Classified Advertising The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per vo.ii each Insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each Insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. Ir. answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in tsla paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE , GENERAL OFFICES NZW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ABSTRACTERS J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter. I have 'the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. lO-tf-570 FOR RENT FOR KENT Vacuum Cleaner and reliable man to operate It. llion-e 139. Geo. D. Darling. Advt 2126tf21 HALL FOR RENT. Best hall in town to rent. Inquire at Gadsby's store. Advt 25tf2209 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, close In. Phone 629. AIRS. M. BAYER. 33tf2382 160 acres hay land for rent, 3 niilea from Alliance. A. L. Rofinot, Corwith, Iowa. S4-4t-240$ . , ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my farms and ranches. Several business and residence properties. Only small payments required. Some exchange considered. Look into this. W. W. Norton, Alliance. 1993-15tf FOR SALE A bargain, if taken at once. My 8 room residence, 720 Platte Ave. Phone 184 2048-18-tf J. J. VANCE. FOR SALE As I wish to Improve other property, will sell my residence property on corner south of city li brary, consisting of modern house, two lots and nice lawn and trees, at a price very reasonable. Terms on part if desired. DR. L. W. BOW MAN. 27-tf-2264 New four room house and 2 lots In Belmont addition for sale. Good outbuildings including carpenter shop 16x36. Well. 8 h.p. gasoline engine and other carpenter's machinery. E. R. Sly, Phone 719. 2137-22-tf SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE Good outbuildings. Barn for four horses. House for automobile. J. B. DENTON. Advt 25tf2195 City property for sale Phone 497, N. A. Kirk. 2172-24-tf and rent. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED in Sehwender's restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. Pay good wages. Phone 72. Box No. 266. 30tr2328 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE 191I5 Model, Motor Cycles and Mo tor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also barga'ns in used Mo tor Cycles. Write us today.' En close stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich 32-10t-2359 FOR BLACK DIRT phone 787. J. R. LAWRENCE. I have 1.0 JO loads on hand, advt 32-3t-2373 FOR SALE. One team sorrel mares, colt beside one, not branded, broke all round. Also, one yearling colt, l'hone 472, or call or write. MRS. A. H. ROBBINS. Hewett. Nebr. 53-2t-2384 advt Attention, Firemen The firemen who helped put out the fire in the car of oil recently and whose clothing was soakod with oil, brought them to the Alliance Cleaning works and had tnem cleaned in. fine shape. No trace of oil remained on the clotnlng. When vou have clothing that needs partic ular work, bring it here. Charges are reasonable and cur work is guaranteed to be fatisfHe loi v MRS. W. H. ZEURl'NG, Prop. c::-it-2:;9i IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE FOR SALE GOOD FURNITURE AT A BAR GAIN. Very nice Iron bed, springs Hnd mattress, i dining room chairs, io:'krr, dining room table, kitchen cabinet, and other smaller articles Inducing window shad 9. All new. Will sell st a bargain on account of owner having leTt Alliance. Call nt tlO West 3rd St. or phone 718. . Advtn;Mt-2;:93 FOR SALE Qunrter section of land, 10 miles north of Alliance, for $12.50 per acre. Address Box 991, Alliance. .:.:-4t-2.:.s!j Corrugated Carpet Paper 50 yard rolls, 75 cents. THR ELK ELD. Adv 24tf-2181. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf Men's Poms Knit union suits, 43c. At the Bee Hive. Advt 26tf223C PAINE-FISHBURN GRANITE CO. Grand Island, Nebr. Make the best monuments and will save you money. Call on AL. WIK ER, local salesman of Alliance, or tend to Grand Island for price list. For nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal, phone to No. 22. Dierks Lumber & Coal Company. RIDING HORSE FOR SALE. Thoroughbred riding horse welshing about 900 pounds. In good shape. Fine appearance. Inquire at The Herald office. 2095-2Otf MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. F. K. Reddish. 3tf L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. 50-tf-160S Advertisement See Geo. D. Darling for your needs in shades, wood poles, exten sion rods, stair rods, stair corners, molding hooks, picture nails, linoleum edging and binding, tacks and tack hammers. Advt 2 1 25-tf 2 1 Ambulance Service Calls answer ed day and night. Phones 8, 139, 621. Advt 2125tf21 FOUND. A gray sweater, lady's coat, and cap. West of town on the way to the Elmore dam. Owner can have the same by calling at The Herald office, provlmig ownership, and paying for this ad. 33tr Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and toBtg. Phone 71. tf Ready for Business I have returned to Alliance after an absence of two yours and am again ready to do all kinds of cement work. People here know what kind of work I do. Orders may be left at The Herald office. JOHN PEDERSON. Advt 23-tf-2147 Try a Roosevelt mint julep at the Bee Hive. Mint shipped direct from White House mint bed (?). Advt 26tf223C NOTICE All account contracted at the Central Cafe after June 17th are payable to C. A. Laing, who has E. purchased the Becker. business from E. BECKER, C. A. LAING. :ti-it-2::35 NOTICE My wife, Anna Blume, having left my bed and board, I will noi oe re sponsible for any bills contracted by her after this date. CONRAD BLUME. Alliance, Nebr., July 9, 191.1. 31-4t-2331 Complete photographic outfit for sale cheap. Size 5x7, Seneca View Camera with triple, convertible lens es, carrying case, tripod, etc. A crackerjack outfit at a very reason able price. Investigate this if you want an outfit that will do any work you want. Phone 340 or call at the Herald office. 26-tf-2242 Thoroughbred riding or driving pony for sale cheap. Phone 34n. 2173-24-tf Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright. Phone 71. tf AGENTS WANTED to solicit for health and accident insurance. Ad dre Lincoln Accident Insurance Co., Fremont, Nebr. 34-4i-$-2103. Men's strong blue working shirts, 45c. All sizes. At the Bee Hive. Advt 26tr223t Causes of Stomach Troubles Sede-ntary habits, lack of out door exewifce. Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, overeating, par taking of food and drink not suited to your age and occupation. Cor r. t your habits and take Chamber Iain's Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. AJv-July-2347 S$ GET WISE ADVERTISE ooooooooooooooooo o CARPENTER. o 0000000000000000 July Sunday this section was visited with a fine rain and everybody is happy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn of Beav er Crossing are visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. W. S. Coker, at present. Union Sunday School every Sun day at the Carpenter church. Ev erybody Invited. Sunday G. G. Clark and family tock dinner nt the J. C. Hawkins home and report Mrs. Hawkins on (lie sUk li4. The W. S. Coker family nnd Mr. and Mis. Henry Horn took dinner at the Geo. Hugamau home and re poit a good time. .Icsie Carey is visMing home folks this week. Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Beaver Crossing. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wright and Sy Coker and wife are going to fituit for Hot Springs, S. I)., tomor row for a few days' pleatuir? trip. Miss Minnie Carey visited over Sunday with the Misses Hagamun. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wright visited their son Arthur. .1. C. Wright and family visited nt the R. M. Worley heme and report a good time. John and Lizzie Coker were call ers hi me iKi'cnmnn noine Minnay. i Archie Oscar and Clwirley Odell were visiting their cousins, the Car eys, Monday. Sam Hcs--scn was a caller at the W. S. Coker home one night last week. Mrs. Lyda Corbit was on the sick list last week but Is reporter1 some better nt this writing Little Dorothy Worley was on the sick list last week. A1m, little Vera Wright. m Mrs. Edith Worley is enjoying a visit with her sister, of Downs. Knit sna, at present. Burdie Westley Is helping Sy Coker at present. F. C. Bobbins will soon have his new house completed. Hurrah for Ficd. Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation don't Imagine that your case Is beyond help Just because your doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plainfield, N. J., writes, "For over a month past I have been troubled with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One or Chamber Iain's advertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the tet ters from people who had been cur d by Chambrlaine's Tablets, I de cided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package of them and can now eat almost every thing that I want." For sale by all dealers. Adv-July-2347 oooooooooooooooo o MALINDA SQUIBS o oooooooooooooooo July 21 t. Air. and Mrs. Cal Derr made a business trip to Minatare Wednes day. Arthur Lore went to Alliance on Wedne!ifiy. Edwin Dunlap returned from ditch Wednesday and is new wrestling with the weeds on home place. the the o Mr. and Mrs. Ierr went to Alli ance Wednesday, Mr. Derr return ing Friday. Cal Derr harvested his rye this week, which Is very good. Win. Anderson has the contract for putting up the hay on the Kil patrick ranch, ar.d moved his outfit up Friday. The Skin and Not the Blood Until recently It has been a gen erally accepted theory that eczema was a disease of the blood. Scien tific investigations have taught us that eczema is positively a skin dis ease and curable through the skin alone. Meritol Eczema Remedy is applied directly to the diseased skin, the effect is marvelous and its re sults permanent. Do not delav try ing Meritol Eczema Remedy. F. j. BRENNAN. Advertisement July 3-31 RAILWAY BUSINESS FOR MAY !''! ::g Mi-y the railways cf the I'f.ln! States received 'for their id .us to the public un average of 0,000 a clay; k cost to run their iriins and tor other expenses of op eration $5,920,000 a day; their taxes were $!tl,5M) a day; their operat ing inccine $ 1, 972,322 a day for the 220.K97 miles of line reporting, or at the rate of $8.93 for each mile of line fcr each day. Thus tor ev ery six dollars or their earnings which remained available tor rent als, interest on bonds, appropria tions for betterments, improvements and new construction, and ror divi dends, the railways had to pay more than one dollar in taxes. All or these amounts are substan tially greater than the similar re turns for May, 1912. They are rrom the summary of the earnings and fexpense-s compiled by the Bur eau or Railway Economics from he mmonthly reports of the steam rail nys of the United States to the In terstate Commerce Coin mission. They include over !tr jcr c e-nt ( tin mill age and earnings cf till of the railways of the country. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE LUNU BREAKS LOOSE Orkin Brothers Popular Piano Tun er and Salesman, Who Wrote Poet Vy In Alliance, Breaks Loose In Norfolk with Another FOLLOWING BEATS THEM ALL W. II. l.unn, who wrote several poems, mid recited them at the Or kin I'rotheis banquets this sluing iu Alliance, Is now In Norfolk, oirtJcl patiwg In the big club sale there, which is h duplicate of the one dosed in Alliance on July 3rd. Mr. Lunn has certainly fur outshone his former efforts, In the latest mas terpiece, which we were very lucky In securing a copy of. and which l published below ns orated by . him nt a bKg bunq net in Norfolk on July 14th, which wan attended by a laige number of salesmen for the Orkln Brothers company: In coming from Alliance, and our work In the Northwest, With our sab's exceeding far the quantity we'd set. We feel that here In truth we are numbered with the blest; And have started out two hundred more to get. Our hime has been In Norfolk for several years or more, And e are here to "boost" and also "tell the man" Of haw he may get an instrument, by calling at our store, And make his children happy on the "Orkin Bros." plan. Our "manager, Mr. Robinson, has a faith that's strong and firm That Norfolk holds the key to grcvit Jiiiel noble things. And already in Hie season, suc cess Is breaking through the germ; And It's gratifying to notice what "conceited" action brings. We have stood square shouldered with him, and would never bat an eye When he filled us up wlhh dough nuts, with coffee and with pie, And we believe we've glimp.sexl the vision, ever i resent to his view, That it iipn't do or die, but to do and conquer, too. Wo know what we are selling, and we know the goods are right; With makes that have a nation wide reknown No "ProntidiigMntor" Is Juggling for a bite. To a strictly one-price system we belong. We dou't believe in boasting, but we re -strictly on the "boost, And never thought we were the whole blame eiheese, But we "Bee-lined to the pa.per" stuck our money on the roost, Saying, I ell the people or our plan now, won't you, if you please. At firtt we had our trouble, Mr. Sinclair ruined and well Got busy with a tracer, to find our J old friend John FryxelL And wondered where In thunder he'd laid his shining face But he's here nt last, thank Good- nes, and we've restored him back to grace. fc'tme talk of Alexander, and some talk of Socrates, Of long time dead philosophers, and such great men as these. But or all the deep plumbed think ers, he's the bright and shin ing light. And switches' his philosophy in get ting in a sale each night. A very fine old hustler, who broke foith frcm "Love's sweet dream," Atl oiled and running emooth in ev ery cog. "Mr. Teittsorth's" here for busi ness, with an Interest keen, that's And can sell our "club pianos" with-, cut a catalogue. j And we have a Jolly "Dutchman,", whom we've got to love and prize, i Who has given the world a brand j new name, to-witt: to "Beck-j erize." Untiling upon his feet lie plocla ; from morn till night. With "I got one deal already yet, 1 ; get the 'zeclon' man alright. His imagination's colored, with talcs of chips at sea. Of bow we're working night and day with wood from Africkee. Frost or snow can't phase him, rain or heat hii ardor douse. He puis away his troubles with a "naieht niechts Gaoniechts aus." J Great deeds and steady hustlin? bring "Rkhes" in their train. And "Royalty" is present at the board. The- Duke or Copenhagen is with us here again. Whose pea is more atrocious than his sword. His feet are very tender, and he keeps them off the floor, And there's an awful lot cf running round today. So with a haughty manner, he calls his Rickshaw to the door, "I've got to do some hustling to earn my weekly pay." And new upon the scene appears a man cf noble mien. Who has told our goodd o'er all the state, from Torrington to Blair. Apart from bis main business, he's most anxious to be lean. And It makes one almct sorry far our big D. J. Sinclair. A man or ideal standard, whether or eating, or speaking or work. Of any of theiu he'd rather be free, the speaking ho'd j-us up and shirk. And or such are the nun we h.i'e around us, who've, been tried and proved their oith. Some are slim, some are small, at leabt one is tall, and one un alnrji-t girdle the ca.-:h. Ar.d with men such ns theo, we will, If joii p1eH-. Bring success In the work Just be gun. And If 'we can help, work and smile, keep you tuned up nil the while, That will be glory enough for Lunn. NOTICE To John Anderson: You aire hereby notified that I, the undersigned, dH on the th day or November. A. I). 1911, pun base at public tax sale of the treasurer of Box Butte county, Nebraska, the following described lot situated in Box Butte count y, Nelnrnrkn, towlt: Lots 10. II, 12, 13, 14 and 15. block 13, Village or HeinlngTonl, Tor the taxes or the year 1910. and that I have since, and after the same be came delinquent, paid ns subsequent tax, the taxes for the year 1911 and 1912: that r:iid let was taxed for each of raid years and Ia now assessed In the name er Clark Olds. And you are further notified that arter the expiration or three month from elate of I ho sn nice or this iwrtlee, 1 will apply to said treasurer lor a tax deed or sakl lot. You will gov ern yourself accordingly. Dated this 15th day of .Tuly, A. D. 1913. M. J. BAUMGAHDNER, Purchaser. 34 4t-2S7-24n7 District Court Grind Judge R. R. Dickson of O'Neill As sisting Hon. W. H. Westover COURT WILL BE SHORT TERM The July term or district court in and for Box Butte county convened Monday with Judge. It. R. Dickson or O'Neill assisting Judge W Jt. Westover. From presemt indica tions the somewhat lengthy docket will be dUposed of within a few days. So far only erne case has oc cupied much time, that of Theodore Petersen, et al, vs. Thomus M. Uw Hr, -t al., In which the heirs or Peterson, dec:cused. are suinir Ijlw ler, administrator, for an account- wig. me case was tried to court. m "-urai iiitviiiK ueen rendered up to this morning. J2231. John Welnel vs. Am. Ixian and Trust Co.; quiet title. IWend eint deraulted. Trial to court. Find for plaintiff. J22I0. R. O. Reddhsh vs. Chas. J. Beenjamin, et al., foreclosure. Find for plaintiff. .12253. Rumley Produce Co. vs. L, S. Wright. Defd. default. Trinl to court. Find for ptf. Judigmeint for ptf. on findings for $2,483.97 J2258. Nancy Spiers vs. Dakota L. & T. Co. Quleit tllte. Deft, de- fault. Trial to court. Find for pi f. J22.0. Win. J. Colvln vs. Carrie Cotvln, divorce. Defd. default. De cree of absolute divorce granted ptf. at his cost. 11027. E. M. Dutcher vs. John Henderson and wife. Quiet title. Decree for ptf. 1203-5. Elizabeth W. Herbert' vs. Paul P. Herbert, divorce. Dismissed net. plaintiff's cost. J2182. Geoige Williams vs. J. F. iSpllser, et al., foreclosure. Defd. e'eifault. Edmund C. Fields rirst Hen. George H. Williams second lien. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hol.-ten and party returned the last or rthe week rrrm their auto trip ia the Black Hills. They all report a fine time. The Beet Medicine In the World. "My little girl hsd dysentery Tery bad. 1 thought she would die. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her and I can truthfully say that I think it is the lMt medicine In the world," writes Mrs, William ftrviu Clar ti'li. Vnr aula h fcU dealers. AdrertiiiemenL For sale by F. E. Holsten. Kid Wto ! VNY a merchant bas been loo busy woiiuering wont the parcel ost was going to do for bU competitor, the mall Order house, to consider that It might have In It some good for himself. Yet Instead of being a bugbear, threatening destruc tive competition, the parcel post In actuality broadens tremen dously the smaller uiercbaut's field or trade possibilities. It enables him to deal with every person within fifty miles of his place of business at a lower pos tal rate and much more expedi tiously tbau any concern outside his district can. The moral Is obvious. I GO IN jAND WIN. Km J 3Mv I For Sunday, August 3 ST. MATTHEW'8 EPISCOPAL CHURCH 7:30 n. m. Holy Communion. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning services. All seats free. Welcome to all. Geo. G. Ware, Dean Phone Black 419 BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a. in. Sunday School. 11:00 a. 111. Prenchltie .nltf "A Christian's' Motto." 2:30 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. II. KubJeMt word, "Ixive". 7:00 v. m. B. Y. P. IT. KiihWf-. The Ideal Christian, Topic 8. :0 p. m, Preacl.lnn. suhWt. "His Perseverance" Heb. 6:9-20. Their practice every Wednesday, 8 p. in., nt E. G. Laiing's residence. Prayer meeting every Thursday, 8 p. tn. Cordial Invitation to all. Fran C. Barrett, Pastor METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Graded Bible Classes. 11:00 a. m. Public worship. 7:00 p.m. Young people's Epworth League meeting. S:00 p. m. Public worship . Prayer, Biblo study and social hour. Wednesday evening at 8:0D, The doors of this church are open to all people at all services. A cor dial and home welcome extended to all to worship with us. If you bars no other church home In the city. Olin 8. Baker, Pastor Phone 90 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Box Butte Ave. and 7th 8t. 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School. 11:00 a. in. Public worshtn. sss Joet, "Chrlwt Our Advocate." :oo p. ni. Public worship. 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. A cordial invitation Is extended tor the readers or The Herald who 4a not attend church elsewhere ia Me city. Strangers welcome. Rev. J. B. Brown, Pastor Phone 710 U. P. CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sabbath school. 11:00 a. m. Public worship 7:00 p. m. Young Deoole's er meeting. 8:00 p. m. Public worship. A cordflail welcome to aH. , Rev. W. L. Torrence, Pastor Phone 92 CHRISTIAN CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Bible school. 11:00 a. ni. Service, SubJe "The Divinity of the Bible." 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Leader, Miss !ta ChaanberWn. 8:00 p. ni. Service. Subject, "Is, a Reprefentatlve Mau of the Twee .ietli Century." 8:00 p. m., Wednesday, prayer meet ing. A friendly Invitation extended to you. Frank Allan Woten, Minister Phone 752 IMMANUEL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. German services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m., unless otherwise an nounced. German services next Sunday, at 10:30 a. m., cnodutted by Riv. J. G. Lang of Hooper, Nebr., lather o.' the pastor. English services about every three weeks upon announcement, and even ing services upon announcement. Everybody weicome. fitus Lang, Pastor, 703 Niobrara Ave. Phone Red 229 A. M. E. CHURCH On August 4th nn all dny meeting will be he': t 'he church south o '.he renter, tr.icfcs. Mr. Auetln Cur s will give us the prcreis of the ncfic rute fcr Llty years. Arsubi 10th there will be a basket mee.'.in?. Prcj'clir.g Elder Ward of De.ivcr will be present. A l pre invlicd to e:ome to these servlrcp. Rev. P. M. Maxficld, Pastor Scttal No. tilf. 127. Department of the Intericr, United, SUKea Land OffU'e, Alliance, Nebras ka. Notice is hereby given that JOHN H. KRAUSE, cf Alliance, County or Bex Butte, Staite of Nebraska, has filed in this office his application to enter under the piavieions of Sections 2J0t and 2307 or the Revised SljUutes or the United States, the follow Ins; describ ed 1-ind. viz: The northeast quar ter southwest quarter (NEViSWii) and southeast quarter northwest quaiter (SEViNW'4) teution twenty five 2j) township twenty-six (26) N.. range fcrly-tix (46) W. ttth P. M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands deAcribed, or de siring to object becauie of the min eral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant, should file their affi davits of protest in this office, be fore the 2ith eiay c, Arut, 1913. W. W. WOOD. Rsglwter. July 31. 1913. The loregedng nct'ee will be pub lished in the Alliance Herald exf Al liance, Nebraska, tor a period of tliii y civs. Flu. publication July 31st, 191.1. W. W. WOOD, Register. 3i :t-:c 24ou