LEGAL ADVERTISING StrUl No. 07067. Notlct for Publication . . . i v. i..... it a I Lrd Office at Alliance, Nebraska, June 20, 1913. NOTICE ia hereby given tbat SUSAN REID, I of Ct Ellsworth, Nebraska, who. n ril Township Zt rsortb, Range 3 wet c Sixth I rlnclpal meridian, has Hied eotlce of Intention to make final five- ,rr l i .u u.iui V" land above described, before Regis- . ?.,7 . fL o.u D.a IT 43 Tiii4 "Iff l.r I i Alliance, u me lay of October, 1S1J. imrcn 1 V,; 'o . v. n-,, , . Serial No. 08333, for NW'A, N',i Entry, Serial No. oniw, ior iots bVtt. SWJj , 8J4. SWV4SM4, SB NEt4 and section 16, Section 7; SW4SWV4, Section 8, 22J .?ll'V.S0li!"t,S,:UK,Ml, Township 2 N., R, 44 W. ot Sixth nd Wtt8W4. Section 17; EWXEU EN;4,,8i1 ' . Principal Meridian, has filed notice and NV4SEV4 and NtSW4, Section ftfid NW4 NL'i. Section 27, In ., nulta finAl Ihroa.vsiir IS In Tnwnahln 2fi North. Ranee 45 Claimant names as witnesses: k'' rh.i-iti. n u-nru f Frank i). Cody, of Lakeside, Ne- , pmska; IJenry U. Arms, of Ells- worm, ieumKa; nmrun .uuiunu, ui vii.-w.v. wk.w. . ... ib uA I . wi. '. v V I . l 23 W. W. WOOD, Register. 2-8tr270-23U Berlal No. 014170. KOTirn Kon ptTm.iOATioN - - - " - - - - : i. lSni.ATI.Ml TRAf'.r I pudhc uana ... , U,nt . i.u ,nt'rl2kU'i or M&Tlb" S hereby given that, as directed by the Coramlwiloner of the General Land Office, under provls- ions or Acts of Congress approved i... 7 iqn (n siata B17 and on? i4:'iSJ ' !r , r-- uant to tne appiicauon or jonn v. Albright. Serial No. 014170, we wll ? offer at nubile sale to 4ho hlfthest fcidder bSt at nri leS than $2 BO 2? mm .It 9 o'cLk ni on the per acre, at ociocK a m. on tne twdi- arr a nVlnok a m oa this per acre, at ocioc-n a. m., on, uio 2flth liar of Au&ust next, at t i l uay oi ausus, , 8wu sec 32 T W N Sp M Aiiv Der'soni. claiming advers. 1y "".Ki , iTi.-fJf-iX 4 ti a ahnviUilDaPvlrickH larul orA firlvlaArl to file their claims, or objections, on cr before the time designated lor tale. W. W. WOOD. Register "H. J. ELLIS, Receiver. . J2-7t-279-2357 Serial No. 016127. Department of the Interior. United I States Land Office. AlHance, Nebraa-Lf ka. . Notice Is hereby given that JOHN II. KRAUSE, aiu n.. nv n... v t offltve hte application to enter under ihe provisions of Sections 2306 and nciue m iNeDraa. iiiih meu in 111m 1 ' i"" vi : ter southwest quarter (NE4SW4) ' - I nt uuthfjt niiarter nnrthnKt quarter (SE4NWVi) eotlon twenty- live (25) township twenty-six (26) I M. Anv inrtrl all iipmnn a lalmdnir arl. versely the land !ecritoeJ( or de-1 in li iana i iaha nf ihii mln.l nal character of the land, or totm,m any other reason, to thtT disposal to the applicant; should file their affl- davits of proteet in this office, be- rvrv ne inn uy ui vusii, uio. w. vv. nwu, negiHier. July 31, 1913. The foreg4ng notice will be pub- lUhed n the Alliance Herald of Al- mir, tww, W iiruwi yi miny auys. rirw yuuuoaiion JUiy 31t, 1913. i- r wvuri rj i - I l-W.oo-tn, .Serial No. 011510. w 1 Vn IXsni Xrvx T T apt Public Land Sale Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, June 25, 1913. NOTICE is hereby given that, as AtriviA h Iha fVm n! c nnnr ... I the Ofmeral Land Office, under pro- vialnna it A .to nt Pnnvruiu I ...I Inn a 97 IQItfi '(I Co. CIH I wt Mor.k 1QI17 i-tA Stuli 19911 nnrsiiunt tn. tha ntuiHoMnn rt Vain! I will offer at public sale, to the nignes wcioer, but at not less than $3.60 per acre, at 9 o'clock a. m.. on ine .'titn aay or August next, at this A?,V , 8 'J.801..0,.,1"". , oH. aw ion -u,i r. v4.Uember. 1913. for the conEtruction vf 7 C V. xi " th 1 . M. Any persons claiming adverly me aoove-aescrkoea land are alvisHl o rue tneir claims, or objections, on or Derore the tune designated for . ...r i t . n . jjxj, iveguiier. H. J. ELLIS. Receiver. 33 6t-283-2385 t Notice to Creditors The State cf Nebraska, liox Butte County, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Watson, deceased, Hnd Sarah Watson, deceased. TO THE CREDITORS OF SAID ESTATE: You are hereby notified that 1 will sit at the County Court Roo'ii in Alliunce. in said County, on the 7th day of February. 1914. to re ceive and examine all claims usainst aid Estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. TJie itlme limited for the presentation of claims against said Ktate is six months from the 7th day of August, A. D. 1913. and the time limited for payment cf debts ks one year from maid 7th day or August. l'.MJ. Witness my hand and the seal or mid County Court, this 2nd day of .August. 1913. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County' Judge. S5-4t-289 2426 ron't wnit f""- . . 'o rn awny. t'o lr. Mil1' Aii'.l-; i.m l'i:U si i id a ulTerint. Ail e-ii- i-nnit. 1 LEGAL ADVERTISING Serial No. 08333. Notice for Publication itvnartmnl rif tha Interior. IJ n. I luid Office at Alliance, Nebraska, June 20. 1913. . NOTICE Is hereby given that LILLIAN D. WILKINSON, Kllnworlh. Nebraska, who. on An-lnf 21, 1909, made HomeBtead Entry, proot to estab)Un claJm t0 lno iand above deacr1bed, before Register and UecelVr( u. g. Land Office, at Al- liance, Nebraska, on the 7th day of ,wnh4,P. 1913. " I Claimant names as witnesses: jake S. Benchoter, of Jess, Ne- on bnukn! Grace M. Hmu. of Jena. Nebraska: W. N. Wilkiimon. jJllawortht Nebraska v wnnil Reltfr . ... . " " uuu' minster, - 8t.2G9 - 2310 Serial No. OitO-52. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, IT. S. Iand Office ait Alliance, Nebraska, AU. . J1J - . i. i Notice la hereby jdven that Jess Nebranka who on July r: of for ,8 S 8KU. Sec. 7. . V4 oj AMUmt liutt. county Nebraska, towit: Townjship M North ;J W , . of ox c nt ?Hd . block " rnnc-ipai Meriuian, m tlce of Intention to make Final I Three-Year proof, to establish claim . , . . H.n4K.H horn .'VT'l, - -u" Office. .t Alliance. Nebraka, on the 10th day of October. 1913. Claimant names as witneesee: nf .Iwu. N.briica! Claimant names as wiinewes: , ... , . , kik-oV. Uh v.ui , i icu.o, -:- v"j:V n n. F. P. Urown, of Alltece. Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Reglrtter. 36 - 8t - 292 - 2430 Serial No. 011864. Notice for Publication Department of ithe Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Aug. 9. 1913. Notice Is hereby given that PETER R. WORKMAN. nn.nn. v.k,.v. t.,I ,4 ism ' mud. HmiiVirtMiA Kn,r Seiinl No. IM 1864. for lx 2. 3, 6. 6. 8', NE'i, fiE4 NW!i, SEV4. eec. !r , Va ZL u in mi. tins J. 6, u. Bn:uuil Of. w w iioiif i - 2:t North. rn 47 W. f fith Prln- :.'"i i"li.nVr 1,;' r intention to make Final Three-Year Hroof. o es.tabl.ish ctalm to the m1" ..ici-uiuu, n'vu - 1, " . .. . ' .. . . "'Z n.i 1 m 1. nay 01 "ctww- i:".0- v lanuuni naiiivs u wnnffw: c"ar!e,8 tn'Pon. v. tu. Kice "atk Linear, Oeo. D. Workman, all W. W. WOOD. Register. 6-8t-291-2429 Notice for Publication DepaiHment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at AlHance, Nebraska, UAUg. a, ivu. notice Js nereDy given tnat . tXVRBlOLL C. JOY, of jtfjB Nebraska, who. on Oct. 30. ma,te Homesteail Entry No. 125C.9. Srll No. IH!7fi for SWVi SEVi. Sec. 30. -ShVA.. W. N SE I . - . . - ' -' - i Bh 26 North, ranee 44 VV. Of 6th lrincipal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to intake Final Five ic.r nroor. to establish claim to Vh . nU above descri-bed. before Kegtrter and Keceiver u. s. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on in1,in aa 01 "wooer. tJ- Claimant names as wjtneases: ThoniM Mathews, of kIde. Nebraska: Thomas BrUs. of Alii- Hnce. Nebraska; Harry Nye. of Jes-s. Bint., ncuaiu, iiony UI " V'""- t v"au AU'- OCh, Nebraska Vt W. WOOD. Rer?i.-tttr. 6-8t"293-2431 -v.. spoilt orouosali. win h rplvd L. lh ntt ru rii, f Alliance. Nebraka. until 12 o'clock noon. Mountain time. 12th of Sep- nanuary sewer laterals in ssewer distrkit No. 1. of Clfv nf Alll. ance, being the territory lying be- tween 7th and 10th treets and be- tween Toluca and Emerson avenues 20 linear feet of etght Inch vlt- rifitd pipe sewers, together with two manholes, one flush tank, and '.'0 linear feet extra heavy lead wat- er service line. The engineers estimate or cost ts :$S30.00. Eaeh bid must be ar-compair.ed by a certified cheek for $150.0t which is to be forfeited to the CWy of Al liance, Nebraska , in case the bklder to whom award Is made falls to ea ter Into contract and furnish the required bond within fifteen days. Plans and specifications may be seen and proposal blanks obtained at the office of the City Clerk, or at the office of the engineers. Grant and Letton, 401-3 F. & M. building. Lineoln, Nebraska. The city reserves the right to re Jet any cr all bids. By ordeY of the City Council, Aug 4th. 1913. J. D. E.MERICK, City Clerk. Aug! 4 -21-2SSep4 -1 1-295-2436 A Good Inveatment. W. D. Magli. a well known merchant of . iuuiiuuuou, is Dough i a nock of thm berlain's medicine to u to be able to supply them .to his customers. After miTin them he was himself taken tick and aari that one amall boule of Chamberlain'.i Colic, v uuirrs ana jiarrnoea nemedy was worth more to him than tha cost of hit entire atock of these medicine. For tale by all dealer. Advertisement. For sale by F. E. Holsten. LEGAL ADVERTISING Serial No. 011193. Notice for punucaiion rkanartmnnf nr IhP interior. U. o Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Juno. 18. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given tnai LEW GAMMON, lnr Lake. Nebraska, who. on March 31, 1910, made Homestead WeBt of Slxlh principal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above aescnoea, hofore Reelster and Reclver. U. 8. Land Office, at Alliance, jNeDrassa, ... the 29th day of September, Claimant names as witnesses: iina.rH w Jameson, of Lon Lake. Nebraska: J. A. Camsbell. of Long Iake, Nebraka; D. II. Farrow, of Long Lake, Nebraska; Frank Brown, of Alliance, Nebraska. w. w. wuuu, Register. 30-7t-267-2294 NOTICE To John Anderson: You ore hereby notified that I, the undersigned, dkl on the wh day November, A. D. 1911. purchase "WS n - --. -'j,Vmlnf,ford for the village oi iiemingioru, iw uc Ux of the year 1910, and thai . I have s nee. ana aiier me bhiiw w Um rfinnuent. naW as subsequent .'the year 1911 and tax. the taxes ror me 1912: that said lot was of ald years and ten the name of Clark 01 s taxed Tor earn ' "r " nnmo nf Clark OWs. And you are further notified that after the -- --- - .u expiration of three month from date of the service of thia notice. I will apply to said treasurer for a tax deed of said lot. You will gov- ern yourself accordingly Dated QniB 15th day of July, A. v, 1913. M. J. BAUMOARDNER. Purchaser. 34 - 44 - 287 - 2407 Order for Hearing To all' persons Interested 1n the Kw- tate of Eira Boyer. deceased: Esdrees O. Hover having filed hl.i petition, under oath. In this court. praying hfl dmirtVf,.n Ki estate of aid Ezra Boyer be dis- men Bed with and for a decree deter . . , . - . , mining who aie ui uiL-.rB u. . Km Boyer; it is ordered that a """ns rt ' said coun he co "ty cou rt r mm in said com , . .... ..u mi.. , o liha hniip r.f 1ft n nrk n. m. And I liMI 1 4 IT KM UI lit HI 1JIK . U W K. L V tTIl LVf ,i lnfrot1 In ont.l cat at n by pubiCution of this order for three successive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated this 7th lny of August, 1913. 13. F. GILMAN, (SEAL) County Judge. 35-4t-290-2427 Order for Hearing state of Nebraska, Box Bnltft Countv. 8. a a rmmtv rnnrt hoiii nt ih n.,n.U - : . Present, L. A. Berry, County Judge. iv Tilt! mittkb nii' THE V.S. TATE OP JOHN SPHNKlDRR 1R - 1 fin tlla noiMtnn ftf Mm m. Schneider filed herein, r.ravlne that administration of said estate be granted to Henry Helcer as Admin ,Htraior. ORDERED, That said petition will be neaixj on the 18th day or August. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. That all persons Interested In said estate may appear at County Court on saltl dat'e A 6how cau8e ,f an there h ' .hv nf,tinn hn,,M not Ko u.k.r calA nllllnn .l,..U be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and of said hearing , be given to all per sons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Alliance Herald, a weekly news paper published in said county for three successive weeks prior to said hearinar .1 A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge Jarne E. Addle, Attorney. s dws-zii NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS OF ALLIANCE You are hereby noUfled that I have been instructed by the Mayor and Council of the City ot Alliance to file complaints against all proper Uy owners and residents of this city, within one week from the date hereof, who shall fail to cut down all weeds on their premises in com pliance with Ordinance No. 113, of eald City, which provides that all weeds shall be cut down to the cen ter of the alleys and as far out as the curb line, abutting their real es tate, and providing penalty or from two to twenty dollars fine. i I Signed) C. W. JEFFERS. 33tt23S8 Chler or Police VISITING EASTERN MARKETS Mrs. R. Simmons left Sunday ror the east, to order a rail stuck or millinery and ladies' rurnlshings for the Alliance store. She will return the last or this week or first of next. RETURNED HOME YESTERDAY Mrs. Fred Reevee, who has been staying with Mrs. Fogle since leav ing the hospital a week or two ago, returned to her home thirteen miles southeast of Alliance yesterday. She went on the train to Antioch where Mr. Reeve met her. rr. Mllea' Laxative Tablet i taut Ilk eandy, that la una reason why chlldrM Ik them. (Advartlsement-J U.S. Land Office Notes Interesting News of Alliance Land Office PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK An "acre-foot" of water Is equival ent to 43,660 cubic feet and Is the quantity required to cover an acre to the depth of one foot. The term is commonly used in connection with storage for irrigation. WILL FACILITATE HOMESTEAD ENTRIES Secretary cf Interior Issues Instruc tions to Expedite Designation of Land Under Enlarged Homestead Law For the last year or more puhlic lands In the western ntate-i have been designated by the Secretary of he Interior as subject to entry un der the so-called enlarged-homestead act. or the 320-acre homestead act. only on petition of those who desire to avail themselves of the prov'blons or this law. This procedure was an outgrowth cf the desire cf the De partment to designate no lands which were not actually enterablo under the law in question. !n order to accomplish this end the statu of each tr had to be investigated to determine whether ilt was already entered, was a school section, was Invorved in a State selection, or for any other reason had been taken out cf the class of "unapproirin.ted public lands which alone are enters ble under this act. This search meant that wBth the meager force available to the Department only slow progress should! be mado in the designation of lands for entry under this law. Soon after the passage of the act lands had! been designated for entry to their status, the only questions determined toy the Department prior to designation being that the lands were surveyed, unreserved, and non Irrkgable. Under this mode of pro cedure designations can be made ith comparative rapidity, the avail ability of the lands for entry being rternuned by the applicant when he Istts the local land office to file up on his claim. After the abandon ment of this early procedure the law was extended to apply to Norh Ja kota. The rule or designation by pe titlon has been followed in that tate, and the resulting' delays have proved embarrasing both to the De partment and to the citizens of North Dakota, as well as to those of other western states. At the Suggestion of Senator Gron na, Secretary 1-ane has recently 'te ided to revert to the earlier prnc tlce and designate the lands In large bodies after it is determined hat they are nonirrigable, as re quired by the law. He has iiccord ingly issued appropriate instruction to the Geological Survey, which is harged under the Department wit the preparation of the lists of land enterable under this law. Thl change will! have the effect of great ly expediting the designation of lands under this law. Homesteads Allowed James Wilcox. Alliance, part of sections 32 and 33-18-49. Bert F. Case, Mitchell, part of 2o 26-50. William B. Johnston. Marslmd part of 27-29-64. Lucy Gillespie, Alliance, part of 21-22-27 and 28-23-48. George Wilsmtller, Alliance, part or -section 26-22-43. Urban M. TtUtle, Alliance, part or sections 6 and 7-20-4;i. Charles A. Tifft. Ellsworth, part of section 14 and 15-J5-43. Walton C. Howard, Whitney, part of section 18-32 60. George W. Crite, Crawford, all or section 26-29-64. Alpha D. Wymore, Tippetts, part oli 1 and 2-21-41. Final Proof Applications James E. Rickey. Epwonth, part cf sections 9, 10 and 15-18 68. Lee D. George, Olive, Kans., part of sections 8, 9 and 17-26-45. Jake Herman, Broadwater, Nebr., part of 8-19-48. John Landreth, Bayard, part of section 10-21-51. James McKelvle. Bridgeport, part cf 17-18-48. Harry W. Taylor. Mason City, p'ft of 31-26-43 and 6-25-42. Col son T. Smith, Grayson, part of 3 and 10-28-44. L. Myrt Childs, Story, part or 21- 3i-50. John R. Mitchell, Northport, part cr sections I and 12-20-49. Elmer Belknap. Gordon, part or Clyde E. Todd. Northport, part or 16-20-60. Mark D. Hungerrord, Ellsworth, part or 12-26-43 and 7-26-42. Jake Thurman, Broadwater, pari or section 8-19-48. Robert L. Wallsage, Bingham part or sections 5-8 and 9-24-41. New Form for Absence from Homestead Notice The land office has received a ne form of notice, to be made out by those leaving their homestead. This notice, the fcrm of which I given below, together with the no tice cf termination of absence, can be prtK-ured at The Herald office: NOTICE OF BEGINNING OF AB SENCE FROM HOME STEAD ENTRY Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Orfice. Gentlemen: I or am the same person who made diomestead Entry No at the orfice on . 191.., ror , Sea tlon Township Range Meridl an. 1 hereby give noti.-e that I in tend to be absent from the land above described for a period of not to exceed five months, beginning 191.. Upon my return SUMMER COLDS rapidly redace bnmtn strength and illness is easily contracted, but Scott1' Emulsion will promptly reliere the cold and upbuild your strength to prevent sickness. eorr a Bowni . LOOMriCLD, N. J. ii. ia to the land I will notify you to that effect. NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF ABSENCE RpptRte nnii Rpcelver. I U. S. Iand Office. fiontlemen: I, of . am the same person who made Homestead Entry No at I the ofHce on I 191.., for Sec- tlon rownsnup Range Meridian. I hereby give notice that I .return- ed to the land above described on I 191.. My absence be- gan on 191.. oooooooooooooooq o CLEMAN o ooooooooooooooooa u,u' Mr. Squibs an! family spent the day at the Elliott home Sunday. Vic Covalt and family were call- ers at Mr. Rice's Sunday. Mae Morean and Thelma Westley spent Sunday afternoon with Fay Cnvalt 1- .ur. s"iuiua uu vi. . rinirvi ' ".I s uiciiniiin net j . 3i r8. auiion ana son urover nave movea into tne uennis nouse. -I Mr. and Mrs. Vic Covalt and Mr. nJi 1 12 nf,iL P owners or new Ford autos. S. O. Carr went to Alliance Mon day. Mr. Blazell. Mr. and Mrs. Harring-I ton and Mr. Harrington's mother came out on the stage to Cleman 1 IWednesday. I I Mies Maud .Moffit went to AUi- ance Friday. oooooooooooooooo O MALINDA SQUIBS O oooooooooooooooq July 28th. Mr. Conrad and Mrs. Dean went to see the clrcua at Alliance Friday. returning Sunday p. m.. stopping with Mrs. Cal llerr for dinner. I i Thl jswtlnn win vlnited with an- other heavy rain Sunday n. m. l Lem Derr and Ben Nicola return-1 ed from Washington Wednesday. I Mrs. Geo. Denton and the boys went to Mlnatare Wednesday. I Cal Derr was on the Mlnatare mar ket with new spudB Thursday. l .Mr. severson s neaiiu Decaime so IHUU IIIWC II WHS uwiireu IU UMC nira to oering ior treaiimeiu mis we.VIL. ' Joe Derr came up from the Tri- State Thursday. STANDS BY THE EDITOR From our limited acquaintance with Editor Frank Martin of Battle Creek, we would hardly place Mm n the white hope class but his re- stzktt AniAimtap uritri tria. mo tfrtP fit I Nnnfnlk inrilrnfpa that h has Rome w aRnirntAnna In that iHmwHoti. V don t know a thine about the con troversy but on general nrlncmles we always back a member of the fra- ternlty. Martin is long enough, and lean enough to be Dretty hard to handle in a mixup. Newman Grove Reporter. f$ GET WISE ADVERTISE $$ Sits Piintinc anl All vtrk is first class EraiaiRf B. V. REEVES Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating 511 Laramie Phone Black 851 Alliance, Nebr. HASTINGS BUSINESS COLLEGE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA - Established 1896 Courses offered In shorthand, book keeping, higher accounting and civil strvice. Excellent equipment. Ex pert Teachers. Expenses reasona ble. Our students are going out at from $60 to $100 a month. Write for literature. el r m 1 1 V m OLD HICKORY CHIPS Thl country has reason to felici tate Itseir upon the targe number of "strikes" that did not develop in the last year. No general credence will be glv en to the rumor that King George cr Britain will visit this country un til Queen Mary confirms it. President Elliot of the New Hav en road saye that the railroads must get nearer the people. They may. ir they give certificates of honorable intentions. To insure more and cheaper meat, we are advised that we taunt quit killing and eating calves. Bun our prodigal sons have formed the hab- it. ur. course, tne pruaent citizen oi Adrianople Keens three or rour changes of flags on his person ior tne emergencies or me aay. As ror those Mexican crises, wo yawn in the face of one when we meet it now. They are too common. Blessed te the country that has no Castro. One way to end the Mexican dls- turbance is to let the factions lick eteh other to a frazzle. Being right there near the border. the Colonel might take Kermlt and few trusty Rough Riders and an nex Mexico. An Indian as Register of the Treasury is something entirely new. Newport has become the great jewels-and-detectlve center or the world. straight arm punch from the v w House manes tne jingoes rat- ne. I "11. twit a. t. V. . 1 .1 AH .n ...1. . ,Ko i got licked. I . You'll never have enml nniirhbors unless you are one A i o "nil 111 tun. i ii vi ! ri 1 ' M'nahtnn. L, . ;.. r,. Beverly In the mattetr of climate, Kllt Vl,, i, iuii To make some women perfectly li 1 liti mnMnn nlnlnma Dknnbl V. .. ,. . ho, UatMn ki,d r v "rlT6 ...... mai necnDor wno cans .Mr. u'-y- on -t ucu initn iny oe sueo uy ine frual commoner for defamation of cnaracter. Every time a uteaiuboat runs into n hrltfi?o C.irnfre ta ranvln Atn rhnl lt8 rtver ls too narrow and is blly obEtructed at that. Milliners have b?gun to dealer, fall I I. . n. A . ...ul. l ' J""" "''" "! ..:.' ' 4 " "..n. I one advantage of being president r the United States is that yoa can ca" ine naseDaii neroes- by tneir i met nuuies witnoux oeing r?iu.te'a. r Huerta will have ta go and get a reputation before President Wilson will recognize him. And he will have to begin by coming to the mourners bench. When the Bull Moose and Reoub- Kcans fight over camnaltrn ulanlcs i he. solinters fly. Th ..... hnrrnr n, . oriff aUo. I o ra ntt raoltviut Until Diuwl Cm.n. I Ii I m n a In anA hairlna . n ,u.t.Alr If Tex could drag the Standard Oil Company Into court often, enough the would not need to tax her citi zens at all. Men like to talk a well as women do, but they pay for it. I asmA n'tarsu HAnll.. t. 12 A 1 A. icunj ueuee luai lxlue "v lttBln "er nUKUHIlUi. You. may expect cold treatment from others. If you make It hot for mem. Catro has "come back", and we suppose this will be encouraging to i:oi. Koosevelt. CoL Mulhall is to be commended for having rerralned from s:ivins; that he stands at Armageddon Scientists say that life is r-ne-tion. This ought to be enoouravln,? to the reactionaries. The war in the Balkans was ter rific, but we don"t bel'cve It was any worse than some of the moving pkturea of It made on Long Island. The destruction or that Mexican gunbeat by an aeroplane was a great vk-tory ror the new ton tier correeipcndent at El l'aso. Why not give fhe British r,:ie-n, the right to vote? Look at tho way Queen Mary is managing lleorge. The torrid spell came right In t'ie niidFt of the orfice seeker"? winter f discontent. We wonder if Ambasaror Wilson bought a return tkket when he left Mexico.. Turning the thermometer upside down helps a little. Wm. Saurbraun, Western Union Telegraph Company chief at Alli ance, who has been on a vacation for sonnj time, returned to Alliance on Saturday, leaving for a short trip to Denver that nlg'bjt. B. B Posey, of Angora, who is advertising a number of cattle for sale in The Herald, has been selling quite a number. He went iir.,.. pan, Wyoming, on business Monday.