Minister Praiiet this Laxative Rev. H. Stubonvoll of Allison. Ia.. k praising Dr. Klng'a New Life mii for constipation, write: "lr. Kln? New Mfe Pills are mtcU per fect pills no homo nhould be without thorn." No better regulator for the liver nntl bowels. Kvery pill guar anteed. Try them. Trice 25c, at Fred K. llolslcn's. Aug 7-28 Tltioumntlr Tnlti' nro rllvd ht Dr. Mllm- Anil -I'nhi I'ltln. Hold at all tfruff lorf. I Alvprtlormnt. J The PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hates: One-inch cards, RO cents; two-Inch cards, $1.00 BRUCB WILCOX Lawytr and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil rourta alnee 1893 nd Heglater U. S. land office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mall a specialty. Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCK : : NEBRASKA Dr. Oliver McEucn Physician and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Diseases of women and children, and Oenlto Urinary Organ. All call answered promptly day or night HKMINGFOKIl : NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneya at Law Land Attorneya Office First National Rank Uulldlng PIIONB 180 ALLIANCE ! : NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCK NEBRASKA F. M. BROOME Land Attorney Lone experience aa Receiver U. 8. land office la a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office In Opera House Block ALLIANCES : : NEBRASKA WILLIAM MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA .0. E. SLAGLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office phone 65 Res. phone 52 Alliance, Nebraska. Orle Coppernoll Ilea. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppsrnoll & Petersen Osteopatha Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon t EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Hank building over the Post Office. Paul W.Thomas! INSTRUCTOR ON VIOLIN HARRY P. CODRSEY LIVE 8TOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Salea a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 64 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA 131. I. JC. TYL.12H Dentist PHONE 167 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. flAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 625 RED All electrical equipment. Gas admin lstered. Evenings by appointment A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office In Alliance National Bank Building, over Post Office PHONE 391 G-eo. O-. G-a,cls"b3r LICENSED EMBALMER PHONE: Day 498 Night 610 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA At CITY DRAY Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 182 Wilson's new and second-hand store THIS SPACE FOR SALE : w Phonel75 Alliance, Neb. utomobileaundry Prices on application Work guaranteed Leonard Pilkington AT HEELER'S GARAGE 2l EAT AT NohesCafe BUY Nohe's Bread Pure and Wholesome PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE AUGUST HORN BURG Professional Trained Nurse Room I, over Rodger' Grocery Alliance - Nebraska T. '7s7 33a.ra.S CONTRACTOR and BUILDER PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only flrst-cliuts mechanics. All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance. Nebraska. WM. MAUNIER All kinds of Scavenger Work Bonded by the City PHONE 67 DYE & OWENS Transfer Line The lfldifs of the Baptist church will give a lawn social on Ur. L. W. Bowman's lawn on Friday evening. Ice cream and cake will be served. 1). W. Matthews, the court house contractor, who returned last week from an extended business trip, cov ering Omaha. Lincoln, Chicago, In dianapolis, St. I-iWifs and other points, left again on Monday for a trip to Lincoln, where ho will visit the state fair. Harry Uorley, of Hastings, -is vis iting for a short time with his un- e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mr. l'.orley came over from ScottsMuff on Monday. Mr. Lovett and Miss Sadie O'Con nor, of HcottKbluff, were In Alliance Monday on their way to Mot Springs for a short vacation trip. Mlsa Hurnett went to Bridgeport on Monday. Joe Fairfield and Tom Perry of Mlnatare, accompanied by John Ilartles, of Melbeta, In the North Platte valley, passed through Alli ance Monday on their way to the state fair. They are prosperous North Platte valley fanners. C. II. Kerr, formerly night ticket agent at Alliance and now with the Uurlington at Edgemont, spent Sun day and Monday with friends In Al liance. Mr. Kerr left Monday noon on "stub 44" for Omaha to visit with friends, before returning to his work at Edgemont. C. S. Olduker, of Aurora, Mo., vis ited with E. G. lining and family the first or the week. ni people are old frlenda of the Laing family. Mr Oldaker went from Alliance to Washington state, where ho will vis it a few weeks. On his return he will stop over again, for a few days. Robert Graham went to Torring ton on Monday. He will be gone for a couple of days on business connected with the large Hall & Graham ranching interests. E. G. Idling. "Ioc" Copeland, Ed II oman, John Graham and Herman Lund conivosed a Jolly hunting party Monday. They returned late that evening bearing with them the fruits of a glorious hunt. Messrs. Hughes and How, of the ciyt electric light depart inent, spent Sunday at Fort Robinson and Crawford. Lee Umberger, of Rural Retreat Va., visited with county attorney Eugene Burton the first of the week. Mr. Burton and Mr. Umber- ger were chums when boys at their home in Wytheville, Va. Mr. Um berger went east on Monday. Roy Heck with and Mrs. Heck with returned Monday noon from a hunt ing trip in the hills south of Alll a nee. Joe L. estover, city attorney returned Saturday morning with Mr? Westover from HiiKhvtlle, where they have been visiting for t;me. Ed Henry, of the firm of & Henry, went to Bayard on nes-f Tuesday noon. Mrs. M. Spalding and daughters will leave In a short time for Port land. Mr. and Mm. F. E. Allen lift Wednesday morning for Portland Oregon, where they will visit for couple of weeks. Frank Hedengren, formerly day ticket agent at the Burlicgion, is reported recovering from hi. reeer auacK. or appentiieuw. no Is now looaied at Deadwood as cashier. He was taken to Omaha on A.igus: llh but was not operated on. Missouri farm for sale or trade WeW improved. Will trade Tor Alii ance town property. Inquire of M G. Bricker. 0th street and Grounds. During the coming year the Unf- versiity School of Music at Lincoln will add a violin teacher to thei accredited faculty In Alliance, rep resented at present by Miss Eunice Burnett in vocal and Mrs. Wayne D. Zediker in piano. Mr. Ralph Har row, a graduate of the school, will be in Alliance this week and will be glad to meet all who are interested in the study of the violin. He will give a recital In the very near fu ture, which promises to be a rare musical treat. Alliance should be congratulated upon Mr. Harrow's coining. some Lohtv lusl a Dray Phone 54 Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Residence phone 36 and Blue 574 Let Us Do Your Job Work Fai SOCIETYCOLUMN Miss Kate Hagerty, wWh Miss Donahue end Miss Dempsey, left to- y for Miss Hagerty's place. Af ter a trip through the valley they will return to Alliance for th. fair. W. L. O'Keefe, who has been vis iting hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe, for the past two months, left Sunday night to resume his studdes at St. Joseph Commercial College. Mrs. Mary Mayoue and daughter Maroelline left Tuesday for an ex tended visit In southern Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and son of PlattBinouth were here Monday on their way to Angora, where they will spend a .few days with Mrs. George Sudyke. Miss Brower arrived in Alliance Monday from Litchfield, Nebr., to visit her brother Ernest and will en ter the Senior year of Alliance high tchool. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tinkoni are taking advantage of Mr. Tinkcom's vacation to visit friends in O'Neill and also to enjoy a hunting trip. Mr. McConnlck of Denver is filling Mr. Tinkcom's position during his absence. Mrs. Elnsal of Bayard was the guet Sunday of Mrs. M. C. Hoffman three miles south of Alliance. Marie Reltz in Miss Nora Marie Reltz was from her homestead Monday. J. J. Keesan after vteitlng during the past month with his father, J A. Keegan, at hi home east of here, departed Monday for Omaha to re sume his medical studies at the Un iversity of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Pat King of A agora have enrolled their children William and Barbara in St. Agnes Academy for the ensuing year. Mrs. Shirley of Mindeu will visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Supr'se for a few days. After a two weeks visit In Block ton, Iowa, Mrs. E. C. Drake and daughter, Mardel, returned home Sunday. Miss llattie Renswold is at home after a delightful summer vacation passed In Iowa and Minnesota spending part of the time wtth her uncle George Olson of Iowa. Mrs. Ed Eldred and daughter Miss Eunice and Mr. and Mrs. C H Redtnbaugh returned Friday from a two weeks auto trip to Denver Cheyenne, Colorado Springs and Manttou. After enrolling her son Sidney In St. Agnes Academy, Mrs." George Manning returned to her home In Hyannls, Tuesday. The Indies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Wed nesday at the home of A. F. Dundy. ' The Missionary Society of the Baptist church will have an excel lent meeting Wednesday at which a program will be presented, re freshments served and a free will offering taken. ' The Methodist Aid Society w meet Wednesday with Mrs. L. S. Campbell. Friday night the Ladies of the Baptist church will give a lawn so cial at the home of Dr. L. W. Bow man, corner of Third and Laramie. All are Invited. Ice cream and cake will be served. The Round TabJe Circle of th Christian church will meet with Mrs. E. W. Ray on Missouri Ave, Wednesday afternoon at two thirty o'clock. The Guild of St. Matthews church will meet Wednesday with Mrs. Eu banks of I a ramie avenue. "BEAR CAT," "LAME DOG" AND OTHER DANCES ARE NO MORE According to reports made at council the order prohibiting the Tuesday night's session of the city "bear cat," "time dog" and other rag dances hua been obeyed. The nearest approach to the "rag" Is said to have been the uncertain steps of a small "case of Inebriation." IT PAY8 TO ADVERTISE Bon Ann i OIL STOVE Burns Air and Oil Lights easy as Gas, no trouble to operate, consumes 400 gallons of air to only one gallon of kerosene oil NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. CITY in mm W. R. Drake, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats "The Best of Everything" Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: We do our our own butchering and are on the market for the best we can buy. If you have some excep tionally good stuff to sell, let us know about it. Corner Box Butte Ave. and 4th St. PHONE 40 Mrs. Uruce Wilcox is entertain'nK thia afternoon at luncheon. Those present: Mrs. W. A. Bennett, Jlelp bringer, U. J. Nelson, J. A. Hubter, Claude Ltster, E. C. McOluer, Gra bo, Frankle, Knight, Hargraves, Hell wood. Mkss Dorothy lloa an 1 Miss Dolly Herschinan. Grace Grant, the guest o( the M bases Acheson, left (01 her home in Omaha Sunday. Mists Dorothy Hoag will be host ess at a game dinner this, evening. ANYTHING that you want in A lumber can be found in our large and well assorted stock, all well seasoned for immediate use. Also, all kinds of hard and soft coal. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. TWO BRIDGES BURN Burlington Trains Delayed by Fires West A MERRY SURPRISE PARTY The liurlington suffered the loss of two bridges by fire Monday, de laying one train (No. 41 from the west) over twelve hours and caus ing the transfer of passengers on the Dead wood line. The bridge on the main line is locattd over a dry creek five mlle3 west of Ardmore. it was 84 feet long and 18 feet lush at the high est point. This caused the delay c No. 44, which Bhould have been In Alliance at 11:20 a. m., so that it arrived at 11:40 p. m. A stub train whs made up here and left on the time of the regular 44. The larger bridge Is located three miles east of Hill, on the Deadwood line. It is 112 feet long and 21 fett hfgh. No. 141 was stopped on side and No. 142 on the other side of the fire. It was necessary to transfer passengers from one train to the other. This delayed No. 42, which should have reached Alliance at 12:30 Monday night, for a few hours. No. 43. which arrived in Alliance at 12:30 Monday noon, was held un til six o'clock that evening. Mrs. Tom Spencer for the past two weeks a guett of her nioiher. Mrs. L. S. Snow of Mans'aud. re timed home Friday. George Dennis of Sutton, Nebras ka, came to Alliance Saturday with the intention of remaining for the winter. Miss Mary Ryan and Miss Flor ence Whaley were given a surprise party last Thursday evening, Aug ust 2Sth. by Miss Nina Whaley, Miss Eva Oiimm and Miss Minnie Kyan, on Mr. J. E. Whaley's lawn. Many games were played and then re freshments were served by Miss Minnie Kyan and Miss Nina Whaley. A splendid time was had by all. Fol lowing is a list or those present as rt ported to The Herald: Miss Anna Anderson. Mr. Carmiclml. Miw Gladys Dye, Mr. Steele, Miss Eva uzmun. ir. Archie Williams, Miss Dora Tuttle. Mr. Otto Snyder, Mis Levetta Tuttle, Mr. Lee Snyder, Miss Mary Ryan, Mr. George Wha ley, Miss Florence Whaley, Mr. Thomas Ryan, Mi Helen Hewett. Mr. John Whaley, Mls Anna Guth berltt, Mr. Arthur Wright, Mis Kat ie Kelser, Mr. Henry Drake, Miss Lizzie Kelser, Mr. Johnnie Ozmun. Miss Alta Dye, Mr. Dennis Ryan. Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder. BARBERS RUN BIG RISK; WILD DUCKS MADE VICTIMS "I'm going forth and kill me a barber," was an expression to be heard on every hand In Allian Monday, Labor Day, as unslm and unshorn Alliance looked itself over and failed to see the joke of wearing a two days growth or stub ble while bent on business. In fict much business was neglecte I be cause or the holiday taken by the toasortal artists. ' While prospective patrons cutsed inwardly and outwardly, many or the barbers were out among the sandhill lakes making war ou the wild ducke,- it being the first day of the hunting season. Many good baga were reported later In the evening. J