The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 31, 1913, Image 6

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Ftrlal No. 0114S2
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8. 1 iM:i
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, i,ted July 17. 1913
June 9. 1913. CO.NSTANTI.N KLEMKE.
NOTICE U hereby given that . Plaintiff
ttvi.viiwnnn !ly SMITH P. TtJTTLE.
JA",r' r' lll8 Attorney.
cf Alliance. Nebraska. who.
You are required to answer said! sale of Bonds to State of Nebraska
pel K ton on or before Annum 25th, now pending.
A deposit of $25 will be exacted
for the safe return of the general
plans and $15.00 for the steam heat
ing plana.
Kids are to be sealed and address
ed to M. S. Margraves, County Clerk,
April 30, 1910, made Homestead Kn- and Au?u
try, ferial No. 011482, for SW'iNW 2-t-2i'i-26i
'4, WV4SWK, section 4; N',SW4,
SE4, section 5; and N,iNE4. sec Serial No. (
on publication 4 Issues, July 17, 24, 31, J1""1 plainly marked or. the
Kn- nni August 7, 1913. outride, 'Proposal for the Box Butte
tion ; ana avt Nolle for Publication
A . ..- Al .kSk -m at -n a JO IB.' AMI I
l".n"n,.."."u.,l,i; "k" r: Department of the interior. U
f Intontlnn In maKA ri. i a.. . ,
nl three-year Proof, to establish J"?.? 3
claim to the land above described,
County Court House building. Alii
anee, Nebraska."
County Clerk.
before. RpRister and Receiver, U. S
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
00 the 19th day of September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles C. Coker, W. S. Coker,
Frank Palmer, and Fred Robbins,
all Of Alliance, Nebraska.
w. w. woun.
28-M-2G4 22G6.
Serial No. 012006
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 10, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Serial No. 0195
Notice for Publication
Denartment of the Interior. U.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 16. 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who, on Ap
ril 21, 1909, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 08333, for NW4, N',i
SWi. SWti SWli, Section 14;
SBK NEK and 8K, Section 16. 0f Hemlngford, Nebraska, who, on
lownanip zo u. it vv. oi bhu iu 21. 1910. made Homestead Kn
Register. principal Meridian, nas mea nouce try, Serial No. 012006, for Lots 3
oi inienuon to mane nuai inree yew and 4 BPr 7. Lots J( 2, 3, and 4,
proor, 10 estauusu claim 10 ine iana nn(j K'NW'i, sec. 18; and lots 1
above described, before Register and an(i ; section 19. townshin 26 N.
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Al- Hanae 48 West of Sixth Prineiual
liance, Nebraska, on the 7th day of Meridian, has filed notice of inten
October, 1913. h'on to make final three year proof.
Claimant names as witnesses: Q establish claim to the land above
Jake S. Benchoter, of Joes, Ne- described, before Roirister and Re
braska; Grace M. Baggs, of Jess, reiver, United States Land Office, at
Nebraska; Charlotte C. Worley, of Alliance, Nebraska, on the 2uth day
i-teuittORa j y. ix. uniiiauu, I of SeptelllDer,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Notice of Publication
Case No. 2260
Klemke, Plaintiff,
of Clemnn, Nebraska, who, on Sep- of Ellsworth, Nebraska
teinber 8, 1908, made Homestead En- v. W. WOOD, Register,
try, Serial No. 0195, for Lots 6 and 29-8t-29 2310
6, 8Wi4SK'4, section 11; 101s 1, 2,
William Hawkins, Jerry A. Wells,
James T. Nabb, all of Alliance. Ne
braska; and Hans Wiese, Sr., o f
Hemlngford, Nebraska.
Notice for Publication
3. 4, 5. E'SW'i and NE4, section Serial No. 015984
14, In township n norm, range n Notice for Publication
west of Sixth Principal Meridian, Department of the Interior. U. S.
has filed notice of Intention to make Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska. 28 8t.2fir, 22f.7
. . - - ... . - 'i
final three-year I'roor, to estamisn June 16, 1913
claim to the iana aDove aescriDeu, Notice is hereby given that
before Register and Receiver, Unit- Serial No. 013024
ed States Land Office, at Alliance. mb.umaw j. mwusc
VKt.Mnba am 4K 9i K rlatf rf Catirom. I . tin t 1 . a..
i,u.ttra, v,.. ..... ot Alliance, iNeorasaa, wno, on au- 1 in,Plnuini .u tni it c
ber. 1913. gust 8. 1904. made Homestead Entry , :jn :r,v' V u ' Z'X.'m
f'.lalmont nnnio bm wUneafUw: m 77-h oii m nitoii I k """.
hrftRka; Le McLauehlin. of Alliance, in. "i1mwT.- aiivnu miYqu nuiiti, is nereoy given mat
' ' - . .' IV, i. MM" . U71"U74, swum I . . . .
Nebraska; Arthur Feagin, and Lditn .nd swuanu. nwunku. section MA' l.l.&n juisils
Hloks, both of Cleman, Nebraska. 1 15 in township 28 north, range 45 1 of Hewett, Nebraska, who on Febru-
w. v. vv 9jut neiiwr. west of Sixth PrinclDal Meridian. I ary , mil, made Homestead Entry.
haa filed notice of intention to make Serial No. 013024, for SV4SE'4, sec,
final five-year Proof, to establish 21; WV4NWK, section 27; NE4, and
claim to the land above described, NV4NW4, E'SE4, SWViSE',4. 3
before Register and Receiver. Unit- of8W4, and NWSWVi. Bection 28
a led States Land Office, at Alliance. I In township 23 N., Range 46 W., of
nwEr.t lTiTnl M.hNuikT Nebraska, on the 23rd day of Sept. Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed
Land Office at Alllanoe, Nebraska, 1Q1, . " ...... -f ln,nH . 'malr finai
Claimant names as witnesses: three-year Soldiers' Proof, to estab
Frank Drown, of Long Lute. Ne- llsh claim to the land above describe
braska: Dave Briggs. of Alliance, tefore Register and Receiver, U. S.
Nebraska: Ray Clifford, of Alliance. Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska.
uu Nebraska; C. C. Joy, of Alliance, Ne- on the 9th day of September, 1913
Claimant names as witnesses:
V. W. WOOD. Register,
H. Ver Mehren, 'defendant.
The defendant, II. H. Ver Mehren,
will take notice .that 00 the 8th day
of July, 1913, C. Klemke, the plain
tiff, filed his petition in the district
court of Uox Uutte County, Nebras
ka, against H. H. Ver Mehren, the
obje and prayer of which are to
Northwest Quarter, of section 27, in
Township 27, north of Range 51,
west of Sixth princlpfil meridian in
Box Dutte County, Nebraska, occas
slonel by reason of a mortgage exe
cute! and delivered by Eiward A.
Blunk, April 6th, 1900, to 11. II. Ver
Mehren. defendant for the sum of
$185.00, to secure a note for said
sum due in 90 days from date with
interest, whih date expired July fth,
1900. said niartnaxe Is duly filed for
record and recorded Olober 9, 19(5l,
In the office of the County Clerk
of Box Uutte County, Nebraska, in
Bock 19 of mortgages, at page
166, records of said Box Butte e-oun-
ty, and it hereby became a lien againtA
said land of plaintiff, the statutes of
limitations have run against said
mortgage, and said mortgage is a
cloud upon the title of plaintiff to
saixl land; H. H. Ver Mehren is the
legal owiu r of record of said mort
gage. Plaintiff prays that said mort
gage be cancelled of record, and the
cloud occasioned thereby be lorever
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Augiutt 25th,
Dated July 17, 1913.
C. KLEMKE, Plaintiff.
His Attorney
Publication 4 Issues. July 17, 24, 31
and August " 1913.
To Ernest L. Everett:
You are hereby notified that I,
the undersigned, did on the 6th day
of November, A. D. 1911, purchase
at public tax sale of the treasurer
of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the
following described lots situated InH
Box Butte county, Netraska, towlt:
Lots two (2) and three (3), block
fifteen (16), Village of Hemlngford,
for the taxes of the year 1910, and
thai 1 have since, and after the
same became delinquent, paid as
subsequent tax, the taxes for the
Serial No. 07057.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U.
June 20, 1913
NOTICE Is hereby given that
of Ellsworth. Nebraska, who,
March 11, 1908, made Homestead en- braska
try No. ltfOM, serial no. uvuor, ior
KttSWU. SWVi SW4, SWfcSEtt, 28-8t-2274-266
Bection 2Z; sesu'm. ecuon zi,
EUNKU. Miction 28. BWU. NW'i.
and NWtl NE'i. Section 27. in Serial No. 02795
TviwnBhtn 24 North, itancn 43 wt Notice for Publication
sixth Prtndnal meridian, haa filed Department of the interior. U. S.
notice of Intention to make final five- Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
year proof, to establish claim to the Jun J,8', .
land above described, before RegiB- NOTICE is hereby given that
ter and Receiver. U. S. Land Office, HOWARD W. JAMESON.
t Alliance. Nobraska. on the 8th
rtY o Ortohor. 1913 of Long Lake. Nebraska, who, on
L. M. Krell, of Hewett, Nebraska,
Frank Johnston, of Anlloch. Nebras
ka, James Ulbney. of Hewett, Nebras
ka and William Howe, of Hewett.
Net raska.
Serial No. 011193.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. W. WOOD. Register.
29-8t-270 2311
December 29, 1908, made Homestead Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
k D. Cody, of Lakesdde, Ne-lKmry, serial wo. uzyt, ror nk June 18, 1913.
: llenrv G. Arms, of EHs- ""A. ioi . section z, 1. zi in., NOTICE Is hereby Eiven that
.Nebraska; Martin Mulhall. of &b.nk, ki2.&b., section ji; riMvnv
, Nebraska; Patrick Held, ana avNiu, Nati'A, wisv4,
Kllaworth. Nehmska. swsw, SV SKViSWVi. of Lonir Lake. Nebraska, who.
To S. J. Wilson, owner, E. S
Ormsby, trustee, and W. J. Bowden
You are hereby notified that John
O'Keefe did on the 6th day of Nov
ember, A. D. 1911, purchase at pub
11c tax sale of the treasurer of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, the follow
lag described land situated in Box
Butte county, Nebraska, towit:
West half of the northwest quar
ter section 24, township 24, north o
range 48 west of 6th P. M., .for the
taxes of the year 1910, and has as
signed his tax sale certificate to the
undersigned, who Is now the owner
and holder thereof: that I hav
since, and after the same became
delinquent, paid as subsequent tax
the taxes for the year 1911 i.nd
912: that said land .vas l.ixed (or
each of said years and Is now as
sessed In the name of S. J. Wilson
And you are further notified tlta
after the expiration of three montu
from date of the service of th's no
tice I will apply to said treasnvtr
for a tax deed cf ftaid land. o
will govern yourself accordingly.
Dated this 1 titli day of July. A. D
B. F. OILMAN, Assignee
and SV4 SE14. Section 36. Township March 31. 1910. made Homestead
27 North. Range 46 WeBt of Sixth Entry, Serial No. 011193, for Lots
Principal Meridian, has filed notice 2, 3. 4, and ESWi, SV6 SEV4,
of intention to make final three-year Section 7: SWWSWU. Section 8.
Nothlnir adds more to the' beauty Proor- to establish, claim to the land nd WttSW,4, Section 17; EViNEVi
of women than luxuriant hair The "v described, before Register and NfcSEU and NV.SWV4. Section
SLul usa ot lerKi T Hair Tonic Ktor U. S. Land Office at 18. in Township 26 North. Range 45
Beautiful 'Women
much admired
Bole Agent
Advertisement July 3-31
17 ... I ill unnA VAlifnclrn nn Mia 'Uh 1iu I ti'.n a ii j i 1 . 1 1 1;
will keen the hair healthy, promote . v" OI oixw i-nucipui Menuian,
" - . 1 r r vn rr n tna iuii 1 t 1 1 .i 1 i .. .. 1
lea irrowlh kfn It o enn ajid br eht. " , uS u,eu nuuee 01 luieuiion 10 mane
and gives it that wavy appearance so m.u.ui ..... Ilnai mree year proor, to esiauiisn
' " ... I Lour llammrtn rt T nil n l.nla Vn. 1 I i ... u i .1 -1 .. . u
orasKa; j. a. uampoeii. pr Long before ReEister and Reciver. U. S
Lake, Nebraska: D. H. Farrow, of Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
Iing Iake, Nebraska; Frank Brown, on the 29th dav of Seotember. 1913.
or Alliance, iveorasKa. Claimant names as witnesses
Serial No 09336 Howard W. Jameson, of Long Lake,
Ami KseDrasaa; j. a. uampoeu, oi lxmg
i.aKe, .eorasKa; u. n. harrow, or
lxne Lake. Nebraska: Frank Brown.
or Alliance, KeDrasKa. wno, on July 0f Alliance, Nebraska.
Serial No. 014170.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior, U. a
Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska,
Way 21, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, as
15, 1909, made Homestead ' Entry,
Serial No. 09336, for SWUNE'i.
SE'i NW4. WV4NWV4. N'i SW4.
" I Ml OLl.' O t ! .1
n-oi i unH nrfi ..nar .,ro-.i. N "hNV NV4ah4 and b'2 NEU,
suant to the application of John W
Albright. Serial No. 014170, we will
offer at public sale, to th& highest
Serial No. 012452.
Notice for Publication
Denartment of the Interior. U. S.
tion to make final three-year proof, Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
10 esiaonsn ciaini 10 me lanu aoove June 18, 1913.
described, before Register and Re- NOTICE is 'herebv Eiven that
of Ao of V'oMress apn-i ed Set'tlon 24. In Township 27 North.
"7 1906 (34 . Stats 517 ! and RanRe 46 We8t of Slxth Inelpal
h X (34 Stats l''-' ' iur- Meridian, has filed notice of. inten-
h i, l.'O K& stats., pui .. ,0i, i,,i .rao,.vaa- nmr
ln ver IT 4 I i.n.l (lffii-o n 1111.
bidder, but at ot less th I . Nebraska, on the 29t'h day of JAMES I). PYLE
per acre, at 9 o clock a. m.. on ttw? , '
9th dav of uuut next at i!iis I'toer, , of Alliance. Nebraska, who, on Octo-
rffk th. WlS tra t of land- mat names as witnesses: ber 13, 1910. made Homestead Entry,
Si SW 4c T "7 N R 44 "wrd W. Jameson, of Long Lake serial No. 012452. for Lots 1. 2. 2.
V 6M. p l Nebraska; Lew Gammon, of Long and4( Section 7. Township 23 north,
inv .'ni r'ainilnz aJveih W Lttke- Nebraska. D. H. Farrow, of range 47 west of Sixth Principal Me-
thi aboJ e-d?crlbed laml are ad Tse I Long Lake, Nebraska; Frank Brown. rldUn, has filed notice of intention
SV " tartr "ffto?. or"!bilSn. on of Alliance. Nebraska. to make Final Commutation Proof,
or before the time designated for NV VfJS-. '? 1 o land above
W. W. WOOD. Register
H. J. ELLIS. Receiver.
12 7t-279-2367
Notice of Publication
Cass No. 2261
Constantin Klemke, Pla'.ritlff,
G. N. Wllliston, Defendant
celver, United States Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 30th day
of July. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James Coby, Bert Rodgers, C. E
Pyle. and Guy Slgman, all of Alliance
Order for Hearing
State of Nebraska,
Box Butte County, ss.
At a County Court, held at the
County Court Room in said county
on the 25th day of July, 1913.
Present, L. A. Berry, County
CEASED. On reading the pe-t'.tlon of Mary
M. Schneider filed herein, praying
that administration of said estate he
granted to Henry Helcer as Admin-
years 1911 and 1912: that said lots I istrntor.
were taxed for each of said years ORDERED. That said oetitlon will
and is now assessed In the name of be heard on the 18th day of August,
Ernest l.. Everett. Ana you are 1913, at 10 o'clock a. ni. That all
iunner nounea tnat arter tne ex- persons Interested in said estate
piratlon. of three months from date mav anocar at Countv Court, on said
of the service of this notice, I will and Bnow cause If any there
apply to said treasurer for a tax be why said petition should not
de-ed of said lots. You will govern be granted; and that notice of the
yuumeu acvuiuuiBiy. nendencv of said net tion and of
uated this l&tn day or July, A. D. Rui,i hparlnc h triv to nil ixr.
1 1T1 1 J. t I arm a Inturavilivl tn na t tnu iter hv
M. J. JiAUAIlrAKU.MSK.' tiihl Whir tr a innv rf 1 hi a rrvf in
three successive weeks rrior to saM
ukuiinancc imo. 191 lioarine.
An ordinance appropriating fuids to (SEAL) County Judge.
defray the expenses of the city of James L. Audio, Attorney.
Alliance, Nebraska, for the fiscal 3-3t rso-a4(M
year endina the 1st Tuesday in
May. 1914. and levyina a tax to NOTICE TO PROPERTY
provide such funds and levyina a I OWNERS OF ALLIANCE
tax to Day the Interest and create
a sinking fund for the water bond. You are hereby notified that I
i . . .........
water extension bond, sewer bond, nave oeen lnstruceei oy tne .Mayor
lighting bond, light extension and Council of the Cflty of Alliance,
bond, sewer maintenance, city II- to file complaints against all proper-
brary bond, city hall bond, and ty owners and residents of this
city park bo. id. city, within one week from tine date
Be It Ordained by the Mayor and r' , no T1 ra" ? CT aon
mi vcctj oil liiww uiwiuissri in t-.iii-
piiance with Ordinance No. 11:5, of
said City, which provides that all
weeds shall be cut down to the cen
ter of the alleys and as far out as
Council of the City of Alliance, Nt
Sec. I. That there is hereby ap
propria ted out of the money to be
raised by tax or otherwise, by the the curb ,ta abuUhlg thelr rea, w.
jXt-aJui """ tate, and prolding penalty of from
of $3O6C0.0O, for the purpose of
iraydng the expenses of the city tf
Alliance, and the annual interest,
and to create a sinking fund on the
Water bond, Water extension bond,
Sewer bond, Lighting bond. Light
extension bond, Sewer maintenance,
City library bond. City Hall bonl,
and City park bond.
two to twenty dollars fine.
(Signed) C. W. JEFFERS.
33tf288 Chief of Police.
A Good Investment.
W. D. Mseli. a well known merchant of
Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock of Cham
berltin'i medicines so as to be able to supply
ihtfm tsi ti!a rnitnmAM A ft. Mi.i nn
, TrxX tnera Himself w"n sick and says
a rA A IIavb hiuin I... ..... . . . . r
- """" I tnat one small Dome oi unamberlain't (Jolic,
Fire and water 5000 r-Solpm nH TK.rrli
Stationery and printing 600 more to him than the cost of his entire stock
Street and City lilght 4000 of these medicinei. For sale by all dealers.
City Library maintenance .... 1300 -.Advertisement.
Water bonds 3000
Water extension bonds 1000
Sewer bonds 1500
Light bonds , 1000
Ught extension bonds 1000
Sewer maintenance 1500
For sale by F. E. Holsten.
The five-acre whent contest of the
iiicwubuauvo ... .uuv 1 . . r, . , , t
City Hall bonds 480 , " i-'fi .b.cia-
City Park bonds 250 hlo is ' mteretrt to every wheat
I n. n ri . i hi; uujrv i la nuilliuinn
Totaj I30C30 le SrowinS and improvement of
. winter wheat in Nebraska. Such a
Sec. II. That there is hereby lev
ied a tax of ten mills on each dol
lar of the assessed property valua
tion of the city of Alliance, Nebras
ka, for the payment of the general
and incidental expenses of the city
of Alliance, as provided for in Sec
tion One of this Ordinance.
friendly contest should do much to
tiroiise interest in the best methods
cf wheat growing. Four yeans aeo
the South Platte Millers' Associa
tion donated a handsome $200 sil
ver trophy to be awarded annually
by tihe Nebraska Corn Improvers
Association to the wheat grower in
Serial No. 011510.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior, U.
Uind OffiK-e nt Alliance, Nebraska,
June 25, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land Office, under pro
visions of Acts of Congress approv
ed June 27, 1906 (34 Stats.. 617),
and March 2, 190" (34 Stats., 1224),
pursuant to the application of N ato
ll e I. Clifford, Serial No. 011510, we
will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less than
$3.50 per acre, at 9 o'clock a. m., on
the 2oth day of August next, at this
office, the following traot of land:
Ea SEU. Section 20, NEVi NEU,
Section 29, T. 2ti N., R. 45 W. of
0th P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the ti'nie designated for
W. W. WOOD. Register.
II. J. EI. LIS, Receiver.
Sec. III. That there is hereby Nebraska producing a five aore field
levied a tax of six mills on each dol- giving the highest yield per acre
lar oi tne assessed property vaiua- of good quality hard winter wheat.
ticn of the city of Alliance, Nebras- in addition to this the Corn Improv
ka, for the purpose of paying the era Association offers liberal cash.
principal and interest on the water prizes.
bonds of the city of Alliance, Ne- It costs nothing to enter. You are
braska. Unvlted to resistor as a contestant
Sec. IV. That there Is hereby lev- by filling out the following blank
ied a tax of two mill on each dol- and mailing at once to T. A. Kle.s-
lar of the assessed property valua-1 selbach. Secretary Nebraska Corn
ticn of the city of Alliance, Nebras- Improvers' Association, Lincoln, Xe-
ka, for the purpose of paying thelbraFha:
Interest and principal on Water ex-
To Johu Anderson:
You au-e hereby notified that
Sealed proposals will be recelxeJ
by the Box Butte County
sioners at their office in the Court br'aka
UUU.V 111 SVlllUUl'C. M-UliUAU. Ulllll
twelve o'clock noon of the 2nd day
of August, 1913, for the letting of
the contract for the County Court
The defendant, G. N. Wllll.Uon, House building and the contract for
wilt take notice that on the MU day the steam heating In said buiUti.ig
of July, 1913, Oonstantin Klemke. which is to be built in Alliance. Ne-
the olaintiff. filed his petition . lu braska.
the district court of Box Butte cour.- Plans and specifications fir 'the Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
ty. Nebraska, against u. ."s. win. uuiiuing may be had or tna county May 21, 1913
ton. the object and prayer or wiucu tiers at his office in th. Court NOTICE is herebv Eiven that.
are to kkmovk llulu hiuji n-
against Southeast Quarter of section
18. in township 25. north of Range
62 we. Sixth principal meridian, in
Uox Butte County. Nebraska, occas
ioned by reason of a Tax Certifi
cate. No. 105. and tax receipt issued
November 2. 189t. to said G. N. Wll
liston. defendant, for the sum of
$16.18. far taxes for the year 1890,
against said land, and for a tax re
ceipt fewsued to said defendant, for
the sum of $8.82. for taxes paid
March 16th. 1892., as a subsequent
tax for the year 1891, and for a tax
receipt issued to said defendant for
the twin of $184, for taxes paid as
subsequent tax March 21, 1S93, for
the year 192. total tax lieu princi
pal $29.84, 6aid defendant is the
legal owner of record of said Tax
Certificate No. 105. and three ac
companying tax receipts.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
crlal No. 014172
Notice for Publication Isolated tract
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior. U. S
House in Alliance, Nebraska. directed by the Commissioner of the
Each separate proposal must be General Land Office, under urovi-
acconipanied by cash or a draft, for slons of Acts of Congress approved
uie sum not less nan one per cent June 27. 1906 (34 Stats.. 517). and
of the amount bid on tho general March 2, 1907 (34 Stats.. 1224), pur
contract and two per tent for the suant to the application of
ieam neating contract, made paya- -,moo i-
ble to E. M. Martin. County Treas- "WUK -
urer. and to be forfeited to Box Serial No. 014172. we will offer a t
Butte County for damages sustained uublic sale, to the hlahest bidder.
in case the bidder, within five days, but at not less than $3.50 per acre,
fails to enter inno contract for the at 9 o'clock a. m.. on the 30th day
worn bid upon, and to give a sails- of July next, at this office, the fol
factory surety bond for 50 per cent I lowinu tract of land: Lot 4. sec. 33.
of the amount of the contracts for hp. 22 N.. lg. 47 W., 0th P. M. (21-
me laiunui periormaiKe of the con- .11 acres).
tract and give a eatusfactory bond Any persons claiming adversely the
ior tne iuu amount or tne contract above-described land, are advised
prices against mechanics' iien In to file their claims, or objections, on
case award is made to him. or before the time designated for
I he County Commissioners reserve sale.
the right to reject auy part of or W. W. WOOD. Register.
all bids. H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
Letting of said contract subject to 28-Ct-262 2268.
the undersigned, did on the :h day
of November, A. D. 1911, purchase
at public tax 6ale of the treasurer
of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the
following described lot situaited in
Box Butte county, Nebraska, towit:
iMts 10. 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. bloc k
13, Village of Ileniingfcrd, for the
taxes of the year 1910, and that I
have since, and ntter the sama bo
came delinquent, paid as subsequent
tax, the taxes for the year 1911:
that said lot was taxed for each of
said years and is now assessed in
the name of Clark Olds. And you
are further notified that after the
expiration of three months from
date of the service of this notice
I will apply to said treasurer for a
tax deed of said lot. iou will gov
ern yourself accordingly.
Dated tihia 16th day of July, A. D.
The Richest Man in the World
Could spend his entire fortune try
Ine to make a better remedy for
rheumatism than Meritol Rheuma
tlsm Powders. If you only knew
their value you would use this won
derful remedy for rheumatism. Re
commended by physiciaus and all
who have tried it. F. J. BRENNAN.
Sole Agent.
Advertisement July 3-31
As a candidate for re-election to
tho office . of mayor of New York
Judste Gayncr would bo compelled
to a-cejt the support of some of
4 he New York newsuapera he has
so Indignantly rebuked.
Secy. Nebraska Com Improv
ers' Association, Lincoln. Nebr.
Dear Sir: I wish to enter the
five-acre wheat contest. My -field
Is located In Range
Town . . .
Section . .
County . .
Post office
Name . . .
Further information will be
upon receipt of this blank.
tension bonds of the city of
.ice, Nebraska.
Sec. V. That there is hereby lev
ed a tax of four mills on each dol
lar of the assessed property valua
tion of the city of Alliance, for the
purpose of paying the principal and
interest on the Sewer bonds of the
City of Alliance, Nebraska.
Sec. VI. That there Is hereby
levied a tax of two mills on each
dollar of the assessed property val
uation of the city of .Alliance, for
the purpose of paying the principal
and interest on the Lighting bonds
of the city of Alliance, Nebraska.
Sec. VII. That there Is hereby
levied a tax of two mills on each
dollar of the assessed property val
uation of the city of Alliance, for
the payment of Light Extension in
city of Alliance, Nebraska.
Sec. VIII. That there is hereby
levied a tax of two mills on each
dollar of the assessed property val- Any'gasoline can be sold provided
uaiicn oi me ony oi Alliance. i;r t be urc-iterly branded as ."o its cor-
tlie purpose or supporting and mum- rent gravity and has been inspected
taining a Public Library in the city by an inspector of this Department,
of Alliance, Nebraska.. same being approved by said in-
sec. ix. mat tnere is nereoj BUe-ctor.
levied a tax ot ttree linns on eaon Gasoline can not he adultoiMtixf
dollar of the assessed proprty valu- 0r mixed with any other products.
atlon of the city of Alliance, ror the either for tale or ue. bv any per
maintenance and repairing of sew- Uon cr uersons as this is' Biiec.iriml.
ers In the city of Alliance. Nebras- hy prohibited by law and punishable
a. under the law.
Sec. X. That there is nereoy levi- fcvu.h ti,ni, .ar. tank .,,. raiP.
ed a tax of one mill on each dollar! voir, barrel, nackasre or nthi- n-.
oi me assrhwu piujfiij tiuuawuu tacle snail be branded as provided
oi me cay oi .-vinuuce, cur me yui- uy law with the specific gravity in
pose of paying the interest and haters and figures at least one and
principal on the Hall bonds of one-half inches in height n.i
the city of Alliance, Nebraska. also be branded with the word '"an-
Sec. XI. That there Is hereby lev-1 oline". and all containers must be
ied a tax or one mm on eacu uwianpiiintea Vermillion red.
v. w.... 4 - j . .. . uu . - i r.cii -ii w unit-snip . vpnr nr or iruc
the city of Alliance, for the purpose Une shall furnish the purchaser
oi yayiun me pmivipai aim micir.i ;iifrecr with an in voice of said gas
on the City Park bonds of the city oline wi'h a statement there-n stat-
oi Aiuaiict-. .ruiaonn. jns specnicaiiy the specific gravity
. All. iwo uiuumuii; onun i 88JU gaSOHHe.
take effect and be in force from
and after its passage, approval and
Passed First reading, July 22nd,
Passed Second reading, Julv 22nd,
Passed Third reading, July 22nd, I
A. D. RODGERS, Mayor.
J. D. EMER1CK, Clerk.
(SEAL) 33-21-284-2396
Each retail dealer in aasoline shall
display a sign stating the gravity
of the gasodnle he has for sale.
A Good Investment
W. 1). Magli, a well known mer
chant of Whitemound, Wis., bought
a stock of Chamberlain's medicine
so as to be able to supply them to
his customers. After receiving them
he was himself taken auk arid says
thai one small bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was worth more to hlni than
T)r uiipk' Ixatlv Tablets taste llks
nrty. ihwt u one renon why chiidrts medicines. For sale by all dealers
IV them, l Auveriisi'iutni. j i AQV-JUiy-23t7