The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 07, 1913, Image 5

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The following "Want Ads" are
classified under appropriate headings
for the convenience of readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
wo.d each Insertion. No ad received
for less than ten cents per Inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
word each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
Black face double rate.
Ir. answering Herald want ads
please mention that you saw it in
this paper.
A classified advertisement will In
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
In this town.
Bonded Abstracter.
1 have the only Bet of abstract
books in Box Butte county. Office
In McCorkle Building. lO-tf-670
FOR RENT Vacuum Cleaner and
reliable man to operate It. Phone 139.
Geo. D. Darling.
Advt 2126U21
for light housekeeping, close In.
Phone 629. MRS. M. BAYER.
160 acres hay land for rent, 3
miiea from Alliance. A. L. Kofi not,
Corwlth, Iowa.
WANT TO SELL all my farms
and ranches. Several business and
residence properties. Only small
payments required. Some exchange
considered. Look Into this. VV. W.
Norton, Alliance.
FOR SALE A bargain, if taken
at once. My 8 room residence, 720
Platte Ave. Phone 184
2048-18-tf J. J. VANCE.
FOR SALE. Restaurant Fixtures.
Enquire of F. B. Thomas or Alliance
National Bank.
FOR SALE As I wish to Improve
other property, will sell my residence
property on corner south of city li
brary, consisting of modern house,
two lots and nice lawn and trees, at
a price very reasonable. Terms on
part If desired. DR. L. W. BOW
New fourroom house and 2 lots
In Belmont addition for sale. Good
outbuildings Including carpenter shop
16x36. Well. 8 h.p. gasoline engine
and other carpenter s machinery. E.
R. Sly, Phone 719.
Good outbuildings. Barn for four
horses. House for automobile.
Advt 25tf2195
close to Alliance for sale.
Box 824, Alliance, Nebr.
HELP WANTED In Scbwender'a
restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. . Pay
good wages. Phone 72. Box No,
26. 30tf2328
1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo
tor Boats at bargain price, all
makes, brand new machines, on easy
monthly payment plan. Get our
proposition before buying or you will
regret it, also bargains in used Mo
tor Cycles. Write us today. En
cloxe stamp for reply. Address
. Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich
Notice to the Farmers in
Box Butte County
The Box Butte County Fair Asso
ciation request that the farmers sel
ect samples of all kinds of grain in
straw suitable for the county and
starte fair exhibition. Bring your
samples in any time and leave at E.
T. Kibble's Real Estate of floe and
they will be taken care of.
We wouki like to have all farm
ers, make an effort to have an extra
good showing this fall as we under
stand the eastern states are suf
fering from drought and we want
to show them that western Nebras
ka is the greenest part of the state.
Now is the time to gather the grain
in the straw and we can have as
good an exhibition this fall as
Please do not neglect this and let
everyone take a part in making our
lair a success.
Adv 35-2t-2412
FOR RALE Quarter section of
land, 10 mites north of Alliance, for
$12.50 per acre. Address Box 991,
Corruaated Carnet Pintiw 50 vard
roils, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD.
Adv 24tf-2181.
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRJGHT, phone 71. ti
Grand Island, Nebr.
Make the best monuments and will
save you money. Call on AL. WIK
ER, local salesman of Alliance, or
send to Grand Island for price list.
For nice clean Niggerhead Lump
and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal,
phone to No. 22.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Company.
Thoroughbred riding horse weighing
about 900 pounds. In good shape.
Mne appearance. Innuire at The
Herald office.
Nice Iron bed, springa and mat
tress, dining room chains, rocker,
dining room table, kitchen cabinet,
and smarter articles. Phone 175.
Advt 35 2t-2424
er can have flamo by calling at Her
ald office and nay Ins for this notice.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
B. Reddish. 3tf
Physician and Surgeon
Office in, First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16.
60-tM608 Advertisement
See Geo. D. Darling for your
needs in sbades, wood poles, exten
sion rods, stair rods, stair corners,
molding hooks, picture nails, linoleum
edging and binding, tacks and tack
Advt 2125tf21
Ambulance Service Calls answer
ed day and night. Phones 8, 139, 621.
Advt 2125tf21
FOUND. A gray sweater, lady's
coat, and cap. West of town on the
way to the Elmore dam. Owner can
have the same by calling at The
Herald office, proving ownership,
and paying for this ad.
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71. tf
Ready for Business
I have returned to Alliance after
an absence of two years and am
again ready to do all kinds of cement
work. People here know what kind
of work I do. Orders may be left
at The Herald office.
Advt 23-tf-2147
FOR BLACK DIRT phone 787.
J. R. LAWRENCE. I have 1.000
loads on hand,
advt 32-3t-2373
Complete photographic outfit tor
Bale cheap. Size 6x7, Seneca View
Camera with triple, convertible lens
es, carrying case, tripod, etc. A
crackerjack outfit at a very reason
able price. Investigate this if you
want an outfit that will do any work
you want. Phone 340 or call at the
Herald office.
Thoroughbred riding or, driving
pony ror sale cheap. Phone 340.
BURNER. Must be in fair shape
and the price right for cash. Phone
340 or alJ at The Herald office.
AGENTS WANTED to solicit for
health, and accident insurance. Ad
dre Lincoln Accident Insurance
Co., Fremont, Nebr.
The Beat Medicine la the World.
"My little girl had dfwentery very bad.
thought khe would die. Chamberlain's Colic,
I iiulera and Diarrhoea Kemeuv cured her
and 1 can truthfully say that I think it is tlio
bent medicine in the world, writes AJnw
William Orrid, Clare, Mich. For sale by
ail deaieraAdvertisement.
For sale by F. E. Holsteu.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitution
al remedies. Defaness is caused by
an Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is inflamed yau have
rumbling sound or imperfect hear
Ing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed
torever; nine cases out or ten are
caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflammed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Han s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Tak HnH'3 Pr-roMy PilLs for eon
Advt. Apr 3-24. Aug 7-2S
Alliance, Nebr., July 2Sth, 1913.
The Hoard of County Commission
trs met pursuant to adjournment;
Officers present. S. C. Reck, chair
man, C. L. Hashman and J. M. Wn
nck. The day was spent by the Board
attending District Court awniting
the trial in which the Chicago, Bur
lington and Quinry Railroad Com
pany prosecuted an appeal from the
decision cf thte Hoard of Equaliza
tion. Whereupon the Hoard adjourned
until tomorrow morning, July 29th,
1913. at 9 o'clock a. m.
Alliance. Nebr., July 29th, 1913.
The Hoard ef County Commission
era met pursuant to adjournment;
Officers present, same as yesterday.
The day was spent by the Hoard
Inspecting road petitioned In Non
pareil precinct, said road being of
record as number 51.
Whereupon the Hoard adjourned
until tomorrow, July 30th, ut 9
o'clock a. m.
Alliance, Nebr., July30th, 1913.
The Board of County Commission-
era met pursuant to adjournment,
same officers present as yesterday.
The Board lns.iected and accepted
bridge recently completed near
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, July 3 1st,
1913, at 9 o clock a. m.
Alliance. Nebr., July 31st. 1913.
The Hoard of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
The day was spent by the Hoard
attending District Court, wherein
the tax case cf appeal of the Chica
go, Burlington and Qulncy Railroad
company, was before the Court.
The application of County Judge
L. A. Berry to be absent from the
County for a period of several days,
and the appointment of H. F. Gil-
man of Alliance, Nebraska, to flu
such temporary vacancy wt.s approv
ed by the Board and the said B. F.
Gilman wan duly appointed to fill
such vacancy and qualified to act as
uch County Judge upon filing the
required bond and subscribing to the
required' oath.
Alliance, Nebr., August 1st. 1913.
The Hoard of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
The day was spent by . the Hoard
Inspecting samples of material and
conferring with material men pres
ent preparatory to letting contract
for the construction of the new
Court House.
Whereupon the Board adjourned
until tomorrow morning, Ausutt 2d,
1913, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Alliance, Nebr., August 2d, 19 '.3.
The Board of County Commission
ers of uox Butte county, state oi
Nebraska, met in regular session
pursuant to adjournment.
The meeting wad called to order
by the chairman and roll call belns
called there were present S. C.
Reck, chairman, C. L. Hashman, and
M. Wanek. Absent, none.
By order of the chairman the
Clerk read "Notice to Contractors
and the Proof of Publication of same
as follows:
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Box Butte County CcutiuU
sloners at their office in the Court
House in Alliance, Nebraska, until
twelve o'clock noon of the 2nd day
of August, 1913, for the letting of
the contract foil the County Court
House building and the contract tor
the steam heating in said bulUlt.ig,
which Is to be built in Alliance, Ne
Plans and specifications f r the
building may be had of tha County
Clerk at his office in th Court
House in Alliance, Nebraska.
Each separate proposal must be
accompanied by cash or a draft, for
the sum not lees than one per cent
of the amount bid on the general
contract and two per cent for the
steam heating contract, made paya
ble to E. M. Martin. County Treas
urer, and to be forfeited to Box
Butte County for damages sustained
in case the bidder, within five d:iys,
fails to enter Into contract for the
work bid upon, and to give a satis
factory surety bond for 60 per cent
of the amount of the contracts for
the faithful performance of the con
tract and give a satisfactory bond
for the full amount of the contract
prices against mechanics' lien in
case award is made to him.
The County Commissioners reserve
the right to reject any part of or
ail bids.
Letting of said contract subject to
sale of Bonds to State of Nebraska
now pending.
A deposit of 125 will be exacted
for the safe return of the general
plans and $ 15.00 for the steam heat
Ing plans.
Bids are to be sealed and address
ed to M. S. Hargraves, County Clerk,
and must be plainly marked on the
outside, "Proposal for the Box Butte
County Court House building. Alii
ante, Nebraska."
County Clerk
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
I, John 11. Moit, do hereby certi
fy. than I am publisher of the Alii
ance hemi-weeKiy Times, a news
paper of general circulation printed
and published at Alliance, Box Butte
County, Nebraska; and I further
certify that the notice, a true copy
or winch h hereunto attached, was
published in the regular and entire
issue of each and every number of
said paper for 6 consecutive weeks.
the firm publication being on Pri
day the 2th day of June, 1913, and
the last publication being on Friday
the 1st day of August. 1913.
That said notice was published in
the regular and entire Issue of ev
ery number of the paper during the
period and tune of publication and
that the notice was published In the
newsipaper proper and not In a sup
plement, and that said Alliance Semi-Weekly
Times 1 a legal newspa-
p r.
John H. Mols
Subscribed In my presence and
sworn to bifore me this 2nd dfly of
August, 1913.
M. 8. Hargraves.
( SEAL) County Clerk.
2nd day of August, 1913.
My commission expires
(Endorsed as follows)
Filed in the office of the Coupty
Clerk on the 2nd day of Auus,
M. 8. Hargrai es.
County Clerk.
By order of the chnirman the bids
on file in the -office of the County
Clerk for the construction of the
Court House for Box Butte County,
Nebraska, were opened and found to'
be ns follows:
General Contract
Lycns Axtell Co.. Golden. Colo,
(as per plans and specifications, In
cluding heating), $X8.54S.(M.
Mullen & Rourke, Dead wood, S.
D. (as per plans and specifications),
W. .!. Groedon, Omaha, Nebr. (as
Iter plans and specifications), $78,
849.00. Frank KIrchhof Lbr. Co., Denver,
Colo, (as per plans and specifica
tions), $69,700.00.
Henry Ohlsen & Son, Iamip City,
Nebr. (as per plans and specifica
tions), $67,941.00.
C. E. Goodhand, Ord, Nebr. (as
per plans and specifications), $66,
000.00. Ray A. Matthews, Grand Junction,
Colo, (as per plans and ftperifl ca
tions), $64,096.00.
Heating Contract
Newberry Hardware Co., Alliance,
.Nebr. (as per plans and speciflca
'.ions), s.!,3b.l.;it).
E. A. Schenck, Kansas City, Mo
(as per plans and specifications),
R. C. Lovitt, Kansas City, Mo. (as
per plana and peclficatlons), $2,
695.00. The Plumbing, Henting and Ma
chine Co., Sterling, Colo, (as per
plans and specifications), $2,605.00.
After due consideration it was de
cided toy the board that certain fea
tures of the Court House, as per
plana and specifications, should be
eliminated to reduce ithe cost of the
building to within the amount ap
propriated. The three lowowt bidders were
atked to file additional bids elimin
ating the following features: .
Revolving Door, Mall Chute, and
Central Feature above the roof to be
supplanted as described In blank
bid, (a part of the specifications).
The three lowest bidders filed
bids as requested, same being as
Ray A. MattheWB, Grand Junction,
Colo., $59,045.00.
C E. Goodhand, Ord, Nebr., $39,920.
Henry Ohlsen & Son, Loup City, Ne
braska, $60,445.
Ray A. Matthews of Grand Junc
tion, Colo., was awarded the General
contract, he being the lowest bidder,
and contract was entered into as
This contract made In duplicate
and entered into, this 2nd day of
August, 1913, by and between the
County of Box Butte, State of Ne
braska, by Its County Commission
ers, party of. the first part, and Ray
A. Matthew, of . . Grand Junction,
Colorado, party of the second part.
WITNESSETH: That for and in
consideration cf the covenants here
inafter set out the, parties' of the
first part have this day accepted the
ibirl of the party of the second part.
for the purpose of building the
County Court House, at Alliance, In
said county, for the turn of $.59,045.
accord Ire lo the plans and specifi
cations, that said County Commis
sioners' lureby agree to ign and de
liver what is termed the Uniform
contract, which has been drawn and
the terms are satisfactory to each
cf said parties, as soon us the bonds
are delivered and the sum of $25.-
000 is received by the County Treas-
urer of said County.
i. i. t i. ...-.. i .
iuiiuci uiiucuvu an . agircu
that said second party has the prlv -
ilege of commencing work on said
build in. at nnio Mm tn b at !,!"" v.ouniy ioum, mm ..u ut, .
, -
he hereby agrees to hold the County
harmless for any work done prior to
the time of the sale of said bonds.
In witness whereof we have here
unto signed our names this 2nd day
of August. 1913.
By 8. C. Reck, Chairman,
C. L. Hashman, Commissioner,
J. M Wanek, Commissioner.
Party of the second part.
In the presence of Eugene Burton.
M. 8. Hargraves.
The Plumbing, Heating and Ma
chine Co., of Sterling, Colorado,
were awarded the Heating Contract.
they beirg the lowest bidders, and
contract was entered Into as fol
Tills contract made in duplicate
and entered into, this 2nd day of
August, 1913, by and between: the
County of Box Butte, State of Ne
braska, tarty cf the firt part, and
the Plumbing, Heating & Machine
Company of Sterling, Colorado, party
of the second part.
WITNESSETH: That for and in
consideration of the covenants here
inafter set out said parties of the
flit part have this day accepted the
bid of the party of the second part,
in the sum of $2,605, to do said
wcrk In accordance with the plans
and apeclftcatlons on file with the
County Clerk; that said parties of
the first part hereiby agree to ign
said contract known as the Uniform
Contract, which said contract Is now
In existence and the terms of which
have been read and accepted by
each of said parties, as soon as the
bonds of said county have been de
livered and the sum of $25,000 re
ceived by the County Treasurer.
In witness whereof we have here
unto subscribed our names this 2nd
day ot August. 1913.
County of Box Butte, Nebraska,
By S. C. Rock. Chairman.
C. L. Hashman. Commissioner,
J. M. Wanek, Commissioner
The Plumbing, Heating & Machine
By Jno. Matuls, Prewt., party second
The Official Bond of B. F. Gil
ma:!, Count) Judse. was ex'tinlnttl
nd approved. Whereiien tV"
Hoard adjourned until Monday morn-
Ing, August 4th, 1913, at. 9 o'clock. I
Mtlance, Nebr.. August 4th. 1913
The Hoard of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment;
office! pnrent, S. C. Reck, chair
man, C. I.. Hashman and J. M. Wa
nek. '
Court lloufe Bonds In the amount
cf $65.nH were slpnrd by the chair
man of the Board, and the Clerk,
same were ordered delivered 1o
County Attorney Burton, to be
for to
llvcred to the State Auditor,
registration and to be delivered
ihe State Treasurer taking his
eelpt ror name.
Claim of County Attorney Burton,
for expense to Lincoln, Nebraska,
in the amount of $50 was allowed
and the Clerk ordered to draw war
rant on Genernl Fund for same.
There being nothing further to
come before the Hoard at this Umo.
they adjourned to meet at the call
of the Clerk.
M. S. II AUG HAVES. Clerk.
T. E. Ashman, of l)es Moines, Io
wa, i an old time friend of Mr. and
Mrs. John Lawrence, Sr., being ac
quainted In Indiana forty years ago.
The following verses, written by Mr.
Ashman In memory of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence's son, William, are pub
lished In The Herald by request:
Twaa nearly thirty yeara ago
Our hearts were filled with Joy,
God gave Into our tender care
A darling little boy.
With loving care from day to day
We watched our little darling grow;
To see it in its childish play
Would fill our hearts to overflow.
And as he grew from babe to youth
Our love the stronger grew;
His life was full of love and truth,
Fach duy was something new.
From youth to manhood, year by
How swift they seem to pass
When first to us he did appear,
It seems but yesterday.
When daily by his father's side
He tolled from morn till night.
Then back to home and mother'
Whose heart was full of fond de
light. Contented with his humble lot,
He had no wish to roam;
His name will never be forgot
In once our happy home, sweet
For God ha called omr on away,
Each day veil see his vacant
To see our darling one some day
Will bo our earnest, constant pray
er. O Willie, how we will miss you
Morning, noon and night;
God answering prayer, we'll soon be
with you,
In that heavenly home so bright.
Convenient location. Phone ' Red
665. MRS. MORAN.
Notice to Creditors
The State of Nebraska,
Box Buute County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Henry Watson, deceased, and Sarah
Watson, deceased.
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court Room
in Alliance, in said County, on the
7th day of February, 1914, to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said Estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of
claims against said Estate is six
"'""V sl,;.r "" li'iT
' !,nltht.'
payment tf debts ta
months from the 7th day of August,
time limited for
one yenr from
,, ,.. mil
1 "" . I a i IV ,i .r
I .h"d "d A", .f?1 "
i .a . . . mrp
County Jud.;e.
Order for Hearing
To all persons Interested in the Fil
iate of Ezra. Boyer, defeated:
Esdresa O. Boyer having fLled hl.i
petition, under oath In this court,
praying that administration of th"
estate of said Ezra Boyer be dis
pensed with and for a decree dter;
mining who are the luirs of sai l
Ezra Boyer: it U ordered that a
hearing be had on said petition at
the county couit room in said couu-1
ty on the 30th day of August, 1911,
at the hour cf 10 o clock a. m. and
that notice of 'the time and plae
fixed fr said hewrixig be given to
PHONE 73 '
all persons Interested in said Mtat
by publication of this order for thrss
successive weeks in the Alllanco
Herald, a newspaper printed and
published In said county.
Dated this 7th day of August, 1913.
(SEAL) County Judge.
For Sunday, August 10
7:30 a. m. Holy Communion.
10:00 a. m. Sunday School.
11:00 a. m. Morning services.
X:0 p. m. Evening prayer and
All seats free. Welcome to all.
Geo. G. Ware, Dean
Phone Black 419
10:00 a. m. Sunday School.
11:00 a. m. Preaching, subject,
"A Pillar In God's Temple."
2:30 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. '
Subject word, "Truth."
7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. Subject.
"Heroes Heroines of the Temper
ance Cause." Dan. 1:8 to 17.
No evening service on account of
union service at First Prsebytertaa
Choir practice every Wednesday,
8 p. m.. at E. O. Latng'a residence.
Prayer meeting every Thursday, f
p. m.
Cordial Invitartion to all.
Fran C. Barrett, Pastor
10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded
Bible Classes.
11:00 a. m. Public worship.
7:00 p.m. Young people's Ep worth
League meeting.
There will be no evening service
next Sunday, the congregation, beinf
Invited to attend service at the First
Presbyterian church.
Prayer, Bible study and social
hour. Wednesday evening at 8:00.
The doors of this church are open
to all people at all services. A cor
dial and home welcome extended to
all to worship with us, if you hvw
no other church home In the city.
Olin 8. Baker, Pastor
Phone 90
Box Butte Ave. and 7th 8t.
10:00 a.m. Sabbath School.
11:00 a. m. Public worship.
7:00 p. ni. Christian Endeavor.
8:00 p. m. Public worship.
A cordial luvltation is extended to
the readers of The Herald who do
not attend church elsewhere in the
city. Strangers welcome.
Rev. J. B. Brown,. Pastor
Phone 710
U. P. CHURCH , .
10:00 a. m. Sabbath school.
11:00 a, m. Public worship -7:00
p.'m. Young people's pray
er meeting.
The evening preaching service mill
be adjourned m honor of Rev. Brown.
A cordial welcome to aH.
Rev. W. L. Torrence, Pastor
Phone 92
10:00 a. m. Bible school.
11:00 a. m. Service. Subject,
"The DivlnMy cf Jesus."
Theie will be no C. E. or preach
ing service in the even 'mg, the paj
tor and congregation attending ser
vices at the Flrtt Presbyterian
church at thai: il'iue.
8:00 p. tn., Wednesday, prayer meet
A friendly Invitation extended to
Frank Allan Woten, Minister
Phone 752
Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St.
German services every Sunday at
10:30 a. m., unless otherwise an
nounced. ju??c;. Sat
-aq jo-rnvd qui jo )uivob U3 Xe.mng
)xeu saaiAJos ou eq . 34 m
English services about every tare
weeks upon announcement, and even
ing services upon announcement.
Everybody welcome.
Titus Lang. Pastor, 703 Niobrara Avs.
Phone Red 359
August 10th there will be a babfcet
Presiding Elder Ward of
Denver will be present.
All are Invited to come to thesf