T. P. A. DEP'T POST M, ALMAMCE, NEBR. Officers I. C. Stroni. Pruidmt. Frank Hirtzoi, Vict Prisidiit Join H. Nawit, Sacrttary Tnisunr. DtiR Gel. 6. Wan, Caaplaia. C. I. Slagli. M. 0.. PtiTticiaR. Diraetari: S. W. Taampsaa, I. C. Itrry, C. I. Ewtni. H. C. RttfiRbaugli. W. M.lakir. Cammittaar. lafislatnra, . A. Haw tirry: Rallraatf, C. 0. tir. Praia. Lleyi C. Thomas; Hatal. lasapa F. O'CiRMr. 1st ptoymant. C. 1. Vindavir; Caal Raids ani" Public Utilititt, hraa Radgars. Here's a good one, written' by I. S. M., of Post E, Pennsylvania: When a man ain't got a cent, and he's feelin' kind o blue, an' the clouds hang dark an' heavy, an' won't let the sunshine through, It's a great thing, O, my brethren, for a feller ut to lay his hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way and say, "I am a Traveling man. It makes a man reel curious, It make the teardrops start, an' you sort o' feel a flutter In the region of your heart. You look up and meet his eyes, you don't know what to say when his hand Is on your shoulder hi a friendly sort o' way but nay, 1 wish 1 was a member of the Traveling men's association. O, the world Is a curious compound with Its honey and Its gall, with Its care and bitter crosses, but a good world after all. An' a good God must have made It, leastways that what I say when a hand is on my shoulder In a friendly sort o' way. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown return ed Saturday from a trip on the river. An Interesting cartoon, on page one of the TPA magazine for June shows a hotel landlord sitting on the front perch of the hotel In a small village reading the newspaper. Standing close by, with two big grips, is a sweating traveling man. The dialogue is as follows: Tired Drummer Why don't you meet the trains any more and haul dive at Seventy! attribute their rood health to SCOTT'S EMULSION because IU concentrated nourish T. J ment creates permanent IrV body-power, and because It Is devoid of drugrs or stimulants. Scott ft Wowne , Bloom fir t,t M. J. 1VJJ ;H CDC HlUance Cafe Under New Management Is now acknowledged to be the best place in Alliance to get a GOOD Meal or Quick Lunch Our motto: "Best Service, Clean and Sanitary" Convenient location, across street from depot, west side, second door from corner Give us a trial Satisfaction guaranteed Hlbcrt Tbarc, proprietor UCV M the grips over? Landlord Wal, you see, there's on ly one hotel here now. Our friend "Wise" may be all light when It comes to wagering on horse raclr.g, but he certainly fell down on the boxing contests on the fourth of July. Our friend Jack Iterry was the victim of a practical joke Saturday evening that will undoubtedly result In giving him more notoriety than he looked for. Jack had been promis ing the "Mrs." to wash the windows at t-lve house, so Saturday evening he proceeded to get busy. A .few of the boys had found out about it and about the time Jack started he was called to the phone. Six calls In the next six minutes brought Ja-k up red (in the fare, and we don't blame him, for the calls continued a large part of the evening. The next tlnn he washes windows Jack says he is going to do it on the tj, T. Koy Strong Is m Units a fine garden hose, borrowed by someone who un doubtedly thought they nydcd It worse than he does. Saturday even ing while taking turns at p.honlng window washer Jack Kerry, one of the boys called up 204 and said, 'Hello, Is this Mrs. Lloyd?" "Yes," was the answer. "Well," said the voice, "this Is the city marshal!. Yr.ur husband Is In the cky bastlle, charged with stealing Koy Strong's garden hose." "Oh, no. You can't fool me," came the reply. And bang, went the phone. Sorrowfully, we again called up long sunerlufl Jack. Mr. Weiss, traveler for the Un derwood Typewriter Company, wel comed his two sisters, Grace awl Minnie, Sunday morning, for a visit of several wecks. Their home is In St. Louis. They are now on a1 trip with him in the Black Hills. Hemingford Hotel Kemodled and in line shape. Moderate rates and Excellent service. Experienced manage ment. Give us a trial. Mr. and Mrs. J. f. Knight Hemingford, Nibr. James Kecler. agent for the Ov erland automobile, weighed a Model 69-T on the city scales the other day. With lighting and starting equipment It weighed 220 pounds. Knout the electric lighting anil starting equipment the weight la 1(50 pounds less. BIG LOSSES BY LIGHTNING THIS YEAR Kind Mollring, of the Insurance firm of Snoddy & Mollring, states that the los by lightning, on Htock pppecialy, is heavier than usual this year. The companies which they represent here are paying already between $4, and $5,000 losses in this section of the country. BACK FROM WYOMING On. "2"oiaz Xrip take with you a box of good and a late Get them at up-town news stand or at depot nEiller Bros. 3C 1 i "The Quality Grocer" Staple and Fancy Groceries Largest Line of Goods of Acknowledged Merit. Our Immense Trade Keeps Our Big Stock Fresh Besides Groceries, Fruits, Flour, etc., we carry a line of Dishes and Crockery at money-saving prices Call or Phone Your Orders PHONE 54 Corner Box Butte Ave. and 2d St. Alexander iMimn ssld dntv I something 1 1ml wr rxm t from ot hrrs. Vonr duty to yourself is to tnks Allra's Coagh Balsam when you havo n dp-sMttcd rough or cold. Nothing will give you quicker and mr jiernisnriit ivlirf. Try It. Vtm net contain anything linrtnful. 25oM fiOu. ml .tl.W I Mitt 1m Htsll dsiilnrs. WEIGHT OF OVERLAND CAR generator .In a rear corner of the building, to gasoline which had run over wheal the lank was filled. The tank did not explode, but the loose gasoline blazed up and set the sur rounding woodwork ou fire. The fire .department did not find It nec essary to use the hose but water was ithrown on the bla7,e with a bucket. The damage done was slight. W. O. Gentry was In Alliance Tuesday on his way back to Ells worth from Manvllle, Wyo.. where he and his family have been spend ing their leave of absence trom his claim in the Spade neighborhood. Mr. Gentry Informs The Herald that there hns been plenty of rain in the part of N yomlng that he was in and that the country there looks good. B. of R. T. Resolutions Alliance, Nebr., July 3. 1913. Whereas, God in Ills infinite wis dom and love has seen fit to remove from earth our belived brother, George W. A8h: Resolved, By the officers and mem bers of Hardstruggle Lodge No. 642, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. that we extend to his bereaved rel atlves our loving sympathy In this dark hour of their great sorrow in hfa untimely death. W. J. TREGFX5SER, LOU WADDELL, JAMES LYNCH, Committee. TAKING EXTENDED AUTO TRIP Kuepne Ford left last week for his hnm In Chicago to loin lib narents. taking an extended auto trip with them, lasting several weeks. They wlll'make the trip in a fine, new f '-cvlInrif r Parkard car. From Ch'f ago they go to Buffalo, then to lake Placid,, east to Boston, aown th r-ct to New York Cltv and back tc Chicago over the mountains. Unsightly Face Spots Are cured by Dr. Hcbson's Eczema Ointment, which heals all skin erup Hons. No matter how long you have been troubled by Itching, burning, or scaly skin humors, just put a little of that soothing antiseptic. Dr. Hcb son' Eczema Ointment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Healing begins that very minute Doctors use It In their practice and recommend It. Mr. Alleman, of Lit tletown. Pa., says: "Hal eczema on forehead: Dr. Hobson s Eczema Oin ment cured it in two weeks." Guar anlecd to relieve or money refund ed. All druggists, or by mall. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Phlla delphla and St. Louis. Adv-2163-30-4t FIRE IN REFRIGERATOR CAR fRAMPs Colic, and stomach ache usually relieved with TPainkUW (mar T' This famous remedy seldom fails to relieve pain, both external and in ternal. IS, M and One. Bottle. SAMPLE OF GOOD RYE Thos. J. Lawrence called at The Herald office the. flint, of the week and left a bunch of rye which he had takcm from a twenty ncre field on his place eight miles northeast of the city. It had been pulUd up by the roots and showed a good growth of straw with heads well filled. Celebration atHemingford A large number of Alliance peo ple celebrated at Heminigfiord on the fourth. Most of thetm made the trip 4n autos, although quite a num ber went on the trains. The music by the band, the auto parade, and the wrestling contest were the principal features of the day, to say nothing of the great flre- vorkB display perpetrated by Ora I'miitps, the Marslatwl magnnte. who tired of no firecrackers or flre- crks, prohibited by city ordinance there, purchased the stock of a dealer and set them all off at onc before stopped by the marshal. CONTEST INSURANCE PAYMENT Modern Woodmen Will Not Pay In uranco on Life of John ny Boyle Dr. C. W. Fegers, of Nebraska, City, member of the National Sanl tortum Comlte, M. W. of A., wm In Alliance on, Saturday, looking up matters In connection with tha' death of Johnny Iloyle, the wealthy Mitchell cattleman who died ta March In an automobile Just pulling; into Greeley, Colorado, from Mitch ell. 4n company with, friends on their way to Denver. The Insurance company bellev that death resulted from acute alco holism and are making investiga tions for the purpose of proving their claims if possible. Mr. Boyle car ried a policy of $3,000 in the M. V. of A. and It said that it it can be proven that he died from the effects of alcohol and It can be proved that he waa a habitual drinker, thw pol icy will be Invalid. It is said that in making application for the Insur ance he stated it hat he did not use liquor habitually. Mr. Boyle carried other polfolea la case the M. V. of A. succeed. FOR SALE 200 head young Southern COWS High Grade Will be sold In any numbers ta ut purchasers Jas.Feagins&Son Alliance, Nebr. Our 16 inch Norman Lawn Mower is a high wheeled, ball bearing, self-sharpening mower and sells for - $6.50 Others as low as $4.50 Grass catchers, 50c up Garden hose, 10c per ft. NEWBERRYS Hardware Co. Fire, caused probably by sparks from a locomotive, did slight dam age to a refrigerator car filled with fruit, which stood on the tracks near the Burlington freight depot on Friday the fourth. The depart ment was called out just before noon. A high wind vas blowing at the time and If a conflagration had started it would have been - hard stopping. The fire was extinguished with the hose which is used for wat ering passenger trains. MAKE EXTENDED TRIP E. Becker and Unk Ixiwry started for easitern Nebraska Tuesday morn ing. "Bill" was driving hfs Stude- baker car, accompanied by his fam ily, and Link drove a new Ford. They went together as far as Grand Island, where BUI went south to Hastings. Link continued to Lin coln. He will return the last of the week with a new Case roadster for Dr. Copsey. Link will visit his brother at Grand Island on the re- 'turn trip. Bill will make an extend ed trip, taking about three months, before he decides definitely w here lve win locate. 3C 4 ATTENDING CONVENTION Mrs. Y. II. Zehrung Is la Omaha this week attending the convention cf National Cleaners and Dytrs As sociation. She, has a fine business In cleaning and dyeing and spares neither time or expense in keeping up with the times in hr line. FIRE AT CRANES POOL HALL The building which Is oceuuled by Crane's Pool Hall on Box Butte ave nue was slightly damaged Monday evening at nine-thirty o'clock by spreading from the ga-sollne light trJi Overland Model 69T $ 985 Overland 90 F. 0. B. Toledo COMPLETELY EQUIPPED F. 0. B. Toledo Those who examine the $985 Overland in an intelligent manner, will find in it most of the identical specifications that des cribe the average $1200 car. Why pay more when $985 buys as much as $1200 ? There are more Overlands than any other medium friced car in Box Butte County because every Over and purchaser is a satisfied owner and because his machine responds to every demand placed upon it by local conditions in Western Nebraska. JAMES KEELER, Agent