The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 03, 1913, Image 5

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    The following "Want Ado" arc
classified under appropriate headings
tor the convenience o readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
wo.d each insertion. No ad received
tor less than ten cents per inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
woid each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
Black face double rate.
Ir answering Herald want ads
p ease mention that you saw it In
this paper.
A classified advertisement will In
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
In this town.
J1 JJ2L!i
The First National Hank Is en
larging Its equipment and offers for
sale one No. ten million total.
Burroughs adding machine, used one
Also, one 2000 pound Dlebold safe,
double time-look, 8 bolt outer door,
4 bolt Inner chest door, each door
locked by a r number combination.
Advt IBtflMO
LOST On March 2Rh one black
Collie dog, age six months, with a
white ring around neck and brown
spots over eyes and on legs. Ilnnie
strap around neck. Reward for re
turn to A V. Wilson, box 10,.; Alli
ance). mi-iT-tf.
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set ot abstract
books in Box Butte county. Office
In McCorkle Building. 10 tf 570
for light housekeeping, close in.
Phone 629. MRS. BAYER.
Advt 16tfl982
Nine Room House for rent. J. C.
McCorkle, McCorkle block.
Improved Box Butte County farms
for rent. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle
room house. Good outbuildings. Barn
tor four horses. House for automo
bile. J. B. DENTON.
Advertisement 5tf 1772
FOR it EN T 2 furnished rooms tot
light housekeeping, to couple with no
children. Phone Black 196.
int. 404 Cheyenne Ave.
to rent two furnished rooms in mod
ern, private home. References if
desired. Phone 340.
All kinds of feed, in any quantity
aesired, at E. I. Gregg & Son's.
Phone 155.
WANT K) SELL all my farms
and ranches. Several business and
residence properties. Only small
payments required. Some exchange
considered lxxk into this. W. W.
Norton, Alliance.
O'Keefe Bros., Real Estate, Rum
er Blk. 1908 12tf
250 head of stock wanted to iibr
ture. Six miles south of town. Good
care. Inquire at Gregg's feed store.
E. 1. C.regg & Son
experienced woman cook, wages $10
per week; also, good experienced
dining room girls, wages $7 per week.
uMRS. 8CHWENDER, Restaurant,
Bridgeport, Nebr.
Advertisement 14tfl959
WANTED Solicitors of ability and
energy to present a newspaper prop
osition of unusual merit; travel Ne
braska; good money; must furnish
references. Address Farmer and
Rancher, Hemlngford, Nebr.
Advt- 14tfl961
Box Butte County farm to trade
for cRy property. J. C. McCorkle,
McCorkle block.
is the place. Meals 25 cents. Chick
en dinner on Sunday. Short orders a
specialty. F. B. Thomas, Proprietor.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
B. Reddish. 3tf
Physician and Surgeon
Office in First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16.
Prescriptions to drug store or medi
cines furnished from office, if pre
ferred. 50-tf-lC0S Advertisement
For quick service If you are In
need of any kind of help or want
employment write to this labor of
lice We will furnish the same for
you. Phone Red 2H8, H. Q, Deceit
Labor Office. Grand Island, Nebr
2013-1 7-4t.
The Drake hotel is being thorough
ly renovated. rep;ipered and remodel
ed. Mr. Bowman, manager, says,
"The hotel Is remodeled from
A to Z.
Our rates are 82, $2.n and S3."
Dont Do It
See E. C. Whisman for lowest
prices on painting, paper hanging
and kalsomining.
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71. tf
Best goods and lowest prices at
Denton's Banner Variety Store.
HousehcWl goods, novelties, glass
ware, qui :isware, granlteware, tin
ware, too many things to mention
Advt 16-2t-1973
Get your shoes repaired at M. D.
Nichols' -shop, 217,2 Box Butte Ave.
Nothing but first-class work turned
out. We use the Champion Repair
Machine. Prompt work.
Advt- 15tfl975
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN Sl WRIGHT, phone 71. tf
BUT 'EM NOW -Your home pa
per, the 'Farmer and Rancher", at
Miller Bros.
Adv 16-11996
FOR SALE. 500 good, native year
ling steers and heifers, mixed, from
the John Boyle herd. For delivery
on or before May 1st. A. L. Bowen.
Scottsbluff, Nebr.
Grand Island, Nebr.
Make the best monuments and will
save you money. Call on AL. WIK
ER, local salesman of Alliance, or
send to Grand Island for price list.
Lunn, expert piano tuner, will be In
Alliance during Orkin Brothers' spec
ial piano sale. Leave orders for
tuning at the piano store. Phone
Adv 12tfl907
Highest price paid
for Hides and Furs.
Oscar O ' Bannon,
Alliance, Phone 9,
Rowan's Corner.
She said to me one day -"Now, Cy,
There's got to be a changer
I've got to have some different coal.
Coal that will heat the range."
Sunshine-.Maitland and Monarch coal
will do it. For sale by .1. H.
Vaughan & Son, Phone 6.
Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour
at E. I. Gregg & Son's. Every sack
guaranteed. Phone 155.
Furniture at Private Sale. 723 Tol
uca avenue. 2011-16-1
GIRL WANTED for general house
work. MRS. W. W NORTON.
Sanitary drinking cups for travel
ers at half the price you pay for
them on the trains. DENTON'S
Advt I5-2t-l71
Just because some one else threw
away that dresa or suit when dt Is
faded and soiled. Take it to the
and have it cleaned and dyed. We
do not advertise any $3,00 plant,
but we do have the largest and best
equipped plant In town, consisting of
dry cleaning machine, extractor,
steam cleaning apparatus, puff irons
and the only steam presB In the olt
y. Neither do we send out of town
for expert cleaners, for we are cap
able of doing our own work and ex
pert cleaning. We do everything
in French Dry and Steam Cleaning
In both ladies' and gentlemen's
clothing. In fact we do everything
in house furnishing, from Battenberg
doilies to lace curtains and portiers
Ladies' coats altered and lined
We also take orders for the Victor
Indies Tailoring Company of Chicago,
snowing a complete line or ready-to-wear
coats, from $10 up. Suits made
to measure. $16 and up. Waists,
drcnr:-, and :' 'r r our well dress
ed women at pikes always the low
est. The Allianc Cleaning Works
Phone 53
Mrs. W. H. Zehrung, Prop.
Advt. 203217-lt
Th following civil service examina
tions wjjl pi- held in Alliance on tlye
dates given, salaries as stafed:
April 9, 1913
Assistant Observer (male) Weath
er Hureau; 'I rained Nurse.
April 9-10, 1913
Agricultural Inspector (male), $l.
200 or $1400.
April 16. 1913
Laboratory Assistant in Paper ami
Textiles (male); $900 to $12tin; Jun
ior Library Assistant I male), $600
to $900.
April 13-17. 1913
Junior Engineer (male). $1080 to
1 -'.o
April 21, 1913
Pathologist in Cereal Disease,
(male I. $1X00 to $2500.
April 23, 1913
Postal Clerk (malei. Isthmian Ca
nal Service, $100 per month: Assist
apt Photographer (male), $840 to
$1200; Examiner of Survevs tnialci.
$1200 to $1500; Field Matron (fe
male), Indian Service, $600 to $840;
Preparator of Fossils (male) $900.
April 23-24, 1913
Grazing Assistant, $1200.
April 29. 1913
Dairyman (butter making), (male).
For nice clean Nigneihead Lump
and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal,
phone to No. 22.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Company.
The Kcd Hand candle, purest and
beBt candies on the market, at Ih-n-ton's
Banner Variety Store
Advt l5-2t-1973
LION for sale Seven years old J.
C. McCorkle. McCorkle block.
FOR SALE o room houst at .101
Mlg Horn. Phone 576. W .11 SOW
ERS .OI7-17-2.
RANCH FOR RENT M)' ranch of
.:.00 aires, southeast of AlHanee.
and rerentlv occupied by Mr. Sehlll.
! for reul W W. NORTON.
Advt. 20.14-17 tf.
Our goods are RELIABLE, our
prices are LOW. Call and see for
yourt Denton's Banner Variety
Advt r-2t-1973
In Sierra Nevada Foothills, central
California. Good laud, water, wood,
range, game and fish. Springs,
streams, big oaks. No snow or
storms. Room for hundreds. Living
is cheap. Winter a Joke. Near a
goid R. R. town. Copy 191$ Gov.
Township Plat of the land, and all
questions answered, $1.00. 1 save
you $99.00. 1 have nothing to sell,
but my work. Resident 26 years.
No remittance, no answer
A. KENOYER (locator), Hanford.
California. 1922-13-6t
I wi 1 be no longer responsible for
any de bis contracted by my wife,
Sophia V.'einel. PETER WE1NEL.
Allianc- . Nebr.
Homesteaders in the souih half of
Box BuMe and Sheridan counties aud
the north part of Morrill and Garden
counties are requested to call at The
Herald office, or write us, before
giving notice of their intention to
make final proof An experienced
man will make out your papers free
of charge and guarantee them to be
correct. Readers of thia paper who
have neighbors that expect to make
final proof the coming summer are
requested to call their attentloa to
this request, ua M may otherwise es
cape their notice
tomato, cabbage, sweet pc.ato. cau
liflower, pepper, celery. vage, etc.
Ph ne 82 or 4.55. E. W. RAY
Advt. i7tr-2o.;.;
D. J. Sinclair and W. H. Lunn re
turned Saturday from a trip up the
North Platte valley, during which
they disposed of ten Orkiu Brothers
club pianos The Alliance oifiee al
so sold ten club pianos during t b ,
Mr. Sehlll. who has been renting
the J, 600 aire ranch belonging to
W. W. Norton, has purchased the
VanBosklrk ranch south of Alliance
and will live on it.
A very handy electric time stamp
has been iustalled In the telegraph
office at the Burlington depot. This
stamp is used on many important
messages, etc . and Is used munv
hundreds of times each day It la
connected with the Western Cnion
clock in the officef and the tlmtV la
hanged every minute by electricity
It is iu use twenty-four hours each
Mrs F. W. Harris and children re
im:, i-d Monday fiotn Mitchell, where
he) visited bcr vister since last
Mrs. Henry Satford, of Scottsh' iff,
arrived Sunday for a visit wilh V rs.
V l Snow. She came over Satur
day, going to Hemlngford to visit
that evening and came back to Alli
ance on Sunday Sin- returned to
her home In Scottsbluff Tuesday
Millinery Sale, Friday and Satur
day. Regan's, Opera House Block.
Word received from A. R. Modi
sett says that during the big storm
their ranch lost but one steer.
They came out more lucky than any
other ranchmen In the country.
George lledgecock was down from
Hemlngford Monday looking alter
his homestead right by reason Of
the government trying to cancel his
entry. The witness examined was
Cecil Johnson
Yesterday M. F. Nolan purchased
thru F. M. Broome, agent for the
Lincoln Land Co.. the tract of land
lying between the St. Agnes Acad
emy property and Fred Mollring's
place.' It I his purpose to pfyow
this land up and seed It down and
lav the foundation for a private park
at some future time.
Rosenkranz & Fox, the black
smiths, finished moving their equip
ment on Monday from 114 West 2d
street to the south half of the build
ing occupied by A. Renswold's shop,
122-124 Laramie avenue.
Mrs. N. A. Kranek who resides
four miles east of Alliance was in
town Monday. Her team was tied
on the north side of Rodgers' groc
ery. In going up to one of the hors
es It kicked her, causing her severe
suffering for awhile but no serious
Frank Wilson has purchased the
Frank Mabln saloon.
John Liggett drove forty miles yes
terday after a team of horses.
Millinery Sale, Friday and Satur
day. Regan's, Opera House Block
The dedication ceremonies of the
Oregon Trail monument on April 4,
at. Henry, Nebr.. will bo under the
escort and patrol of the local organi
zations of the Boy Scouts of Ameri
ca under the leadership of their scout
commissioner, Heyward G. Leavltt.
Airs. G. W. Emery, who-is teach
ing school at Glen, eleven miles
west of Crawford, came down Satur
day morning and visited with her
husband over Sunday, returning to
her school Monday morning.
Joe A. Luger. messenger boy at
the telegraph office, has been pro
moted to a clerical position In the
master mechanic's office. His place
has been taken by Vern A.ldris,
who now wears the uniform.
- i r-f
If you have anything that you can
not do, take it to the Alliance Clean
ing Works and have It done.
Vdvt. 2032-17-lt
Mi r rei Dorothy llcag and lieviloe
Erldc haugh went to B'-idgeport ov
er Sundry where they sang at the
Episcopal services there, at which
time Rev. Ware preached.
"Yellow Journalism"
The Daily Drovers Journal-Stockman
cf South Omaha had the follow
ing in Its last Friday's is.iue in re
gard to newspapers that sacrifice i
veracity co a eieniie i u ne mubuciiui-
Now it appears that the lc.ssof life
in the Ohio floods has been greatly
exaggerated by the newspapers and
while It has been an appalling ca
tastrophe the situation Is not n.-arlv
so bad as painted. People seem to
like exaggerated statements and lib
erally patronize the papers (hat
make a practice of playing upon the
sensations so that enterprising and
unscrupulous publishers try to make
everything they print as lurid and
sensational as possible with little
or no regard for the truth. Accord
ing to the Dearer nutian Omaha
was practically wiped off the map In
last Sunday evening's storm, thous
ands of lives were lost and what
property was left by the storm was
being destroyed by the flames. In
fact the situation In Denver' Is
bad that the papers in thet city
cannot b.e believed even undre ordi
nary circumstances and n society has
been organized there to check ultra
sensational Journalism. The mem
hers r.f the society are pledged to
absolutely refuse to subscribe or in
any way patronize these yellow jour
nals that are a disgrace to the pro
fession. If the people only knew
It they themselves are resuonsible
for the e xistence of the yellow sheets
that do so much harm. So long as
they continue to read them under
pretext of curlouslty or otherwise
they are helping to create a demand
for them and a little more discrim
ination on the part of the public
would have a very decided influence
In toning down these lurid and un
reliable papers and make them more
readable as well as more trustwor
PLANTS at all times. Potted plants
to rent for all occasion'. Phone:
Salesroom 682. Greenhouse 431
R. W. ..x.V
Vdvt. I7U-SM3.
- - e
Couch Medicine for Children.
Too much care oonnot be used in selecting
a cough medicine fur children. It should
be pleasant to take, contain no harmful sub
stance and be must ehWtual. Chsmberlain't
Cough Remedy meets then requirement
lid is a favorite wilh the mothers ot young
children ervwher. For sale by all Des-
lers. Advert iatiurul.
Repoited by F. E. Reddish, Bonded
United 'States to Albert S Stewart.
Lot .1 Sec. 6-25-53. Patent
Wm. L Westlrtke to Gua II. Kurz
hals, lots Pi. 1 7.1 x blk. Wyo. add.
,. , 1275.00
Lcith L. Pierce to J. Grant Hessel-
Hue. lot I blk. 27 Hemlngford 270.
I'nlted States to Wm. tj. Clayton. E
iiNW'4. 17-26-52. Patent.
I' S to Itessle Kennedy, N.W ,
sec. IS-28-60. Patent.
Albert S. Stewart to George II. Clay
Ion, lot .1, 6-26-52. ieu.
Laura A. Tracy to Edgar M Martin,
lot U blk. 2. Alllnneo Itinn no
SherPf of R. R. Co. to Rowoe A.
Kaufman, NRfc sec. IS4447
Joseph A. line to (leoi ge M Dilclvii
NE4. 27-47 $1.
PS to Vlnclnc Konec, SWV, sec 17
MH 18 27 12 Patent.
IS :, in. Thompson E4 sec. 7 ft
SWV sec. 18-27-52. Patent.
Sheridan Realty Co to Allen Fisher
NKSNW'i, 1927-51. $.
Thos. Real to Estella Ileal, lot 7 v
NVfe lot S, blk. .!. Wyo. add. $1.
Mlnnl ffi, Heernhardt to John Clio.
Corkle. lot 0 hlk 18 U'vo iril tt
I C McCorkii to Al I liernhardt.
K'.t. L'r.cji; in j
K K. I.iska to .Marv M . Llska. SW'
U 28-49 ISM.
rh0. Neeland to Tlinothv Earwond.
NE, 51-18-48 14000.
Berrencl Schmidt to Herman Schmidt
SSKi. M741 lino.
P. . JMIchaol to Edward E Mabln.
lots 1.2..!, 4,5 and fi. blk!6 Hemlng
ford. t.tnn
US to R C Wright. SWV 28-2S-4!'.
K E Rodgers to Susan I. Meilney.
lot :i I (lock 14 Wvn nriH 1 1 FWUi
Henry A. Graff to Inea Painter, 8"
Of N V I . -.,.( 31.9fi.4Q t-'nnn
Mrs. Cella Weaver to Cella Miller,
ixt 17 blk. 13, Alliance $1
US to Franz Bauer, Sr., lots 1,2. 8
HNE14 ec 6-26-47 Patent.
Blon 8. Reynold to Luke Phillips,
IWU see. 9-27-Rn t9Kn
Lincoln Ijind Company to E. H. Boyd
ioi i, dik. iseDr. add. 20
Don't foraet that I nm atm in tho
plumbing business. E. W. RAY.
Advt. 17tf-2033
Artesian Well
Town of Edgemont enthusiastic overt
New Well, described in last
Issue of The Herald
The town of Edgemont Is now en-
Joying the benefits of a hot water
Mirsian well. The following, clipped
from the last issue of The Edgemont
Express will give our readers an I
dea of what a well of this kind will
mean to a town.
Edgemont' deep well Is finally ac
cepted and capped ready for use by
the city. This little sentene says
a lot and yet It does not :preas
half the good this well can do, or
the self sacrifice of our public-spirited
citizens In subscribing their nu n
ey to the tune or 127,000. This mon
ey has been held In trust by our
people, not knowing when the call
would be mude for It. What sublime
trust in the success of the well. And
where Is there a city that will beat
It? To put up the money to go Into
the earth 298;i feet to get water for
the town. These gentlemen are
worthy of a place In the hall of fame.
The flow of water struck a week
ago last Saturday was followed by
others until Wednesday night the
town was uroused by the siren whis
tle at the well notifying the people
that the big flow had been struck.
The well house was soon crowded
and everybody was congratulating
his neighbor.
We are now in possession of a
well that will furnish this town with
water for Borne time to come. The
water Is pure and soft and the house
wives arc already wishing for ii I i
their homes. There Is water for a
big plunge b.i h after the wants o;
the people have bt en Msppittd, Thi
would bring outside money to th
town In large quantities and he ;
great drawing aid. The water, af
ter being used in the plunge, could
hi utilized i i th irriKation of liiwi .
etc., and thus make Edge uoni a
city of shade trees.
The medicinal cjualitiis of the wa
tt r would help in a sanitarium aud
we understand that plans are now in
the formative stage. The heat of
the water 128 degrees, will make tt
possible for the residences to be
heated, making a great saving in
coal and other fuel. Cheap water
will bring people to the town to
live and It should not be loi:g until
Edgetrrnt Is the home r.f w. althy
people. With the resources that are
all over and around the town in the
line of building material the city
should be s place of stone blocks,
brick residences and cement walks.
And all these would mean that busi
ness would be successful and profi
table and our mer-hants would be
able to branch ou .n lines hitherto
impossible. Wo could go on for col
urns telling what this well means for
Edgemont. but Mill sum it up saying
that It Is the greatest thing that
has happened to her since she
became a town.
If you have unythiug to sell
Tell the world about It.
Want to boost an article?
Tell the world about It.
Being Just a violet
By a stone is pretty, yet
Dividends it will not get -Tell
the world about It!
If you like the place you dwell
Tell the world about it.
Like to see it doing well?
Tell the world about It.
There are towns of which I've read.
Towns of which no good was said.
But the most of them are dead
So, unless you want your to'wn like
wise. Tell the world about it!
The Community Builder.
Mrs. A. F. Allen of Redington.
Vbr . was visiting in Alliance a few
days this week She came up from
Bridgeport on Tuesday.
Mrs. Win Mitchell and Mrs Harry
Ganti will entertain at cards this
Millinery Sale, Friday and Satur
day. Regan's, Opera House Block
Mrs. J. K. Krldelbaugh and daueh
(er. Bernlce. have Issued Invitations
for cards Friday afternoon.
Millinery Sale, Friday and Satur
day. Reian's, Opera House Block.
A party was given last evening b
Miss Mae Graham at the (fraham
home in honor of Anna and Webster
Mernhardt, who left on the night
train with their mother for Califor
nia. Games were played during the
evening An athletic contest was
given. Prof, Clement winning the
prize Refreshment were served.
The guests had planned on accomp
anlng the departing ones to the train
but on account ot ;;, late hour they
did not. Those at the party were
Misses Eva Duncan, Nu Shrewsbury,
Vera Spencer. Laura Mounts, Anna
Bernhardt, Ethel Jaimee. Ruth and
Pnuline Montgomery, and Messrs.
Schuefer, Charles Lamon, Wm. La
mon, Merrit Chaffee, Prof. Clem
ents, Pror. Anderson. Charley Spacht.
We still fill orders for cut flow
ers and potted planta. Mrs W. H.
Advt. 2032-17-lt
Agriculture in the Country School
Advocating that the boys and girls
stay on the rami, and at the same
time teaching city subjects in th
rural schools, la contradictory. If
the boys and girls are taught one
thing, they cannot be expected to
do something else, even if they are
advised to. A few years ago the
question was asked the boys and
girls In thirty-four schools In Wright
County, Iowa "What do you want
to do?" Of the 164 boys. 157 want
ed to leave the farm and 13 of the
174 girls wanted to do likewise. After
agriculture and home economics bad
been taught for three years the
same question was asked in the same
schools. This time 162 of the 174
boys and 161 of the 178 girls to whom
the question was submitted wanted
to stay on the farm. This changing
an almost unanimous desire of leav
ing the farm to an almost unanimous
desire of staying on the farm seems
miraculous; yet It was done through
making a little change In the course
of study. It la simple, however, for
boys and girls will want to do the
things that they have been taught
how to do. Their Interest will be
developed In the things they ar
taught. They will see more in them
than In things they know less about.
Again, agriculture and home econom
Irs are the things that boys and girls
are the most interested In to begin
with. They live In an agricultural
and home economics laboratory. Tbs
knowledge that they have when they
come to erhool la on these two sub
jects so that education to be most.
efreetlve must begin with the -vlnld
reu s knowledge, ami not as Profes
sor Minard says-" Take them from
wheie the-y aren't to where they
don't want to go." That Is what it
Is that makes the school Irksome
ami that makes the boys, especially,
want to leave schools. The way m
keep the boys on the farm is to,
tench them about th? things thef
have to deal with. If It Is desired
to have them Ic . the farm, then
keep ngricultuiv and hern;, ejonara
Irs cut cf the cairse of study.
The will (o do springs from the'
knowledge that om can do. One will
like to do what he can do well. Do
ing work 'hat on: :'o:ra't ur.4?rstand
Is drudge y. Most bciys most enter
productive v v1:. If they are not
educated for it thin it will b: drud
gery. Most (iris w ill man ic? homes.
If they arc net taught fcr it. heme
making will be druc'.jery. So it Is
in the power of ;h". Mbco'.t .c make
eithe-r enthus'sj . i" v:rk?n or . ' -e
i lodges cf the bo - rne' 'r..
What are the s 'hec's of our jra'e
i" !ng to teach the bsys and girls the
pr ulples of agriculture so that they
wi l know what to do and why they
tt do ii" I Vre tlu lea-hers of
cur sc'aosls prepared to give the pu
pils Instruction in agriculture? Our
'tio-i ha- r ently been called to
the Cnniib.'ll Correspond. n-.c Course
in SoM C.ilture This ccure is not
only adapted to th' e- -l- or the far
mer, but o :i n.-ed or the teacher
who cannot take time to go to an
ftsrlcul'uiul college. Every man In
terested in better farming and es
pecially every teacher In the coun
try schools should send ror a cats-
ii vue of this school and ir possible
take the course. Write to the
Campbell Correspondence School, of
Lincoln. Nebraska, and ask them for
a Tree catalogue. Adv.
2020-1 7-1 1.
I The procucer and
the consumer hold daily
heart to heart talks
through these columns,
tj There is no fictitious
value as an obstacle to
a business transaction
through the want ads,
You cannot afford to
miss the chances thrown
at your feet on this page,
Mr. Careful Buyer.