Official Paper of City of Alliance, County of Box Butte and United States Land Office SOMETHING DOING JUNE 25, 26, 27 The Alliance Herald r v .m t i n m TWRIiV Is I'AOPH MIOCJTION TWO IllfM t 4t IV VOLUME XX ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913 NUMBER 28 T. P. A. DEP'T POST M, ALLIANCE, Nl BR. Officers R C. Strong, Pt esirfent Frank Hirtzot, Viet President Jaha H. Hawes. Secretary Treasurer Oean Gar 6. Ware. Chaplain C. E. Slagle M. D . Physician. Oirecters S W. Thompson. J. C Barry, C. L. Ewinc. H. C. Redenoauih. W. M.Baker. Committees Lafislativt. C. k. New berry Railroad. C. 0. Bagley Pratt Lloyd C. Thomas. Hotel. Joseph F. O'Connor; Em ployment. C. I. Vandever; Good Roads am) Public Utilities, Ivan Rodjers The following post card was re ceived from national delegate Rod gcrs, the first of the wk, "Rich mond, Va.. June 14, 1913, Conven tion adjourned at two o'clock today. V-tv harmonious and the greatest interest shown.. Armstrong, of Penn sylvania was elected president. The secretary was reelected. Geo. Hige row, of Omaha, was elected as one On 3Tou.r Trip take with you a box of good and a late Get them at uptown news stand or at depot iller Bros. of the directors. Houston gets the next convention. Fraternally, A. D. Rodgers." Doubtless A. D, will have a fine report to make at the next regular meeting. You will hear more from him thru these columns. Kdward Kwel, of C.rimd Island, the state president, favored Post M with a visit last Saturday at the regular meeting. He met all the boys who wi-re present at the meeting and made In Interesting little talk. He also gave us some uvlghty good pointers on questioned matters. J. C. Vandever, who has head quartered at Alliance for A number Of months, handling the L. C. Smith & Hros. typewriter, has been promo ted to take charm of the Sioux City branch and left for that po.nt Sun day morning. The boys of Post M will be sorry to miss "Van" a n d hope to see him back before long. Jack Hawes, our Post secretary, was one of the colored comedians in the home talent Klks play, "Pun in a Cabaret", which was given at the f MAKE YOUR Headquarters AT TMK DRAKE HOTEL T argest in westernNebraska. Excellent cuisine. Modern throughout. Free bus. Take your meals at the aft lii'h class cooking Reasonable rates Open day and night AeroHH ft-oiu Diot Hemingford Hotel Remodled and in tine shape. Moderate rates and Excellent service. Experienced manage ment. Give us a trial. Mr. and Mrt. J. F. Kitrt HamiRfftri, Nabr. Thursday evenings of last week. He Phclari Opera house Wednesday and oaken an Ideal comedian and some of the boys tell him that he missed his railing when he didn't take to the stage. President Kwel, when here Satur day, conferred upon the writer the honor of the appointment to the of fice of Press Chairman of the state association, to succeed Ross L, Ham mond, of Fremont, resigned. This appointment la of course subject to the approval of the state executive committee. You can he certain, boys that we'll see that Post M gets iter proper share of publicity in our of ficial state magazine. The Omaha Trade Kxhlbit. which Is published every Saturday. At the regular meeting of the Post on Sntuiday It was voted to ad mit associate BH rubers to litis post. All associate numbers who are ad mitted to associate membership will be riMiuired to pay the regular Ini tiation fee of three dollars and In addition to pay all assessments, they to secure the social and fraternal benefits of the association but not to participate in any insurance bene fits or to be allowed to vote at the meetings of the association. All asso ciate members will be required to make signed application and to be voted upon by (he lodge before ad milted to its social benefits. The following letter was sent out to all members of the post Saturday afternoon, after the meeting, on re quest of the lodge. June 14. IttS, Saturday. To the -Member of Post M:- The parade which we will give on Friday morning, June 27th, at 11 o'clock, will be the biggest thing pulled off in western Nebraska in years. At a big meeting of this Post this afternoon It was decided to ask every member of Post M to earnestly request his employers to furnish him with advertising matter and with either the money or the material for a float or ad vertising stunt for the parade. A moving picture man will be in Alliance during the Stockmen 'a Convention and will take pictures of everything pulled off, including our parade. It will give your house the best advertising they ever had if they will help make the parade a big success and do something to make their name con spicuous. Mail this letter to them and ask them to send the material, cash or advertising matter to J. C Herry, Chairman Parade com mittee. Alliance, at once, in order tlia we may have everything in proper shape by Saturday, June the 21st. Please don't put this aside, but get busy and help us make T P A day a big affair. One big float will be made for the Post. It will be the main feature. Kadi individual member Is to gel lip his own exhibit in addition to that. Knriosed Is n program. Our day Is Friday, the 27th. He here If p6BlM on that day. All number and their visitors wtll wear badges. He sure to have one. The parade committee is lierry, llagley, Thoni pe b, Pospot-hll and Ivan Rodgers. This is our opportunity to give Post M the best advertising it will ever have. it. United effort will do Respectfully. LLOYD Press Committee. Lloyd's Column A well known Alliance man says that the Kilpatrtck dam on Snake Creek, twenty miles west of Alliance, is in his opinion a nice place to fish, but he'll be gol dinned If it's a good place to swtm, especially when that swim Is taken when totally unprepar ed for it and when clothed in a bus iness suit, Instend of the regulation bathing stilt. He says that the next time he fishes from the dam he's going to el: her put on a diving cos tume or a bathing suit. The sporting editor thinks he's got one on me just because he swat ted a i'onii i nn in the t wo Inning all-saint's baseball game Suudii) af ternoon at the picnic. That's all tight, "Doc", yen wall till I KtJ a Vhance to bat. The Alliance Cubs earned undying glory in the sporting world when they lainnied It to the Port Itohlnson huskies to the tune of I.I to V Tie Alliance team Is doing fine If the Semi Weekly Times will quit its knH kiim on The Herald loin enough to Kive a little time to the publication of its few remaining leg al notices, it might be abb- to keep them. I thought that, after its ser ious blunder last fall when It knix k cd out the court house bond election by Insufficient publication of the leg al notice. It might brace up, but such has not been the ease Only a few days ago It started to publish t h e iii'v legal road notice now running in The Herald and after running it a couple of times, followed its fi. rul er tacttctj and left out the notice, in validating the publication, as far as that, paper is concerned. Luckily, The Hi-raid published the Manic no tice, thereby saving the county cott mlsslonera, ext ru expense and trouble. Put up your hammers, hoys, and at tend to business, a little while. Your attempts to discredit and run The Herald out of business are futile ami you only hurt yourselves. Your at tempts to throw mud on "Fnie J. V." only blacken your own hands and hurt him none. An Alliance man who always has a new one on the tip of his tongue was standing In at Holsten's the ot It er evening when the seat sale for "Fun In a Cabaret" was running heavy and it looked as if standing room would be at a premium. Said the Alliance man, "A Dutchman stepped up to the box office at a theatre and asked for seats. H e was told that there was standing room only for sale. 'Veil,' said he, 'Can you give me two standing roortiB together?" " Keliog's Square Dealer says: "The only good way to use a pull Is to take up slack till you catch up with your Job." "You can't drive a nail with a sponge, no matter how much you soak It." "Any business that you cannot gH without discredit to yourself or your methods Is a good business to leavs alone." "It's tasler lo laugh on a gloomy day than to cry on a fine one " "The bits you made yesterday do not win today's game." Sternly Logical A noted clergyman wan writing and hi five-year-old daughter asked; ' What are you writing, papa?" "I am writing a sermon, my dear." "How do you know what to write, papa?" "Hod tells me what to write." After watching her father a few minutes, the little girl said: "Papa, If God tells you what t o write, why do you scratch some ot It' out?" This is a Complication 1 married a widow who had a grow daughter My father visited our house very often and fell in love with my step daughter and married her. Ho my fa ther became my son-in-law mid my stepdaughter my mother, because she was my father's wife. 8ome time afterward my wife had a son; he Is my father's brother-in-law and my uncle, for he is the brotli er of my stepmother. My father's wife, namely my step daughter, hud also a son; he Is, of course, my brother, and in Hie mean time my grandchild, for he Is the son of my daughter. My wife is my grandmother, since she is my mother's mother. I am my wife's husband and grandchild al the same time, nnd as the husband of a person's grandmother is his grand father, I am my own grandfather. VACATION IN DENVER Mrs. L P. Dickinson and daughter left on :t(H last Saturday for Denver for a visit with the former's mother. Miss Dickinson will remain in the Colorado capital during the summer vacation. CALLED TO O'NEILL Engineer F. J Carter received word last Friday that he was wanted at O'Neill, Nebr., as a witness In a damage suit that was to be tried there. He wert via Lincoln, leaving Alliance on 41 Saturday morning ac companled by Mrs. Carter. EVERY NEBRASKA STOCKMAN Should Attend the (913 Convention at Alliance, June 25, 26, 27, 1913 THE NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS' ASSOCIATION which has 400 members, has as its object the protection of its members and to promote the live stock industry. The Association aids in prosecuting those who steal cattle and horses from its members A record is kept of all brands of the different members and all cattle shipped to the markets of South Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Joe, Denver and Sioux City are inspected by the inspectors of the Wyoming Stock Growers' Association, for which service this Association pays to the Wyoming Associa tion the sum of $4,000.00 per annum. For the year ending March 31, 1912, there were inspected at the South Omaha Yards alone 10,826 cars of Nebraska cattle, numbering 274,309 head. The inspector made out and transmitted to the Secretary of this Association 5,144 reports covering these shipments. The proceeds of 426 head were taken by the inspectors for members of this Association and sent to the Secretary. There was sent to owners by the commission houses at the request of the inspectors the proceeds of 1,570 head. The total of all strays taken for members of this Association is 2,052 head, amounting to $83,169.20. This Association holds membership in the American National Live Stock Association, the aim and object of which Association is the taking up of matters before the legislatures, courts, etc., that would be of advantage to stock raisers throughout the country. f hLi wEkk. A COUPLE OF NEBRASKA COWBOYS If you are not a member come and Inspection at Sioux City, So. Omaha, St. Joe, Kansas City, Chicago, Denver, Indian Agency Join at the meeting R. M. HAMPTON, President, Alliance A. METZGER, Vice President, Merriman CHAS. C. JAMESON, SEc y Treas , Ellsworth