The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 17, 1913, Image 14

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    T. P. A. DEP'T
I. C. Strtnf. PritKtM. frink Ntrttt
Vict MtMtnL Mil H. Hiwil. StCflUrf
Triimtr. Oti Cti. G. Wn, Chaplain.
C. E. Slit, M. 0.. PkrticiH.
Biwtwi: S. W. TkWMR, I. C. Itrrj,
C. I. twin. I- C. MCmiipiH. W. M.liktf.
Ciftmittttt: Ufltlittw. C. A. Raw
ktrrr. Riilriai. C. 0. Iiflar. Lliyi
C Tkamis; Htttl. Itttik F. 0 Cmr; lm
Btaymtit. C. 1. Vintfmr. CmJ lull n
Mile Dtilltitt, hi Rrtiirs.
Regular Meeting Held
One of the bent meeting that we
have seen for a long tinnr ' as held
At the Hotel Alliance la- Jaturdy
afternoon. A Rood crowd of mem
ber attended and all took part. The
raeulnr meetings of the post are
fc-ettins Ur;er each month.
A number of bill, mostly expens
en Incurred for the parnde on T. I.
A. day at the convention, wre ap
proved and ordered paid. T)v ap
pointment of Dr. C. K. Slagle an
pert surgeon was conilrni by let-
Ur from the nntionsl orKani.ation.
The rejwrt of the national secretary
was read. showing tha tlie organi
zation. The report of the national
secretary wt rd, showing
the or? antzatlon Is making a tremen
dous gain In membership and finan
cial strength. The report or the
parade committee was received. This
parade has given the post the best
advertising ever given any post of
the organization. Jack Berry, chair
man of thia committee, was compli
mented on his Rood work, although
his report was short and to the
point, lie snid. "We had a parade
It was a GOOD one."
A letter from I. F. Ackerman,
state deputy hotel commissioner, was
read, lie has appointed Aqullla
Triplett as ajRtant deputy hotel
The report of A. I). Rodders, na
tional delegate, was Interesting, to
way the least. Among other tilings
he said, "It was like going to a
BlUance Cafe
New Management
Is now acknowledged to be the
best place in Alliance to get a
GOOD Meal or Quick Lunch
Our motto: "Best Service, Clean
and Sanitary"
Convenient location, across street
from depot, west side, second
door from corner
Give us a trial
Satisfaction guaranteed
Hlbert Ibarc, proprietor
throe-ring circus. You couldn't see
It all. 1 certainty would like to at
tend every national convention and
will go next time, if 1 have the op
portunity. Every member that can
go should do so." He reported that
he had subscribed five dollars for
the poet to the Homer T. Wilson
fund, which was approved. This
fund takes the place of a widow's
and orphan's fund, in the organiza
tion. On motion, K was voted to hold
the monthly and special meetings or
the post alternately at the Alliance.
Ilurlington and Drake hotels. On
motion, it was voted that aft three
of the above hotels be made T. I
,A. headquarters.
It was voted to appoint a commit
tee for the purpose of investigating
the proposition of presenting a Home
alent piny in Alliance sometime
within the next few weeks, mem
bers of Tost M to fill the cast and
the funds received to go Into the
post treasury. President - Strong
appointed Jack Hawes, J. C Berry
and S. W. Thompson as this com
mittee. They will report at the
next meeting. '
It was voted that a roll of honor
be established, the membra securing
new numbers to have their names
placed on thlw roll of honor, those
securing the most applications for
metn'bcrshlp to head the list. It
was voted to award a gold T. I A.
ring to the member securing the
most applications before January
1st, 1914.
Meeting ndjourned, to meet at the
Drake Hotel in Alliance, at 2:30 In
the afternoon, Saturday, August 9th.
Members sending in new applica
tions should not rorget to be sure
to put the words Post M, with their
name and number, at the boJtqm of
the application, in order that this
post will get proper credit for the
new members.
Mrs. Jack Hawes and family will
return frcm their summer, vacation
on Sunday, the 20th. Mrs. Hawes
has visited friends and relatives at
Fremont and David City, Nebraska.
She will probably be accompanied
by her aunt, who will visit the bal
ance of the summer with the family.
By Henrietta Mjert
Newsy notes of Alliance people
and others at Peru State Normal
Unsightly Face Spots
Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema
Ointment, which heals all skin erup
tions. No matter how long you have
been troubled by itching, burning, or
scaly skin humors, JusK put a little
of that soothing antiseptic, Dr. Hob
son's Eczema Ointment, on the sores
and the suffering stops Instantly.
Healing begins that very minute.
Doctors use It in their practice and
recommend it. Mr. AHeman, or IJlt
tletown, Pa., says: "Had eczema on
forehead; Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint
ment cured jt in two weeks." Guar
anteed to relieve or money refund
ed. All druggists, or by null. Price
50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Phila
delphia and St. I xniis.
Getting Profit Out
of Employes
Remodled and
in fine shape.
Moderate rates
and Excellent
service. Experienced manage
ment. Give us a trial.
Mr. and Mrs. J. f. Knight Hemingtortf, Nebr.
ra. "!Z"ouLr Trip
take with you a box of good
and a late
Get them at up town news
stand or at depot
"The Quality Grocer"
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Largest Line of Goods of
Acknowledged Merit. Our
immense Trade Keeps
Our Big Stock Fresh
Besides Groceries, Fruits,
Flour, etc., we carry a line
of Dishes and Crockery
at money-saving prices
Call or Phone Your Orders
Corner Box Butte Ave. and 2d St.
The following article, taken rroni
the Alliance Grocery Company M-r
ket Bulletin ror July 15th, was writ
ten by L. II. Highland and we con
sider i very timely and ootit iining
thoughts worth considering. It was
admitted by the large mall order
houses that a portion of their prof
Its -were made frcm low wages pand
to women employees, In the recent
Illinois vice investigation. The ar
ticle written by -Mr. Highland Is as
It may be that we are not pro
gressive, but ir being progressive
means that we are to dig our prof
Its out or our employees by paying
them such wages that it will be nec
essary for them to resort to other
means after business hours to help
keep up their expenses, we prerer
to remain old fashioned in our ideas
We believe that any individual or
set or individuals that turn money
into their tills by such systems are
criminals (morally at least) as much
as the white slaver.
Another or our old fashioned ideas
is that any one who patronizes such
an institution is as much at fault as
the parties who conduct the business
although they do not intend to en
courage anything of the kind. We
nave individuals in mind who are
always ready to help those In need
or their ministrations, who will, be
fore returning home, buy a post of
fice money order to encourage the
making or others to take the place
of the unfortunate one they have
been helping.
Now J list step and think how of
ten we hear cr some society of la
dies, such as auxiliaries or lodges,
aid societies, or clubs, making dona
tions or money or mapping out. a
particular line or work for the pur
pose or assisting In the prevention
or crime, and then UN-THOUGHT-EDLY
sending a remittance to some
or the institutions who are responsi
ble for such conditions, within the
We are prompted to make.' these
remarks after thoroughly cousider
Ing the facts brought out before the
Illinois vice investigating committee
earlier in the year, when the fact
was established and admitted by the
chief "ofrenders" themselves that
they had to pay less than the so
called minimum wage, in order to
meet competition. The same auth
orities placed as a low estimate 2.
000 women receiving less than the
minimum wage, and stated that k
was none or their afrairs how these
people managed to live.
We pay our employees good salar
ies, expect a reasonable proi'it, and
give our personal guarantee on ev
ery article or goods delivered.
Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble
Whtn you have trouble with your
sicmacn or chronic constipation don't
imagine that your case is beyond
htlp just because your doctor rails
to give you relier. .Mrs. G. Stengle
Plalnft'eld, N. J., - writes, "For over
a month pat I have been troubled
with my stomach. Everythlnn I ate
upset it terribly. One or Chamber-
lit ii a auvemsins dock tts came o
me. After reading a tew or the let
ters rrom people who had been cur-
by Ch-.imbrlaine's Tablets. I de-
cldtd to try them. I have taken
nearly three-fourths cr a package of
them and can now eat almost every
thing that I want." For sale bv all
Prof. Beck gove a talk on "Good
Citizenship" at chapel on Wednesday.
Dean Rouse and Mhs Myrtle Fer
guson left, last week for New York,
where they will attend the summer
session or Columbia College.
President Hayes and ramily left
Thursday for Lincoln where the child
ren will visit during Mr. and iMrs.
Hayes trip to Salt Lake City.
Many or the Normal students
spent an enjoyable Fourth at their
homes and returned to Peru Mon
E. R. Meyer spent a tew davs at
Peru last week visiting his family.
We greatly enjoyed: the program
given at chapel on Monday by the
Everett Literary Society.
The third numiber of the lecture
course was given Monday evening by
the Orchestral Entertainment Co.,
composed or the four Mauer sisters.
The State Examining Board are
visiting the Normal this week.
The short talk given by Alice
Acheson at Epworth League Sun
day evening waa much appreciated.
An Tuesday afternoon a baseball
game was played between the Bap
tists and Chrilstlans, the former win
ning by n, score of 12 to 9.
The Playground Supervision elaas
conducted on Wednesday evenings
by Miss Koch, the physical training
director, is being well attended. This
class 1 held especially for rural
teachers who wish to leam child
ren s games.
CJThe departure of the
cook or the maid does
not prostrate the lady
who knows the effi
ciency of the want ads.
And want ad-reading
servants are of the desir
able class.
Seldom does a "girl
wanted'' ad run its full
time until a "Stop girl
supplied order is received.
Carl ruckner, the tailor, who for
merly lvied in Alliance and who" is
now located in Cluidron. was in the
city the ftrst or the week.
200 head young
Southern COWS
High Grade
Will be sold In any numbers to
suit purchasers
Alliance, Nebr.
Our 16 inch Norman
Lawn Mower is a high
wheeled, ball bearing,
self-sharpening mower
and sells for - $6.50
Others as low as $4.50
Grass catchers, 50c up
Garden hose, lOcperft.
Hardware Co.
third Week in septem.
over-land Model 09T
OMAHA, July 10. The third week
In September was decided upon as
the time for Issuing the Booster
hditions or Nebraska newspapers.
this date was selected by the ex
ecutive committee of the Nebraska
Prejr-s Association, at a meeting held
last week. In order to centralize the
work and avoid confusion, the de
tails or the edition were nut in
chaige ct a special committee of
three: C. C. Johns, secretary of the
Nebraska Preps Association; Ross
Hammond, a member of the Assocf-
atlon, and E. V. l'arrlh. manager of
Ihe Bureau of Publicity of Omaha.
A letttr outlining the plans, as
promulgated by the committee in
charge, will be sent to all newspa
per men or the state soon. In ad
dition, secretary Johns Is preparing
a list or suggestions, which may aid
in establishing a systematic line or
Prom Utters which have been re
ceived, it is certain that more than
200 papers will co-operate in the edi
tion, and it Is quite probable that
the number will go over the 1!00
985 Overland 985
F. 0. B. Toledo
F. 0. B. Toledo
Those who examine the $985 Overland in
an intelligent manner, will find in it most
of the identical specifications that des
cribe the average $1200 car. Why pay
more when $986 buys as much as $1200 ?
There are more Overlands than any other medium
priced car in Box liutte Lounty because every Uver-
i i i - i i i i
ana Diircnaser is a sausneu uh ncr ami uecause nis
. ' . 1 lit a.
machine responds to every demand placed upon it by
local conditions in Western Nebraska.