PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Ratks: One inch cards, 70 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 1893 and Register U. 8. land office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mail a pwialty. Office in Land ALLIANCE Office Building NEBRASKA BURTON & WESTOVEP Attorneya at Law Land Attorneys Office First National Bank Building PHONE 180 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA F. M. BROOME Land Attorney Long experience as Receiver U. S. land office ia a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE NEBRASKA WILLIAM MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW ALLIANCE NEBRASKA O. E. SLAG-LE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Off ce phone 65 Res. phone 52 Alliance, Nebraska. Orie Coppernoll Res. Phone 20 F. J. Petersen Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block PHONE 43 GEO. J. HAND, Physician and Surgeon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 360. Res. Phone 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building over the Post Office. Paul W.Thomas INSTRUCTOR ON VIOLIN Phonel75 Alliance, Neb. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon SPECIALTIES: Diseases of women and children, and Oenito Urinary Gr it. 'in All calls answered promptly day or night HEMINOFORD NEBRASKA HARRY P. CODRSEY LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE 64 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA DR. 1 . U TYLER Dentist PHONE 167 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentiat OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 625 RED All electrical equipment. Gas admin istered. Evenings by appointment. A. J. KENNEDY Dentist Office in Alliance National Bank Building over Post Office PHONE 391 POPULAR TALKS ON LAW CONTRACTS: ENFORCEABLE AND UNENFORCEABLE By Walter K. Towers. A. B. of the Michigan Bar J. D., G-eo. O-. 3-a,d.s"b3r LICENSED EMBALM E R PHONE: Day 498 Night 510 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA When, in tbO ordinary dealing of life, you arrive at a miMness agree ment, you expect to carry out your part, and expect the other party will carry out his Almost invariably, in the ordinary agreements that Hre reg ularly arrived at, each of you prom tsea to give something or to forego in return for what the other It to do undtr the agreement. He Is to mow your lawn: you are to give him fifty cents'. He is to rent your house by giving you twenty dollars per month, and you are to furnish him with the use of the house. That M mutuality cf obligation, and thus the difficult question of the consideration s o necessary to contracts does not arise. You have agreed deflnely with the neighbor that he is to have the trees now growing in your acre woodlot, he Is to pay you a hundred dollars there for, the trees to become his proper ty as they stand. Each of you Is to give something, so there Is consider ation. You do not want litigation to arise from this agreement; you do not want, or expect to go to court to have it enforced, else you would not have entered Into It for the un profitability of "buying I law suit is proverbial. But you do want to nave, the agreement in such form that. If disagreement should arise you would be able to enforce your rights. You may not be nble to "lick" Neighbor .lonrs; and. evtn If you can, that would only inole you in an action for assault and battery. You want the contract in su :h form that if you must assert your rights you will have them In a form which the law the procedure provided for the enforce ment of rights will recognl.e. Probably the principal rea.son why the average man finds his contract unenforceable is because of the lack of the written evidence which the la requires in certain classes of cases. In the case of the sale of the stand ing timber the law of most states re quires that It be evidenced by writ- At IS. V HEHIIERT CITY DRAY Office Phone 260 Residence Phone 182 Wilaon'a new and second-hand atore L M. Scott, Auctioneer Lakeside, Nebraska Will cry your sales anywhere. See me or leave dates at the Alliance Herald office. Voice Culture Teacher of Tone Production MISS EUNICE BURNETT Soprano Soloist Public Engagements Solicited STVDIO, 114 WEST SEVENTH ST. J. P. Hazard, the Surveyor, la making a specialty of locating homesteaders. He claims to be posted as to landa atlll vacant and Has a Few Bargains in RELINQUISHMENTS Your chance is growing less every day. Don't stop for fear of bad weather the other fellow may beat you to it. IN LAND OFFICE BUILDING ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Automobile aundry Prices on application Work guaranteed Leonard Pilkington AT HEELER'S GARAGE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE AUQUST HORNBURQ Professional Trained Nurse Room I, over Rodgers' Grocery Alliance - Nebraska MRS. E. O. DRAKE OPTOMETRIST EYES TESTED GLASSES KITTED Cross Eyes Permanently Straightened With Dr. Copaey ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA EAT AT NohesCafe BUY Nohe's Bread Pure and Wholesome T. W. Burns CONTRACTOR and BUILDER F LANS AND ESTIMATES FURN ISHED ON APPLICATION I employ only first-class mechanics. All work guaranteed. PHONE 279 Residence and Shop, 7th and Mississippi. Alliance, Nebraska. die anil that would not he a perforin Dee of the contract as would be the Other, The seventeenth m-tllon provides thrtt contracts for the sales of goods. Wires h;ki DM r MMRm for the prlco of M, or over, shall not be Rood lined by the party to be dMMJfMl, BT p.irl .lel.vity am, a ceptnnce. or iMit '.:iment. Tu amount ln' v Which the ttatute ilo'-a not apply Is aiii, by the statutes in the various Amirlcun states which have reenaet ed this provision In varying forms. It Is to be noticed Unit the con tract is the agreement, not the writ ing The writing Is merely evidence of the contract. It may lie made at I and time after the contract 1ms In -.n greed upon, up to the time of suit. I The writing need not be a formal document to comply with this statute. Any note or memorandum Is suffl (Init so long as It contains all the material terms, as the names of the pnities, the Hubject matter, the con slili ration given, etc. There may be several papers, as a series of letters cr telegrams, so long as they are consistent anil connected. The nec essary signature of the party may appear at any point, anil may he at fixed either by the party himself or his authorised fegOBt, Thus at an auction the auctioneer is the agent of both parties and If his memo con tains the essential terms his entry of the names of the parties will amount to the necessary signature and complete the required writing. The law of some states requires that some contracts be under seal as well as In writing. In many states seals have been abolished. In all states the tendency is to lessen their effect. The principal reason that makes the seal of comparative ly little import is that It Is required only on the most Important and for nuil of contracts, as deeds. The printed forms provided for these In struments include a schI; and fur ther, these are Instruments of an Importance that requires the aer vh !i s of a competent attorney who Is familial with the requirements of the particular state tod will wee to it that the necessary formalities are compiled with. The simple legal scroll (L.S.I has now been generally Obstltttted for the more formal wax seal. Seals, used where not neces sary, are merely superfluous. It should be remembered that nil contracts need not he In writing. The general rule Is that if no statute re quiris that the particular kind of half ounce of oil of cedar. A few drops on a bath towel hung at the head of the bed will usually keep the mosquitoes away. Curtis Rest and Oooch's Beat flour at E. I. Oregg v Son's. Every sack guaranteed. I'hone 155 IMMMI lag signed hjr the party against whom rT? . - i. V i. ., l.i nw...,.-i.. nw i be, and so contracts other than the it K Hf u c riuui vi, unit I . lor iur I r Qnfr ii M i i ii an sUle 54 Residence phone DYE & OWENS Transfer Line Dray Phone Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. 636 and Blue 574 Let Us Do Your Job Work courts would not enrorce It. A statement of the principles which determine in what form a contract must be evidenced to be valid may not possess the interest attached to other branches of the law, but they are of the utmost practical import ance to the average Individual In the guidance of the business affairs of everyday life. There are probably no two sections of written law which possess the practical importance, or have the far reaching Influence of the 4th and the 17th section of the Statute of Frauds enacted by the English Parliament In 1676. These provisions have been eenacted by the legislatures of the various states in but slightly varying form, and the principles are firmly embodied in our law and are set dow to guide all of uh in the formation fii our contractual agreement. Ev ery student of the law memorizes these provisions. What is known as the 4th section specifies certain classes of contracts which must be evidenced by a signed writing if they are to be enforceable. The first of these is an agreement by an executor of administrator to answer damages out of his own es tate. Of course, one holding such a position is not personally bound to pay the debts of the deceased out of hla own po: ket; but if he does so agree, it must be in writing if he is to bo bound to his promiF.e. The next class of agreements cov ered are those "to ancwer for the debt, default or miscarriage of anoth er." If some third party suffers un der an existing, or contemplates a future, liability and you agree with his creditor to make It god for him, that agreement must be evidenced by a writing signed by you if you are to be bound by it. Suppose John Simms comes to you, tells ycu he has no money, and must have a pair of shoes, and you agree to see that he geta them at the store, iou go with him to the storekeeper and say, "Let Simms have a pair of shoes I will see you paid." By this state ment you have become directly and personally liable and it ia not within the statute. But if you say, "Let Simms have a pair of shoes, if he doesn't pay you I will": then this is a contract to answer for the debt of another within the statute and there must be some written memo randum signed by you if the agree ment is to be enforceable. One of the most important of the provisions Is that any contract or a sale of public lauds, or any interest in or coneernitig land, iiiiim be evi denced by a signed writing. This is t he provision that requires that a contract with reference to standing timli! r be in writing for It is with refer etc to reality. So, too, con ti j buy land, or for mineral i ) i re within this provision and b m writing. It is to be no tl " .hat if the eoutract calls for delivery of timber or of coal i iv m the lands or the owner bv the owner, that Is not within tins provi sion, since he himself Is to cut or mine it, thus severing it from the land so that it loses its character as realty. Hut if he sells coal or oil as it Ilea beneath his farm the contract must be In writing. The same applies to all leases, except short term leas -s. which are excepted in most of th states. Or If a contract is not to be per formed within a year from the mak ing thereof ll must be evidenced by writing to be enforceable. This ap plies ouly to contracts whl h cannot be performed within a year. Thua leases for a period of ove r a year from the date when they are made, contracts to work for over a year, etc., must be in writing. But If you agree to support Sam Allison for the rest of his life, that contract ia not within the statute for, though Sum la but twenty years old and in good health, he may die within a year and thus the contract be performed. Tru If you hired Sam Allison to work for you for a year and half he might out.-, specitnd In the statutes may be oral. Of course, even though no writing be required, prudent men frequently draw their contracts In writing that the evidence may be preserved in more permanent and In disputable fortn should trouble arise. If the matter Is of considerable Im portance, better embody the terms In a iittir addressed to the other par ty, sign It, keep a copy, and see that he replies over his signature accepting the proposal and terms. (Copyr't, 191.1 by Walter K. Towers) Surprising: Cure of Stomach Trouble. When von have trouble with vour stom ach or chronic constipation, don't imagine that your case is beyond help just because your doctor tails to give you relief. Aim, G. Stengle, riainfield, N. J., writes, "For over a month past 1 have been troubled with my stomach. Everything 1 ate upset it ter ribly One of Chamberlain's advertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the let turn from people who had been cured by Chamberlain's Tablets. I decided to try them. 1 have taken nearly three-fourths ola package or them and can now eatalmont everything that I want." For tale bv all dealers. Advertise uient. For si. e by F. E. Moisten. Meritol Tonic Digestive, the great rejuvenator and builder, tones up the system, Improves the appetite aids digestion, cleanses the system of impurities, .lust what you need when ul I run F. J. Brennan. Adv-A-41 Jun 5-20. PREVENTING MOSQUITOES e44, Farm Implement Time is Here The destruction of taocqultcei ha received considerable attention at the hands of scientists. Eliminating the pests Is often simple. First destroy all breeding places Where the rain water barrel and the rain water tank are necessary they should be screened. About house the waste places In the inline diate vicinity should be carefully seitfhed for tin cans, wooden or tin boxes or other receptacles In which water can accumulate. Theae must be destroyed or carried away. Roof gutters should be examined for pools of water. The chicken pans In the poultry yard, the water In the troughs for domestic auimuls, and the tratU cup of the grindstone are places where mosquitoes will breed and wa ter should not be allowed to stand for more than a day at a time. Wa ter In flower vase's should be looked after. Mosqultees will also breed In water pitchers in unused guest rooms and pipes under stationery wash stands and other unsuspected places. For pends and necessary bodies of water the larvae may be killed by the use of crude' oil whWh Is allow- l to spread over the surface of the water. To keep mo.vepiitocs away at night mix an ounce of oil of citron ellu and spirits of camphor with a Disc Harrow Low Spreaders tha We sell work In tvtn ground. kind that does good the hardest kind of Don't wait any longer be fore ordering your disc harrow. that can Practical manure spreaders are high enough so they used anywhere and yet not o high to cause unneceasary Iota of time or labor In loading. Light In draft, easy to operate, simple and durable. Plows Gang and aulky plows, cultivator, also a full line of other implements necessary to good farming. I. L. ACHESON S. A. FOSTER LUMBER CO. Have the best grades of LUflBER at right prices Also, the only Cement, Lehigh See us for Farm Gates We want the name of every young man who 13 ambitious to BE A LAWYER and we want to hear from ev ery business man who wishes that he knew BUSINESS LAW. Write 14, iu l.i I. II , Saw k... , Umjm t ..' l aMdrM, ,.i ).'. t, . Jt ilk, ft:, III .npi-l Mt!M allk l ;.T l'Ui lu.l ku b l lwM MM I Ik.,. Til ScSmI. Im SI Mr M. M rtJiilM ka ami I ' r U.t.t. CMnMMMml k K I CITY MEAT Mill I B W. R. Drake, Prop. 1 I Fresh and Cured Meats I I "The Best of Everything" I l Notice to Farmers and Ranchmen: s I We do our our own butchering and 1 f are on tne market for the best we I can buy. If you have some excep- j I tionally good stuff to sell, let us 1 know about it. ;i Corner Box Butte Ave. and 4th St. PHONE 40 I I .,..., j ii. (l)ouf l'fl.UI , -Uf Ua Cuur. ahicli III lor &" M our C.Mplct. rr.iit.1. m lw Court lu, Sum., a.n Vim out tlkjul Ik. L -w i- I ui IJV c?t u obtain lk"'"ulU ka..wk4. at ll La IMI " "- i.iwai.ik ty Tiial Hwu, ubf lr kwiw.1 ..UUc ul Sat .1 , . .11 Ik I . a. ir! uwm- r Si MM M.r,. M M. ttk. Ik.J iaa wa.iHS coaaurukvikis S, III It IL r LAW tet lai mailt "". a. ANYTHING that you want in lumber can be found in our large and well assorted stock, all well seasoned for immediate use. Also, all kinds of hard and soft coal. Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. Wise Ones Watch Want Ads