The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 19, 1913, Image 4

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ever given by a newspaper without extra charge
WITH every paid-in-advance subscription at
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Fill out the coupon below, enclose $1.50 check, draft or money or
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The Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebr.,
I enclose $1.50. Put my name on your list and send
me the Atlas.
i r
H Henrietta Mytri
Newsy notes of Alliance people
and others at Peru State Normal
At the chapel exercises Friday
ft were ntcrtnlperl by Miss Luni
Pellet 1 r, who Riqn private leasons
in elocution.
Both the Everett and Phllomathe
an literal) societies held open sea
slims on Friday night, in order that
lh" new students might get an Idea
of the work done by the aooletle.
The Phllomatlieanx gave the bur
league "Young l.ochlnvar" which
wan given a rew weeks ago and
which proved to be a great success.
The Y. W C. A . Y. M. C A . the
iN'ormal Catholic Association ami the
Episcopal guild gave a reception In
the gymnasium on Saturday night.
The purpose of this reception was
to give the new' students a chance
hi become acquainted.
Children's Day exercises were
held Sunday night at. the various
churches. Rachel Hayes, Bobby
Barker and Herbert Myers took part
In the program given at the M. K
We were entertained at the Cha
pel on Monday by Miss Helen Chase
of Lincoln, the new violin teacher.
Miss Alice Aceson assures us she
likes Peru and her work here very
An excellent five number lecture
ootaa is offered for the Summer
School. The first number will b e
given on Thursday night by Nels
l 'ai ling, the eminen tentertainer and
President Hayes and family with
Prof. Duncanson and family Bpent
Tuesday afternoon and evening a t
a picnic and fishing trip.
Miss Agnes Jones and Mrs. Wea
Vi r. daughters of Rev. Dr. and Mrs.
.1. L. B. Jones, informed The Her
aid that they were delighted with
their home on the claim three miles
north of Ellsworth. Mrs. Jones' Al
liance and Hetnlngford friends will
be pleased to learn that she is enjoy
ing better health than when she re
sided in this county. Dr. Jones has
bean preaching and lecturing in Kan
sas, where his services are much in
Mrs. J. H. Oleason of Central City,
Nebr, mother of Mrs. L. 8. Dye,
closed a visit of several weeks 1 n
Alliance the latter part of last week.
She returned home Saturday, accom
panied by MiBa Altha Dye. who will
spend the summer vacation In ('u
tral City.
$985 Overland $985
F. 0. B. Toledo COMPLETELY EQUIPPED F. 0. B. Toledo
Those who examine the $985
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There are more Overlands than any
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because every Oakland purchaser is a satisfied
owner and because his machine responds to every
demand placed upon it by local conditions in
Western Nebraska
Jas. Keeler, Agt.
ivs r
Stockmen's Convention
Alliance, Nebraska, June 25, 26, 27,
Finish of an Exciting Race at Fair Grounds
J. W. Guthrie, Ch'rman
C. W. Spacht, Secy
W O. Barnes
I ick Waters
Bruce Mallery
Bring the whole family and come to Alliance on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, June 25, 26 and 27. The best program ever given in the west is being arranged
Horse Races Riding Bronco Busting Band Concerts Dancing Parades
Automobile Races Motorcycle Races Boxing and Wrestling Contests
Hundreds of dollars are being offered as prizes in the
races and contests. You will have the time of your
life. Prices for admission to Fair Grounds, 50c; to
grand stand,
8 to 12, half
price; child
ren under 8,
Riding a Wild Steer
- - - .
Saddling a Bucking Bronco