The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 25, 1913, EXTRA EDITION, Image 8

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Serial No 0821
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior. P. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
Jim.. .
NOTICK I hereby given that
of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who. on
Juno SO, 1909. made Homestead Kn
try. Serial No 0921. for BVfcNWU.
8,NE. 8H. Hw. ; 8WI4NWI4,
VH9W4. Sec 5. and NW4NW4.
Sec 8. In Twp. 24 N., R 4:1 W . of
Sixth Principal Meridian, haa filed
notice of intention to make final
three-year I'roof. to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Register and Receiver. V. 8. Iand
Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the
16th day of September, 1I3.
Claimant name an witnesses:
William R. t'hriatle, Ralph B.
Shrewsbury, Harry C, Merrick, and
Floyd J. Count, all or Kllsworth. Ne
braska. W. W. WOOD.
erlaT No. 0102.12
Notice for Publication
Department of the interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 2. till.
NOTICK Is hereby given (hat
of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who, on Oc
tober 25), HM)9, made Homestead En
try, Serll No 010232. for WNW
V WU,SVVi. Sec. I; EH and K'n
NW14 and B'iSW, Sec. 6. Twp.
24N., Rg. 43W., or Sixth Principal
Meridian, has riled notice or inten
tion to make rinal three-year Proor,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver, U. S. Land Otrice, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 16th day or Septem
ber, 1913.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Herman N. Dabier, ol Ellsworth.
Nebraska . William R. Christie, of
Ellsworth. Nebraska, Whit tier Welch
of Lakeside, Nebraska, and Floyd
J. Counts, or Ellsworth, Nebraska.
W W. WOOD, Register.
26 -t 267-2332.
Serial No. 014172
Notice for Publication Isolated tract
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 21, 1913.
NOTICE la hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
Genera! Land Orrioe, under provi
sions of Acts Of Congress approved
June 27. IH06 ( 34 Stats . 617), and
March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), pur
suant to the application of
Serial 014172, we wBl offer a t
public sale, to the highest bidder,
but at not less than 93.60 per acre,
at 9 o'clock a. m , on the 30th day
of July next, at this office, the fol
lowing tract of land: Ixt 4, sec. 33,
tp. z N.. rg. 47 W., th P. M. (21
.11 acres).
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land, are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated ror
W W. WOOD. Register.
H J KU.IS. Receiver.
8erlal No. 013992
Notice for Publication Isolated tract
Public Lund Sale.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Lanu Ofrice at Alliance, Nebraska,
Stay 13, 191.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner or the
General Lund Office, under provisi
ons of Acts of Congress approved
June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 6171, and
March 2, 1907 (34 Stats., 12241, pur
suant to the application of
Serial No. 013992, we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, but
at not lees than $3.60 per acre, at
Mine o'clock a. m.. on the 22nd day
of July next, atthls orrioe, the fol
lowing tract or land: swi, sk1, of
8ec. 9, I 21 N., R. 48 W., 6th P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-deacrlbed land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for aale.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
H. J. ELLIS. Receiver
fount y Clerk's Office, Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
To T W. Tallman. .1 B. Black
stone. Fred W. Anderson. Wither P.
Patterson. P H Dillon. '. H. Church.
ill. Benjamin E. Johnson, W. D. Mar
shall. Lincoln Land Company, William
Sanmann, Jertisha K. Baxter, 8. M.
Stevens, Nellie Klcken. Joseph Jones,
(loorge II Sutton. Susie It Krazler,
Henry Mauler. Mary J. Vaughn,
Ieonard A. Weyers. Julian R Rob
erts, r W (Slllln ft A S. Glllln, J.
H Morrison. (Jrand Island and Wyom
Ing Central Hall Road Company. Bfrie
A. Wells. William Mabln. Mary Jane
Shepherd, leonard Sampy. George W.
Loer, Ellsworth Vaughn, Allle Mabln.
Lyman B. Cornell, and William D.
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road, commencing at the
southeast corner or section thirteen
(13), between section thirteen (13),
and twenty-four (24) In township
twenty-six (26), North range forty
eight (48), W., thence west on sec
tion line to the southwest corner or
section eighteen (18) in township
(wenty-slx (26), North rango forty-
nine (49), W. between sections
eighteen 1M, and nineteen (19). In
township twenty-six (26), North range j
Serial No. 016984
Notice for Publicstion
Department or the Interior, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 16, 191.1.
Notice is hereto) given that
of Alliance. Nebraska, who. on Au
gust 8, 1904. made Homestead Entry
No. 7731, Serial No. 016984. for 8E
148W4, NViSB'i, 8V48EK, sec.
lo; ENW4, SV4NE, N'8E4
and 8WI48EU, NWNE4, section
16, In township 26 north, range 46
west or Sixth Principal Meridian,
has riled notice or Intention to make
rinal rive-year Proor, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, Unit
ed States I ..1 mi ofrice, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 2.ird day of Sept.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Prank Brown, of Long Lo. Ne
braska; Dave Briggs, or Alliance,
Nebraska; Ray Clirford, or Alliance,
Nebraska; 0. C. Joy, or Alliance, Ne
hraska W. W. WOOD, Register.
James Coby, Bert Rodgers, C. E.
Pyle, and Guy Slgman, all ot Alliance
W. W. WOOD, Register.
28-8t 263 2265.
forty-nine (49), West, has reported
In ravor of the establishment there
of and all objection thereto or claims
for damages must be riled In the ol
floe or the County Clerk on or be
fore noon or the 29th day or July,
IMS, or such road will be established
without reforence thereto.
Dated this 23rd day of, May, A. D.
1913. M. S. HARGRAVES.
County Clerk.
26-Bt -249 2197
Serial No. 014238
Notice for publication Isolated tract
Public land sale.
Department or the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 17, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner or
the General Land office, under pro
visions of Acts or Congress approv
ed June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 517),
and March 2. 1907 (34 Stats . 1224),
pursuant to the application or
Serial No. 014238, we will offer at
public sale, to the higeat bidder, but
at not leas than S3. 76 per acre, at
Nine o'clock a. m . on the Sixteenth
day of July next, at this office, the
following tract or land: N K . N w ,
Sec. 11, Tp. 22 N . and sw.4sw4
Sec. 29. Tp. 23 N . R. 49 W. 6th
P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to rile their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated ror
W. W. WOOD. Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
Every Merttol preparation is right
or we will make it right. We know
what it contains and we are person
ally Interested In Its maunfacture.
Your money back ir you want it. F.
J. M ren nan
Adv-A-41-Jun 6-26.
Serial No. 013024
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 29, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
ol Hewett, Nebraska, who on Febru
ary 9, 1911, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 013024, for s 1 SK 1 , sec.
XI; WltNVi4, section 27; N B Va , and
ofSW. and NW4SW'4, section 28
in township 23 N.. Range 46 W.. or
Sixth Principal Meridian, haa riled
notice or intention to make rinal
three year Soldiers' Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above describe
fctfore Register and Receiver, U. 8.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
on the 9th day or September. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
L. M. Krell, or Hewett. Nebrasi.,
Frank Johnston, or Auiioch. Nebras
ka. James Uibney. or Hewett, Nebras
kit and William Howe, tf Hewett,
Net raska.
S'J S: 255 2222
1 By the United Press)
NEW YORK, June 25 Frederick
II Elliott, secreiiary of tin- interna
tlonal Travel Club today uoiupleted
a sot of proposed universal truffl
rules reforms which will be seat to
every y in the country The role
are expected to result in safer con
unions on my ireels aixl country
roads for pedestrians.
Serial No. 011482
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Laud Ofrice at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 9, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on
April 30. 1910, made Homestead En
try, Serial No. 011482, for SWNW
4, WH8W4, aection 4; N8W4,
8E. section 5; and NVaNE. sec
tion 8; and NW14NW14, section 9,
in township 23 north, range 49 west
o' Sixth Principal Meridian, haa
filed notice or Intention to make ri
nal three-year Proor, to establish
claim to the land above described.
im ton Register and Receiver, U. 8.
land Office, at Alliance. Nebrasku.
on the 19th day or September, 1913.
t lmoiant names as witnesses:
Charles C. Coker. W. 8. Coker.
Frank Palmer, and Kred Robbins.
all or Alliance. Nebraska.
2S M-264 2266.
Serial No. 0195
Notice for Publication
Department or the Interior. U. 8.
1-and Orfice at Alliunce. Nebraska.
June 16. 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given (hat
or Cleman. Nebruska. who, on Sep
tenibtr 8. 1908. made Homestead En
try, Serial No. 0195. for Lots ' and
SWI4SKL. section II: lots 1. 2.
3, 4. 5, ESW und NE4. section
M, in township 82 north, range 47
west or Sixth Principal Meridian.
has filed notice or intention to make
rinal three-year Proor. to es:ablish
cluim to the laud above described.
before Register and Receiver. Unit-
td States Land Office, at Alliance.
Nebraska, on the 24th dav or Septem
ber. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Eugene Thompson, of Antloch. Ne
brasku; Lee Mcl-uughlin. or Alliance.
Nebraska; Arthur Feagln. and Edith
Hicks, both or Cleman. Nebraska.
W W. WOOD, Register.
222U-263 28 8t.
Serial No. 02795
Notice for Publication
Department or the Interior, U. 8.
Land Orfice at Alliance, Nebraska,
une 18, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
or Long Lake, Nebraska, who, on
December 29, 1908, made Homestead
Entry, Serial No. 02796, for NE4
NB, Lot 2, 8eetion 2, T. 26 N..
3E4NE4. NE'4SEV. Section 34;
and S'L..K,. N-..SK',. N'S
SW4SW, SVx NWVi, 8E48W4,
and SVi 8BV4. Section 36, Township
27 North, Range 46 West or Sixth
Principal Meridian, has riled notice
or intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Omce, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 29th day
of September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Lew Gammon, of Long Lake. Ne
braska; J. A. Campbell, of Long
I ake. Nebraska; D. H. Farrow, of
Ixhg Iake, Nebraska; Frank Brown,
of Alliance, Nebraska.
Serial No. 09.736.
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on July
15, 1909, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 09336, for SW4NEV.
SE14 NW14, WHNW14, NVs SWK.
NHSBK. BttNBK, 8ectlon 23. and
NttSWi. N'sSE'-i and SMt NE,
Section 24, in Township 27 North,
Range 46 West of Sixth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Inten
tion to make rinal three-year proor,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver. U. 8. Land Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 29th day of
September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Howard W. Jameson, or Long Lake,
Nebraska; lew Gammon, of Long
Lake. Nebraska, D. H Farrow, of
Long Lake, Nebraska; Frank Brown,
of Alliance, Nebraska.
28-8t-260-2246 Register.
Serial No. 016166.
Public Land Sale
Department or the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 16, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given thst, as
directed by hte commissioners or the
General Land OMee, unuer provis
ions or Acts or Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 61 1), and
.March 2, 1907 (34 Stats.. 1224), pur
suant to the appllcutlou of William
W. Norton, Serial No. 016165, we
will oil. i- at public sale, to the high
est bidder, but at not less than 83.76
per acre, at Nine o'clock A. At., on
the Firteenth day or July next, at
this ofrice, the following tract of
land: SUV NW4 Sec. 6, Tp. 23
N., Rg. 48 W. or 6th P. M.
Any person claiming adversely
the above described land are advised
to Tile their claims, or obje-tlons,
on or before the time designated
for sale.
Receiver. Register.
Serial No. 014307.
Public Land Sale
Department or the Interior, U. S.
Land omce at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 17. 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner or the
General Land Orrice, under provis
ions or Acts or Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Slats., 617), and
March 2, 1907 UK Stats., 1224), pur
suant to the application or Eugene
A. Hall, Serial No. 614307, we will
offer at public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $4.00
per acre, at Nine o'clock A. M., on
the Twenty-second day ot July next,
at this office, the following tract or
land: NE SW54 Sec. 33, T. 23
N.. R. 49 W. 6th P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to rile their claims, or objections,
on or before the time designated
Serial No. 013938.
Public Land Sale
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlce at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 21, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner ot the
General Land Office, under provis
ions or Acts or Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617), and
March 1'. 1!07 (34 Stats., 1224), pur
suant to the application or Niels
Pederson, Serial No. 013938, we will
offer at. public sale, to the highest
bidder, but at not less than $3.75 per
acre, at 9 o'clock A. M., on the
29th day of July next, at this of
rice, the following tract or land:
S'i SE Sec. 11, T. 26 N., R. 46
W., 6th P. M. .
Any persons claiming adversely
the i.bove-descrlbed land are advised
to rile their claims, or objections,
on or before the time designated
for sale.
for sale.
invitations ere out tor the marri
age or Mias Stella Withara, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Witham.
of Bethany, Nebraeka, and Jay E.
Hall of The Herald force, on Thurs
day afternoon, July 3rd, at the
home or the bride's parents.
Mr. H. L. Wilson, an attorney of
Crawiford, and Miss MadeMne Fafek
of Salt Lake City, were married
Monday morning at Holy Rosary
Serial No. 016473
Notice for Publication Isolated traft
Public Land Sale
Department or the Interior, U. 8.
Land Ofrice at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 16, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that, s
directed by the Commissioner of (he
General Land Office, under pro vis!
ons or Acts of Congress approveu
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), add
March 2. 1907 (34 Stats., 1224), put;
suant to the application of ' . ,5
Serial No. 016473. we will offer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, but
at not less than $3.50 per acre, at
Nine o.ciock a. m., on the Firteenth
day or July next, at this office, the
following tract or land:
NV48W Sec. 6; NE4SB4 Sec.
6. Tp. 26 N Kg. 46 W. or 6th. P. M.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
rtle their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
W. W. WOOD, Register.
H. J. ELLIS, Receiver.
26-6U266 2228
$20,000 PRIZES FOR
Serial No. 013006
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
June 10, lt't::.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
or Hemingtord. Nebraska, who, on
July 21, 1910, made Homestead En
try, Serial No. 012006. for Lots 3
and 4, sec. 7; Lots I 2, .!, and 4,
and E6NW4, sec. 18; and lots 1
and 2, section 19. township 26 N.
Range 4.s West or Sixth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice or Inten
t'on to make rinal three-year proor,
t . siahlish claim to the land above
described, boforo Regfater EM Re
ceiver, United States Land Office, at
Alliance, Nebraska, on the 20th day
Of September, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Hawkins. Jerry A. Wells,
Limes T. Nabb. all or Alliance, Ne
braska; and Hans Wlese, Sr., o t
liemingrord, Nebraska.
28 M-266-2267.
(By the United Press)
PARIS. June 25. Government of
Octal announced today that there
will be a hydroaeroplane contest at
Deauville. France, In August with
$30,000 in prizes Tbe ministry or
the marine contributed $10,000 and
the French Aero Club contributed
the remaining $10,000. The winning
machine and motor must be or
French construction and it will be
purchased by the ministry ror $12.
000. The winner or secoud prlxe.
under the same conditions, will be
purchased for $10,000
Serial No. 012452.
Notice for Publication
Department or the Interior, U 8
Land Office at Alliance. Nebraska
June 18, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who. on Octo
ber 13, 1910. made Homestead Entry
8erial No. 012462, for Ixts 1. 2, 3.
and4. Section 7. Township 23 north"
range 47 west of Sixth Principal Me
ridian, has filed notice of inteutlon
to make Final Commutation Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Register and Re
ceiver. United States Lund Office at
Alliance. Nebraska, on the 30th dav
or Jury, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Sttial No. oimr
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U . S.
Land Offoce at Alliance, Nebraska,
May 29, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Frank Kicken, or Ellsworth, Nebras
ka, who, or. June 17, 1910, made
Homestead Entry. Serial No. 011887,
for NW4SW4. Sec. 26; SVNE4,
SWVi, section 26. township 26 N..
Range 43 W. or 8lxth Principal Me
ridian, has riled notice or intention
to make rinal three-year Proor, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Register and Recelt
er. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance.
Nebraska, on the 8th day or Septem
ber, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: A.
A. Brown, or Lakeside, Nebraska,
Clare Wilson, or Ellsworth, Nebras
ka; Paul Job, or Lakeside, Nebras
ka; Louis Klcken, or Elleworth, Ne
braska. W. W. WOOD.
nlws m
A horse, attached to Newberry's
delivery wagon, became scared, at
the depot Tuesday noon and started
at full speed, across the platform. He
was headed off and ran north along
Box Butte avenue, being stopped by
a dozen men at the bank corner. No
one was hurt.
Joe Reardon, Who has been visit
ins; his relatives In this city, and
9aC9 IBb
MHWHnMaVnHkl))))nnaS VnHnMiaM
Alliance boy who meets Chas. Kel
ley of Cheyenne in 10 round boxing
exhibition Thursday night. Ladles es
pecially invited
who is connected with the Hartford
Steam Boiler Insurance Company,
Ktanted beak east Tuesday at noon.
He will stop at several points in
western and central Nebraska before
going into Omaha, his headquarters.
Mrs. W. M. Grieb, or Dead wood,
who has been vlstting her sister
here, has gone to Denver to visit
While driving in the country Mon
day, H. P. Coursey had the misfor
tune to break off the rear axle on
the left side or his automobile.
Miss Gladys Robinson, or Broken
Bow, arrived today to be the guest
or Miss Vivian Holloway for a few
Grace Duncan had an operation
performed, Monday morning.
r nun .muuinuu 11.10 an operation
performed last Saturday.
Frank Rogle had an operation
performed, on the 20th
W. M. Robinson, manager of the
piano department of Orkln Brothers,
returned to Omaha Tuesday noon,
after spending three day In AHIance
and on his farm west of town.
W. J. Diamond, of Alliance, went
to Bingham Monday.
! -tui'-
Ladies' hose, all colors, 15c, now . IOC
Men's hose, all colors, 15c, now . IOC
Ladies' vests, 10c Ladies' union suits, 30c
Aprons from 20c to 50c
Ribbons, 2 to 4 inches, all for 10c
Post Cards, lc each
Parasols from 20c to 50c
Tea and Coffee Pots, 10c each
All other household utensils at reduced prices
of all kinds at reasonable prices. Since there is no
Fourth of July celebration in Alliance this year, let the
children make the noise this week
Candy, lOc lfc.
The famous Red Band Candy