LEGAL NOTICE In the County Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska. Notica of Hearing of Petition for Letters of Administration. the State of Nebraska, Box Butte County. To all persons Interested In eat ate of Lwr C. Sundstrom, late of aald county, deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 19th day of March, 1913, Eva B. Sundstrom filed her petition in the county court of said county, for the appointment of Ralph W. Sundstrom as administrator of the estate of Lewie C. Sundstrom, late of said county, deceased, and that the eame will be heard at the county rourt room In the city of Alliance, In said county, on the Hth day of April, 1913, at the hour of 2 o'clock and p. m. It Is further ordered that notice of aald hearing be given nil parties Interested in said estate by the pub lication of this notice for three suc cessive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and In circula tion In said county. Dated this 19th day of March, 1913. L. A. BERRY, (Seal) County Judge. Burton & Westover Her Attorneys Advt-15-213 praised, to wit: l,o number aeveo teert (17) In block number twenty (20) In the first addition to the town of Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska. And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1!1:. In front of the west front door of the court house In AIMam-e In said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated February 18, 1913. C. M. COX. Sheriff ot said county. 202-11 tf LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Serial No. 0107.:!. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, March 20. 1913. NOTICE is hereby given that ROY HUM RICH, of Lakeside, Nebraska, Who, on January 31, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 010731, lor EttNWK. EV6 Sec. 1, NE'4 Sec. 12, T. 23 N., R. 44 W. Lots 1 and 2, Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 4'2 West of 3th Principal Meridian, lias tiled notice of intention to make Final Three-Year proof, to establish lalm to the land above described, before Register and Receiver. 0. S. i Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the fifth day of August. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Albert L. Trester. Frank E. West over, Alva Ash, C. M. Carey, all of Lakeside, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. 2l6-16-7t LEGAL NOTICE Serial No. 011241. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U, S, Unm Office at. Alliance, Nebraska., March 19, 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that JENS P. NIELSEN, of Orlando, Nebraska, who, on April 18, 1910. made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011241.. for Lot 1, &E"4 NE-U of Sec. 1, Twp. 21 N., Range 46 w and Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 6, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 6, T. 21 N., R. 45 West, SE NEV4. EV SEV4. SW'i SEV4 of Section 31, BWti Nwy,, s' swvi. MW14 W14, Sec. 32, Township 22 North, Range 46 West, of At li Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Pinal Three-Year Proof, to OStofcttsh claim to the land above descrl-hed, before tbe Register and Receiver, 1'. 8. Land office, at Alliance, Neluas ka, on the fourth day of August, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Vandervoot, Mrs. May Her baugh, Edward Peterson, Frank Pet ersen, all of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. 211 l6-7t Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. IN THE MATTER OF ri IK ESTATE OF ABNER L MONROE, 1K CHASED. I 1. A. Berry. County Judge of Box Bun.- county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demand against the estate o) Abner L Monroe that 1 have set and ap pointed the tith day of October, 1913, a 10 o clock in the forenoon, at cne County Court room in Alllanre. tor the examination of all claim against Ihe estate of said decedent sum a view to their allowance and pay- nent. All persons interested as credi'ors of the estate will present t.ietr claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and la case any claims are not .so presented by saic! time they shall be forever barr ed. This notice shall be serve by publication thereof for four MoVOCU tive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance. iri oi to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and th seal of said court this loth day of Mareh, 1913. It, A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judse. 210-14-41 Serial No. 04012. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska , Feb. 19. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that THOMAS B. SHREWSBURY. bt Ellsworth. Nebraska, who. on March 19. 1909. made Home-stead En try, Serial No. 04012. for Ety SE',4 SW'i, Sec. 8, 8W'4SWi,4. Sec 9, NNEU of Sec. 17, Township 24 N., Range 43 W. of CU Principal Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to tabllsh claim to the land above de scribed, before Reglatar Mid Receiv er, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the twenty first day of June, 1913. Claimant nnmcn as witnesses: William R. Christie. Herman Dob- ler. Ike M. Shrlner, Virgil E. Wills, all of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. Serial No. 09895. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, Feb. 20. 1913. NOTICE Is hereby given that CHARLES M. CAREY. of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on Sep tember 28, 1909, made Homestead entry. Serial No. 09895, for SNEV, NW4, Sec. 5. EANE-i. Sec. (',. T. 23, N., R. 43 W., SV8E of Section 31, SV4SWK of Section 32. town ship 24 N.. range 43 W. of Gth Prin cipal Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-Year proof,- to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Iand Office, at Alli ance. Nebraska, on the twenty-seventh day of June. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: R. A. Cook, of Lakeside, Nebraska; A. W. Tyler, of Lakeside, Nebraska; Frank DeFrance, of Ellsworth, Ne braska; Ora E. Black, of Ellsworth, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, Register. before Register and Receiver, U nited States Land Office, at Alli ance, Nebraska, on the 15th day of August, 1913. Claimant names aa witneaaes: Martin Rochfort, Lawn H. Hub bard. Barnard Reed, all of Ellsworth, Nebraska, and Ellsworth M. Ash, of Lakeside, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD. Register. 216-17-7L LEGAL NOTICE Serial .No. 011270. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, I7. S. La mi Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, .March 1, 1913. Notice Is hereby given (bat PETER JOSEPH ROCK, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on Ap ril 19, 1910, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 011270, for SEV4, Section 7; 8HNWK. SW4. WVSE, Sec tion 8, NVfcNEVi, NttNW4, Section 17, in Township 24 North, Range 46 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention n make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, Unit ed States Land Office, at Alliance. Nebraska, on the I'.uh day of July, lit 13. Claimant names a.s witnesses: Frank Harvey, Ootleib Se.ldler, Robert J. Simonson, Martin Ro k. all of Alliance, Nebraska Serial No. 011271. And MARTIN ROCK, cf Alliance, Nebraska, who. SMI Ap ril 19, 1910, made HoiueMead Entry. Serial No. 011271, for SEV4SE14 Sec. I, T. 24 N., R. 47 W., :ind SU'li. Sec tion ti. Township 21 North. Range 46 West ef Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention tc make final three-year prtKf, to establish claim to I lie land above desc ribed, before Register and Receiver, Unit ed States Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 19tli day uf July, 1913. . Claimant names as witneaaes: Frank Harvey, Ootleib Seidler. Robert J. Simonson, Peter .locseph Rock, all of Alliance, Nebraska. W. W. WOOD, llegwter. 15 7t NOTICE Sheriff's Sale By viilue of an order of sale di rected to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, on a decree rendered in aald court on the 17th clay ot Decern ber, A. D. 1912, In favor of R M . Hampton, as plaintiff, and against A. O. OIILSON will take ROtlOS. that on the 25th day of February, IB13, W. T. Schlupp. a Justice r the I'eace, of first Ward Precinct, Itox Butte county, Nebraska, issued an Order of attachment for the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars in an action pending before him. There in Fiank Palmer, the plaintiff, and A. (). Ohlson, defendant, that prop erty of the defendant, consisting of a note and mortgage in the sum of $1500 and interest exec uted by Christ Uilmau to Essie E. Palmer has been al tacliecl uncle r aald order. Haid cans,- was continued to the- 1'tith day of April. 1913, at o'clock A. M. FRANK II CALMER, Plaintiff. Advertisement 17-4I-21X LEGAL NOTICE Serial No. 0953. Notice for Publication lie u. crime 111 of the Interior. U. S. Walfrid Johnson and Clara Johnson. Mn& Offkt at Alllan e, Nebraska, as defendant, for the sum of one hundred forty-five dollars and sixty five cents, with interest at 10 per cent and accruing coats, and direct ing that the premises therein de scribed, to wit: Lot number seven teen (171 In block number twenty (201 in the first addition to the town of Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne braska, be appraUed, advertised and sold as upon execution, to satisfy aald sum of one hundred forty-five and sixty-five one-liutidredths dollars, Important U. C. T. Functions at Chadron A number of Alliance people went to Chadron on Friday to attend the United Commercial TravelerB dance that night and public installations the next day. Among those who at tended were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry, Clint Swing, Joe Popoahll, Guy Lock wood and Miss Frances Lookwood. The dance Friday night, was a big success, there being 250 on the floor. This was the annual ball and those who went from Alliance felt well paid for making the trip. After the ball Deputy Grand Counsellor Harry E. Moss tendered a fine and elabor ate spread to the guests from Alli an CP Saturday afternoon the election of officers for the ensuing year and other routine business was taken up. Those who heard Deputy Grand Coun sellor Harry E. Moss state that his lecture that afternoon was one of the most instructive they had the pleasure of hearing in a long time and he was heartily congratulated. Saturday evening the public In stallation of officers was held first. This was followed by a feaBt, served by one of the leading caterers of Chadron. Then followed a program that was full of enjoyable entertain ment from start to finish. The tal ent was well selected and trained. As one Alliance man said, "Those Chadron boys and their wives al ways do things up right." The Al liance people want to thank Mannger Trigg of the Lane Hotel for his ex cellent treatment and courteous ser vice while they were there. Guy Lockwood, of the Burlington in Alli ance, was enthusiastic over the fine treatment accorded them. Alliance wishes to extend to the Chadron boys and their wives an ur gent imvitation to attend the first annual T. P. A. ball Ln Alliance Fri day evening, April 11th. It is hoped that. Chadron will send over a good bunch. Coughs and Consumption Coughs and colds, when negdected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that, troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. You will get relief from the first dose and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala.. writes: "My wife was down In bed with an obsti nate oough, and I honestly' believe, had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today-." Known for forty-three years as the het remedy for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by Fred E. Holsten. Advertisement 17-4t-2016. SURE SIGN OF SPRING The almanacs quite often miss their guess as to when spring will open, wild geese occasionally go north too soon and are driven back by a winter blizard, and even the trees sometimes bud before killing frosts are all past, but when you see the small boys playing marbles in the middle of the street you can set it down as an Infallible s!n that spring is here. PETE WATSON IN ALLIANCE Pete Watson came over from MR chell on Monday, returning Tuesday. He and Mrs. Watson expect to at tend the stockmen's, convention and firemen's tournamnet here ln June. Pete's friends are urging him to take part in the celebration as mar shal, but ke has not decided yet whether he will do so. Statement by H. Hier in regard to the case of Henry Hi er vs. L. B. Blair, tried In the dla trict court. I wish to make the fid lowing statement: I found one of my cows, about 2 years old, in Blair's herd, about March 1912, with my brand on, with Mr. Blair's brand covering it. For merly he branded on the right side, but this he covers my brand on left kip. 1 called on him and asked hint how it came there. He said he had found my brand 011 his calf. He said his little gtrtei found it with my cattle and he threw it down and put Ins brand cm, thai it was his calf and he was going to liold it. Then I told him that it didn't look right to inl and we had belter come to some set tleineut, anil he refused to do any thing. Then I offered to arbitrate by me picking one man and he pick another and if they could not agree they pick the third. And he would not !o anything and I told him wc would have to bring it to court to settle. In the county court the case was decided In my favor, but against me in the district court. HENRY HIER 00000000000000000 o CLEM AN o 0000000000000000 Lyle Coker from Afton Is vlsltlna Blrdsel Westley this week. Billy Rice has moved Into his new house- Mr Squibbs is hauling hay for Geo Elllotte Mr. Metts is feeding- for Bob West ley while he Is In Alliance for treat ment for his shoulder that was dislocated. Mrs. Billy Archer went home for Easter. Hotinlel Elliot te and Thelmn West- ley took dinner with Mrs. Archer on Wednesday. Mrs. Westley is staving with Mrs. Elllotte (his week. Lyle Coker and Birdsel Westley spent the evening at the Elllottes' Thursday. Drive Sick Headachea Away Sick headaches, sour, gassy stom ch, indigestion, biliousness dis appear quickly after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify he blood and put new life and vigor into the' system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pi!! helps, every box guaranteed. Price wcnty rive cents. Recommended by Fred E. Holsten. Aelvertisemcnt 17-4t 2016. 0000000000000000 o AFTON o 0000000000000000 Cal Lamons sale was well attend ed Saturday and everything sold well and some of his cows sold as high as seventy-five dollars. 1. C. Hawkins and wife were call ers at the P. 8. Mailey home Wednesday. There was no school Thursday and Friday on account of the teachers meeting at Bridgeport. Dollie Hagaman is visiting home folks at this writing. J. C. Hawkins and whfe were call ers at the G. G. Clark home Thurs day and report a good time. Airs. Englehom's funeral was well attended last Saturday regardless of the bad rouds. Bob Westley of the sand hills has been visiting at the home of W. 8. Coker this week. . Lysle Coker has been visiting Ber tie Westley in the sand hills the past week. Cal I. anion and wife and daughters started for California Monday night and we are sorry to MS a neighbor leave old Box Butte but hope they will meet with success in their new boHis. We learn that Mr. Shiriock has leased the laiuon ranch. Josle Carey Is visiting her little friend Helen Coker at this writing. Miles Hagaman Is helping do the chores at W. 8. Coker's while W.8. Is in tbe sand hills visiting. Miss Burkholder attended teachers' meeting at Bridgeport. Pains in the Stomach I you continually complain of pains in ihe stomach your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neglect BJJO lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright's disease. Thous ands recommend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney Medicine made. H. T. Alston, of It 1 1 cij;li. N. C, who suffered with pain in tin. stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered mini), but Elee'tric Bitters was fee--ommondod and I improved from the first dose. I now feed like a new man " It will Improve you too On ly ,lc and 11.00. ;: commended by Fred E. Holsten. Ad eriisenient 17-4t-201r. A GREAT DISPLAY One of the finest and most artis tically decorated windows we have ever seen was the Easter window at tfce Geo. Mollring store. The docor atlng, which Is done by Will Moll ring, who is an expert In his line, would Instantly attract attention on a big city street as it -ertainly has done In Alliance. Fe-ature 1 of the display were cupid. iu the center of the window, real doves In lifelike po sitions and snow white. The figures wtre draped with colored party drestr is and silks of all descriptions. The waists were of the latest and new est 1913 designs. Easter flowers were- tastily strewn about the win do thai or. .P A. WILL MEET The regular meeting of Post M. Travelers Protective Association, will be held at the Burlington Hotel parlors at eight o'clock Saturday are nlng. The election of delegate to tbe state convention will be held nnd other unpen 'ant busfnaea nan. acted. .n.-iiii " 11 nifiiui iiir- Will- I In our opinion, it is a window I would do credit to any decorat- I HERALD ADVERTISEMENTS PAY Match 14, P'lJ. NOTICE is hereby given that CLARENCE E. LEISIIMAN, of Ellsworrh. Nebraska, who, on Sep t tuber 17, 190S, made Homestead Entry. Serial No. M.l, lor W'fcSE .-SW'. IxjIs 2. 2, anil I. 8'i, NE4. S'jNW'4. Booties EV NE and KH8KV4. Section 4, in Township 2.1 North, Range 4.1 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make fi- L. H. Highland, of tbe Alliance I Groeory Company, had It proved to ! h:m last week tliit the advertise t.ients in The Herald are re:el. Ha j!utrted a six-inch, one-column act- v-Ttisenieut of some grocery bar j gains in last wee k's Alliance Herald i and through a mistake In this j office, one of (he items was made 'o read, "2 cans tomatoes for 2 ' I when It should have read, '"i cans of corn for 2E-". The rush of business depleted the tomato supply. itud accruing costs, I u.ue caused the nil three year Proof, to establish follo'w'iTrt! described land to be ap-j claim to Hie laud above described. A new lot of ladies' large aprons and dust caps just received at Den ton b Baitiicr ariety Store Advi ' TIMOTHY HAY IN CHERRY CO. L. H. Jay of Rolf, Cherry county, drove up to Alliance with his family Just before the big storm, for a vis It with friends and also for osteopath I treatment and dental work. They left for home the first of the week. Wlille aere Mr. Jay Informed The Herald (hat a largo amount of timo thy bay is grown in the part of Cherry county in which he Is located, and that more land will be seeded this year. He is north of Whitman, that being his nearest railroad town. He says that any meadow upon which native hay grows is adapted to tim otby and that the latter will proehi.-.-several itmes as much as the former on the same amount or ground It might be well for some of the ran li me nt of lie x Butte ut) 4t I counties to experiment with timothy on some of their hay laud 0er a c arload of fat hogs were brought Into Alliance on Monday by Box Butte county farmers Among those bringing uok sere Messrs. Heath. Curry, Bauer and Drttz. 4.D. RODGERS "The Quality Grocer" X ELECTED to furnish the people good things to eat at living prices Phone 54 Enjoy this Free Gift MnMsMNPIsaMSBaWaHIH. A FREE "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits awaits you. Please send for it at once so you can test these best of biscuits. So you can learn how full-flavored and captivating are some of the many varieties of Biscuits There ars sis varieties in the Gift Rox. Their names snd descriptions follow study them: Mti Kscskt Critp and slightly wet. ci.e-d just the thing with sftcr-the- theatre tea or chocolate. Messtospkg. lao-Toss Appetizing crisp little bicuit. ipiced with ginger. You eat therm with a XMt. S easts a pack age. Ytaitta Wafers Slightly sweetened, de- lightfully flavored. Dainty morsels tin". r.. It in the mouth. 10 easts a package. Takaeoa Biscaft CrUp, flaky soda biscuits that break evrnly in the center to a sue handy (or eating Scents u package. Bsttsr TVas Real butter thins, md- with real butter and baked to an appetising brown. IB casts a package. BsssasM Craksas Crisp and brow 11 gra ham biscuits with delidoualy wholesome flavor. IB cents a package. Be Our Guest at a Tempting Fsast. Mail the Coupon pose -Wiles fyscuir (pMMNT Sakri of Sunihin Bittuill Sold By All Grocers Send this To-eUr. I Wll. Bifcuit Co.. OnuJit. NV m . a vow , nt;,.,,:.. n 1 of assorted Sunshine Biscuits. SBsBsBsBSBSXtw W aT 1 .BsW kll Yi.i:r Poitmu wiU .BBNBw W ' jBi s LooV Lov taoBsS J - BsWsao Address J Grocer's Nam Address The Victor Tailoring Co. unci tli.- Alliance Gleaning Works 1 have purchased the Alliance Cleaning Works and in the future will operate it in connection with the Victor Tailoring Co. You get good work, prompt deliveries and courteous treatment at all times, and I in vite you to test my service when you need clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired MRS. W. H. ZEHRUNQ South of Drake Hotel Phones 58 and 604