The following "Want Ads" arc classified under appropriate headings for the convenience ot readers. CA8H RATES One cent per o.'d each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per wofd each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. lack face double rate. Ir answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIG ADVERTISING BY THE TWO BARGAINS The First National flunk la en larging its oqulpmerH ami offers for sale one No. .!. ten million total. Burroughs adding machine, used one year. Also, one UOOU pound Diebold safe, dtntbla time lock. I bolt outer door, i bolt inner cheat door, eac h door locked by a 5 number combination. Ad t 1 Rtf 1 J0 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL all my firms and ranches. Several business and resilience properties. Only Btnnll payments required. Some exehaneo considered. Ixxk into this. W W Norton. Alliance. 1998-lStf O'Keefe er Blk. Bros., Real Estate, Rum-1908-12tf GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ABSTRACTERS P. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set ot abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building lO-tf-570 FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN ROOMS for light housekeeping, close in. Phone 629. MRS. BAYER. Advt 15t1982 FEMALE HELP WANTED. - Good experienced woman cook, wages $10 per week; also, good experienced dining room girls, wages $7 per week. AIRS. ST.HWENDER, Restaurant, Bridgeport, Nebr. Advertisement 14tf WANTED Solicitors of ability and energy to present a newspaper prop osition of unusual merit; travel Ne braska; good money; must furnish references. Address Parmer and Rancher, Hemingford, Nebr. Advt- 14tfl96l Nine Room House for rent. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-16tf J. C. Improved Box Butte County farms tor rent. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-15tf FOR SALE OR RENT. Seven room house. Good outbuildings. Barn or four horses. House for antomo bile. J. B. DENTON. Advertisement 5tfl772 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping, to couple with no children. Phone Black 196. 1942-13-tf FOR RENT.- 6-room house, 1004 Laramie ave. O'Keefe Bros., Rumer Block. 1908-12-tf MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 404 Cheyenne Ave. 1 889-1 2-tf WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE want to rent two furnished rooms in mod ern nrivate home. References if desired. Phone 340. 15tf All kinds of desired, at E. Phone 155. S9tf-134 FOR SALE feed, in any quantity I. Gregg & Son's See E. C Whisnian for lowest Drlces on painting, paper hanging and kalsomlning. Rowan Wright, coal, wood and nnata. l'lione 71. tt w lu-si lo ,d)-anl lowest prices at I)enton'i Banner Variety Stort Household goods, novelties, glass ware, aueensware. granite a nl e, tin ware too many things to mention all. A . Advt jUMItt Get your shots retired at M. D Nichols' shoi). 217"A Box Butte Ave Nothing but first-class work turned nut We use the Champion Repair Machine. Prompt work Advt 15tf 1975 Coal office at Rowan's feed store. orWAV A WftlGHT. uhone 71. tf KM NOW Your home pa -.-Km-iuer and Rancher . at Miller Bros. Adv l-r-l5 MU'Y per, tin wH SALE. 500 good, native ! ling steers gndv&elfera, mixed, from th John Bovle herd. For delivery ,., ifne MV 1st. A. -L. Boweii Soottsbluff. N'ebiv- t iMMfMt PAINE FJSHBURN GRANITE CO Grand island, Nebr. Make the best monuments nd v AL. Wl uv von mony. tan on er local salesnan of Alliance, n r.rand Island for price list. St"U w - BVw nice clean Niggerhead Lump and Nut, and Eastern Hard nut coal ulione to No. 21'. Dierks Lumber Coal Company The Red Band candies,, purest ami best candles on the margei, at Banner Variety more 15-21-197; ton s Advt STALLION FOR SALE 7 Shire. Weighs See F. B. Thomas at taurant. HELP WANTED Box Butte County farm to trade for city property. J. C. McCorkle, McCorkle block. 1980-15tf MISCELLANEOUS KeystoneRestaurant is the place. Meals 25 cents. Chick en dinner on Sunday. Short orders a specialty. F. B. Thomas, Proprietor. 1830-9-tf Money to loan on real estate. C. Reddish F. 3tf CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Th following civil service exainlna tlonts will be held in Alliance on the (Lite given, salaries as stated: April 9, 1913 Assistant Observer (male) Weath er Bureau; Trained Nurse. April -9-10. 1913 Agricultural Inspector (malt I, $1. 200 or $1400. April 18, 1913 laboratory Assistant in Caper and Textiles liualei; tSOt to $1200; Jun ior Library Assistant l male I, $tiOO to $!(l. April 16-17, 1913 JOBlor Kngineer (male), $10X0 to $1200. April 21, 1913 Pathologist ill Cereal Diseases, (male), $1N0i to $2500. April 23, 1913 Postal Clerk (male). Isthmian Ca nal Service, $100 per month; Assist ant Photographer (male), $X40 to $1200; Kxamlner of Surveys (male), $1200 to $1500; Field Matron (fe male). Indian Service, $600 to $840; Preparator of Fossils (male) $900. April 23-24, 1913 Crazing Assistant, $1200. April 35, 1113 Dairyman (butter making), tmale), $1800. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who showed their deep sympathy by kind words and deeds in our recent bereavment by the taking away by death of our precious, beloved darling, Vlolette, aej wish to tender our sincere thanks. May Cod's holy love guide each one through life to a life Immortal, to be with God in his heavenly kingdom there to dwell evermore. LILLIE D. WHITE and Family, J. L. BERRYHILL, Father, Moth er and Brothers. Mrs. C. D. Hobbs, who visited Al liance friends for a couple of weeks, returned home Sunday. L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Surgeon Office in First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 362; residence, 16. Prescriptions to drug store or medi cines furnished from office, if pre ferred. 50-tf-ltiOS Advertisement EXPERT PIANO TUNER. W. II. I. nun. expert piano tuner, will be in Alliance during Orkin Brothers' spec ial piano sale. Leave orders for tuning at the piano store. Phone (52. fcdW I2tfl907 Highest price paid for Hides and Furs. Oscar O ' Bannon, Alliance, Phone 9, Rowan's Corner. i75i-:;-tf Public Sale Horses, Cattle We will sell at public auction at Spry's barn in Alliance, on Saturday, March 29, 1913, our entire stock of hcrsi miU ca'tle, on account of be ing short of range. 32 Horses 12 head of good mares and geld ings, mares all in foal. 10 head coming two-year-olds, most ly mare. 10 head coming yearlings, all bred from draft stock. 45 Cattle 10 head good young Mitch Cows, fresh or will be fresh soon. 10 head registered Hereford Bulls, from yearlings to three-year-olds. 15 head good cows and heifers. lo head yearling and two-year-old steers. .Sale begins nt 1 p. in. sharp. Terms: Cash or bankable paper. LESTER & SON. Col. H. P, Course', Auctioneer. R. M Hampton. Clerk. Adv It;-li-l!.97 She said to me one day "Now, t'y. There's got to be a change. I've got to have some different coal, Coal that will heat the range. ' Sunshine-Maitland and Monarch coal will do it. For sale by .1 H Vaughan i Son, Phone 5. Adv-l7-16-tf Curtis Best and Gooch's Best flour at E. I. Gregg Ac Son s. Every sack guaranteed. Phone 155. It tl-1342 E. A. HERBERT'S DRAY LINE Special attention to moving house hold furniture, pianos, etc. Prompt attention given all orders. Office at Wilson's second-hand store. Phone 6o. i'.tt;;-ii-tf Sanitary drinking cups for travel ers at half the price you pay for them on the trains. DENTON'S BANNER VARIETY STORE Advt - 15-2t-1973 THE OMAHA TORNADO (Continued from page one) n.itrd. A MMMH1 relict commuter was organised, composed of fifty cltl sens and an executive committee ol seven to work with the seven city councilmen. Governor Morehead not I fled Maoi Dahlmnn thnt he would send n special message to the legislature asking foi the appropriation Of sufficient funds H enre for the homeless throughout th state. The citizens' committee has asked the iii wsnaper io accept donation and turn the money over to the coin mitten for distribution. 13 .c-.d Taken From Idlewild Hall. Bodies of thirteen idtiititlod dear I Ire been IftfcOM ftOJB the ruins of tin IditwiM pool ball at Twenty-fourth ntu! Grant, the home of a negro club where. probably a score Of men were buried and or the wreckage of the two dory brick building. Fragments o (it her b0dl8 w ere nnn i ognir.alde. Tin remains of men were removed in has kets, boxes and pails. Here occurred the met awful mutilation The build ing was shattered into n pile of brick and kindling wood. Six hundred militiamen and regutai troops are encamped In tills city tc guard the ruins. Four hundred ml lltiamen, Ircluding 100 from Omaha were hurriedly assembled along the pathway of the tornado. Prom Fre mont csmc? 'he signal corps of th state militia, and companies arrived from Llnco'n, Fremont, Nebraska Cltv Wymore and Auburn. Major Hartmnn Is in command of the regulars and Colonel A D rVCOttuftn Is in charg Of tlv stat nilltia. Two men have been arrested by the police, charged with looting. They gave their names nt John Fletch and Arnold Dillon Snow Covers Soene of Desolation. The second morning after Omaha's great catastrophe found the city en veloped with a Inst falling snow. At the edge of the devastated dis trict the tramp, tramp, tramp of the soldier sentries made toot prints in the new fallen snow. Moving vans and burden laden autos were again In evidence. The curiosity inspired visitors had evidently had their querulousness satiated, for few came on the ground as compared with the constant outpouring of the day be fore. Friends and neighbors have beert taking care of those driven out of their own homes. Pedestrians had to Identify themselves and prove that they were bent on legitimate business In order to get through the lines. At the hospitals and the improvised sick rooms, in the homes of good Samaritans, sorrowful callers came snd Steal -doctors and surgeons upon their missions- -fathers, mothers and friends emerging with downcast looks or smiles as the reports received Were favorable or discouraging. Worse reminders of the storm's deadly destruction were the hearses ;-nd black funeral carriages winding l'ere and there in sharp contrast with : ' snow's shining erhttcneee, In Jr i r( oyery undertaker's shop were gat' it front time to time these grim vehlcl of grief, signals that the fu nerals o the victims had begun and that the cemeteries would be the last r st log place for all. List of the Dead. An' A. A .1 Peek. Benjamin floiiow. Dead at Ralstor, H K. Snld; Mrs Mrs II K Said: Bert Thomn- M n Mornn- Mrs. Edith Kimball. France Klmlmll. two years old. plsn to Rebuild at Once. Plans for rebuilding the wreckec portions of the city are already tinilei way. a movement to form a torpors tlon for the purpose ot aiding thorn who netd It hnvlng been klfeAd) broached b scxeral of the men whr are In a position to afford such assist snce. Commissioner Ryder, who Is It charge of (he temporary relief work realises that the greatest strexn wil. be felt within the pei lod when rear noil from the Immediate shock l noted. Mayor of Ralston Appeals for Aid Mn or C af Ski ROW of Ralston has ml an argent ROpOnl lor help to Oma ha He needs ctothtOSj and food foi tit Rtiffortra tOd :ilsn financial aid He sas thnt the ma lot It v of the pen pie turned out if their homes wer poor and are now destitute, many not even having clothing to cover thelt backs. About 2no persons are home less, without a place to sleep. All thi -iiivImiis hnv opened their doors tl lOOt s. but cannot take can rf & Norman McCorkle in Path of Storm Norman McCorkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle, who has been attending the Mosher-Iampraan bus iness college In Omaha, returned to Alliance on No. 41 Wednesday morn ing. In telling of his experiences during Ihe storm he said to The Herald reporter: "I was rooming at :::i Lafayette Ave., in Bern is Park, with a family by the name of Bank er. Six of us were sitting In the parlor of the house about six o'clock when the electric lights went out. We thought nothing of that but about a minute later a roar burst upon us an though a thousand loco motives were rushing towards the house. It all happened In a few seconds. We did not. know what was happening and I ran for the base ment stairs. I had gotten down a atep or two when Mrs. Banker called to me to come back. I ran back In to the parlor. There were six of us all huddled together in a corner, not knowing what was happening, al though it seemed as if the world was coming to an end. I was not scared until after It was all over with be cause It came too quick. The cy clone wrenched the house on its foundation-, broke out all the win dows and tore up the furniture. Luckily not a one of us in the house was hurl. "Immediately alter the storm pass ed we went out Into the street. The scenes that met our eyes are Inde scribable. The second house from ours, belonging to Mr. Glover of the Glover Real Estate Company, had been completely demolished. Across the street houses were completely torn to pieces and only a short dis tance frcm our house u lady was killed. I worked wirh the others all night long, doing what we could. "Business in Omaha is .practically at a standstill. All attention Is be ing given to the storm refugees. There was not much doing at the business college and I took the train Tuesday afternoon for home, for a few days." so nicely completed and the many good words of praise it will cause to he spoken of the fair city of Alliance. With high personal regards, I beg to be. Fraternally yours. Arnh L Hungerford. The second Is from II. H. Ostenberg. cashier of the Rcottsbluff National Bank, of Scottsbluff, Nebr. Mr. Os tenberg is one of the lending bank ers of the North Platte valley. Hit letter reads as followsi: 8cottsbluff. Nebr., March 19, 1913, Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr. My denr Mr. Thomas: I wish to congratulate you on the excellent copy of the Alliance Herald Just ret t ived. Thla certainly Is a credit to your print shop and should result In much good In an ad vertlslng way. Wishing you con tin ned success, I am Yours very truly, H. II. Ostenberg. FIRE IN RUMER BLOCK The fire alarm was given the sec ond time Tuesday at I2::t0 o'clock In the afternoon, calling the department across the street to the Rumer block. The basement of the building la used for stornge purposes, the first floor Is occupied by Brennan's Drug Store and the Mollrlng store, the second floor is filled with offices and apartments. The fire was nearly ex tlngulshed by R. V McCluaky. jewel er at Brennnn's. before the depart ment was on the scene. It was caused by hot ashes from the fur nace. CHURCH NOTES 10:00 a. m. 1 1 :00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Bob) Barnes Book r Mi's. A II Bigelow. Marie .lean 15. Brooks, infant son of Motiis CbHsteOMO, Harry Ccoper. C P Copley, Mts cliff Dan'els. Cliff Dan lels, Mi- i. 'm vis. Airs. Davis, George J, Duin .if C. W Dillon, Fergu.-on. two daugl. ers of Cliff Daniels. D. L ' Field. William Fisher. Mrs. E F. Fi'z gerold, Mrs F. G Goodenough. tfOBli- eita Gricli i. G. Hansen, Mrs J. t Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Hard)', Miss lb ine ami sistt rs, Andrew Henrlck son. Mrs. Ellen Hensman. -- Hens. Mrs. Van Dauen. Mrs. Hoage. B. I. Borne, I-arson. Lloyd Glover, Geo HOBOOtti "Sunny" Ford, T. E fob HOP Mabel McBride, Mrs. Ida Newman. J, B Nichols. Miss Coralie Nun Is. T. B. NOiTts, Helen Nowns, Baby Sherwood. Vcott Barber. QeorgS Hansi n. Lloyd B lover, Tom Johnson, Sam Riley. . , it- rtoxie. Airs. k. a. Mawver. t assins at prices thai should interest sl,im,. A Stanley. Bert m Fields, Closing Out Sale AS we wish to move on our Kinkaid as soon as pos sible, we now offer everything BOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Virgil Wadum, aged Hi, was Hcl dentally shot In the abdomen Mon day afternoon by a :IS calibre rt volv er. The gun was under the pillow on a cot In the Phillips livery barn. Archie IMillllps hail reached UUH I the pillow to pull out th, gun and in doing so it was nccld n'all.N dis-harg-ed, the bullet striking Virgil, who was standing nearby. The extent ot his Injury is nu yet known. Our prices yours Store. Advt goods are RELIABLE, our ire LOW. Call and see .for 'f. Denton's Banner Variety -2t-1973 NOTICE I aril any d I Sophia 'einel Alliaaoc, Nebr I SH8-1 -; be no longer responsible for s contracted by my wife. I'ETER WEINEL, 1 iSu pounds Keystone Res- is.:i-9-tf KEG1STEKKD PBRCHBRON STAL i ION for sale Seven years old J C McCorkle. McCorkle block l80-15tf IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Notice.Kinkaiders! Homesteaders in the south hair of Box Butte and Sheridan counties and the north part of Morrill ami Garden counties are requested to call at The Herald office, or write us, before giving not it. or their intention to make final proof An experienced man will make out your papers five Of charge and guarantee them to be correct. Readers of this paper who have neighbors that expect to make fiu.U proof the coming summer are requested to call their attention to this request, a It may otherwise es cape their uotice $$ GET WISE ADVERTISE St you. 400 pairs of men's, ladies' and children's shoes, overshoes and rubbers, all new, to close out 23 pairs of old style shoes to OlOM out at 50e? a pair. Children's hose, 5 and 10 cents. Ladies' hose, 6 pairs ,"Or Boys' knee pants 30 Men's $1.00 overalls 90C All 10c canned goods Two 15c cans baking powder, Urr" Oranges, 50? peck. 20 lbs. hand picked navy beans, 81 25 lbs. speckled beans SI I Many other things in proportion. The Farmers' Store, J. J. Keenan, Prep. PHONE 607 Mrs. Sullivan. Many Thelitis. - Shaw. Neeley, Mrs. Nlehart. Mr. Kramer. Mrs. Rose Gray. Mrs Odessa Parks. Marie Lindsey, Mrs. Cole, louls Lynn Gardner. Myron Boler, Thomas Jack son. Lloyd Clover. Chart s South. John Doyle. Mr. Hanson. Mrs. Hanson. John Ryan. Mrs. F G. Goodnoiuh. Mrs. Klla Johnson Nathan Krinskv, Mrs. Krinsltv. live small Krlnsky chil dren. Solomon Wart.el. Emma Roe sing. MIsk JOjsjob. Mrs. Frank Davie. Charlotte Davie, F. V. Fitch. Mrs. Sa ber. Marie Hanson. Mrs. I .nidge. Lav Mge loy. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. R. R. Van -It-van. C B. Wlsson. Moor Klewe, H. V. Fltz. Tinma Rowing. Mrs Frank Frank Paxey, Mrs. J. D. Hogg. Miss Haas. Mis Holm and baby daughter. Miss Freda Hulling Marv Hansen. Jlmpson. N.'ls Ijirson. Nathan Kiln sky, Morris Kit-ne. Jason L Oarrb'-'i. Mrs. Hansen, Mrs Rathke. two son.- ol Mrs Rathke. Andiew Calp. Henry Strlttmatte Maurice Po'er. Mor gan. I villi Gardener Mrs. Mary Ratr key. Clarence Hiitl'kev, Viitor Hath key. A B Stai'''-y. Helen Navlus. Mrs Saber Mrs Julia Sullivan and seven unidentified Missing- John Beige. George Ander son, W. F. Robertson. Paul Murray J F. Rarnett. Miss Emma Duhlstrom Boyd. I-t ank Gillihan. Irene Ran dall Dead at Council Bluff- Mrs Will am Poole J. It. Rio-: Mis I R Rice; Mr. Schools; Mrs Sounds, baby Nor riinrd. Benjamin B mniiahon. Unlet i j Boqilets continue to c;illle ill on the bis industrial edition of Tin i f -.ild. Htc are two l-tters thai I received in the lai .. days, from p'ominent western Nebraska men, mat show tin iiianinr In which this edition was re-eived. The first Is ."Din Arah I. Ilunvtrfcid. a in western Nt braska real estate man, who Is one of the owners of tile Marsland tonsite and whose main olfloe is at Crawlcrd, Nt br It is ga follows: Crawrord. Nebr.. Maixh 18. HMo. Mr. Lloyd C. Thomas, Alliance, Neb. My dear Sir: I'pon my return from my trip east I found your special pictorial edition which you so kindly mailed me. awaiting me on Sy desk. Having serted several years iu news paper work myself. 1 thoroughly ap preciate the enormity cf the task of letting up such an edition and beg to liturtily compliment you upon your unprecedented sueces Tin people of your city should be thoroly proud of not only the office that cau turn out such an edition as this but Ot )UdUIO. S oilv. USUI nil 4O compile und manage the many intri cate and trying points of successfully consummating such a venture in a printery usually found in a city the size ot onis The trouble is that few of your readers know und appre elate the elioiuiity of the task you BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School. Worship. B. Y. P. U. Evening worship. Prayer meeting and choir practice every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Geo. A. Wltte. Pastor Phone 113 e.e e METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 10:00 a. m Sunday 8chool. Graded Bible Classes. 11:00 a. m. Public worship. C:30 p.m. Young people's Ep worth League meeting. 7:30 p. m. Public worship. Ser mon eubject, "Four ways into the Heavenly Kingdom." Prayer, Bible study and social hour, Wednesday evening alt 7:30. The doors of this church are open to alt people at all services. A cor dial and home welcome extended to alt to worship with us, if you have no other church home In the city. Olin 8. Baker, Pastor Phone 90 t FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ( 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School. 11:00 a. in, Public worship. Sub Ject. "Spiritual Vigor How Attain- ed." 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:. 10 p. m. Public worship. Sub Jet t. "God'e Test". Rev. J. B. Brown, Pastor Phone 710 1 MM ANU EL GERMAN EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Yellowstone Ave. and 7th St. Tlurc will be special services on next Sunday morning In English lan guage, at .nir young people will be conflicted. The service will begin at ID o j.j.-k sharp. Every body cordially invi ed. The fA.itfcrti.-c Li Luthtran pas tors, aniijuii.a .11 tut H... aid. Ma roll l.lth, will bt bcM nrxt I'ucsday and Wednesday Tin 11 will bt Gel man mi vies Tuesday, tit fsitS p- ., con duett. d by Rt . . .1. HJlgtMUttH of Cheyenne. vyo., and Kev, J. Hese--.atin of RJUhvlllc, Nebr. On ed .1 toay evining, at i.-W, there will i) English ser:ccs, in uL ib Rev. M. .v t-r 01 Buri.-s Wyo., will preach tht sermon Uvtryboul nvittd tc ! a'..nd. s'.-.vic s every Sunday at I I0:..u u. in , unlets otherwise an- , ROUSCCd. j Kugiisli services about every three I weeks upon announcement, and even- I lug services ui.un muwudueHoeuL I German aa. sii parochial school five days of the week till June. Ever? body welcome Titus Lang, Pastor, 703 Niobrara Ave. Phone Red 359 m 9 m U. P. CHURCH in OH a. in. Sabbat li school. 11:00 a. in. Preaching. 7:0 p. m. Preaching. Praer meeting, u euneeday even ing, at 7:30 A. L. Godfrey, Pastor Phone 458 prayer CHRISTIAN CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Bible school. 1 1 : 00 a. in Prta- blng. tf:46 p. ru. C. E. 7:30 p in. Presiding. 7:30 p m . Wednestlay, meeting. A friendly Invitation extended to you. Frank Allan Woten, Minister Phone 752 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sabbath school at the residence ot Mrs. Pilkiugton every Saturday af ternoon at o'clock Mrs. John Pilkington, Supt. See ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH There Mill be no servites at the church n. x' Sunday, but there will be Sunday school at the usual hour, 10 a. in. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Gee. G. Ware, Dean Phone Black 419