The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 10, 1913, Image 4

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In the County Court of Box Butte
county, Nebraska.
Notice of Hearing of Petition for
Letters of Administration.
State of Nbraka.
Boi Butte County.
To all persona Interested In the
t s t . of l w?x C. SundaU-om. late
of said county, deceased.
You are hereby notified 4 hat on
the lh day of March, 101.1, Kv B.
Sunriatrom filed her petition in the
county court of said county, for the
appointment of Kalph W. HundMrom
an administrator of the estate
of I C. Sundatrom, late of
said county, deceased, and that the
name will be heard at the county
court room in the itty of Alliance,
in aaid county, on the 14th day of
April, 191.1, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m.
It ta further ordered that notice
of acid hearing be given all pnrMeH
Interested In sld estate by the pub
lication of this notice for three suc
cessive weeks In the Alllnnce Herald,
a newspaper printed and In circula
tion In nald county.
Dated thin 19th day of March, 1913.
(ileal) County Judge.
B'irton & West over
Her Attorneys
Serial No. 010731.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 20, 1913.
NOTICK Is hereby given that
of Lakeside, Nebraaka. Who,
on January .11, 1910, made
Homestead Kntry. Herial No. 010731,
tor ENWVi, EH Sec. 1, NKVi 8ec.
!-, T. 23 N.. R. 44 W. Ioti 1 and 2,
S-ctlon 7, Township 23 North, Range
49 West of 6th Principal Meridian,
liaa filed notice of intention to make
Final Three-Year proof, to establish
lalm to the land above described,
tM tore Register and Receiver, If. 8.
Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska,
on the fifth day of August, 191.1.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Albert L, Trester. Frank K West
mer, Alva Ash, ('. M. Carey, all of
Lakeside, Nebraska
W. W. WOOD. Register,
tl rial No. 011241.
Notice for Publication
Depurtment of the Interior, V. 8
Lund Office at Alliance, Nebraska
March 19, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Dl Orlando, Nebraska, who, on April
18, 1910, made Homestead Entry.
Serial No. 011241. for Lot I, SEVi
K'4 of Sec I, Twp. 21 N.. Range
Hi W , and Ixjts 3 and 4, Sec. 5,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 6, T. 21 N.. R.
45 West, SEVi NBlt, EH SEVi.
SWV SEV of Section .11, SWV
Sec. 32, Township 22 North, Range
45 West, of 6th Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three-Year Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver, V.
S. Land office, at Alliance, Nebras
ka, on the fourth day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Louis Vandervoot, Mrs. May Her
buugh, EdwaTd Peterson. Frank Pei-
rson, all of Alliance, Nebraska.
214-16 7t
tahllah claim -o the land above de
scribed, before Register and Receiv
ed, V. 8. Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraaka. on the twenty first day of
June, 1913. .
Claimant names as witnesses:
William R. Christie. Herman Dob
ler. Ike M. Shrlner, Virgil E. Wills,
all of Ellsworth, Nebraska
W. W. WOOD. Register.
Serial No. 09895.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
Feb. 20, 1913.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on Sep
tember 28, 1909, made Homestead
entry. 8erlal No. 09896, for 8V4NEV4,
NWV4. 8ec. 6, EViNEVi , Sec. 6, T.
23, N.. R. 43 V, 8V4SEV4 of 8ectlon
31, 8V8WV4 of Section 32. town
hlp 24 N. range 43 W. of 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make Final Three-Year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. 8. I.and Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the twenty-seventh
day of June, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. A. Cook, of Lakeside, Nebraska:
A. VV. Tyler, of Lakeside, Nebraska;
Frank DeKrance, of Ellsworth, Ne
braska; Ora B. Black, of Ellsworth,
W. W. WOOD, Register.
Serial No. 011270.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 1. 1913.
Notice is hereby given that
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Ap
ril 19, 1910, made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 011270, for SEVi, Section
7; SV4NWV4, SWVi, WViSEVi. Sec
tion 8, NViNEVi. NVsNWVi. Section
17, In Township 24 North, Range 46
Weat of Sixth Principal Meridian,
hui-s filed notice of Intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, Unit
ed States Land Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 19th day of July,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Harvey, Ootlelb Seldler,
Robert J. Slmonson, Martin Rock, all
of Alliance, Nebraska.
Serial No. 011271
of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Ap
ril 19, 1910. made Homestead Entry,
Serial No. 011271. for ftBVtfBVi Sec.
1. T. 24 N, R. 47 W und SWVi, Sec
tion 6, Township 24 North, Range 46
West or Sixth Principal Meridian.
Inks filed notice of intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, Unit
ed States Lund Office, at Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 1!MU day of July,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank Harvey, Ootlelb Seldler,
Robert J. Slmonson, Peter Joseph
Rock, all of Alliance, Nebraska.
W. W WOOD. Register.
An ordinance providing for the ex
amination and Investigation of the
condition ot houses or buildings
within the city of Alliance, Box
Butte County, Nebraska, to guard
against firs or acldent, and to re
quire that a report, of fLvu oc
curring within said city be made to
the State Fh-e Commissioner.
Be It ordlned by the mayor and
council of the city of Alliance,
Nebraska !
Sec. 6. It Ahall be the duty of the
fire chief of the City of Alliance,
Nebraska, as often as directed by the
Mayor or Coucll to enter Into any
house or building, lot, yard or prem
ises In said city and examine the
fire flues, hearth, chimneys and other
apparatus likely to cause fires; also
the places where any gunpowder,
hemp, coal nil, flax, tar, hay, straw
rushes, shavings, or other combus
tible material may be lodged and
said fire chief shall give 'h di
rections In regard to the several
foregoing matters as he .'hall deem
expedient against fire, either as to
the removal or alterations and better
care and management thereof.
Sec. 7. Whenever the fire chief
shall give the notice or directions
mentioned In the foregoing sections
to the owner or occupant of any
premises In which any of the matter
mentioned in said shall be
contained. It. shall be the duty of
said owner or occupant wilthin forty
eight hours to cause such removal
or alterations therein at the owner's
expense as shall be required by the
fire chief, and in case the owner or
occupant shall neglect for forty-eight
hours to cause such removal or al
terations It shall be the duty of the
street commissioner under the di
rection of the fine chief, forthwith
to cause the same to be done at the
expense of the City of Alliance and
the said owner or occupant shall
be liable to the City of Alliance for
the amount of the expense thereof.
Sec. 8. The fire chief of the City
of Alliance shall have authority to
cause chimney burned out or other
wise cleaned whenever he shall deem
it necessary, and also forthwith or
abate under the direction of the
Mayor and City Council, lin case of
neglect or refusal of the owner or
occupant any cause from which Im
mediate danger from fire may be
apprehcndied at the expense of the
person who should have done the
same, and to remove or abate in
the manner above presented, any
cause whatever from which Immed
iate danger from Tire may be ap
prehncded at the expense of the per
son (.r persons obtaining the Mm I,
The sal d fire chief may require
cli'inneys sJiall be swept or cleane.l
by the owners or occupants EX sirii
periods und under such regulations
as the Mayor and Council shall fur
nish and for every cae of refusal
or neglect the partiies offending shall
forfeit and pay a penality of $5.00
and all costs of the prosecution and
of the building situated on lot two,
block twenty-one of the original town
ot Alliance, Nebraska, fronting on
Box Butte avrnue in th.- First Ward
of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for
the municipal year beginning May 1,
1913, and ending May 1, 1911,. and
that they will ask that said license
be Issued to th m on the Hth day of
May, 1913, thaC being the regular
meeting of the city ouncll of the
city of Alliance, Nebraska
2L'I Applicants
Notice Is her by given that Wm.
King and John J. Rolrda.i have filed
their petition as required by law
with the city clerk of the city of Al
liance, Nebraska, to obtain a license
to sell Intoxicating, malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors on the fllrst floor
of the building situated on lotsfteven,
block twenty-two of the original
town of Alliance, Nebraska, fronting
on Box Butte avenue in the second
ward of the city of Alliance, Nebras
ka, for the municipal year beginning
May 1, 1913. and ending May 1, 1914.
and that they will ask that said II
cense be Issued to them on the 6th
day of May, 1913, that being the reg
ular meeting of the city council of
the city of Alliance, Nebraska.
222-18. It Applicants.
Notice Is hereby given that Robert.
Campbell has filed his petition as re
quired by law with the city clerk of
the city of Alliance, Nebraska, to ob
tain a liquor license, to sell Intoxicat
ing, malt, spirituous and vinous liq
uors on the first floor of the build
ing situated on lot eleven In block
twenty-elght of the original town of
Alliance, Nebraska, fronting on Box
Butte avenue in the First ward of the
olty of Alliance, Nebraska, for the
municipal year beginning May 1, 1913
and ending May 1, 1914, and that he
will ask that said license be issued
to him on the 6th day of .Vfay, 1913,
that being the regular meeting of the
City Council of the city of Alliance,
Sheriff. Sale
By virtue of an order of sule di
rected to me from th? Clerk of the
District Court of Box Butte county,
Nebraska, on a decree rendered in
said court on the 17lh day. of Decem
ber, A. D. 1912, in favor or R. M.
Hampton, as plaintiff, and against
WaMrid Johnson and Clara Johnson,
as defendant, for the sum of one
hundred forty rive dollars and sixty
rive cents, with interest at 10 per
cent and accruing costs, and direct
ing that the premises therein de
scribed, towlt: Iot number seven
teen 417) in block number twenty
(20) In the Bret addition to the town
ot Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne
braaka, be appraised, advertised and
sold us upon execution, to sutlafy
s.tld sum or one hundred rorty-flve
and sixty-five oue-hnndredths dollurs.
and accruing costs, 1 have caused the
following described land to be ap
praised, towlt: Lot number seven
teen 417) in block number twenty
CIO) In the first addition to the
town of Alliance, Box Butte county.
And will offi r the name to the
highest bidder, tor cash in hand, on
the Itth day of March, A. D. 1113,
In rr nt if he west front door of
the court hous in Allium in said
iiiul , ui me nour or in o clock a.
m. o'. said day, when and where due
auenuance wm ne given oy tue un
Duted February 18, 1913.
C. M. COX,
Sherlfr or said county.
2C2-11 tf
Serial No. 04012.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
1 nd OfBce at Alliance, Nebraska,
Fn. 19, 1913.
NOTICE is hereby gi-veu that
Ellsworth, Nebraska, who,
OHLBON will take notice,
the 26th day or February,
T. Schlupp, a Justice or the
Peace, or first Ward Precinct, Box
Butte county, Nebraska, issued an
order or attachment tor the sum or
One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars In
an action pending before him, where
in Frank Palmer. Ue plaintifr. and
A. O. Ohlson, defendant, that prop
erty of the defendant, consisting of
a note and mortgage In the sum of
$1600 and interest executed by Christ
rllman to Essie K. Palmer has been
attached under said order. Said
cause was continued to the 26th day
of April, 1913. at 9 o'clock A. M.
Advertisement 17-4t-218
Notice Is hereby given that Wm.
King and Frank Wilson have filed
their petition as required by law with
the city clerk of the city of Lilian e,
Nebraska, to obtain a liquor license
to sell intoxicating, malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors on the Tirst floor
of the building situated on lot four,
block tw iiiy "in' of the origin town
Ot Alliance, Nebraska, (rotating on
Box Hutte avenue in the Eirst Ward
of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for
the municipal year beginning May 1,
1913, and ending May 1, iiU4, and
that they will ask that said license
ror every subsequent neglect or re- ; be Issued to them on the 6th day or
rusul after being thereto especially May, 1918, that being the regular
required by said chief, a penalty of 1 mee lng of the city council of the 1
$5.00 and all costs of prosecution city of Alliance, Nebraska.
4-18-.X Applicants.
in addition thereto.
Sec. 9. If any person or persons
shall neglect or refuse to comply
with any directions, given by the fire
chief, m provided for in this or
dinance, or shall neglect or refuse
to cause such removals, better care
of management to be made as the
said fire chief may direct, he shall
forieii: (.nd pay an additional sum or
$5.00 ror every duy which shall elaps
arter the time allotted for such re
moval or alterations, and ir any per
son or persons shall hinder or ob
struct the rire chief or his assist
ants, iin performance of his or their
duties, the person so offending
shall forfait and pay a fln 'not
exceeding $50.00, w-Vh all costs of
..,.........,..., i. i ii i i j . . .
,k m k. . .. "1 . w tu that h" wiU a8k license be
&f HfLf Ii" to him on the 6th day of
meeting of the city council ot the
city of Alliance, Nebraska.
F. W. REHDER. Applicant.
Serial No. 0953.
Notice for Publication
Depurtment of the Interior. C. 8.
Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska,
March 24. 19U.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Ellsworth, Nebraska, who, on Sep
tember 17, 1908, made Homestead
Entry. Serial No. 095!, for WSE
V.-8WV4, lx)ts 2, 3. and 4. -SWVi
NEi,-SUNWVi, Section 3. and EVi
NE4 and EV4SEV,, St-ctlon 4, In
Tc wnship 23 North, Range 4.! West
or Sixth Principal Meridian, hits
riled notice or intention to muke B
nll three-year Proor, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before Register and Receiver, U
uited States Lund Office, at Alli
ance, Nebraska, on the 16th duy of
August. 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Murtln Rochfort. Luwn H. Hub
bard, liurnard Reed, all or Ellsworth,
Nebrasku, and Ellsworth M. Ash, of
Lakeside, Nebraska.
216-17 7t
March 19, 190. made Homestead
try, Serial No. 04012. fur Ety SE
HA4, Sec. 8, 8WViWi. 8ec. 9,
NVNE of Sec. 17. Township 24 N.
R;tnge 4:: W of 6th Principal Merid
ian, has Bled notice of intention to
l .ake Final Three Year Proor. to es-
Pains in the Stomach
1' you continually coinpluin of pain
In the stomach your liver or your
kidneys are out of order. Neglect
Uiu) lead to dropsy, kidney trouble,
diubetes or Bright' disease. Thous
and recommend Electric Bitters as
the very best stomach and kidne
I'iciiitine made. H. T. Alston, of Ral
elgh. N. C, who surrered with pain
in the stomach and buck, writes:
"My kidneys were deranged and my
liver did not work right. 1 suffered
much, but Electric Bitters was rec
ommended and 1 Improved from the
rirst dose. I now feel like a new
man." It will Improve you too. On
ly 50c and $1.00.
L. commended by Fred E. Holsten.
Aihci iseuietit 17-41 2016
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
OWA & WRIGHT, phone 71
Notice is hereby given that F. W.
Rehder has filed his petitic? as re
quired by law with the city clerk of
the city of vAtliance, Nebraska, to
obtain a liquor license to spll Intox
icating, malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on the first Boor or the build
ing situated on lot nine, block twen
eyaeven or the original town of Alli
ance, Nebraska, rronting on Hox
Butte avenue in the Second Ward of
the city or Alliance, Nebraska, for
the municipal year beginning May I,
1913. and ending May 1, 1914, and
with, and
or in ca
ordlnanc 1
person 01
bring Hi
in case of non -compliance
of any violation of this I
to cause the arrest of the I
persons so orrenddng and
same before the police
Judge t 1 D9 dealt w'--h according to
The Ch'ef or the Fire Department
Khali investigate the cause, origin
and circumstances or every rire
herearter occurring in said city.
Such investigation shall be begun
"within two days after the occur
rence or such fire. The officer mak
ing such investigation shall forthwith
notiry the State Fire Commissioner,
and shall within one week or the oc
currence or the fire furnish to the
said Fire Commissioner a written re
port of all the racts relating to
the cause and origin of the Bre and
such other lnformution as may be
called for by the blanks orovided
by said Fire Ccmn.issloner.
This ordinance shall take efrect
und be in force from and after Its
passage, approval and publication ac
cording to law.
Passed and approved this 25th dav
or June. 1907.
Notice is hereb given that Everett
Cook has Bled h 'a petition as requir
ed by law with the City Clerk or the
city of Alliance, Nibrasku, to obtain
liquor license to sell intoxicuting.
malt, spirituous aiul vinous liciuors on n, ........... r. a... r 1
the flrat floor of tli building situat
ed on lot numbered nine In block
numbered twenty-two or the original
"own or Alliance, Nebraska, fronting
on Box Butte avenue, In the Second
Ward of the city of Alliance. Nebras
ka, for the municipul year beginning
May Ian. 1913, and ending May 1st.
1914, and that he will ask that said
license be issued to him on the th
day or May. 1913, tlwtt being the reg
ular meeting or the City Council of
the city of Alliance, Nebrasku.
EVERETT COOK. (Applicant.
226-1 8-3t.
Alliance. Nebr., March 17, 1913.
The Board of County Commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment; Of
Bcera present S. C. Reck and C. L.
H ashman
Claims on rile were examined by
the Commissioners and checked as
approved to be allowed at Tt later
The following claims were allowed
und clerk ordered to draw warrants
on General Fund for sume.
184, C. L. riashman. Trip of In
spection expenee SI 25.00
185 8. C. Reck Trip of in
spection expense $125.00
186 J. M. Wanek Trip of In
spection expense $125.00
County Treasurer M irlin reported
on hand in Bridge fund $500. 00 and
sail..- is ordered transferred to the
tic ih ral fund.
As this meeting was cal
led to meet with Precinct
Assessors and 011 account of I
me condition ot roads there were j
no assessors present the board ud- 1
Journed to meet with Precinct As-
sessors Mure h I lag, 1913 ut 9 o'clock. 1
Alliance, Nebraska, March 31, 11)13.
The Board of County Commission-
n met pursuant to adjournment: Ot-
8:30 P. M
Mitchell It S. Girls
Alliance li. S. Girls
ACH team has suffered but one defeat this
year. The outcome of this game will
tell who will he the girls' basket ball cham
1" m.TS
pions ror western INebraska this year.
Don't do it
B Just because some one
else threw away that dress or suit when it is faded and
soiled. Take it to
and have it cleaned and dyed. We do not advertise any
$3,000 plant, but we do have the largest and best etjuip-p-d
plant in town, consisting of dry cleaning machine,
extractor, steam cleaning apparatus, puff irons and the
only steam press in the city.
Neither do we send out of town for expert cleaners,
for we are capable of doing our own work and expert
cleaning. We do everything in French Dry and Steam
Cleaning in both ladies' and gentlemen's clothing. In
fact we do everything in house furnishing, from Batten
berg doilies to lace curtains and portiers. Ladies' coats
altered and lined.
We also take orders for the Victor Ladies Tailoring
Company of Chicago, showing a complete line of ready-to-wear
coats from $10 up. Suits made to measure, $15
and up. Waists, dresses and skirts for our well dressed
women at prices always the lowest.
Alliance Gleaning Works
MRS. W. H. ZEH8UNG. Prop.
is in a class by itself; a delightfully exquisite
toilet preparation containing the most agreeable
antiseptics known. You will use no other kind
if you try it. We use it ourselves and we r com
mend it highly. Your money back if you don't
like it.
Merltol Peroxide Cream Has ISo Equal
Exclusive Meritol Store
Notiee la hereby glvtn 'hat Kred J.
Uetzold and Simon Spry have filed
their petition as required by law with
the city clerk of the city of Alliance.
Nebnutka, to obtain a liquor licenae
,rt Bull Ul.,.ln.tln ... 1 -
tfund vluou liquors on the first floor
mau and J. M Wanek.
The appointment of C. O. RMM
btrger as Precinct Asaeseor to fill
vacancy in and for Nonpar! f I'r
cinct was confirmed by the Hoard.
It appearing to the board that A.
H. Groves Precinct Asseusor-Klext
for Luke precinct is not a legal resi
dent of said precinct and not eligible
to act a such Precinct Ass ssor W.
(J Zediker U appointed by the Coun
y Assessor to fill such vacamy and
said appointment is lOnfirmed by
the board
The day was spent In instructing
Precinct Assessors as to their tin . .
and drawing a schedule as to value
Lf live stock for assessment pur
po.M-s in the county, that in pre
cincts the values plac (I on stock
should be approximately the - tine.
Whtrcupon the board adjourned un
til tomorrow morning at o'clock.
.March 22nd. ItU.
Alliance. Nebraska, March HU::
The Hoard of County C'ommissioM-
ers met pursuant to adjournincn.
Same officers present as yesterday .
The day was spent with Precinct as
sessors in instructing them in their
ijiiis, for 191o assessment.
Whereupon the Board adjourn'd
until Monday morning, March 21th.
at H o'olock
Alliance, Nebraaka, March 24. 19 1
The Board or County Commission
is met pursuant 'o adjournment. All
it.ciubeis present.
The proposition of select iong an ar
chjitct for the proposed Courthouse
was discussed by the board and it
was decided to inspect the work of
the three architects, previously se
lected as one of the three. If their
work was found to be satisfactory.
Vhtreuin the board adjourned un
til their return from trip of inspec
tion .
Considerable baa been said in the
last few weeks through The Herald
columns about the new artesian
well recently finished at Kdgemont,
South Dakota. The following clip
ping from the Edgemont Knterprlse
shows just what thia new hot water
well is doing:
Some conception or the force de
veloped and the output to be ob
tained from thia well may be glean
ed rrom the statement that a con
nection or two inch pipe was made
about b o'clock Tuesday evening
rrom the well to the hydrant direct
ly west on Phelan avenue, thence
through the city mains to the city
reservoir hair a mile away and 110
reet above the well, and Thursday
morning the reservoir was rilled and
overflowing one hundred gallons per
minute. Yesterday the city mains
and hydrants thoroughly Hushed
out and the city now has its own
water supply ot a quality and vol
ume that is second to none.
To sum up, the data or the well
stands as follows:
Depth, JM feet.
Output, 575 gallons per minute
Temperature of water 12t deg.
Pressure, 94 pounds per sq. inch.
Cost. $