The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 08, 1913, Image 6

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    im1 'inrmiiimitiiffli!
"Here is the Answerf in
New International
The M curiam Wtasrrxt
Every lv I" VOW tlk '"
homo, on tlio atu-rt car. In Hi" nrlSv, sttop
ml hool you likely qaeatawi Hip m ail
In of aomc art word. A fri ml nk:
what nvikea rtmrtiir hiiirlrrv " Von areS
t l... . m i n-i (Vpronnn
rlutlon of Julntmi. What I irAirV root
Till Nrw Cri-ntion aimwcra nil kinds of
qiwurlmifl In IimnavcH ititory.llicirmphy.
Fiction, Korrlan Won!, 1 ..-. . Aru aud
Sciom i B, trllh limal aulhorilu-
400.000 Word.
OOO Illustration.
Coat $400,000.
2700 laos.
Thponlv rtlrllonary with
the r rflHrferfpno,-. In
jCUffWM) a "A Stroke- of
India Papor EdHhw:
On thin. MMtttj tmnir.
Iinlln nniT. What n iwtkv
ftuti.m loown tlie JhVrrtawi
SVr hater In n fnim o 111
and no ronvcnl. nl to uw
One- half the thn km w and
w.lirnt of Hviiula.- hdition.
lar Edition:
On atronir Nmk pnprr. Wt.
UH liw. bia U ni'i i
0 i 111 '
Wrll. lor ir"lm.n pM,
UlutTfcUoni, vc
M.itlan tail
ana rtotlva
1 8prlnIMd.MM.
The Story of His Life
From the Cradle to
the White House
Tlir- ncoiifv ml virtue of womrn
s-e AUiH-rior lu the irtiit and Leant of
i i, but i.o em SOU bo beautiful tM
, in Tie throes " i 1 rp-smded bucking
I co.ig i or wild. Nothing ill bring greater
I I left Utt Al!r i h I .1 tin. Sotd fof
BTSf bull ctutnry. Endorsed by I bone
who iifi it.
.He. und 1.00 Unties.
Copyright. 1911. (Mil, by Doubleday, Pa
A Few
The Rtf. .1 it ft. Dixon. Hector Ft.
Jtdatiad lloa. Us n of hr't hutch
rl. drl, Mmitral. wrue:- "I'ernnt m
to :. I vol a but 1 1 i.i to tror.glji n rotn
aMl I'EkRV Havia r.wsKiLLr.n I have
nsrd t itli aatiafaction for thirty-Ava
vaa'K. It la a BfeparaUoa which deaervea
lull iml) cniiliiirnc
Cram ps
Bowal Comalalnta
& Co.
The reason why the. republicans
would MVW in.est.IgaU thn mam y
trust bus recently liscn disclosed,
which is that (he groat corporation
controlled moat all of the national
banks and it large number of repub
lican congressmen ami SMBtOTS arc
OOUtinUOUS UOCltrWWIl tf money troati
them. Thi txplnins why tho money
trust haa always bul :ich Hlroiig
friends and shieldB In republican con
gresies. it is jtaocttal that Swre
mry of i'lrnsury McAdoo will call on
the National banka tliroughwut the
country In the MM future for a
statement shewing what MM h!us
been borrow 4 by niator and con
gressmen. If ha dtiea it will ni'.ike
mighty iutoresi ng reartlng.
Coafih Metlioino tor Children,
Too much care connc t be ueed in Belectins
a cough modioli o for children. It should
be plemant to take, contain no harmful anb
atance bad be mi t efl'cctual. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy MWt these reiiuirement
ndla a fayorite with the mothers of young
children everywhere. For sale by all Dea
ler. Advertieutnent-
For sale by I E. Holaten.
Marsland Matters
Frooi Mrslnnd Tribun. :
Dr. Carttv, vt'.erinary, came up
irom c Saturuay lo Ijok after
noun 'k t,.ock for Charley tCvana.
n.. ti.-.;. Gii"4:; :i io Alliance
WttlMMl) io vilt her sm er, .Mrs.
TotB Spender, add to ate that new f
Dan O'Kcefo wi.s a pnsrrif;er thru
wi.u Tuesday. He ateppca o;t' long
en .ugh to miiiki , as ,f Htarud up
Sotrnt Hupt. Dalli rteet;, or Aiii
KBte, and Airs. Heiij. 1'nce, of ileal'
laztord were viaiioio 07M "il nlslit
.i h trtCMM. .Miss I'nl also visit
fd our schools.
.Mias MoUiaaii wen. to Alliaace
Satartfajr to aae her un - le, a Air.
i.unia, who WSJ (ui:c sick, but seem
ed impr.)Vin when she lert. We niei
Mrs. Murphy, her aunt, on the train
.oinlns to Alliance i'uesany, and she
s:a;.d he was anin worte.
Miss Mr.Ginnis has been re-eruploy-td
in our school for another year.
Ciood. Her di3ler,' Mis Oerulfllne
MoOlaail, has baen Secured as prin
cipal, 'the latter of courae in as
goud as the fjruier and our s -hool
la bound to bo belter than ever.
Mrs. Col. ai. hiMkei came y ester
cents apiece to our readers:
NEBR. Mlno Room. Bladen. Auto
matic gate; Frank K. Fender, l in
coin. Murner: Ralph Nf-iman, Ijhu
caster, Music leaf turner; Geo. H.
TttttM, Lincoln, Safety razor;
8. D. Gilbert S. M Gee. Powell,
Potato dincger.
W. C. A. of the Normal.
Izola Worley, Florence .Johnson,
Mrs. Kdith Marker and llaafsttfl
Myers ill return for summer school.
Wo undeiMund that. Mrs. Edith
Marker has accepted the position of
.siiier it or of domestic science In the
MtCook schools. We wish h?r the
be:. sucreFS in her work. 1
Fa?t Thunder, n no:ed red man of
Prrsidmt Hayes made a trip to p0t, Kidv.o. came down from Chad
Maryvllle, Mo., a short, time ago, rnn on the evenine nassenscr last
I for a visit to the Missouri State Nor- i Kridnv mid was so full of DOOM that
' nial S. hool at that place. While ino attempted to clean up a few tee
there he Rdd rested the North VVesLjpeg 0f brethren who were camp--Misscuri
Teachers' Association and ' inB north of the track. As a result
llro the Rural Life Conference which Vaat Thunder was hadlv used un and
he ground with a brok-
wi re held at Maryvllle.
Clean-Up Day
To this MtMOffllnnry record of pro
I gresMlve tfiri- In I ion must be udder ill)
tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaa i WtfllhieBl statute reulilutiim the cold
aaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaiBaaa storage of fond. lejdttllttiOfl est a bllslilug
Let us finish with n dlsngreeuuie suo- the ladetteotlBHte avtttviice IB place of
Ject of some slight Interest lu a picture the old til acted I ted BSd sentence and
of Jersey politics. Nugent crept away, the complete rtorBBtntlM of (he pub
Six months later he came again Into ib school systetU
the prominence of his kind. Still Btnte It Is worthy Of special remark that I today. lli.y have been spouding
chairman, be was giving a dinner to a the achievement of these surprising re ! the winter a: Ho; Springs, Ark., and
:'i noiiicwiiru uouuu ii neiiiiiiginru,
but tany here to visit their daught
er, Mrs. Jno. Orominet, and family.
Harry Wiidy and Walter Hughes of
11 aiingford were here attending the
Qnaadpa Walker funeral, the former
as undertaker and the latter bringing
the hearse. We took the boys, they
are boys to u still, in charge for
the night und tried to keep them
from getting too awful lonesome
this far from home.
Miss Otie Huntaker was home-coming
Tuesday, after a prolonged visit
in Lakeside and Allinnoe. It looks
a. though something is going to hap
pen, for we pass 'il her more than
once on the train and failed to see
left lying on
en nose and B sorry looking counted
ance. Sheriff New secured H. F.
Wasmand's flour and reed ambulance
and toted Mr. Fast Thunder to the
Lincoln, Nebr., April 128. WIS. cly :s;ie so he could be eared
"The people of tho United Stales 'or. His squaw drove down from
I the agency, washed her brave, balh-
cau:ved annually by fire and a major
lty of the cities of the country ,.-1
aside one day each spring as "Clean
up Day." This day is set aside for
the removal of all combus.ible mater
ial that is likely to cause the sprui.l
Ing of fires.
Our law -makers have sosn the Bre
ed his wounds and took him back to
the agency Sunday a sad but no
wiser chief. -Rushville Stnadard, A
pril 2G.
suinll but convivial purty nt "Scotty's," , suits over am nguinst Its orluiiinl op
n restaurant at Avon, on the Jersey position left the legislature neverthe
coast. A party of officers of tbe New less In n very friendly nttltude of
Jersey national guard then In camp at mind toward the governor tie earned
Sea Girt, near by. was seated at an their respect, and he won. to Isiot.
adjoining tsble ! the hearty irood will of most of the
Nugent sent wine to tbe officers' ta- legislators At first nn atmosphere of
ble and asked theui to Join Ills own diffideflft bung over the executive
party In a toast The diners at both anterooms. Visitors were not sure
tables arose "1 give you," cried Nu-1
gent, "the goveruor of the state of
day morning, and the Col. is expected easily of arousing public sentiment
in order UUM uie great oamage caus
ed annually by fire, may be reduced.
With a view to r. lucdns the tlM
loss In Nebraska, 1 hereby proclaim
May 17th a3 "Clean-up Day" and
here by r;quest ail citizens of Lh3
State to clean' up tluir premisea by
Opal Fountain
Best Luncheonettes
Hot and Cold Drinks
Served by an
Experienced Man
The Pureist and Most Delicious
Home Made Candies
Our Own Candy-Maker
Makea Them Daily
Already the most popular
line of candv in the city
how they would be treated But they
fennn fouud It a delight to visit tbe
governor's office and began to think
up excuses ftr a look in. Tbe spare
gray man with tbe long Jaw bad a
mighty taking way about blni. There
was alwnys n ready smile and often a
lively story, and you seldom failed to
go away with a glow around your
The senators found him out in due
course of tbe session one night at a
little dinner given him and them by
the adjutant irencral. Mr. Sadler, at
the Country club There were samo
darky music makers on band, and
presently the high tenor voice that bad
led two ''ollege glee clubs wns carol
ing In darky dialect, and before long
(It was in tbe confidential privacy of
a group of sympathetic senators) the
rather lengthy legs and other members
of a governor were enffaged In a duet
Cakewalk with one of the older senn
No retaliation was ever vtsiled upon
adversaries of the governor Assem
blyman Martin of Hudson enmity, for
IBS tones), was prominent In the 8ght
against Marline, und be was a leader
lu opposition to the Geres, elections
bill, bis opposition being doubtless sin
cerely based on his belief that It would
destroy tbe party organization. Martiu
was tBOCh Interested In a bridge bill
affecting HolmUcn and the north end
of his county As the time drew near
for actbm upon the bridge bill he grew
very uneasy nnd was observed to be
much la the vicinage of the governor's
room. Inquiring of all and sundry who
were in communication with the ex
ecutive whether they thought he would
let it go through It was difficult to
psnuade a man used to the customs
of the old days that there was a new
kind of politician lu the governor's
chnir, a politician who dealt with pro
posed legislation on its merits and not
In the harboring of vindlctlveness nor
the remembrance of promised reward.
Mr Mnrtln's bill was a Jnst and de
slrable measure, and be got It.
Ex Sena ;or Smith. Wilson's bitter en
emy. owl- a greal deal of real es
lata in Newark. His relative and chief
lieutena ! .lames It Nugent, controls
the city si, absolutely that a laborer
can't gci i job on the street without
bis con v t However, there are somp
things v., ah n New Jersey city coun
cil has to ask the legislature for per-
A Matter of Choice
I i you want a cur
iosity, buy a Fly
inn; Machine. It
you want Reliability,
have vour PHOTO
taken at the : : :
Alliance Art Studio
114 L 4th St. Phone 111
Alt kinds of
Scavenger Work
Bonded by the City
Photo by American Preaa Association,
Woodrow Wilson In Meditative Mood.
New Jersey"-iill glasses were raised;
Nugent finished "a liar and un in
The diners tood a moment stupe
fied. "Do I drink loner" shouted tbe
He did drink alone. The glasses
were set down uutoucbed. Some of
tbe officers indlgnautly threw out their
wine on the tlisir Then all dispersed,
and Nugent was left alone.
The following day a majority of the
members of the state committee signed
a call for a meeting to elect a new
chairman A little strong arm work
j was Indulged lu lu Nugent's behalf by
a gaug headed by Charlie Bell, a wine
agent, but the Newurk muu wns duly
, deposed and a successor elected In the mission to do. This session there w ns
peisou of Edward W. Crosseiip. a j to come up nt Trenton n bill allowing
member of the organization who bad I the Newark common council In Its dls
come to be a supporter nnd au ad- eretlou to widen certain streets The
miier of the governor. Improvement would enhance the value
The Gerau bill came to its passage in ' of realty owned by Smith, it would
tbe assembly und went through with : have been the easiest thing iu tbe
one-third more votes than It needed, world for a vindictive governor to
I The Republican senate accepted and veto tbe bill on the ground that It
passed It without a struggle. 1 vv a Job nnd to win applause
Tbe whole legislative program fob , tot his act while striking a telling
lowed Today Jersey, has tbe most ad- blow nt Smith and Nugent Rut. con-
j vanced and best working primary elec
tion law in tho Union It bus a cor
rupt practices law of the severest ktud.
Betting on elections Is forbidden.
1 Treating by candidates U forbidden.
! All. campaign expenses must be pub
I llshed. Corporations may not contrib
ute The maximum amount allowed to
b .-pent by candidates for any otllce Is
ficd by law
I New Jersey today has a public utili
ties commission with power to ap
praise property, tlx rates, forbid dis
criminations, regulate finances, control
all sales, mortgages and leases lu the
' case of all railroads, steam and elec
tric, in the case of express couipaules.
of caual, subway. pie line. gas. elec
tric light, beat, power, water, oil. sew
: er. telegraph, telephone companies, sys
tems, plants or equipments for public
use- Tedaj New Jersey has au em
, plovers' liability taw which gives an
injured employee Immediate automatic
coiupeusation paid by tbe employer
I Tbe worklngman may, however, sue
for damages tf be prefers to take his
chances before a Jury Tbe state bas
; today a provision fur tbe aduptiou by
such cities and towns as may desire It
of tbe commission form of gov i nuieut
on the Ds Moines plan, with (be un
' tlattve aud referendum aud recall I n
der this law Treutou. the capital, nud
many other Jersey cities and towns are
tryiug seieulific municipal government
Governor Wilson bus s'tikcu tu many
ahUtts in ndvecui'x nt Uia. dun
.May t, int.
Several of the neighbors attended
Hi funeral of Mr. Calais last 8a.
unlay in Alliauoe.
Miss Bertha Ashbaugh flatted ov
er Sunday at the W. S. Coker hOaBC
Sue will be remembered u.3 being
in order thut our readers may
have atlriL'.iive and valuab1' inform
ation about the law and ltd ways,
The Herald has secured the servic
es of a popular writer and able at
torney who is preparing a series of
"Popular Talks on Law," which will
appear regularly in th columns of
removing dangerous and inflammabl" ' this publication. These articles are
material, thereby making th i r era,, written so you can understand them,
erty more sigh iy in appearance and I and are of fascinating interest a-s
less likely to destruction by fire, rv I well as genuinely instrucUve. Tl
suiting in lo-s to themselves and ( fl-t article will appear this week.
thrir neighbors. i ((. titJe is, "Wills: Breakable and
1 suggest Lb at Mayors and o h r j Unbreakable." Watch for it.
City Officii' . call the attention of Read The Herald and a?uro the
their people to the obsmanco of , advantages of this popular feat una
this day mil that teachers m pabln , ' Don t miss it!
private aad parochial BChOole inter
est their pupils in tho matter of
.'It anin;- up their hOOtea and te&cb
tbem to sxverciae carsj in the use? or
fire an.l (Batches.
From Northport Herald:
Carl Wagoner has discovered that,
Given under my band this 1st day noxt to the weather, nothing is more
of Mar, 1913.
By i he Oovornor, JOHN H. MORE
HEAD. City Officials Can Help
CXy Ordinances ShOJid b;? passed
b' all to.vns inslrtin;, a a general
Clean TTp. Cellars, attics, si:.'.
rooms, yards and BlT.jys should bj
ab dy cleared o" all rubish. We
could make our Bta;. a "Nebraska
Beautiful" if each town would catch
the spirit, erdir a Rdttsral clonn up
she daughter tf Mill Asubaugh, a a an ..', 3fjVor to make their partic-
old timer now living in Scot .tbluif
Joe Carey and Owen Odell v
visiting over night Wednesday ai
the Coker ranch.
uiur i iw:i .v "town or city iKuutnui .
Fite Chiefs Gtuuld Prevent Fires
V, re will look to the firemen of
tha state eo taJcB an active Jntorait
uncertain than the? temper of a bear.
He purchased the bear that formerly
belonged to Archie Clinton. He maelo
an effort to lake the be-ir to Broad
water Monday tO his automobile, but
bruin became dissatisfied with that
tteda of travel, and by the time they
reached Mr. Qutbrldge'e place the
bear had bi.teu the driver's hand,
clawed up the eeat euehions, partially
disrobed -Mr. Wagoner far away from
heme and hi.? nightgown. They got
tho hsar Ottt of the aato and tmd
him to Mr. Guthridge's front yard
fence. Arriving at Broad wn'.er they
telegraphed the sheriff. Mr. Dysou
and Claude Meglemie fortified them
selves with a stout rone, and went
Mrs. J. C. Wright and the children
are out staying on the ranch un.d
the smallpox scare is over.
Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins was
calling at tne homes of Mrs. Coker,
Wright and Clark.
p. S. M alley and wife
church in Alliance Sunday night
Thelina Rcbbins is having the n.;. this) writing.
J. C. Wright's baby is on the sick
The Coker young folks and Miss
Dollle He gam M attended church in
Alliance Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins visited at
;. J. C. Wright home last Sunday.
The Colur boys have been huulins
bailed hay to tho stock yards this
wv ek.
Owen Odell put down a well on
his homestead this week.
Claud Loater and wife are living
DB his father's ranch at pros nt.
Mr. Donovan of Alliance, be ter
known as "Sunny Jim," was on. vis
iting his laughter, Mrs. Le Marsh,
over night, Thursday.
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coupons
Thursday morning, May 1st, a baby
girl. Mother and child geUing along
Everybody la afraid of smallpox,
and is afraid (o meet anybody for
fear they will get It.
Miss Dollie Hag amen went home
in Davioi ww hwu c.txuieu up to S(.e how the bear wao doing, iwwl
finrtinc hie temper hadn't improved
any, they went after him in the way
Indian squaws kill a dog when pre
paring a feast. They fixed a half
loop around his neck and ehokexl his
Windj after which they hogtled him
and took him to his destination,
nothing improved in temper, but nol.
so handy with Mb dukes. In the
in r.a a t i m v. tbe ritH araa irnirrii1
Gleaning Day go well together; if jahn Wehn. Mcrt Smith and the bal-
you keep your premises clean and ::nco that pgh ftCffail to harpow
exercise care you are likely to pre- up ,iu. reelings or Mr. Guthridgo
seTve both your life and your prop- Vllll descrlpUona of the unfortunate,
. . . ... condition of hie daughters, cooped
uuvemui nwwwi an ap out (b:re on the homestead alone.
and made -a.'e l'r;.ni ;i fire standpoint.
i li . y art always ready and willing
to co-operate with us and they will
not fail us now.
Wo hope to hear from every city
and village in the sta; on or before
May 17th, telling us they are going
to Clean Up! Lei ua aS act to;v
attended ! e in this commendable movement.
l1 ire Prevention uay anu spring
17tii, aa Firo Prevention and Clean
Up Day for Nebraska. May the 18
should behold nat an unsightly, in
flammable, dangerous condition in
Nebraska. Fanners and country-folk
can partake of this movement as
well as the inhabitants of cities and
tovns; children can help as well M
grown people; women as well aa
men; the layman as Well as th? of
ficial; i lie merchant as well as the
employe; the professional man as
well as the laborer or mechanic.
The Fire Cnmrnission Department
is particularly interested in the sav
ing of life and property from lire.
A large percentage of the fires in
Nebraska are due to e .erelessne s
and a great many froai the careleas
practice of allowing oonibuetible rub
bish to accumulate. Nebraska. lo.-
last year by fire $2,L'51,000 worth of
property and the records show that
three-fifths of this amount of lo s
was directly due to carelessness.
Clean up now. Don't wail until
June er July. Don't wait until you
have a disastrous fire. An ounc of
prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Never is tills more true than in the
I i of fire.
Use prevention iu great doses!
Practice precaution every day.
When you take down your stoves
Wltn an hungry bear tied up at tbo
front gate, !!ablo to break loose and
raise gehenna at any time, until
fever had i.i rived at the temperature
of the bear's. Later, we learn Uut
bear wan shipped to a museum.
The Herald Office
Is good far one Vest Pocket
Diary and Memorandum Book,
with useful information. Present
in person or send by mail with
2c postage for return of book.
siderlng the case on Us merits, Gover- i
uor Wilson could conclude only that It :
authorized a real improvement lire
speed vb of lis effect on tbe Smith prop-!
erty. He signed the bill.
There was one case, however. In
which Mr Wilson violated uublushing
ly his declaration that be bad no re
Wards for those who supported nor j
puui&bnieut for those who opposed bis
measures. Assemblyman Allan B.
Walsh of Mercei county wns a me
chanic employee! Ij the Roehlltig com
pany This corporation, which paid
Walsh something like Ki a day for bis
laber In Its shops, nit orally felt that
this sum Included Wlutl service he
could reuder lu bis capacity as a tegls- ;
later When (he election of United
States senator came up be was In
structed to vote for Smith He went
to tbe governor and told him how tbe
MM stood with bun "I quite under
stand." said (he governor, "and I dou't ;
wuut to advise you what to do. I nm
not tbe man to ask you to Imperil your
family's llvlug Whatever you con
clude to do I shan't hold it
Something In (be common semte and
Bflmau kludliuess of Wllsou's attitude
so touched Walsh, uut theretofore
known as a hero, that be weut to tbe
cum us aud voted (or Marnne His
work WM cut till he could make' only
$lu u week
When the battle was joined on the
Friday night to visit till Sunday ev-1 for the summer, clean out your stove
entng When slu' wi" return to school I pipes; clean out your flues; never
in District No. t, whree she is at-) step up a flue hole with paper or
tending, jrags; if you are not going to us,e
' . thb flue cover it with a metal evap.
Berry Mai ley and wife were visit-. Even if you are going to leave your
iug Mrs. U alley's parents last Mon-I Stores up during the summer
day. down the pipe now; clean out
I ; flue ami chimney; repair the chiui-
Mrs. Marten was visiting la AMI-1 ney if it needs repairing. This will
U. S. Geological Survey Would Uk
to Get Some
No finer maps are made than the
engraved topograohic atlas ihaat. f
tke ; the United states Geological Surrey,
i " cnuinc- oi ueiaii as well ua m
quality of printing the; Survey as
serts. with little fear or enwtiwAal
BT- ! . . m a a . .
am-. B count. Of days- this wee. ' mane your property sale ami mime , tlon that us maps lead all others
, . your stove uraw ana uum pettier. wherever printed. Great advanced
ill a. ..c, ur- uwu mace in recent years hi
II ' unrlir v,viit .ri,v. I virWitm -1 - - - . t , f.
j --. - I'uan, n ui im- printing un
I Now when we are asking you to but for fine map work, sUmiiko
I burn up all rubbish aud debris is a it may seem, no process he rat
, nmeiy uaie io cauuon you I'.oout oou- i oeen round equal to fie ui-'ni-eii h i,.
1 ri,a I, , ,, .i kn k. ..n.i i. ....... u, l , ... naixi
un ...11.1 fun i i 1 1 1 iciici
B Henrietta Myers
Newsy notes ot Alliance people
und others at Peru State Normal
to have
bad. 1 1 away to a
vuKiauiiK, vvuicn is sun essantia.Ha
the same process that u . .. '
....I.U.. .1 ,. . . ,- ...,.l. I..., I I .. . 1 . ., .-' Il'.'l
i'uul" uuli'""ii f,iwuiwo, ii juuiu'iuib ,ie:o. me sKillci copp.r i.lurt
cannot do this you will have to burn . engraver who cuts aa his metal b'.Jl
i it in your yard. Bonfires cause num-! the thin lines which rennuin. ,Tt
Vov.i. u ....... .. r new
-,v 1 --'ni .ii.,,, i.i .is uee a- rv iif,vL ..u i..
ious conflagrations.
I " - - - ' -' , v v . cut j now as tu WlS
Mis B Mewhirter soent a dai in D nlfIre n,r wo,jdel foneea Or build-j during the middle of the last r'n
Br ownvi1, e re V- ly ' v's ting frfeL " i ' Uulld it o.H away feet from tury Net everyone can be a sue-
l any building. Watch that no .sparks i oessful emgraver. It requires a fj,,
We are very glad to hear that
Miss Alice A. neson will attend sum
mer school at Peru and hope that
flv aia.tillil ,.n 1 1 a f ip,ri II f ntlmr i,i.. 1 f.-.n, Ii j , H ., . J ...... . ' 1 l,il
r r i-.r " ,i A'H'U ce. .n Itlllkoune,.
erty. Watch the- fire until the last in. nt rvuitly made by the- Civil S
ash is dead. Don't let children come I vice Commission indU i ex thai A
v,. rl. 4 .. n ..1.IU'.. II ... I i m . MHM irjo
Vd,-;;:1 ':aK,;.,V, U aS T m tht r ! 'be .o by "piaViBK around bon- Is m"a TerrPur
AU.iHUf Ii.. ', 1 ..... ....t,klnk aa I e - - a ,
iiv . uwaa v uuiil j i U u i 1 1 UU 'r " 'll a.-yi4 1f- S I lllll ,itnni
w indy day. Wait until it is calm. j engravers at salaries ranging f, !,,
If your outhouses, barns and build- $J a .lay when actually einuh v ,
ings are tottering over for want of$l,6oo a year and U having difflcult
in iiiiuiiiM applicants to eiiin.r,. t.
the positions. No regular aWaZi??
(Continued next week)
Mrs. D. W. Hayes toek dinner wiih
Mrs. Me-whirter reeently.
Peru is preparing to meet the re-
sgalnsf nuireiraenis of the new law iu regard
to (eacbers for manual training, uo
imdic .clr!ie and agriculture in the
b'gb schoola. Special courses have
ben aded fi.r (his purpose.
17- I
) The sumuur sch'Xil of prom-!&;-
to be the largest in the history
Wt the school. We- anticipate the at
tendance of Hvorai .Ainence stuuenia.
( I
Miss Floreneve JoJm.son was recent
ly elected vice president of the Y.
i be ;,,
repair, boards out,
windows broken.
ete., straighten them up, fix the
windows, and put your premises in
a respectable, sightly condition
State Fire CommiBsioner.
The following patents were jasi
issued to Northwestern i-lieuts re
portrti by D. Swift A Co., patent
lawyers, Washington, D. C, who will
furnish copies of any patent for ten I
eMiiar examine
VL f.rlr ..I .. -...d .. l'-B OT
...... , kim, auinenrii ated, must
be submitted. The Chief Enm.
of (he Survey a, WashluK. n ,
be glad to hear of anyoae who
wants such a Job and who can mel
ure up to (he high standing of
f raving work required. May I
the date set for picking the ris-ht
men for the places. tfat
lioa is required.