The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 28, 1913, Image 8

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' M ? H lui lYiU 1 i riH 1 WJ Pi 11-
(SpHi1 to The Herald)
COIiOKAlK) SPRINGS, Ausruot 27.
(Jo'rnor John II. Moorehewd of
Ntbrflftka wa warmly welcomed by
the residents of the Nebraska sum
mer colony and other visitors here
on hl arrival yesterday to attend
the annual conference of the House
of Governors.
state executive and the program was
carried out with true Nebraska
thoroughness. The Nebraskans
have arranged many social functions
Hundreds of Nebraskans had pre
pared for the reception to Ihelr
to be held In between the official
sessions and entertainments.
Yesterday a big delegation of
"home folks" greeted Governor
Moorehead at the station and es
corted him to his hotel. A short
informal reception was held at the
The House of Governors Is com
posed of the governors, lieutenant
governors and former governors of
all the states In the Union and in
an outgrowth of a conference of
governors called by Ticsident Rouse
velt at the White House in May
1908 to consider the question of con
servatlon of natural resources. The
function of the congress Is to bring
the etato executives together for
the Interchange of ideas on sub
jects of common, interest to all the
states and to promote uniformity oC
Copyright, 191). by American Prett AiiocUtion
IN the jtlory o! the mornlnf
That is breaking round the world,
With ita golden light adorning
A new flag of hope unfurled
By the hosts of brotherhood
That enlist In every nation,
Battling for the common good
And for all men's elevation,
There is heard a mighty chorus
And ten million voices call:
Brothers, clear the way before ua I
All for each, and each for all I"
) TMS the army of endeavor,
1 With their facea to the dawn,
One today and one forever,
Labor's legions, marching on!
And their feet are keeping time
To the music of production,
To the harmony sublime
Of creation and construction.
Hammers beating, spindles humming,
Engines pulsing day and night,
Throb In tune with Labor's coming
Million-handed for the right.
OH, the new age they have brought us!
Have you thought of It, my brother?
And the new creed they have taught us,
Based on love of one another!
In the twinkling of an eye
Comes a mighty transformation.
All the old age has gone by.
This Is God's new dispensation:
That the men who fill the measures
Of earth's wealth shall nowemploy them;
That the men who make the treasures
Shall control them and enjoy them.
iVU 1 .. t :K'? JiVC. J
"ill- it -.vj&zJ
LIKE an army brave with banners,
Tbey are coming up the way.
let us greet them with hosannas.
Herald of a better day.
Have we seen and understood
: What the thing is they are bringing
Visions of the great' and good
Since the morning stars were singing?
Tit a harvest of God'a gleaning
, Crowing since earth'a primal plan,
'And its new and mighty meaning
la the brotherhood of man
iROTHERHOOD as wide as earth Is
Love of God and love of neighbor!
And the cause of this new birth is
The urltai ranks of Labor.
Yet a higher hope they hold
And a brighter, gladder promise
That the slaughters known of old
And the strifes are passing from us.
Long sought and long overdue time,
Comes the age when war shall cease!
For these soldiers of the new time
Are the messengers of peace.
IN the old and blood stained ages,
When Greed ruled with iron law.
When the toiler had for wages
But his crust and bed of straw,
How he mutt have longed to know
What to us Is freely given !
One faint glimpse of this new glow
Would have seemed to Mm like heaven.
Now those in the shadowa standing
Are uniting and as one
Are from out their gloom demanding
Air and room beneath the sun.
"JWTEN of toil, march on forever
JL X In the path to better days.
Bless the world by your endeavor
All the lowly to upraise.
Bear your standard in the van!
Make it honored, loved, respected.
Until every workintfman
'Neath its folds shall feel protected.
To false counsel bid defiance.
Not on violence, but right.
Place your firm and sure reliance .
And thus win your bloodless fight.
All This Week and Monday and Tuesday of Next
Absolutely fast col
or, well made of
good quality per
cale, neat plain
styles, assorted col
ors in sizes
6 to 14. On
sale at, each
1 vj
Watch for the first
showing of WOOLTEX
the only garment
that . is absolutely
guaranteed, lining
and all, for two sea
sons. The latest and
best styles in coats
and suits.
Among them Beacon Blankets, Bath
Robe Blankets, Indian Robes and Couch
Throws. Fancy and staple colors. They
are a cotton carded as wool, this makes
them as warm as wool, fast colors, wont
shrink and not as heavy as the wool
blanket of the same warmth. New fall
and winter blankets, ranging in price
from ."0c to $10 in cotton and wool, on
sale during the next 10 days at
Ladies' Underwear
One lot of Ladies'
light umbrella knee
gauze union QQp
suits, each.. -wu
Our complete liue of comforts also on
sale at 10 discount this is pretty good
interest on your money. If you antici
pate buying new blankets or comforts
for this winter now is the time to get
them and save money. Among other
makes we have a perfect covering at a
minimum price the MA1SII LAMI
NATED COTTON DOWN comforts, it
gives the greatest warmth with the
least possible weight. This ideal is ob
tained by using the longest fibre snow
white cotton carefully combed and en
tirely sanitary. It would take a book to
enumerate all its good qualities, so we
will leave the rest to you. Buy one, try
one, and if it isn't the best on the mar
ket bring it back and you can have your
money. Satisfaction or no sale that's
our game.
Size 34 to 44 inches.
Fast color percale
and gingham, neatly
made up in good
styles and trimmed
to suit. Reg.
1.25 and r.50
values, sale...
Last Time Around
Buy One and We will Give
YOU One, another lot
added to what was
left from the last
sale, a ' big assort
ment of fresh, new
patterns put in this
lot. This way you
can get two dresses
for the price of one.
This includes nearly
all our summer goods
and if you don't care
to make them up this
summer save them for
next, it will save you
")0 per cent.
The Horace Bogue Store
Remember, We Give Trading Stamps
We will hold our third big range sale of the season
of horses and mules
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 24-25
Now is the very best time to dispose of horses you do not
want to winter. List them with us for this sale
This Will be Your Best Opportunity This Season
We will have buyers from every Eastern and Southern State.
At our last sale we sold over four hnndred head and sellers
were all well satisfied with the prices their stuff brought.
Don't forget the date, and inquire of R. M. Hampton for
any particulars, or phone 259
Commissions: Single horses and pairs, $2 each. Five or
more, $1 each. If not sold: $1 each for under 5 head,
50c each for 5 head.
Alliance Horse & Mule Co.