BOWLES LIVE STOCK COHniSSION CHICAGO and 50UTH OH AH A CO. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT ColeBro W cn W 73 WORLD-TOURED 73 73 CO o.. HOW o C3 O U 0-3 G G G CD V 3 E3 c O ? o c E C) u 3 O C u 3 O H QBB o BOWLES LIVE STOCK COMHISS10N CO. CHICAGO and SOUTH OMAHA p O t I o w CJ o Cm v. CO T3K W rt cs E O CO CJ ca - D fct c5 C w 135 a! T3 c 2 o J w CO CO w CO M W CU .2 73 r o C3 C !2 '55 Li COW or? c o 3W s5 s 73 W o C3 o -5 J 0J c 2 be .S v 0 u k. k. Q s "5 5 0i c Q. c H TJ G ca C v C C3 c c CQ CO CO UJ o CQ n (A Ui O CQ (0 Q. 2 CO UJ O O p C5 u J U CS H O CJ t O J CO t o. &CJ -3D g73 oS M I w CJ CJ c K O cj w H 73 W CO o z D c W 5 h W Pi 3 2 S , c o t C2 D O clOQfS 55 X: ? ifl i M J r" z; co O o o u H z 5 cj Z o u 03 cj C3 S3 uUA 09 a i Q O CQ CO X to 3J a co C CQ 2t cj Z - "73 CO O SUFFRAGE AS A DUTY 1 leave tt to others to Fpenk of suffrage as a right or a privilege, I p.pak of it ns n duty. What rlfcht have you women to leave all this work of rarK)? for the country with men? Is it not your country as e!l a theirs? Are not your children to Hve In it after you are gone? Are you not bound to contribute whatev er faculty God has given you to mn.kc It anl kep it a pure, safe and lutvp.v land? Uev. James Freeman Clarke. DEMOLISHING THE "CLINGING VINE" THEORY ' "My husband i very fond of beame, and as I was out one day putting up the poles, I thouRht bow often he had compared women to vines, and men to the supports on whtoli they eHnib. There was a strong wind blowing, so I looked nt the bean vines, and thouRht the pole's would figure as trees, and perhaps I could get an Inspiration from them. "There were two rows, one in which the vines were twined all about the poles, and another In which the poles had Jtjst been set out and the vines had not yet be gun to cling. Well, they were struggling beautifully wifh the wind, and the harder it blew the tighter the vines, seemed to cling to the potrp, and I had Just begun to feel the inspiration creeping over me where there came a sudden gust of wind and blew down every single pole which did not have a vine on it, ijnd left the others standipg ts vtra'ight a ever! That Just spoi'ed it ali, for after that, no matter how I lookcdi at them, those vines al ways would seem to be holding up the po'.csi nlstcad of the poles hold ing up the vines." Use-d by Miss Willard, in annual address of 1SS9. "The aation that first recognizes the Importance of scientifically rear ing an'l training the children ol the commonwealth will be the nation that will survive." The Union Sig nal. "THE LARGER HOUSE KEEPING FOR WOMEN" Illinois Is the latest Bt:i:e to grant "Votes to Women", What the en franchised women of the new suff rage state east of the Mississippi will do wUh the privileges i. a que-stion uppermost In the minds of the people of that common weal'h. The answer cn undoubtedly be found in the very recent htetory of Washington, Oregon and California, as well as of other equal suffrage ttates. The women voters of Kansas within the last Tew months have given a splendid demonstration of their ability to successfully carry on the "larger housekeeping". In the cleaning up of the city of To peka. and electing as its mayor, chief of police and other officers men of the highest type. The re call of unprincipled officials in Seat tle and Tacoma Is an, Illustration of what can be done in the way or ! civic hou8ecleanlng when the women !re permitted to wield the suffrage (broom. Portland, Oregon, has by jthe aid of its women voters, aceom I pllshed commendable feats of which jthe president of the state W. C. T. U. Bays, "Every candidate was 'measured, the acid test given being his belief In a restricted district or connection la any way with the sa loon Interests." Thnt the California women are already making an im pression on, the civic lfe of their great cities Is shown by the testi uncny of the chief of police of Ios Angeles. "Our women are new voters," says Mary McDowell,' a prominent social worker of Chicago, "but they are mot crude and undeveloped housekeepers, and this keeper of the hoir.e has 'developed it last in to the municipal housewife, and the limits of her home responsibilities are stretching farther an.1 farther out toward the collective family life of our great cities. She begin. to 8e that twifety to her own loved ones lies in the use of her house wifely habits, for the welfare of all the children of all the people. Ev erybody's child must be protected if her own children' are to be safe. ooooooooooooooooo o CARPENTER. o oooooooooooooooo July 5th. Why doesn't It ra!n and f'top the heat that Is turning the prairies brown and drying up tha crops. Small grain is about gone but the torn and potatoes are looking well yet. Last Wednesday Kev. Barrett and Mr. t'erp came cut to Carpenter. Hev. Harrett preached us a' good sermon which was thankfully re ceived by the people of Carpeater. Quite a number cf our young peo ple eelcbrated at Angora the 4th. Mr. and Mis. Hawkins went to (Angora to celebrate and report a gocd time. John and Lizzie Coker sncnt the 4th with their, brcthr. W. S. Coker, and family, going on from there to Alliance the next day. K, M. Wr.rley spent the 4th at the J. C. Wright home partaking of fried chicken and other good things. Miles Hagaman- is helping work the rctul.s this week. Long famous for strange and cur ious forms of animal life to be found In no other zoological gardens. Cole Brothers triple menageries this year contain an exhibit which is Jut now occupying the attention of scientists and naturalists everywhere. It is the ouly black cumel ever seen in captivity and the only wild one ever tb nought to this country. Prof. Knude, who has given a great deal of study to the subject, claims he finds this remarkable beast a de scendant of the few which survived the storms which about the year 1700 overwhelmed the village of tha Gobi .plateau and killed all of the people. At any rate it la a j.rlze of Will Exhibit Afternoon and Night in ALLIANCE Friday, July 3 RINGS 2 ELEVATED STAGES ROMAN HIPPODROME 41 CLOWNS Huge Aerial Enclave 1,000 Hen, Women, and Horses DON'T $1,000,000 Free Street Parade Death-Defying, Dare Devil Act On the Show Grounds After the Parade FREE TO ALL Having Purchased the Entire Stock of Racket Goods from W. J. Ham ilton, the grocer, we will include the same without reserve in our WONDER F U L Sale 9c Sale The Bee Leading Variety Store which any show might Justly boast and yet it i but one of the many invaluable displays made by Cole Brothers United Shows, which are to be seen Friday. July 25, In Alli ance. Adv. WILL TAKE VACATION IN HILLS Mr. and Mrs. Darl'.ug and son, Dwaine, accompanied by Miss Mae Barnes, will leave Sairday morning for Mystic, South iJuKota, in the Black Hills, where they will spend several weeks on a camping trip. Miss Gertrude Landng, who has been visiting Mrs. 11. A. Cunning bam. 512 Big Horn, has returned to her home in Lincoln, after a week's visit. She said she was mach pleas ed with Alliance. ACRES OF CANVAS COLOSSAL DOUBLE MENAGERIE Superb Trained Animal Exhibit We Never Disappoint Never Change Name Never Deceive MISS THE AND The King of All Laxatives For constipation, headaches. Indi gestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Paul Mathulka. of Buffalo, N. Y.. says they are the "King of all laxatives. They are a bleting to nil my family and I al ways keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25c. Kee ommended by Fred E. Holsten Adv-216J-;iO-4t NOTICE My wife, Anna Blume, having left my bed and board. I will uoi ue re sponsible for any bills contrae ted by her after this date. CONRAD BLUME. Alliance. Nebr., July 9. 191J. 31-4t-2J51 Hive I