JOHN T. FREDERICK and COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION Rooms 222, 225, 227 Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Nebr. Experienced -Efficient Trained and experienced men in every department Responsible Ask your own bank. If they do not know us they have the means of ascer taining our standing WRITE US Senile w a Energetic - Attentive There is no detail too small to receive our best attention THE FIRM WITH A CONSCIENCE Consign your live stock to us and receive the highest net results Reliable We know and obtain the full value of live stock WRITE US ooooooooooooooooo CARPENTER. O oooooooooooooooo June 11th. The weather Is very hot, dry and dusty. Everybody want to Bee a good rain. I Rev. Sumner preached twice at the Caruenter church Sunday, with a good attendance. J. C. Wright and family, G. G. Clark and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. K Reddish took dinner at the J. C. Hawkins home and attended church. Miss Heuluh Reddish was visiting Dollle Hugaanau Sunday Miles liagaman took dinner Sun day at the Coker home Miss Bonnie Hagumnn Is attend ing Normal in llian. June 17. The weather Is still dry and hot and everybody is crying for rain. W s. Coker, wife and children, took dinner at the G. G. Clark home Sunday. MUi Uotlte Hagaman and Unci James Underwood were callers at the Shepherd home Sundpy after noon. Clyde Coker and brother Ray were calling at tlu Hale home Sun day. Auntie Malley started for Toledo, Ohio, Sunday noon and was acconi panted part of teh way by her son. Perry. She expects to remain all summer Mrs. Large or Alliance Is visiting thbs week at the G. G. Clark home. Miss Utile Coker and brother John visited Sunday night at the home of W S. Coker. John and l.lzsie Coker were call ers at the G. G. Clark home Sun- day. oooooooooooooooo O FAIRVIEW o oooioooooooooooo Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Nason. from Alliance, are visiting at Herb Nas on's this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lorance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford and baby Helen were Sunday visitors at Ar thur Bomgardner's Wm. Kust Jr. took a load of fat hogs to market last Saturday. A light shower with a few hall tones came last Sunday but we would like some more moisture with out the hail. Let everybody remember the school meeting Monday. June 30. Fred and Herman Uroa tvisited Leon and Bernard West after Sun day school Sunday. Mrs. Wehr Is enjoying a visit with a sister from Maryland. let all remember preaching serv ice at the church next. Sunday, at 10 o'clock. Sunday school immediate ly after. A number of our people attends the funeral of Mrs. Bauer last Thurs day. We extend sympathy to the bereaved relatives, oooooooooooooooo MARPLE o ooocoooooooooooo June 18th. Mrs. M. J. Harrington and Charley Trimble were in Alliance Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hash- man, on Friday, a boy. One of the George men was in Alliance Saturday. Mrs. Beulah Harrington was in Alliance Friday and Sat ui day. H II Smite whs in town on Sat urday. Henry I'horltou came from town Saturday night and styaed all night and all day Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Wells and Mrs. Nelse of Berea were In Alliance Saturday. K. Purtnton went to town one day last week to have some dental ork done. Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Smlce made a trip to Alliacne to get two lead's of potatoes Monday. Leap year is gone, and the boys will have to ask the girls. The girls can't ask the boys to marry them. Miss M. Klcken was In Alliance Saturday. A. L. Davis' oldest you made a flying trip to Alliance and had a short conversation with the Powell boys on Saturday. W. I). Harrington was in Alliance Tuesday on business W. O. Harrington and Albert Iore autoed out to H. H. Smice's on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. Newberry of Alliance autoed out north of Alliance when he ran out of gasoline, and had to walk back to the old Benjaaiin place to telephone to town. Alice FurrniHii came out and took Mr. Burns to Alliance in the auto Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Derr were at Minatare Saturday. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION oooooooooooooooo O MALINDA e OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO June th. Mr Ouulap and girls went to Alli ance Monday returning Wednesday. John Burns la able to be up part of the time now, which we are very glad it note. Edwin Dunlap went down to Mr. Sharp's Friday to work. Government Service Examinations to Be Held at Alliance The following civil service exam inations will be held at Alliance on the dates given with the salarie stated. Full particulars can be se i uretl from J. fi. Johnston, local sec retary, at the Alliance post office. July 2. Photographer for plant specimens, male, $720 to $840. Med ical interne, government hospital for the insane, $00. laboratory aid and engineer, male, $800 to $!00. Veterinarian, male, $1,400. July 2-3. Hull draftsman, male, $ioo and $1500. Mechanician and laboratory assistant, male, $1000 and $1400. July 16. Ubrary cataloguer, $75 per month. Nautical expert, malt?, $1000. Assistant In plant histology, male. $1200 to $1620. Seed ware house man, male, $:mmi to $1200. Sub inspector of powder, male, $6.40 per day. Chemist, male, $1600. Prepar- ator in biology, male, $00 per month. Telephone operator, $660 to $720. July 16-17. Hull draftsman, male, $1800. July 21. Senior architect, male. $3,000 to $4,800. Senior mechanical eugineer, male, $.1,000 to $4,800. Sen ior inspector of motive power, male, $1800 to $.!600. Senior Inspector of car equipment, male, $1800 to $.1600. Senicr structural engineer, male, $3,000 to $4,800. Senior civil engin eer, male. $3,000 to $4,800. Senior elettii al engineer, male, $;i,000 to $4,800. Senior railway signal engin e i . male. $3,000 to $4,800. July 23 Railway signal enginct r. male, $1,080 to $1,500. Electrical en gineer. male, $1,808 to $1,500. Civil engineer, male. $1,200 t $1,500. Struc tural engineer, male. $1,808 to $1,500. Inspector of car equipment, male. $1,200 to $1,500. Inspector of motive powt i . tiMile, $1,200 to $1,600. Me chanical engiueer. male, $1,0X0 to $1,500. Architect, male $1,080 to $1 500. Aug. 20-21. Assistant, men, teach er, men and women. Industrial teach er, men. $1,200 to $3,000. P. A. Cnristenson. fireman in the heater room at the railroad, receiv ed a telegram Monday morulng stat ing lhart his father, at Seward, Ne braska, had died He left on the noon train Monday with his wife and two children. His father in a wealthy rancher at Seward. E R. Harrington, of Omaha, came up Thursday, returning Friday. Don't miss reading the Famous big ad in this issue. Stockmen s Headquarters 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha FRED A. CASTLE, Prop. EUROPEAN PLAN Spacious and Comfortable Rooms $1.00 and Up - Centrally located. Convenient to all car lines South Omaha Cars pass the door Our New Cafe is the best popular priced cafe in Omaha Her Grand Hotel Omaha