YOm OPPORTlTlflTT. To make more money during yosr tit" hours than at your regular work. Bcoim a salesman. An old. veil-established antomobll manuf.ic turtng company wanta an agent la fun townahlp and dlatrtrt where It Has no representative. You need nc experience. You can sell your neigh bor. Some of your neighbors art co ins: to buy ear. Why don't you sell tbem? Will you do It now or will you miss the opportunity? Write this minute to Great Western A nlo mobile Co, rem. lad. A GRADUAL INCREASE in in ml raluoa and the promotion of lotaaalva agrMMltara will have their il mi In.- dairy industry, a cording to H ' Hiissett Of Uibbon. The mil development Of the agricultural resource began to 1S70. The beginning of Ul dairy ing Industry dates from IHSd. The dalr rows, ;n onlillK Hi Hi-' I'nlttM rotates censim niiorln, Imve Increas ed ue followe: 1S. I81.1N7; 1880, 606,046; l!00, 6tMi 1fl. MeHf. Best Laxative for the Aged Old men and women feel the need of h laxative more than young folks, but It must be safe and liariiile and one which wlU not cause pain. Dr. King's New Ufo Pills ure especinlly good tor the aged, Tor they act very promptly nnd easily. Price 26c. ifec ummtnded by Kred K. Ilolttten. Advt i' l t;;i-2i-4t. A Good Investment There Is no better Investmont than a fifty cent piece In a bottlo of Merltol White Liniment. Muscular and rheumatic paws, swelling, laoie nMa iuwI aiirenea of the muscles are promptly relieved. Merltol White Liniment 1 oHpeclally recommended M a general pain killer of unusual merit. K. J. liltKNNAN. Advertisement Jun 6-26 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Pleased With New Car F. K. Wilson has brxon giving his new 46 hors power Appcrnon Jack Rabbit rosdsttr a good trying out since he and William King returned from Denver with It recently, and Is well pleas d with It. It Is a fine car, with plenty of power for any test that may put upon It In practl ral use KlgM new machines left Denver coming this way at the same time they started out with the Jack Rabbit l'h other seven were Ov erlnnds. Fords and Studebakers Two of them went to Cheyenne. A CHERRY PICKING VISIT Mails Close Going East For Train No. 44, 11 a. m. For Train No. 42, 11 p. in. on week days; t p. m. Sundays and holidays. Mail Close Going West For Train No. 43, 12:20 p. m. For Train No. 41, 11 p. in. week days; 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays. Malls Close Going South For Train No. 303, 12:20 p. m. For Train No. 301, 11 p. in. week days; 6 p. m. Sundays and holidays. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE BRENNAN'S CORNER Opal Fountain Best Luncheonettes Hot and Cold Drinks Served by an Experienced Mm 1 The Pureist and Most Delicious Home Made Candies Our Own Candy-Maker Makes Them Daily Already the most popular line of candv in the city A Bird in the is Worth- Hand One of our skillfully made Portraits is worth a dozen carelesslv made moior.RAms Quality Tells Every Time Alliance Art Studio 114 EL 4th St. Phone 111 John Seh Irk received word last i'i k ;iom Ills parents at iihvoiock t hit: cherries were ripe and Inviting hi in end his family t come and to elp tin mselven. Accordingly he and it- two hoys. Willie and Hernard. UMM !"i over-Sunday visit. going our on 42 Saturday and returning riiidny. They had a fine rltll ami f light hack a fine lot of the lus iih fruit. !ra ' II Alllll'I'Kdll II lul O n Charley left on the early morning I rain lnnt Saturday for Denver, for a visit with Mr ami Mrs Anderson s iviriuitu ill. t liev , (M- I to STO to Kansas City, where they will meet Mrs. (). S aptaln. who len Alliance at the same lime Uiey did. They will all return to Alliance via Den ver nbout I lie middle of July. KICKED BY MULES Tlie lrnuty nnd virtue of women re superior I" th virtue and beauty of men, hut no one osn he beautiful when in the throws of a deep-seated harking . ui ir cold. Nothing will bring greater relief than A Ilea's Ceagh Balsas'. Sold lot over half a century. Kndorsed by those who use it. aftr., 60c. and $ 1.00 bottles. I A Few 1 Words N DENVER AND KANSAS CITY a1out Ths Iter. inii II. Pnon. Rector Pt. Jodr and 1 1 i 1 ' ot ( hrlsl Imr'ii Cail.ednil. Montreal, writes : "rermlt im to Mad yn'i afrw line in strongly recom mend I'r.itav laia' I'maatLLsa. I have ual it witn MtKfsetMin for thirty-UTS w i. limn nrepsraunD winch deserve full inihlif coDHrtence. Cramps Diarrhoea Bowel Complaint Painkiller WM. MANNING All kinds of Scavenger Work Bonded by tbe City PHONE 67 Tlii re are some people who say i hat the average mule Is no worse i kick than the average horse and lat the mule's reputation as a! Iirontc kltker Is not deserved; hut tin hi la a man, Norman Weaver by. iniile, down at Slella, Nchr., w li o known tlirrerent. Me was badly used ip a few days ago by the kicks from couple i I mules lie lias a badly hiuised hody ami several broken ribs a a result of his encounter with the earn of mules. He was working with the mules in the barn when one of the animals kicked him, knocking him down, within range of he other mule, and both mules be gan kicking him at once. With a great effort he got hold of a rope and dragged himself Into the manger. are coming in from all parts of the country. Nebraska has always had one of the best displays of Imple ments of this kind of any state west of the Mississippi river. A Good Investment. W. D. Mngli, n well known merchant of Intemound, V ih.( bought a stock of Cham berlain it medicine o n to be able to supply them to his customers. After receiving them he was himself taken sick and says that one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Kerned r wa worth more to him than the coat of hia entire stock of these medicines. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. For sale by F, K. Moisten AND THEN SOME AUTO EXHIBIT rhe automobile display at the Ne braska State Fair will surpass all pre kiiis record this fall. Already the exhibitors have reserved two thirds of machinery hall. This building Is 122 x 430 and It Is feared that It will not be large enough to ade quately set forth the gigantic auto mobile Industry. Reservations for farm machinery The Jasp r who stands ,", round in a crowd of gobby Jacks and I ells yarns about his wife ought to b I taken by the off ear to one sidt and kicked in the set ice until his brains turn to a light froth. lpava illl.i Tribune Must Have More Room There's no use talking, we can't get It all In eight pages, no use try lliL' ;mv lonecr I .JiAt week We thou ght that by condensing what w t had to nubllsli and mint Int: only the most interesting matter, we could get along with eight pages fairly well bur when publication nay came we found that we had not nearlv enouuh apace. Accordingly an extra page was nrlnted in form of n siiiiiiloinent but still it waB necessary to leave out much that we had intendd to publish. Hereafter, wrfen the adver tising patronage la fairly good, The Herald will contain ten pages o r more each week IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Which Way Do You Travel? The Price Differs Ylin you ntol to roach another town, do you go the quick, inexpensive way; or do you take a long, tiresome tripf Com tare our toll rates with mileage costs, loss of time and traveling annoyance. That will show which traveling method is best. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY ITALIAN BAND TO PLAY HERE Coming All the Way from Eu rope to Fill Chautauqua Engagement. UCERENZA, GREAT DIRECTOR, Rowan ft Wright, coal, wood and posts. Pbone 71. tf As a Boy, He was Leader of the Musi cal College Band He Studied in Naples Has Filled Many Notable Engagement. The coming of the Royal Italian Guards Hand to this city, Chautauqua Week, la an event of Interest to every one who lovea the music Of a good band. The Royal Italian Guards totired the territory of the Redpath-Horner Chau taminaa 1hiM summer, and have been brought bads this summer at the re quest of thousands - 'hautauqua patrons throughout the Midlle Wert. They hae lieen In Knroie all winter and came hack for th's tour aliout the middle of May . The hand was OfganltOd by Victor, the celebrat' il band n::'.n. In Venice, time years SfJOi and this Is their third trip to America. T'ay made a Chau tnuqua tour through the l.'nrt two years aco. Their winter entr :s.: in -its htve been In Rurope. ;e they lu.ve scored many notable mic essea. They baVfl played at Ruynl Com mand on several elate occasions, an honor second to none over in sunny Italy. The director of the Royal Italian Guards is Sinnor Laceren.a, and of Signor I.acerenza, .Mr. Victor writes as follows: "Signor l.acerenr.a was at the a;e of ten when he was placed In the Boys' Musical College of his native town near Naples. Guaranteed Eczema Remedy The constant Itching, burning, red ness, rash and disslgreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum. Itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions ca be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Or. Hobaon's Rcr.ema Ointment. Mr. J. C. Kveland of Bath, 111., says: "I had eczema 26 years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found Or. Hobaon's K ma Ointment I found a cure." This ointment Is the formula of a physician and has been In use for years -not an experiment. That is w'hy we can guarantee It. All drug gists, or by mall, price 50c. Pfetffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Advt '.ri3-26-4t. IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE DELICATE OR FRAIL under-size or under-weight remember Scott' b Emulsion it nature's grandest growing food; it strengthens their bones, makes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth. Scott ft Bowne. Blootn6cld, N. J. 1S-2? Try n Roosevelt mint julep at the Bee Hive. Mint shipped direct from White House mint bed (?). Advt MtftfM $ GET WISE ADVERTISE $$ To the People of Alliance Yt. J .. I. . it . - - - wioii in .ii;;iiti cull your hi (en- tion to the fact that we are sole agents bi this city for Merltol Pile Romedy. Our success with this rem edy has far exceeded our most san guine expectations. Therefore, we are pleased to recommend and guar antee every package of Merltol Pile Remedy. K. J. BRENiVAN. , Advertisement Jun 6-26 True Economy . . . means the wise spending of one's money making every dollar do full duty and getting in return an article that will satisfy you in every way. Th' . WHITE. . FOB it a real bargain because it is sold at a popular price because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight in; because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory service: because its improvements II VmSh w'" enak'e yu to do things which can't be done HffflnTrtfflfl Mra on any other machine! because it will please you fJHHgPPlSt 1 with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. Ti r In short you will find the White reliable and esJ desirable from every point of view. Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you bow good a machine the White is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. BSsHaEi Jfc.' wt mm Hal fM'SS vjuiSI ' B 'n XW'm 1 For sale by Geo. D. Darling EXCURSION FARES EAST TO T'.tE EAST: A very attractive scheme of excursion tours to the Atlantic Coast Cities bun been announced. The arrang uu nt includes not only re duced fans both ways over the same route effective June, hut cir cuit tour fares from June Mh. including diverse routes through the most attractive vacation region, of the Hast. through Chi -ago, lake Ola 1.1 t Ik H-lf'f mill Vi'iuur. lolln .K.A..k. r .1 . . . ........ ..... . B una, iiiiuupii niiauti, nun n i ne rtt Lawn nce to Montreal, through the Lake Cliamplaln or White douut uln region to Boston, returning by S.und steamers through New York or Coaat wise steamers to Norfolk, thence Washington and thru the Virginias. OTHER DESTINATIONS: are Included, uch as Wiacousiu. North), rn Michigan and Canada re sorts. Atlantic City and New Jersey coast resorts, Quebeck H O Portland. Bar Harbor and Maine resorts. ' ' The general limit is o days, with such a liberal system of stopovers as to satisfy almost anyone There is also a higher basis of excursion fareB to the Bast with all Summer limits Ask your neareat agent, or the undersigned, for information He should have by this time, our "Special Low Rates East'' leaflet free on application. Give us a general idea of your proposed' trip and let us help you make it a success Signor Lacerenza "It was not long before he devel oped his musical genius, and during a local anniversary celebration In the town hall, the well known Neopolltan Concert Band of seventy-five musicians was engaged to do honor to the feast. One of the main attractions at the town hall that night was the first ap pearance of the Boys' Musical College Band. The now famous Lacerenza was then what was known as the head master of his class, and was recog nized as ths boy leader. Ths Talk of the Evening. "It was not the music rendered, or the select program that was the talk of the evening, but the appearance of this youngster on the leader platform, to open the first part of the evening's program "The house was wild with enthus iasm. The entire population, number ing a few thousand, began talking about the boy leader. Finaly when the leader of the big band heard of It, he expressed his desire of wanting to meet this wonderful boy. Following the meeting, it was not long before he discovered his musical ability, and he made him an offer o take him to Naples, and under his directorship fnish the course, lacerenza, the boy conductor, went with him. " At the age of twenty years, ac cording to the laws of the Italian gov ernment, he was compelled to Join the army, and at once joined the regi mental crack band, the 2-.'nd Infantry. fcs chief trumpeter. Two years later be was appointed the master of the baud, an honor that very few achieved "It was at the time of the annual fall tour of the band that I met Sig nor I ..'.- In Milan. Ijtter the Royal Italian tiuards were organized with Signor Lacerenza as director. "1 regard him as one of the greatest bandniasiein we have today." Our 16 inch Norman Lawn Mower is a high wheeled, ball bearing, self-sharpening mower and sells for - $6.50 Others as low as $4.50 Grass catchers, 50c up Garden hose. 10c per ft. NEWBERRY'S Hardware Co. 7f w a awi mm m l in I 11 i t ii n Mm I 111 1 VI I III 1 -mkm V, J w S RIDER AGENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model Hangar" bicycle furnished by us. Our Kluer Avnlsever. wuere are ia king money fast. Write fur full particular awliitccUU offer at (met. NO MONEY REQUIRED until you receive and approve your bicycle. We ship to nnioiK anywhere In the 0. S. titimf o sent ditln advance. . freight . and allow TEN PS'a raaa KiaLuur . which lime you may ride the bicycle and put It to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisHedordo not wish to keep tin- i.l-i-vcle shin it hack to us atourexoeiiseaud unit, vill icf hr cut iue tent. riSTABV DDICC Wt furnish the highest grade bicycles It Is rAvlUni rnlwC ixnuible to make at one small pi-odt aVove actual factory cost.. You save $10 toaDnilddlemen'sproHUby liy inK direct of us and have themaiiufac'uier'ssuaranU'elielilndyour lii.'',.. DO HOT BUY a bicvcle or a nair of tires f n nil (in mme at aneprlM until :. u pseeiTa our catalosue. and learuour unheard of factry vricc and rffnurkdlc tprclal vff rt. Villi Hill I HE AVTflElxUFn '" rr-'ve mir iwiimn wt- WW iia.a. aaa. n wmwmmmm i"i log ii. .'.ti'K our.oiH'rl, ni.HW .fct hm tisintlrrfuUy Uw prictm w ru ninkc yva UiU -r. We leil ttMf liigtiel l.i. lor k moner than anr oilier Cartiry. are Mitl; IWU u 111 ll uopr .nt abova factory cost. SICYCLE OCALSSS, you iiu Mil o,ir birrt-s iuulr jour t'wo unw plate at double our inotM. Infers tllke.1 tue day raceive-L tCCOND HAND aiCVCLCS. We iin BoC rrKiiluny hou.ln- Ke.-.ud liand olCTC'M, but ntulaly have a number on hand taken la trade by "'if t aMM retsi! ttores. Ucm- v c r atliricea rani;ng rrom v mm or . ru. , i ... ...n, n, umi t-o ir. alngla wHaala, mponol roncr cnaina pavaia, pann. rruaira aud eiiuiiniicut ot all kinds at halj the regular retail price. out nnnu'tly atoricea rani ln COASfER BRAKES,; J. KRIDELBAUGH Agent, Alliance L. W. Wakt'loy, (J n. l'asst'n-;,-! A.-nt, Omaha At jftmOO Hedirefhorn Puncture-Proof $ Self-healing Tires w A SAMPLE PAIR TO ImJTRODUCE, OK If 480 SEASON TICKET PLAN BEST. You may go to th C'hsutsuqus wit! season ticket, or a single admission ticket you buy at the gate On the seaaou ticket plan the cost Is about fcalf of what It Is on the other plan The season tlekat may be used by any member of the family. Besides, the community's Interest in a Chautauqua Is measured largely by the ssssoa ticket sals. The Chautauqua's ar tansncy (spends on them The lausftrr retail prii-r of rnM dure tee trill itell you a tamtfle pair or K.o (i-asA HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES Halls. Tssss or Glass will not lat ties air sot. A liuudiiHl LhoiisBiwi laBlrn sold lat yar. DOWriOYfiai,;(1Vali,eeaslyt ridlur very duratde and lined ln-t Je with a special quality of rubber, which never he- comt- iMirtiua ind which , l.oc, UU small puueturva without allowliur alx to escape. They wehrh no nce than an ordinary lire, uw puncture! resisuna qualitieabeiiitr irlven by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these tires la tie uu per pair, but for advertising purpose we are maUius a special factory price to the rider of only It Bu ier pair. All orders shipped same day letter la mvbed W will hin P o n on aooroval. ton do nut need to pay acent until you examine and And them strictly as represented We will allow a eaak discount of b i-r c. ut (thereby making Hie pi ice S4.SS per Dair) If you send PULL CASH WITH OHDKR and enclose this adverllsemeiiL You ruu no risk in re not I ua will and tbat taay will no aasier. nin laaier. wesr oener is.i iituner &ud l.M.fc filter taan auy Ore you uavacTsr aaad or aawa sissy prtew. Wa know that you will sa as wall pleased ti.ni hen you waul III si va aa youroroar siiiui yoo wuu u. . .w. . .-u. . .... .u.. ...u.h. 1 1 re unci ij.u l buy auy kiuo .1 au i-rnt uui.i you mtu.i lor a or Ittjdgath ,ra em.etore Frool tiresou aoi,i ".a: sod trial at ths soeeisl lalr.alni-l.ir. artea quoted auoes or writs lor our big Tics sad susdry estalogue suien osacritiva and quotes ail tuaasa au4 toelil sou uiitirin . 1 .ne ei'u. w sui irtiisa wr butihq a bieyrls or a pair St Netleethelhick rubber traaS "A" sad puncturvatrips,rB" and "D" also rim strip "H" to prsvent rim cutting. Thie tire will outlaat any other make SOFT. ELASTIC and ASY RIDING. aeiiding us an order as the tires may lie returned at OUR expense If for any reason they an aOafartory on exajutoatlow. Wi ars perleetly rsllabls snd ruonvy sent to us u ss ee.1v as la a usuk II you a pair of tassstlrss. you will and tbat tasy will rids sasier. mu lastsr. wsar batter, last loucer aad look taaa any tire you uavscvsr aaas or sssu 1 ablerclsyou . ill (I .e us ur of der li IF YOU NEED TIRES aquotsn atiovs. or write f NOT WAIT M aaswaassla A - Sara 1 1 I SSI svart ttilUa W I J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILL but rite oaaaoslsJ totte of tin fross laiMa uulll ) ilium Write It ou kuu Um bsw sAsi wuisAterrul uUvm w srs nesk.uf,.