ALLIANCE FIRE DEPT. Live, Hustling, Energetic Organization of Young Men Who Guard Alliance Homes and Business Buildings From the Fire Fiend LIST OF THE MEMBERS The city of Alliance I very for tuna' In having one of the finest volnttMT fire depart. menta in the state of Nebraska. The department has seventy-five loyal memliers, who are always rdy to rescind to a fire call, no matter whether the wevither be .good or had, cold or hot. AHIane prtierty owners have been ived thousands of dollars by the vi'dlanee of thl department in quickly Kiinwering fire a!iurm amd in the kind of work flint counts whfii fighting fires. Ordinance No. 118 Ordinance No. J 18, of the city of Alliance, provides for and creates the volunteer fire department, pro vides for officer, the manner of their election, ostnbllshe rulos and regulations for the government there of. It rendi aa follow: Bo it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Alliance, Nebraska: Sec. 1. A volunteer Klre Depart ment in and for the City or Alli ance, Nebraska, la herwby authoriz ed and created. Sec. 2. Said Fire Department shall consist of volunt-ecr firemen. Sec. 3. The officers of the Fire Department shall con&iut of h May or. ex-offk-lo, one chief and one as sistant chief for the pntSre depart ment, and one foreman and on as sistant foreman for each hone cart and hook and ladder truok. Sec. 4. The offlcerw f said de part rnei:t ehall bo eluded annually. and &h h1 I continue. In office until their Miccpaactrfl have been ejected and ratified by the Major and Council. Sec. f. The department ehall al so elect a secretary nnd Irca.surcr from their number who Kha.ll give a In. aid In the aum of $.Vn, with an a.pprovd surety ompany as surety, premium to be pad by the said City tf Alliance. Sec. 6. It nhall be the duty of the fire chief of the City of Alli ance, Nebraska, aa oft n as direct ed by the Mayor or Council to en ter in'o any hoiif-e or bulldinp, lot, yard or premise in said city an I examine the fire flue, hearth, chim ney and other apparatus likely to aue fires; also the places whpre nny gunpowder, hemp, coil oil, fhx, tar, h.iy, straw rushes, shavings, or other combuBtlble material may be lodged and said fire chief shall she such directions in reird ito the several foregoing matter as he shall deem expedient lift, cither to the removal or altera tions Hnrt better care and manage ment thereof. Sec. 7. Whenever the fire chief phall give the notice or directions mentioned In this foregoing flec tion to tiie owner or occupant of any premises in which any of the matter mentioned in said section shall be contained, it shall be the duty of aaid owner or occupant within forty-eight hours to cause suoh removal or alterations therein In Our ANNUAL HARVEST SALE, which begins August 1st, you will find that all are bargains, and all of good quality A good Sweet Corn, per case... Art Early June Pea, per case .... A No. 3 Tomato, per case A No, 2 Tomato, per case A No. 3 Hominy, per case A No. 3 Kraut, per case A No. 3 Sweet Potato, per case A No. 3 Beet, per case ....... A No. 3 Pumpkin, per case A No. 3 Baked Bean, per case . A No. 8 Sweet Corn, per case . A No. 8 Tomato, per case A No. 8 String Bean, per case . A No. 8 Rhubarb, per case ..... A No. 8 Pumpkin, per case A No. 8 Table Peach, per case . A No. 8 Blackberry, per case . A No. 8 Raspberry, per case . . . A No. 8 Strawberry, per cace . A No. 8 Pitted Cherry, per case A No. 8 Worcestershire Sauce, sing Evaporated Apples, per pound Evap. Muir Peach, per pound Evap. Fancy Peach, per lb Evap. 70-90 Prune, per lb , Evap. 50-60 Prune, per lb Evap. Black Raspberries, lb Peerless Flour in five hundred lb. lots '. Tip Top Flour, in five hundred lb. lots Gold Leaf Flour, in five hundred lb. lots A good Laundry Soar, per case ..$3.25. or 7 bars A White Laundry Soap, per case ..$2.1)0. or 8 bars 81.85. U... 2.KO. iS.35, 2. W5. 2.05, 3.45. 3.30. 2.40, 3. 5. 4.75. 4.75. 4.75. 4.75, 3.50. 5.85. 7.20. 7.80. 7.80. 13.00. le can . per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen per dozen Ingle can single can ingle can ingle can single can Ingle can Ingle can ingle can ingle can ingle can S .05 . 1.35 . 1.40 1.20 1.35 1.35 1.75 . 1.G5 . 1.25 1.W5 .40 .40 .40 .40 .30 .50 .5 .70 . .70 . 1.20 1.10 .... 11 ... 11 . 13 ... 11 . 12 ... 30 813.00 . 12.50 . 12.50 for ., for . 25 25 This sale will last for 20 days only A. D. RODGERS Z1 B The on Ami OIL STOVE Burns Air and Oil Lights easy as Gas, no trouble to operate, consumes 400 gallons of air to only one gallon of kerosene oil NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. 2E at the owner's expense a shall be required by the fire chief, and In case the owner or occupant shall ne glect for forty-eight hours to cause such removal or alterations to be made tt Fhall be the duty of the street commissioner under the direc tion of the fire chief, forthwith to nauie the same to be done at the expense of the City of Alliance, and the wild own?r or occupant shall be liable to the City of Alliance for the amount of ihe expense thereof. Sec. 8. The fire chief of the City of Alliance shall have authority to cause chimney burned out or other wise clean-ed whenever he shall deem lt necessary, and also forth with or abate under the direction of the Mayor and City Council, in case of neglect or refusal of the. owner or occupant any cnuae from which tm mediate danger from fire may be apprehended at the expense of the person who should have done the siinie, and to remove or abate In the manner above presented, any cause whatever from which Immedi ate danger from fire may be appre hended at the expense of the per son or persons obtaining the same. The said fire chief may require chimneys to be swept or cleaned by the owners cr occupants at such period and under such regulations as the Mayor and Council Bhall fur nish and for evtry case of refusal or neglect the parties offending shall forfeit and pay a penalty of $5. On and all costs of the prosecution and for a very subsequent neglect or refusal after being thereto esiwclal ly required by said fire chief, a penally of $5.00 and all co '.s of prose ution in addition thereto. Sec. !. If any person or persona shall neglect or refuse to comply with any directiens given by the fire chief, as provided for in this onto nance, or shall neglect or. refuse to cause such removal, hatter care cr manascunent to be made as the naid fire chief may direct, he ehall forfeit aiwl pay additional sum of $5.00 for every day which shall elapse after the time allotted for Biich removal or alterations, and if any person or persons shall hinder or obstruct the fire chief or his as sistants, In performance of his or their duties, the person o offending Hhall forfeit and pay a fine not ex ceeding $50.00 with all co'its of pro secution. It shall bo the duty of the fire chief to ascertain whether his directions have been complied with, and in case of non-compliance or in case t.f any vtolatton of this ordinance, to au?e the arrest of the person or persons so offending ami bring the same befcre the po lice judge to be dealt with accord ing to law. Sex-. 10. it shall be the duty of the thief In all caes of fire to take charge of the members of the de partment and all other parties pres ent and use all proper means for the extinguishment of fire, the pro tection of property and the observ ance of all ordinances and regula tions governing the control of fires. After the fire apparatus has been withdrawn from any fire, he shaJl have strict charge of the premises and shall oaue strict watch to be kept about the fire for a space of twelve hours, or until the fire shall have been entirely extinguished. Sec. 11. It shall be lawful upon any a'.irm of fire for the chief, as sistant chief, or foreman of any company, mayor or chief of police, to require the aid of any licensed expressanan or drayman with hk team, or aid of any cttizen or by stander in drawing any fire appara tus to a fire and working the dame while at the fire. Any person to called upon who ehall knowingly re fuse or neglect to obey the lawful orders of any such officer, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $5, and shall stand committed to the city jail until the fine and costs are paid. Sec. 2. Any person who shall wilfully offer any hindrance to any officer er fireman in the perform ance of Ills duty at a fire; or while gJng to or from a fire, or shall give a false alarm of Tire, or Ehall hi any mannt. .njure any fire apparatus or drive a.iy vehicle over any fire hose, shall be deemed guilty of a nitedemeancr and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100, or stand com td to Jail not exceed'.i.g thirty days. Sec. 13. It shall be the duty of the secretary cr person in charge after cadi fire, to call a roll oi all mcinbtu who attend and re.'ord on a bock kept for that purpose and a'so record time and place of fiiv. See. 14. Said di'partmen. nnv I adopt by a majority vote thereof,: sucn ruies, regulations and ny laws as they choose net t:: sellout w'th any provisions he-rein nor f i.hs stat ute subje t o appr. viil cC li e May or au.l City Couiuil. Sec. 13. The secretary of the Fire Department rhall keep a ro.l cf the meirbers thereof on the ti's.t day of May and of October of each yiar; Iiall furnish the overseer of the itrtets and the county jlerk a I list of the names of all active num bers of said lepartmeit in good sitancMng, an I lie fw'i.l membeis shall be exempt .rem the payment or poll tax ia taii city for that year. Sic. 16. Said I-i.e Department and apparatus sha.l remain and be under the supervision of the Mayor and Council, subject at all time to the use cf the apparatus by the de partment for the purpose of drill, excepting in a case of fire when the Chief bhall be in complete charge, or officer in - command. Sec. 17. The Fire Department of the City of Alliance, Nebraska, bhuil consist of not to exceed 5 a--live members and shall make all neces sary rules and regulations tor Its government and eligibility of Its members, and for the time and man ner of the election of ltd officers, which sliall be in accord with the ordinances of the city and laws of the state. Sec. IS. The Fire Department lu '4 rules and regulations shall pro vide for the appointment of five of its members to art us special fire police in ease of fire, and in accord 1: members to so act, which ap pointment ehall he ratified by the Mayor and Council of said ctty, v,lKe duty it shall be to preserve order in case of fire and establish fire limits thereat. Such officers Hilary, Hartlngton Herald. Mich field Monitor. Lynch Journal, Pawnee CHy Chief, Stapleton Knterprlse, The lid gar Post, Hickman Knterprlse, Mc Cook Tribune, Shelton Clipper. , ivtrcmsburg News, Hebron Register shall be under the charge of the j Fadrbury Journal and Falls - City city marshal and chief and have the same power as aaid marshal at paid fire In the preservation of order and maintaining saldflre limits. Sec. 19. Ordinance No. ?.o and section 6. Ordinance No. 16, entit led an ordinance "Authorizing and creating a voluneer fire department In the City of Alliance, providing for officers of the same and the manner of their election, establish ing rule.- -and regulations for the government thereof and providing for a financial recognition erf mer its," is hereby repealed. Sec. 20. Thl ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and pub lication, as by statute provided. Firrt reading, June 4, 1907. Second reading, June 4, 1907. Third reading, June 4, 1907. Approved, June 25, 1907. , C. C. SMITH. Mayor. Attest: W. O. Karnes, Clerk. Officers The officers of the Alliance Fire Department are: C. W. Spacht, president F. D. McCorinJck, vice president P. K. Uomtg, chief L. IMlklngton, secretary W. C. Mounts, treasurer H. P. Iarge, assistant chief Members The members of the department, as shown on the roll In the depnr. mei.t club rooms at the city hall, are: HOSE COMPANY NO. 1 I-eonard Pilkington. chief C. V. Rathbtirn VV. F. Roser.kranz Ward Hall llate Copeland F. D. McCormkk Oeo. J. Hand Geo. Va4son Roy Wells 'M'o. Nation Oeo. Smith P. K. RcnUg Wm. King Carl H. Zehrung T. I'. Rolf son h. C. Watson R. K. Spencer 1". M. Tully A Hornburg T. Wedell HOSE COMPANY NO. 2 J. W. Megett. chief News. Mrs. Elmer McFall, who went to Omaha to Identify her runaway hus band last week, passed through Al liance on Friday on her rutum to Scottshluff. D. E. Jacobs F. I,. Merritt C. H. Hull I John heic'tke P. 1). Krnker John Wallace C. M. Cox Elver Hullock Jake II . Herman Lloyd C. Thomas J. H. Klassin J. W. Guthrie L. I). KaufTman W. F. Kientop James Keeler F. J. Carter Clarence Schafer A. Renswold Rom Hull C. W. Spacht H. Rowland HOOK AND UXDDER F. W. nuchman, chief W. A. Fred Carlson D. F. Zediker H. R. Snyder Frank L. Fox H. P. Iarge Vern Regester Geo. Hills G. C. Atwlll Philip Nohe, Jr. Frank Hart Geo. Bell C. E. Whlsman Bruce D. McDowell J. A. Hopingardner W. O. Barnes Wm, Freshley Oeo. Kelser W. C. Mounts Wm. Maunier W. S. Rldgell Members Must Attend Acccidlng to the by-laws, of the department, members are recjuired to attend the semi-monthly meeting of the department on the second and fourth Wednesday cvpniugs o? each month. If a Mio.nlr Joes not attend within a stated period of time, he will be dropped from the rolls. Smoker Coming At the regular meeting of the de partment on Wednesday evening of last week, it was decided to gt.e a smoker on Wednesday, .Augu-st 27th, at whi:h all memibers of the department will be expected to be present, in addition to guests who will be Invited hy the committee. An interestlr g program will be nnang- ed, and no speeches will be allowed over five minutes, while the eating will con lnue i.a long as any are hungry. For Cuts, Burns and Bruises In every home there should be a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply In every case of burns, cuta, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle. Tex., R. No. 2, writes "UucKien s Arnica Salve saved my tittle girl's cut foot. No one believ ed It could be cured." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Recommend ed by Fred E. Holsten. Adv-2103 -150-41 MORE PAPERS JOIN RANKS 132 Nebraska Newspapers Will Pub lish Special Editions Third Week In September BIG PREPARATION BEING MADE W. E. Thomas, of Lingle, Wyom ing, was in Alliance on Monday on hl return from attending camp meeting at Hemingford. C. H. Chapman, of Mlnatare, was an Alliance visitor Monday, on. bis return from the Hemingford camp meeting. Rev. E. G. lining returned Mon day from Marsland, where he preach ed on Sunday. True Economy . . . menus the wise spending of one's money mating every dollar do full duty and getting in return aa article that will satisfy you in every way. The . WHITE. . X1 J ?:!rt, t it fc real bargain because it is sold at a popular i'!". Price ' because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight mi because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory service) because its improvements will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machine) because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. , Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. Will TE SE WING MA CHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. For sale by Geo. D. Darling Low Excursion Rates To All Eastern Resorts If you've been planning on eastern trip, by all means go now take ad vantage cf the low, summer excursion rates offered by the Burlington Route. Special low fare tbekets are now on sale to New York, Boston, Niiiara Falls, Atlantic City, Catikill Mountains, Montreal, Quebec and limy other eastern points. Sart your vacation right take the Burlington. Courteous, attentive em ployes, delicious meals, safety block signals. "On Time" arrival, congejv-. ial environment these are a few advantages of "Burlington Service." Kf.t us explain the low fares, excellent accommodations, and help yos plan jour trip. Send a postal for free literature tell me of points in which vou ase interested I'll send you descriptive literature and complete information as to cost, etc. Write or call or phone" but get the low excursion fares via the Burlington before you decide. Summer excursion tickets on sale daily until September SO. J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha T- "i Target Practice -at the Diamond Pool Hall I have installed the very latest idea in a shooting gallery in my pool hall. This is the only shooting gallery in town. Drop in for a few minutes' shooting and test your skill. JAMES POTMESIL Diamond pool fall nlan Grove Reporter, Tender Repub lic iih f'lnu.1 rhler. liber Keout)- 3 a nee therewith shall appoint five of lican, Wayne Herald, Fairfield Aux- OMAHA. Nebr.. July 31. One hundreci: fiti y-two newspapers of state have Joined ranks In the great booster editions, which will be pub lished during the third week In Sei.:ember. More than two-thirds of the counties are represented ill '.he lUt of acceptances. The num ber cf papers which will be sent out of tha sitate that week, has al ready passed the 200.000 mark, wh'ch means that many people will read of Nebraska's resources. Papers which have announced their intention cf getting out spec lal editions, in addition to those ij.ubllished latt week, are: The l.cgan County Pioneer, Lew ellen Gazette, South Sioux City Reg ister, I'onca Journal Leader. Mutual Insurance Journal of Lincoln, Sutton Register. Arapahoe Public Mirror, Valley Knterpnisie, Brcken Pow Re publican. Arthur County News of Braden. Stanton Register, Pierce County Call. Plattsmouth Journal. Brown County Democrat, Chappell Register, Central City Republican, Uu Bois Press, Johnson New. New To the Patrons of the CENTRAL CAFE I have purchased the business from E. Becker and will continue to keep it the highest class restaurant in Al liance. I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of your patronage. I also invite those who have not been reg ular patrons to give us a trial. C. A. LAING CENTRAL CAFE