n$fnnt9ti9V Sales of the Better Sort ::: When You Ship Your Live Stock to ALLEN DUDLEY 8c CO. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS . So, Omaha, INeb. Market Reports Furnished Upon Application 4 H3t3K333333tar3383t3t33t3K !Tjrjrr3rjr3r CM 3r 3r I l3i: 3t CATTLE FEEDERS MEET AT THE STATE FARM HIGHEST PRICED FEEDER STEERS EVL SOLD ON THE SO. OMAHA MARKET .33 f s : stehi wer bred and raised by W. C.CONDICT of SARATOGA .WYO. I'pon Thursday. May 29th, a meet inn of the cattle Teeders of the state as summoned by Professor R. K. Bliss of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Pnlverslty of Nebraska To- this Invitation eonje three hundred responded, represent ing pnntleally all parts of the state. .Most of the visitors arrived early in the morning; and UtM the fore noon visiting the buildings and look ing over the stock and vorious ex perimental plots on the State Farm. In the afternoon a meeting was held in the Stock Judging Pavilion. Dean K. A. Burnett of the College of Agriculture presiding In a brief address h sighted the fact that results so far obtained at tho Kxpertment Stations in this sts: e have shown that at the average pric for feed and the price whi ! ahes were worth at weaning time, tOgfltaiC w'th the market price of three year olds as feeders. It bare ly pays to grow the cattle in east ern Nebraska. It was also found at the North Platte Experiment Station that larger profits have been made by feeding calves and selling them the following June when weighing 700 or 760 pounds than where large cattle were fed out. Professor Lee went back over the results of the work done at the Ex pert ment Station during the past ten years by Professor H. R, Smith. The conclusion from Professor Iee's fig ures would show that alfalfa and corn was the cheapest ration the feeders had at their disposal. Pro fessor Bliss then gave the results of this year's experiments in which forty-eight head of steers divided into six lots of eight each had been fed fof a period of one hundred and fifty day Some of the lots receiv ed silage along with the hay and grain. These cattle- were bought in i November at the South Omaha mar ket weighing a trifle over 900 pounds and cost. ti.2t laid down at Lincoln. , They were divided evenly as to 'quality and size. The lot which was fed on corn ami alfalfa hay made the largest gain and the larg est net profit per steer of any of the lots. While this is but one test. t till it conforms to the tests made , in years gone by and verifies the belief of most practical men that : we in Nebraska can grow two of i the best articles for cattle feeding that exist. J. Whisler, of Whitman, A'iiunce, on Mcnday. was In P. 1). Roberts, of Ellsworth, wa attending to legal business In Alli ance, on Thursday. "Sport" langford came over fro'n the Platte river country on Friday. Mrs. Otis Martin, of Scottsbjuff, was in Alliance the latter part of last week. Carl Zehrung purchased the Font car from Mr. Davison. Howard Whltaker, of Canton, was transacting business in Alliance, ot. Frid: y Mrs. O. E. Black and mother ca n up from lakeside Tuesday and u turned home on 44 Friday. Lora Mclaughlin, of Olltner, Neb , was in Alliance, Thursday, looking after her real estate interests. Wayne Reynolds, who has visiting fi'iends here, left for home at McGrew, on Friday The mother of Mrs. O. W. Emery, at Bridgeport, lias been very ick. Mrs. Emery went to Bridgeport Sal urday, returning Monday noon. Mrs. J. J. Cremin, of Upton, Wyo , who has been visiting with Mrs A. E. Nelson for the past two weeks, departed for her home last Friday been his Y. M. B. C. MEETING FRIDAY All young men are invited to the Y. M. B. Club rooms next Friday ev ening, under the Alliance National Bank. The topic for discussion will be, "Evil Speech." REASON IS OUT If you were goiny; to build a house would you hire a shoemaker to do it? No, you would hire the lest carpenter you could get. Use the same judgment in selecting a Commission House to handle your Live Stock. Select a house uhos Sales men are Specialists in their particular line. Why -r-r-- , . -- LMHiBsr 'jgVlzzjyk-ip th-3-i9K-tkHRFV HHH6BDKHBffiHCiWrTftH?BIH We opened our doors Jan. ist, igoo. From No Business we have forged ahead until now we rank with the Leading Firms of the yards. A Reason for This It's because every man connected with the concern, from the Big Chief down is a man of wide experience and is a li wire; knows his own ability: has the full confidence of the buyers; believes in his business and is interested in it. 'ou Can't Beat This Combination. Our Salesmen are Members of the Firm BILL FRAZIER. Steer Salesman BILLIE LYNAM, Cow Salesman ED PRUSS. Hog Salesman WILLIS I. I100PES, Hog and Sheep Salesman CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Frazier-Johnson Co. i Home of the Ford Three out of five of the cars in the big 135 mile . trip on Sunday, June 15th, were Ford automobiles. They went through the sand and climb ed the steep hills without difficulty. We have only sixteen more Ford cars to dispose of this season. They are going fast. GET YOUR CAR NOW L0WRY & HENRY Dealers for Western Nebraska, Alliance