PARCELS POST CHANGE Important Improvement Affecting Mailing of Parcels Within Radius of 150 Mile OPPORTUNITY FOR MERCHANTS .About the time that the parrels post law went Into effect. The Her ald pointed out editorially that lo cal merchants who were frightened at the prospect of having their bus iness crippled by the big mall order houses did not have sufficient rea, eon to be scared if they would meet the big concerns on their own U SI mi On account of advanced age and retirement from the ranch I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, 1:00 p. m. sharp, Wed nesday, Aug. 20, at my ranch 3 miles southwest of Canton, 6 miles southeast of Curly, about 25 miles north of Mitchell I will sell without reserve and no by-bidding 35 15 brood mares, 3 to 10 years old, weight from 1100 to 1500, with 5 colts at their side and all bred. These mares are from the Fred Williams popular Shire stock-the best in the country. 1 four-year-old broke gelding, 1200. 2 three-year-old geldings. 6 two-year-old mares. 6 one-year-old mares and geldings. 35 10 good milk cows, 3 to 7 years old. 11 two-year-old steers. 14 one-year-old steers. Also, Free Lunch at Noon S. A. GRIMES, Auctioneer CALVIN J. WILDY, Clerk Grand Restaurant m HAS CHANGED HANDS AND IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Will be A Model of Cleanliness The place where you can get what you order, cooked as you want it, and served neat and clean. Popular Prices C. W. BICKINELL, Mgr. West Side of Box Butte Avenue Alliance, - - Nebraska grounds. Developments under the practical operations of the parcels post show that It may be made a real benefit to Alliance merchants who will take advantage of It. This will be particularly true under the Improvements ordered by Post master Oencral Burleson to beconie effect ive August 15th. The Proposed Changes The proposed changes will affect parcels mailed for local delivery and roints within 150 miles of pla;'e of mailing. The maximum weight of mailable parcels within the firvt and second zones will be increased from eleven to twenty pounds, and the posUige oa the larger parcels reduced, a will be seen by the in formation given below. The parcels post map will be no longer used for Ml HOR CATTLE 1 new. light double harness. Terms: JAMES CURRY, Owner the Hist and serond zones, but each pet office will be furnished an of ficial Us of other offices coming wti'hln these two zones. Mr. HuTlrscn announced the l.:ngrs as follows: "The flri-t zone hall Include the territory within the lc.enl delivery of any office nnd the first zone rite of postage will apply to all parcel pot deposited at nny offve fur local delivery or for delivery by city carrier or on rural routes emanating from that posteffice. "Tho second zone shall Include the remainder tf what Is now the Ifitst zone, togtther with the pres jent second zone, and shall ln.lude an tne units oi area looatcu in wnoie or In part within a radius of ap proximately 160 miles from nny giv en postofflce. 9i 9 9 months' at 10 A WOMAN'S WORK sometimes reduces her strength to the depths of weakness her devotion to household cares prevents sufficient rest and recreation. Thousands of women in this condition find Scotfs Kmulsion exactly what they need; it is predigested body-food so medically perfected that every drop yields direct returns in strengthening the organs and tissues and in making healthy, life-sustaining blood, Scott's Emulsion is devoid of alcohol or any harmful drugs, and overcomes tiredness and nervousness in a marvelous way. "The r:ite of postage on parcels weighing In excel of four miner In the proposed (lift .one will be i r il-ti t- (1 fre ni 5 cent for the first pound nnd t cent for u h addition al pound or. .trait win thereof to ft eents for the firm pound and I e-tnt for oiwh itdilitionil two pound or fraction thereof, and th: rule fcr t lit seer,d will bo reduced from .1 ecu tii for the lirtt pound nnd ;i eents for each ndilltioiritl penind or i cents for the first peund and 4 cents for each additional pound or f-let ion thereof to 5 cents for the lit f t pound nnel l'cent for each ad e iMonal pound or fraction thereof. "The maximum weight of pare-el post packa-u-s will be Increased Ircin eleven pounds t twenty '".: r.ei, the Increase ef weJpht to :i ply cniy to the first and second .ics. No change has been miule In the fci.c or form et the pack- Benefits LocjI Merchants A little study ef the above will ' how i iearly that the new rates will ue a iwoLincl dUadvMitape le the lar,:, mall order houses that iK'pciid for Uie timet of thch trade upon customers at a grcato!" distance than 160 miles and an advantage to the merchants who wish to supply cus tomers by imiil within a radius of that distance. Already Alliance has had a demonstration of what may Ik? done by the enterprising lo cal merchant. V. S. Kewer, propri etor of the Bee Hive store, has fceen e.eIng a email mall ord'or bust aes3 f?r some time past, but decide! to put in a reigular mail order de- partine :it, which he advertised to cpen recently. Since then he has, been floodeel Willi mail orders and -Jready finds H necessary to In crease his facilities for handling '.his department of ills touslnoss. He haa had circulars printed and is now- planning to Issue a catalog. Other Merchants May Do Likewise When the new oreler regarding rates goes into effect it will be practicable for nearly every line of businefs in Alliance to do ultuil er bus.vneFfl en a large Bcaile within a radius of 150 anile of this city. Ire this connection we wish to call attention to the fact that Tho 'Her ald is by all odds the be.1t advertis ing medium to cover this territory. As the official organ of the Nebras ka Stock Growers Association It goes to every member of that or ganization, besides the many hun dreds of other subscribers in Hox Butte and neighboring counties. How'i This We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cminot be cured by Hall's Catarrh C ire. R J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Onio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last la years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bjiins transactions and fin anclally able to carry out any obll gatlons made by his firm. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon, the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. ' Adv July A 19 Mrs. Lowe and daughter, of Bridge port, were in Alliance on Monday. They had been visiting frlentls and relatives In Sheridan, Wyo. J. A. Hunter and son, Robert, came down from the ranch Monday Business Man Praises Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Successful Merchant After Investigation Found a Remedy That Re stored His Health. "Tills Is TliunksRlvhur ly In the utata of I'cnnHvlvuiiia. am! 1 want to ii- uie part of X It in writing a letter to you. till fin .'i.tli diy of I N'vamlMT, '10. wax ulrii ken with heart e. M y troub family Dtiywle'titn ciillxd It Ancini I'e!torl. 1 had from one to tlve attacks In 24 hours. In the la'.nr part of I(.iber, ItlO. T Brol m i t t ll Miles Medical Co.. for Information oon Cdriiina: my and In raply I received a very kind and inetruottre letter, which I handed to ray faintly doctor, Biid he told me to umt your Hemedlea in i-nnnM-tlun with the medlclae he B-ave me. so I did. I used five bottles of Ir. Mil' Heart Remedy and seven bottles of Dr. Mtlee' Nervine. I was confined to the house for about four months. Th actioa of my heart IS now, and haa been normal for the laat sis months. I can truly recommend Tir MIUi' NhiiIim and Heart Rr-medy a An what tliv are lntendad for. if used according- to directions. I thank you kindly for your advice In answer to niy monthly reports. I am now elsty- aeven veura nf rnta. have been In the mercantile buelneae for thlrty-ftve years and lived retired ror tne iai imnMit years." A. B. HOIXJNGKK. IJncoln, I'erna. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy la sold and guaranteed by all druggists. te MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lad 1 X A LETTER FROM IDAHO 8. B. Libby, Former Alliance Busi ness Man, Furnishes Herald Interesting Com munication OTHER LETTERS WILL FOLLOW Welder Is becoming quite a re--lit for Nebraska poi1e, espeeially from Alliance. On Monday the 21st Charles Tully w ha here on a visit with an old friend who several years nge 1IvhI at Hay Springs, Ne braska, where they were In business teise.thtr. Hi name is Augu.- I't-cckmnn. lie came here nleut 17 years ago and 1K-k a hiimesiend. Ho griihhcel out the sngrhrush jind put out ten acres of apple ttves. Three ye .i s ago tb'ii-" was the prize orchard ef the Ktate. It prewlucee. mere, and bti;r fruit, than nny other orchard in lhe ft ate for lis size. I went 'ihruigh 'I his 'last yesir and I iiiunt say that It was a craud Ight. The trcc were loadl elown o the ground, with the fluent ap- lcs I ever ww, The cinp for this e;ir will be nearly as peiod. Mr. fully see-ineKl to lo well pleased I'll tho cemntry. Tueselay the 22nd, while walking on State street, an auto came M'hl.- ing by and, lo, and behold, who hould Jump oirt but Mr. Itee'd with noeii Hoycr. Mr. lloyer l well enough pleaseel with the eonntry hat he is trying to trade one of his houses in Alliance for some ranch land here. He will nd. make any mi stake in doing so. Some time In the future I will have omethliug to say alHiut the Ifferent kinds of land here. Weiser at the rcFent time Is like the girl ,1t h tho tBght skirt. (She is In style). She Is having a suit made of HitulMhlo I'arlny, the cowl of hlch Is $2.00 per siiwuhj yard, and covers the front of the suit two blocks square. The balance of the ult wj'll be just plain dirt. Jlut the hole suit will lie trlnumeel with red elevll cement kle walks. So you se it will be a very nice suit for Mrs. Weiser, havlag only a aniall family of about 4,000. The oldeM hi Id is 101! years old and an old me Odd Fellow. We eee him on the street quite often". He was an adopted child, you see, Doeause he 1-e much oleler than his mother. B. II. L. ooooooooooooooo JESS ITEMS o ooooooooooooooo July 21t. We are having fine weather. Crops leok fine except where struck by the hall. AneHher hall storm passed through southeast of this vicinity lat Wednesday even ing, coming throuKh by IjkkewlcUs, and splitting in two parts, one part moving northward. H. M. Wilson and hired man were fixing n fence when the storm came up and went to an old house for shelter. Air. Wilson was watching a bunch of catrtle from a window, and saw a two-year-old heifer hit by a large hailstone and knocked down. The animal was only stunned and when Mr.- Wilson went out and moved U about, it got up and ran otf. The hail split shingles off of all houses in its path, liee Helling said that he went out after the storm liuel p.issed and saw a great deal of hlicil from his ca'tle and horses that were hit by the hail. The oth er iitrlp of the storm nmved through he Wilson ranch, going eastward through the Kir-kens settlement. ruining all the crops. Some of the hail was as large as cups. Robe it Wilkinson left Jess, Satur day the UMh for Auburn, Nebraska, where he expects to make hi home. Lee Helling and family and C. W. Mathews and family visUed D. N. Mathews Sunday the I'Oth. PERU NEWS By Henrietta Myers Newsy notes of Alliance people and others at Peru State Normal 4 The last number of the lecture course was given Thursday even- ng by the Artiste Quartet. They gave three a:U from the eipera KauK" in ccitume, and sang sever al ejuartet selections between the acts. At chapel on Friday we were greatly pleased to hear Pres. Hayes give an account of his trip to StH Lnke CUy. The PhUomathenn Literary Sed- tty gave tht play "Stronghtart" on Satuiday evening. This was the third time this play had been pre- A Bird in the Hand is Worth One of our skillfully made Portraits is worth a dozen carelesslv made PHOTOGRAPHS Quality Tells Every Time Alliance Art Studio 114 E. 4th St. Phone 111 Tho nlisuret mart is the ens wba nercre hanges. Take our advice when ycri have a cotiyh or a cold ami try Allen's Coagk BalstSk There U nothing morn soothing, nothing that will bring grentcrmlief. Con tnins no harmful insrediHtiU. I'sed for many years with atfctiou and aucceM, 2c., o()c. and tl.00 bottles. Relieves External and Internal Pain. Heals Bruises, draws the Aoha from Stiff or Rheumatlo Muscles. Taken In Hot Water Stops Cramps, Code, Diarrhoea, and similar affections. Tftere'a enfy Palnkill Parry Oavta'. C8, SS and SOe. oHIee. sent eel In I'erii Jitui was a dwided suH's, the .-hnrae tcrs having their Iwirts perft;tly exiinmltted. The Peru base ball team played the Verdon team on Saturday after noon. The more was .11 to 6 In fa vor ef Peru. The reeital glvtn at chapel oa. Monelay by Miss Thomas' advanced music pupils was grewtly enjoyod. Mrs. Hayes and son Leonard re- turneel homo on Monday from Lin coln, where they had been Visiting relatives. The members of the Phllonnatheaa Literary wiclety are pleased to ac- ctj t Mls Anna FeWler as a. llfo nitmbtr of the sejeiety. I'rtf. Hoyt took his chemistry class on a picnic Tuesday even ing. The time was very enjoyably spent in games a.nel boating. On Wedneseiay the last chapel period of the Summer Hr-hool was) celebrated by several musical num bers by the band and by n repre sentation from the chorus. Col. Majors, known by Peruviana as the father of the Peru Normai, has roctntly beconie a member of the State Hoard of Kducartlon. LAWLER RECEIVES APPOINTMENT Alliance Man Appointed Deputy state President F. O. E. T. M. Utwler, of Alliance, Pml Worthy President of Alliance Aerie No. 136, Fraternal Order of Baucles. received his appointment the first of the week as Deputy State Presi dent of the order. Mr. Lawler Is very prominent In this order and Is worthy of the honor conferred upon him by the appointment. Boy Returns Home Mother of Wayward Boy Sent Horn by Alliance Man Writes Letter of Thanks The 1at ltue of The Herald told of a boy by the name of Jon-a HutchlnBcn, who left his home at Rcy, Washington, three years ago and who was sent home by Jake Bkknell, of Alliance. The following letter was received Monday by Mr. Hlcknell: "Roy, Washington, July 25, 1913. Mr. Jake Ukkii'ell, Alliance, Nebr. Kind sir: I received your letter and I will new write you a four words of thanks for what you have c'one for my por, unfortunate 'boy. He gtt home yeHtrday mtTrn'ng. It had been ovtr thrte years since- I had seen him and he Is a pitiful sight to see, but I hope if he will e ay at home wMi .ma 1 may be able to gtt him in a better ooneMtton. 1 nni glad to get him at hme alive. Ills papa is dead and my second husband sent the ticket and money for him. If we owe you anything for your trouble send your bill and wo will try to pay you. We will have to get him a new outfit of clchts at cn?e. Mrs. Ccllle Wat- kins, Roy, Wash. P. S. Johnnie Een. his bt.ii regards te you." CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS The following lvil service exam inations will be held In Alliance on, August IS, In addition to these al ready announced in The Hraeld: Chauffeur (malt), salary JjOO per annum, to drive gasoline motor tru k in the Bureau of Mines, Washlr.f.'cn, I). C. In-ctrumtiit maker (male), salary $5.1:: per diem, to fill vacancy at the Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. Ctneial Mechanic (male), salary $70 per annum, to fill vacancy ia the Indian Service, at the Yankton Indian Agency, S. I). Assistant in Agricultural educa tion (male), salary $1800 to $2000 per year, to fill vacancies In the of fice of Experiment Stations, ue- partment of Agriculture, Washing- ten, U. C. Bacteriologist (male), salary $1SW to $-'000. to fill vacancy In the Nw York Food and Drug Inspection lab oratory, Bureau of Chemistry, De partment or Agriculture. Mechanical Engineer (male), sal ary $.1000 per year, to 111 vacancy In the Offke of IMblic Itoads, De partment of Agriculture. Full information regarding any of the above can be secured from J. S. Johnston, local scretary. Alliance) petoffie'e. The King of All Laxatives For constipation, headaches, indi gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul MathulWa, of Buffalo, N. Y., says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a blttting to :11 my fxinlly aud 1 al ways keep a box at noiue. uei a box and get well. Price 23c. Rec ommended by Fred K. Holsten. Adv-2Hft-3tMt