKA STILL LEADS Lincoln Commercial Club Gives Re sults of Some Careful Investigation Recently a Wisconsin city, in spired by wild and wierd reports of the tfforts of the protracted dry spell In Nebraska, wrote the gover nor offering free pasturage for Ne braska live stock. Tills Wisconsin town, admittedly generous, simply had been deceived-by false reports sent out by "string fiends". Tho 1-lncoln Commercial Club made a quiet Investigation upon learning of the generous offer from Wisconsin, and discovered the following facts: If Nebraska took advantage of the generous Wisconsin offer' she would send to our neighbor on the .north east 570.000 milch cows, 1. 300,000 of beef cattle, 1,450.000 head of hogs, and S0O.000 head of horses and mules, to say nothing of 350,000 head of sheep. In order to Insure the proper feeding of this live block Nebraska could send along more than 50,000,000 bushels of oa's, more than 2,200,000 tons of alfalfa, more than 3,000.000 tons of other hay, to say nothing of a few mil lion tons of corn ullage, sorghum and something like 110,000,000 bushels of corn. If ne.-esary Nebraska cauld send along the "snorts" and "bran" from 60,000,000 bushels of wheat. Nebraska admits a shortage In the 1913 corn crop but points with pride to the fact that her corn crop will turn out more bushels per capita than that of any other state. In common with her Bister states Ne braska has suffered from the un precedented drouth, but just the same she comos to the front as us ual with more wheat per capita. more oats per capita, more alfalfa and hay per capita, more apples per capita and more corn per capita than any of her sister states. She appreciates the kindly sympathy of Wisconsin, but with all these crops and more than $210,000,000 deposit ed in her banks, state and national. Nebraska expects to pull through the winter In pretty good shape. ' GRAND LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS The Nebraska Grand Lodge, I. O. O. K., will hold annual session in Lincoln on October 1j and 16. Among other features of the meet ing will be a parade of Patriarchs Militant. A number of bands throughout the state will be present to furnish music for the occasion. This- meeting means tho presence in Uncoln of more than a thousand delegates and visitors, and the city will be handsomely decorated in honor of the event. WEALTHY MINING MAN HERE Robert t E. McCiee. a well known Loston capitalist, stopped over in Alliance Sunday, while enrout.j from 1'nver to (Jreybull, Wyoming. Mr. Mctice is well known la railroad irf'I aiining circles in the eadt. He Is oit'Miing up two iuw mines at Orc;liu!i and in an Interview with 'i Ik'iuld re-porter, 'tntc-1 that the prospects cf both are very bright. They are owned by the Wm. King Mining Company, of Oieybull, and nie known as the Washington and William Kin-g mines. Mr. McOoo will be in tho west lor some time on mining business. He boon interested in prosperous mining en terprises in Colorado. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lu cas county, 8s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he l. senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the city of Toledo, county and Ktate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of 11 ALL'S CATARRH CURE FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this tith day of December. A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLHASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for con stipation. Advt. Jan. 2-30, Sept 4-25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hand whose home Is twenty-five miles northeast of Alliance left Monday for a sx weeks vkslt with relatives In Kirk' vllle. Mo. Suffered Eczema Fifty Years Now Well Seems a long time to the awful burning, itching, smarting rkln disease known us "tetter" auother name for Eczema. Seeines good to realize, also, that DR. HOUSO.VS ECZEMA OINTMENT has proven h Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes: "I cannot sufficiently express my thanks li you for your Dr. Ilohion's Ec zema Ointment. It haa cured my tetter, which has troubled me for over fifty yearH." All druggists, or by mail. 50c. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Aug 7-2S BINGH AMITES IN ALLIANCE H. L. Westover and R. R. Kineald were two of The Herald's Bingham readers who transacted business in Alliance the latter part of last week. Mr. Westovrr brought his little boy up to see the doctor again, having brought him here .he previous Friday to hvae a broken arm set. on and POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails Close Going East For Train No. 41, 11 a. m. For Train No. 42, 11 p. m. week days; 6 p. m. Sundays holidays. Mails Close Going West For Train No. 43, '12: 20 p. ni. For Train No. 41, 11 p. m. week days; 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays. Mails Close Going South For Train No. 303, 12:20 p. m. For Train No. 301, 1). p. in. week days; 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays. The Best Pain Killer Bucklen's Arnica Salve when ap plied to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other Injury of the skin will Immediately remove all pain. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts and other injur ies of their terrors. As a healing reme-dy its equal don't exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c, at Fred E. HolMen's. Aug 7-28 The absurd man is the one who never changes. Take our advice when you luive a cough or a cold and try Allen's Cough Balsam. There U nothing wore southing, nothing that will bring greater relief. Cou. buns no harmful ingredients. Used for many years with satisfaction and success. 25c., 50c. and 1.0u bottles. IT PAY8 TO ADVERTISE Relieves External and Internal Pain. Heals Bruises, draws the Ache from Stiff or Rheumatio Muscles. Taken in Het Water Stops Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, and similar a Hections. Tfcefw'e 'V FmlmkUlmr Fmrry Oaves'. IS, 50. Rattlea. Grand Island College offers strong courses in Commercial, Academy, Normal, Conservatory and College departments. All teachers are men and women of strong Chris tian character, from our best uni versities and colleges, who strive by daily contact to develop a stronger type of character in each student. Why pay $200.00 tuition for a Business Course when this Col lege offers as good or better at $75.00 to $100.00? For catalog and particulars address E. F. Starr, Grand Island, Nebr. ! Bridging Space By Bell Telephone It seems easy to t o clear line and have a tele phone talk with parties in cities a thousand miles away; but it's no easy task for us. "We must keep two tracks two wires clear all the way for each patron. Each subscriber must have the exclusive right-of-way. Like a Mikity Spider Web. Dell Lines Reach Out Nearly Everywhere. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY 2IM T. RIDER AGENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN and district to ri0eanilehlbtt a aaniule Latest V.odel Hnfer"l)ioyclfuriilhHiby us. Our Kl'lr KemMm every where are in Id pe money fust,. II ritttur full witi IrnliirHaiulMteclnl n$t.r at onet. HQ MONEY REQUIRED until you reci-tvesnUsiiwuveyuurbli.'ycla. Wh hhlj to oi. ) RnywhtTfl in t,h V. S. irl'huni a mil iI':Ula ailvnii-f nmu lrr.t:hl. mi allow TEN DAY&'FkEliTklALdujill which t IniA Vfin him u r1 thnlitf.t ft nil mtt. It t:- m 11 ' tul. tfitn wl.h- It you oi-o tlicii ihj( .i buiUl.oclor (iu nut .ijli to kwutuebi cyulHHliipltlmoU to u e: 'uiixii-ciinil uiuvUh1 beoutimeeent. CH ATODV CBIttC H ''""'"it the blKheik eruilo bicycles U ia rMuluni rniOk. iiibi u nm kimono mibll vmilt aVov actunl factory cowl. Vm .ivu $litofc.'iulHll'inrii'n iirotitby Uuy tnirJlrectf an wlliiv the riiaiiiitactunT ifiiiirniit elx bliKl your bu-yilrt. DO NOT BUY a blcyck-or a pair of tire frotuunioH; at aim i '.cc unUlyou r-:ri .-r.iircair.l.v;rBudlearnour uuucarUot Jacliirii iric aiul remn)!nhlr- )" ii oj)er. you will BEAST0KisHEDr;;r,;;:cr tit wtmfUrfitlty hn prlee vtean tnfc yen flu Tutr, Wiw.l tbvfitf liot rtto btcy-W rr km muDe- than rt ott.oi-1 w. W r ttittllMl wltti l.mpruttl attuva factory txmi. f IC YCLC DtALfcfttf, ymoin tmW oar biori-leauAiterf M own niMirft jiat t do.ini our prM. Ottlu( tlliwd tUv rtf rotl. 3CONOMANO BICYCLCI. V.dont ru:rlv (.Aiulle nrHl band blcrd, bat aanljUy bT numb on band lkfn In trade by our CUimgo retail for, Thu ctaatf out rormit!y at pflcja raoKlnir from &9 lot or 10. lwrtitti" bar fa' a lints kmIKm! frwa. aiftf xnaat, imponof ronar anaina an i aoaatm, part, repa i4 ai)ULyiuaitt ot a4 JtUttXa ; AaV regular txiaU pru. it m sv pi V A I 1 1 W'l I JMI out romnt!y atprlcja raoiMni C0ASiR BRAXt,! 1i Self-healins TircsSJSfr b S 1 Tf00 ISeddhcrn Pcncfurfi-Proaf $ 30 Thm TftriJfrr retail prtn nf thm ? vou a nmm pair or . v mma Hlhnri.-r U V. HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PU ft CTUPtES Hall. Taak or GIms will not Imt th air u. A hundred thousand oalnt Mold last year. DESCRIPTIONS iftX f " rldlnir, rery durable and Unfit iuhuio wMli a IHH:laI quality of ru')lort wlilctl ntiverbe C!OtiMn iHiruun aiifl wht(h p.Iiihmm uii nialt punuturt'A without allnwlnir lr to ecaie. They woltrh ! i in i i mm as a Notlc (h thick rubbar tr and puncturaatrip"B' ana U" aiao rtm ainp n to pravant rim outting. This tira will eutlaat any ethar maka-SOPT, ELASTIC an4 EASY RIOINQ. no more than an ordinary tire, the punc.timi rtlliiiir ijuslilltK kIvimi by several layenuf thiiLsufclally tr ian-l fulx lo on the tread. The regular prl- of these tire U lo ou per pair, but for advTtiluif puriKrie we are makiim a aiMvlal factory price to the rider of only $4 bo i r ualr. All orders ahUiiied aauie day letter U received. We will khln C. O I on anoroval. You do Dot need to pay a cent until you examine and find them strictly at represented. We will allow -a eaeh aiacount f 5 ier cent (ihf ivly maUltiir the l.rlco 4.S6 per pair) If you wnd PULL CASH WITH ORDER and ncloi this advertisement. You ruu no risk la aendlnir us an order as the tires may le returned at OURexiienself for any reason they are not aall.rt-ttrr cm rxamlttatluo. w in perfectly rsllebto aixl munej vaut to u. 1. u hi. ms la a bank. If you ontar iwiruf tlHM tirva. yoa will find tbat they wtll nte easier, run faeler, wear better, laet lonier and louK ttaet tliaa any tire you haveerer ueed or aeea at auy pro. e know that you will beau well pieaaed Ibat bea yua waal atili'yrleyou will m l re ae your ortW. We waut you to Betid uea trial ortierat ones, keuea t hie reaiaraable tire off ee. JJT Vlf f IJrm TDrC11""''1! aay fclud at auy ortoa until you eoud t-tr a pair ot HedgetUora mm m SM0 till a. mw m naaV I'uooture-Proot tlraeoa approyal aud trial at tba aperlal latruduoeory pries auuiad above-, or writ for our big Tire and Sundry catalogue wblcb deeuriuvL' and quutea all niaaea mm blade of tlrpe and bicycle n utplueat and euudrlea at about balf the ueual prtoea. nf AflV" fji er. tHitwrlMuaapoetaltodar. DO MOT THINK Of SUVIMO a Mryew) or a aauT ew eeww wee-era of tiree iruaa anyone uni 11 you know um aaw ana woaaeniuoaara we are aaasiae. II eoete only asoetal to wra eyerytbiag J.L.UEAD i an vooa yiiHl fO u. At it now . COl.lPAuY, CHICAGO. ILL. H. J. FUlis, receiver of the Ualted StaU'U Iiand office, has returned from a vacation trip to Washiogton and Oregon, during which time he f ldied and vt4ted with friends. On the road he stopped at GUvoier Nat ional Park, In Montana. He spent wi in time on the ocean at Ocean' Beach, at Seaside, Oregon. He vldt d w1tU hia brother-in-law, W. S. WheoXon, who watt an employee of he Burlington at Alliance eotna) years ago, and who i now foremaa the S. P. & 8. railroad shop J at Vancouver, Washington. e