The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 28, 1913, Image 3

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Colored Man Believed to Have Been
Hidden Awaiting for Young
Woman to Come By
Hiding behind a fence and await
ing ht opportunity, an unknown col
ored man Tuesday evening badly
frightened a young girl, living Just
northeast of the city, by stepping
suddenly behind her 18 she was re
turning home from a aocal at the
Prtubyterian church about eleven
o'clock in tho evening. Tho girl.
ho Is fifteen years old, and well
known, had oxpected to meet her
brother near the church, but In
some manner missed him and was
quite a distance behind him. She
saw the shadow of the colored man
when he stepped behind her and
The brother hearing his sister's
cry for help turned in time to see
the colored man fleeing. He pur
sued him to a point near the fair
grounds where he stumbled and fell.
When he again got to hi feet the
colored ' man had disapie:ired. The
girl Buffered slightly from nervous
ness and shock following the en
The Los Angeles Evening Herald
of August 18th gives an account of
tho fifteenth annual outing and pic
nic of former Nebraiskans now re
siding in southern California. Fully
2,5(M) old time Nebraskans partlclpat
d' In the reunion which was held
at ltedondo Beach. Fifty tables
made of rough hewn pine were set
up in the beautiful grove between
Hotel Rexlondo and the ocean. Here
the former Nebraskans registered,
lunched, renewed old acquaintances
and made new ones, orators orated,
athletics were indulged in, and not
the least was a baby show which
had full innings.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Liuville of
Ellendale, S. Dak., visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. I). E. Purin
ton, north of Alliance, from Wed
nesday to Friday evening of last
week, leaving on 42 'Saturday morn
ing for Utica, Mont., where they
had made an extended visit at the
hemes of two daughters. Mrs. Lin
vflle la an aunt of Mrs. Purinton.
W. C. T. U. Convention
As announced last week, the an
nual convention of the Box Butte
County Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union was held in the First
Presbyterian church of Alliance,
Tuesday, Augurt 26th, forenoon and
afternoon,' with a delicious picnic
served In the basement of the
church by the ladies of the Alli
ance W. C. T. U. Each of the
three local unions of the county
was represented, Fairview, Heming
ford and Alliance.
The convention was called to or
der at 10 a. m. by Mrs. Herbert Na
son, county president, and opened
with devotional exercises and roll
call, to whtch each member present
responded with a Scripture quoia
tlon. Reports were received from the
Alliance and Fairview Unions, I he
press superintendent and others.
The election of officers for the
ensuing year resulted as follows:
True Economy . . .
mean the wise spending of one' money making every dollar do full duty
and getting in return an article that will tatisfy you in every way.
Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
For sale by Geo. D. Darling
President, Mrs. Herbert Nason;
vice" president, Mrs. Wm. Bignell;
secretary, Mrs. O. L. Fernald;
treasurer and corresonding secre
tary. Mrs. Chas. llnuer Sr. Mrs. .1.
A. Ket-gan was elected dele-in to
the t te convention with Mrs. W
S. Achoson Hi alternate. Mesdames
J. W. Thomas, J. J. Vance mil M
P. N'ason were elected u commiiteo
oq resolutions.
The after dinner program consNt
cd of vocal and instrumental must -,
short addresses, reports, etc. Fol
lowing is the report of the commit
tee on resolutions, which was adopt
ed by unanimrus vote of tho con
vention: We wish to again acknowledge our
dependence upon Almighty Cod for
divine guidance in the great work
to which He has in His providence
called us, and render unto Him a
mend of praise and thanksgiving
for the help He has vouchsafed dur
ing the pat year.
We rejoice at the evidence of ef
fective influence as seen In city
and country in our county, the
state and the nation.
We commend the action of the
mayor and1 city council of Alliance
In forbidding indecent and Immoral
dancing in public. We are pleased
with the improvement In the ob
servance of the Sabbath daj.
We are encouraged by the tokens
of improvement in civic affairj iu
Nebraska, Including the adoption of
the iniatlative and referendum :ik a
part of the state's fundamental law,
and the brSght prospects of the ex
tension of the right of suffrage to
We heartily commend President
Wood row Wilson, Secretary cf State
Wm. J. Bryan, and other men prom
inent, in the affairs of national gov
ernment for the splendid xamples
of personal temperance in private
and public life. We pray that
Heaven's blessings may be upon
them and that their influence for
good may increase as the years go
In the W(l.b law enacted by the
UnlUd StateB congress at it4 list
session we recognize an act ,f sim
ple Justice to the states th:it have
taken advanced ground in the' pro
l'ibitlan of the liquor traffic. We
commend the action of all who help
ed In any way to secure the .p.aot
infiit of this wholesome law.
We realize that the forces that
make for 'mproved conditions are
wielding a tremendous influent e in
sU-te and nation, and hope to soon
Fo these forces combine for the
overthrow of the monster evil, in
temperance. We wfeh to express our thanks to
all who have assisted und co-operated
with us in ,our efforts to blesn
humanity through the furtl.eranne
or the temperance cause.
We appreciate the- kindness and
good will of the Alliance poopli? who
have furnished entertainment and
otherwise contributed to the suc
cess of this convention.
Mothers! Have Your Children Worms
Are they feverish, restkfs, nerv
ous, irritable, dizy or constipated?
Do they continually pick their r.rse
or grind their teeth? Have they
cramping pains, irregular and raven
ous appetite? These are all signs
of worms. Worms not only cause
your child suffering, but stunt its
mind and growth. Give "Kk-kapoo
AVorm Killer" at once. It kills and
removes the worms, improves your
child's appetite, regulates stomach,
liver and bowels. The symptoms
disappear and your child Is made
happy and healthy, as nature intend
ed. All druggists or by mail, 26c.
Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo.
Aug 7-28
. WHITE. .
U a real bargain because it is sold at a popular
price i because it gives you the kind of sewing
you delight ini because it will turn out the work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory service because its improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine) because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
A. A. RAILS, Mgr. J J
Young Men Have Social Gathering
In Honor of Theodore
Theo. Waddell was given a very
pleasant surprise last Tuesday ev
ening, the owaslon being Mr. Wad
dell's thirtieth birthday. This was
the third successive year that he
had been surprised on the 2fth day
of August, and each year he had
said It could not. happen again.
After the minstrels rehearsal on
Tuesday evening Mr. Waddell was
asked by Air. Koltare to remain for
a few minutes to rehearse his part
again. In tho meantime the other
band boys took th'eir Instruments
down to the home of John Snyder,
where things had been previously
arranged for the surprise. Mr. Wad
dell had been asked by his wife to
meet her at the home of Ceo. Sny
der after the minstrels rehearsal
which Theo. did. Presently his ears
were greetted with familiar strains
uit music, by the Alliance band. Up
on investigating no mscovereu inn
boys on the lawn of the Snyder res
idence. The lai had been very
prettily decorated with Japanese
lanterns. After a few selections by
the band, refreshments were served
by John Snyder and tho ladies. An
other surprise was given Mr. Wad
dell by the boys. In the shape of a
pillow, on which were the words,
"Alliance Band Boys." This remem
brance was given him by the band
to show their appreciation of his
good work and faithful services.
The evening s funi closed at a late
hour, the greater part of which con
sisted of games on tae lawn.
Punils in tiiano and voice of Mrs.
Wayne Zediker and Miss Eunice
Burnett gave a delightful recital at
the Episcopal parish house Thursday
evening, the entertainment being
greatly enjoyed by a large number
of fiiends. The program 'ViM well
arranged, the majority of tho music
al numbers being simply arranged
and so interpreted as to brin out
the particular . talents cf '.he differ
ent performers.
Following the recital Mrs. z.ediKer
and Miss Burnett were highly coin-
pitmen tied on their success. The
following program was rendered:
1. Wachs Invert Thou Me? Jen
nio Sugden.
2. (a) Cowen The Mission of a
Rose. (b) daynor 1 he Oenger
bread Man Catherine Murray.
3. (a) Stark Autumn Sun. (b)
March Elsie Walbrldpe and Mrs.
4. Howe in the Far East Mary
5. (a) Llalfe The Heart Bowed
Down, (b) Baltimore In Dreams
of Yesterday Benjamin Ander
son. PART II.
1. (a) Dutton Maggie's Pet. (b)
Button Little Maid, Pretty Mad
Chorus, Naomi Caddis and Mrs.
Zediker, piano.
2. Zimmerman Golden Butterflies
Blrdene Woods.
3. Wlnne Amorella Mrs. E. C. Mc-
4. Rathbun Young Recruits Ethel
Nation, Florence Harris, Gather
in Murray. Accompanists, Mrs.
C. E. Bennett, Mrs. Zediker.
Chorus Elsie Walbridge Kath
erine Harris, Ruth Donovan, Ver
na Dow, Phyllis Thompson, M id
elaine Zediker, Ethelyn Ellis.
Lois Boyer, Luclle Nohe, Isabelle
W. B. Young, the contractor, Is
building a ten room modern .home
for H. E. Smith on the Smith ranch
twelve miles south of Alliance.
C. D. Wildy. cashier of the Irri
gators' Bank, of Scottsbluff, was In
Alliance on business Monday.
W. B. Young, the contractor, has
finished a modern, ten room resi
dence on the Krause ranch.
, i i .
Jay Hall, of Canton, was in Alli
ance Monday and Tuesday.
Supt. G. L. GrLggs, of the Sterling
division of the Burlington, tas in
Alliance Tuesday.
Dr. Boland and Editor Clark, of
Hemingford, were In Alliance on
business Monday.
Mrs. Lee Williams, of St. Joseph.
Mo., who has been visiting her -oua-
in, Mrs. Geo. G. Smith, of Alliance,
i (turned to her home on Monday.
Mrs. S. C. Duncan, of St. Joseph,
Mo., who has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. O. G. Smith, return
ed home on Friday.
J. H. Writesman of Grayson and
Elmer Albright of 8c hi 1 1 had busi
ness in Alliance lat Friday and fav
ored The Herald with a call. They
reported everything lovely In south
Sheridan county. Mr. Writesman
ordered his name placed on The
Hirald subscription list.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weldenhanier
returned today to Alliance from a
week's stay In the Black Hills. They
leave tonight for their home In
Oalc.-burg, ,111. Mr. Wetdenhamer is
a brother of Supt. Weldenhamer of
Lloyd Smith, who has been visit
ing home folks for a few days while
on his vacation, returned to Omaha
Monday. Lloyd has many friends
In Aluame and was kept busy hlle
here. His friends are glad tq know
that he is succeeding In hl work
In Omaha. He has a re-cmnslble
position with one of the largest Om
u'ni hanks.
A a. Heed, formerly of Alliance.
ikw living at Phoenix, ArUr-n.i. '"
in the city on business. Ho irrH-eJ
Monday morning. Mr. Recti was
for many years a Box Butte county
resident and has Interetud nere yd
He Is loud in hi praises of Phoenix
and the great growth K is making
Mrs. Will Duncan and three chlld
rtn, who have been visiting frlenils
in Alliance, returned to tlnlr home
in AlleHon, Iowa, this no-n. accom
panied by Grandma Acheson, who
will vii.dt with them and a.t o'her
places in Iowa.
Miss Gertrude Davis, of Nebrnskn
City, who wLll teach school in Alli
ance this coming season, will arrive
Al Bowen. Scttsbluff banker and
capitalist, stopped In Alliance today
on his way home from a trip in
northern Wyoming.
Mii Jackson, who will touch in
the Alliance schools, arrived today.
John Petrle, of the Burlington,
came up to visit his brother between
trains today. He went, south to
Sterling at noon.
Charley Bushnell, of Hemingford,
was hi. town on business today.
Sheriff Aaron, of Scott Bluff coun
ty, was in the city todoy on his
way to Lincoln, accompanying a par
ty with Mrs. Plummet, of Mitchell,
who was being taken to a private
hospital in. Lincoln.
Capt. Corbln, who I heavily Inter
ested in the Alliance National
Bank, and who has many friends
lure, although he makes his home
most of the time in California, has
a Ford car which he has driven a
total of :'.4.000 miU-s. Ho arrived In
Alliance Sunday from Montlcello, Io
wa. He had Just returned to Mont
lcello from a trip to Gettysburg, Va.,
to witness the reunion of the blue
and the gray on that historic bat
tlefield. He will be in Alliance
about ten days and will then go on
In his auto to Los Angeles..
Ike M. Shrintr, or Ellsworth, was
in the city Tuesday. Ho was going
west on business.
J. W. Guthrio went to Lakeside
on business Tuesday.
J. A. Iloplngardner, night ticket
agent at the Burlington 'c.ket of
fice, has returned from a month's
vacation in the south. "Hop" gain
ed twenty (rounds in spite of the
ho weather. He also says that he
had the time of hiH life.
Rev. D. W. Montgomery came in
liroin the south Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Orr, of Merrill, was an
Alliance visitor Tuesday.
Chas. E. Ford", of Chicago, presi
dent of the First National Bank of
Alliance, is In the city on one of
his regular business visits. Mr.
Ford feels very optimistic over the
fine condition of western Nebraska,
and the fact that conditions here
are so much better than in the
eastern end of the state.
J. W. Guthrie made a business
trip to Mitchell on Friday.
E. A. Hall went (to the Hall &
Graham ranch on Friday.
Mrs. Ray Mark left Friday noon
for Fort Morgan, Colorado, to visit
with relatives.
August Maher and Chas. Camp
bell, two small boya. were brought
from New YoTk C!ty lasf, week.
They were taken to homes !n Hal
ton and Scottsbluff.
Mac W. Wade, a Burlington !:nn
living at Ravenna, stepped over In
Alliance the first of the week on
his way home from Denver.
F. J. Was, assistant cashier cf
,hb Firs''. National Bank, accompan
ied his father, Dr. Was, of Panam-i,
Nebraska, on a trip to Ch'i.lron
Mr. Zollner and wife, of Scotts
Muff, were in the city Saturday. Mr.
Zollner is a prominent clothing mer
chant of thte thriving valley city.
Wyoming state militia companies
A cf Newcastle and H. of Sheridan
returned from Cheyenne Friday via
Alliance, on their way home "from
the state encampment.
Miss Anna Nerud, who resigned
from the Alliance schools to take a
position in the Tacoma, Washington,
schools, left for Tacoma on Satur
day for the coast. She had been
on a visit with friends on the river
for a short time before leaving.
R. E. Lester and wife wiJl have
next Saturday night for a month's
vacation la Illinois. They will visit
with his people at Olney, Illinois,
besides visiting a number of other
Mrs. M. G. Wambaugh, who has
been ill for some time, Is being vis
ited by her sister, Mrs. Grave, of
The Bee Hive has been closed.
Why;? Meet Teddy.
Do you know Teddy? You ought
to. Bee Hive reopens Saturday.
You'll find Teddy at the Bee Hive.
Be there Saturday.
Teddy will be there. Be at the
Bee Hive Saturday.
The Alliance police received a
wire from the chief of police at
IK'adwood. on Friday, instructing
them to look out for a man five feet
nine inches in height, dressed in a
blue serge coat and vest and blue
striped trousers, with black felt hat
and tan button shoes. Although a
strict watch was made for him and
the trains searched, he was not lo
in ted. It Is not known here what
his offense was.
Mrs. J. Goss, of 512 Walnut St.,
Willlamsport, Pn., spent several
days with Mrs. W. It. Drake last
week. She left on Saturday for
Hi us; ham. where she has a brother,
J. F. Towson.
When the lleo Hive reopens Sat
urday you'll meet Teddy.
Mrs. J. C. McCorkle entertained
Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Hunter. Robert
Hunter, and the Mioses Cross, of
t'hadron. at her home Friday even
ing of last week. Nellie and Gladys
Cross visited with the Hunter rnmlly
last week.
Teddy hr come to Alliance. S. e
hl.n at tlu lire Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Glynn, of S;im
trfield. Knns., have been visiting her
Grand Island College
offers strong courses in Commercial,
Academy, Normal, Conservatory and
College departments. All teachers
are men and women of strong Chris
tian character, from our best uni
versities and colleges, who strive by
daily contact to develop a stronger
type of character in each student.
Why pay $200.00 tuition for a
Business Course when this Col
lege offers as good or better at
$75.00 to $100.00?
For catalog and particulars address
E. F. Starr, Grand Island, Nebr.
Good Roads For
Telephone Talk
Tho pood roads movement lias not boon confined to
the highways. Everywhere the Hell Telephone has
covered the country with "good roads" for tele
phone talk.
There are 13 million miles of these "good tele
phone roads" in the Hell System, running hundreds
and thousands of miles, connecting industrial and
commercial centers everywhere.
Long Distance Bell Telephone
Ltncs Reach
brother, J. A. Keegnn, and family,
Rlnoo last Friday. They left on
Tuesday for a month's vacation trip
at Man Wan, Colorado, In-fore return.
Ing to their home In Kansas.
One of the features of the Deo
Hive Saturday will bo Teddy.
letia Thompson, the young lady
who rigund an one of the parties
In .ih rerent c-9t-npadc at Alltuibco,
in which he ux conipaivied a. young;
man from Calesburg, III., posing as
his wife, waj RMiit. by the W. C. T.
U. ladles of Alliance to the Milford
Industrial Heme, at Milford, Nebr.,
where she a'.rci-s to remain for ono
year. She was accompanied by a
chaperon to the home.
iMti Friday afternoon Mrs. C. E.
Bennett entertained six 'of her lady
frlrndM at a delightful flve-courso
luncheon. A delightful entertainment
wns provided.
Nearly Evcryivhert.
$ urana up era w.